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Swedish Man Arrested And Charged After He Assaults A Singer From Walking Street Discotheque.

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This is a very sad story. I can also empathize with Mr. Kid but it's still difficult to defend a casual butt toucher however innocent it was. Even if the claims sound scammish, I wouldn't want my butt touched innapropriately [or at all] by someone I don't know. This is an expensive lesson. He will hopefully consider this just a dot in his life and move past it.

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Wow. Great advice. In other words it's okay to slap a girl's ass you don't know.....just not THIS girl. :D

If my wife had gone to the toilet or whatever and some <deleted> slapped her ass....I'd be going to jail.... :o I'm tired of these farangs coming here and doing stupid $hit like this; makes those of us who try hard to fit in and be respected look bad.

So you agree that the sanctions compared to the severity of the crime are in reasonable measures? 2 years waiting for the court case + possibile (short) jail/term after that + all these financial compansations and expenses + a damaged eye?

Well, go ahead and live in your world with your attitude which seems to be severely rotten. I would like very much to see you passing a street on a red light and doing some similar aftermaths with that. I would ENJOY maling similar comments on you and who great a-hole + <deleted> you are to commit such a crime and how TIRED I am too such idiots in Thailand!

The Swede admits of course that it was a bit of an act of idiotism to be too friendly towards an unknown woman but from his part it was an act of friendship. He was NOT trying to do any "move" towards this ... woman: merely trying to make his way out of the toilet as he was getting back to his daughter and out of this bar.

There is the crime: no-one denys it. But there is no common sense in the sanctions.

The Swede is at the moment without his passport and it might be so for the next 2 years. The "victim" has not dropped the case and at least at the moment is not asking for money. This might change since it is very propable that she is playing this game to get EVERYTHING possibile out of it. More the Swede needs to wait, more he is willing to pay to get out. So 100 000 or 200 000 is nothing. We might be talking millions in a few weeks here.

LoveDaBlues: Take a look in the mirror and say again the same you said in your previous posting! You will agree that you are JUST the same IDIOT as you claim this Swede to be!!!! (Yes; I am an idiot also but the difference is that I KNOW it. So I'm a step ahead you.)

So you agree that the sanctions compared to the severity of the crime are in reasonable measures?

Where did I say this in my post? Please show me. Now you're showing your lack of intelligence by putting words in my mouth. Of course I think the penalties being thrown about are far too severe; who wouldn't? :D

I would ENJOY maling similar comments on you and who great a-hole + <deleted> you are to commit such a crime

Sorry but you'll never get that chance; see I respect women and don't grab their arse (until given permission of course) :D

merely trying to make his way out of the toilet as he was getting back to his daughter and out of this bar.

Oh so a tap on the shoulder with an "excuse me please" wouldn't work?

But there is no common sense in the sanctions.

Agree 100% and truly hope your client/friend gets punishment that matches this minor offense.

(Yes; I am an idiot also but the difference is that I KNOW it.

Glad to see you have such a grand sense of self-awareness.

I stand by what I originally posted. The EXACT SAME THING happens every year at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Idiots from all over the world come there. Pull out their d1cks and show it to a girl (sometimes when she's with her BF/hubby :D ) , grag a girls arse or tits that they don't know, etc.. Guess what happens.....they get locked up! Of course the fine matches the crime which is the only problem I see with this particular case.

Is this a setup? Most likely. But guess what.....respect women, keep your hands to yourself.......and you'll have no problems.


Anyone have any follow up to this case?

Iranian man dramatically collapses as he is charged after groping a woman on Walking Street.

Police Captain Chirawat, from Pattaya’s Tourist Police Division received a complaint from Khun Sooganyar aged 22 at the Tourist Police Mobile Unit based on Walking Street in the early hours of Sunday Morning. She mentioned that a man had approached her and grabbed her breasts in the middle of the street. Khun Sooganyar, whose father, Khun Santi, owns an art shop and is a member of the Walking Street Committee, was highly disturbed by the drunken man’s actions and the Police were called in to arrest the man. Mr. Amir Deghan aged 23 from Iran was arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where he claimed that he was only joking and meant nothing by his actions. Mr. Deghan became worried and even offered the woman an undisclosed amount of cash to rectify the problem. The financial settlement was rejected and she insisted the man should be sent to Prison for what he had done. At this point Mr. Deghan dramatically collapsed in the Inspectors Interrogation room and an ambulance was called to take him to hospital where he is now recovering from the night’s ordeal. As soon as he is fit and well, he will return to the Police station and will be charged with assault.

I guess if the girl's father smashed his head with a brick he could glibly say, "only joking, don't mean anything by it." "Now, wanna grab my daughter's tits again?".


I often have bar-girl-induced-ego-inflated guys making passes at and asking for the phone number etc of my non-bar Thai girlfriend behind my back even when I'm with her. She dresses conservatively and doesnt look like a bg. So far none of these losers have grabbed her ass or tits.A lot of these guys actually start believing the " velly hansum man" stuff they hear from the bar.

I just wonder what my situation would be if I reacted appropriately with force if this was to happen. Would the Thai authorities look at my actions favourably?

I often have bar-girl-induced-ego-inflated guys making passes at and asking for the phone number etc of my non-bar Thai girlfriend behind my back even when I'm with her. She dresses conservatively and doesnt look like a bg. So far none of these losers have grabbed her ass or tits.A lot of these guys actually start believing the " velly hansum man" stuff they hear from the bar.

I just wonder what my situation would be if I reacted appropriately with force if this was to happen. Would the Thai authorities look at my actions favourably?

IF the authorities were called to the scene and witnesses backed up what happened the authorities would probably laugh at the idiot ass-grabber. Put another way, if a Thai cop was off-duty in citizen dress and someone grabbed his GF/Wife butt while he was there........ :o

I often have bar-girl-induced-ego-inflated guys making passes at and asking for the phone number etc of my non-bar Thai girlfriend behind my back even when I'm with her. She dresses conservatively and doesnt look like a bg. So far none of these losers have grabbed her ass or tits.A lot of these guys actually start believing the " velly hansum man" stuff they hear from the bar.

I just wonder what my situation would be if I reacted appropriately with force if this was to happen. Would the Thai authorities look at my actions favourably?

Probably not....if force was not necessary to stop the molestation.


What an a muppet - he signed documents written in Thai????? Now he really stuck himself in it.

Curious - if dosh never comes into play in this case then obviously you'd have to side with the supposed victim. Why else would she go through this hassle if dosh isnt the motivation?


It's clear from the history of Swedish Pop music that they don't know music from a hole in the ground...so maybe he recognised a fellow dissonant and thought it was a hole in the ground.

PS - I have to leave BF when the lady sings....


No sympathies at all, an d that comes from a Swede. If you show respect, respect will be reciprocated.

Just like all other farang tourists, isnt it.. Slapping, grabbing, throwing up, acting up and overall just being annoying.

Normal day in LOS?

As far as the music goes, I agree with you. Most of it I is crap but some of them are gems.

Thousands of thoughts going through his head when he realise that his wife can see him at TV. :o


Hans Lankari:

I've read your last post.

3 points:

1. Mr. Kid's daughter, and a girlfriend of hers, were present when the incident happened (at least the slapping by the so called 'victim).

Why on earth didn't he (or you) bring those girls -in their early twenties as you said- with him to the police-station? A couple of testifying and maybe a little crying faranggirls most certainly could have helped ?

2. I think it was unwise to bring in Mr. Kid's girlfriend into the policestation !

3. I understand he was afraid landing up in jail...BUT signing something, written in a language you cannot read is asking for (more) trouble.

Seems to me you guys hire the best lawyer there is; someone who has 'connections' with high police-officers in Pattaya.

The whole case stinks and is most probably a set-up of some weirdo girl who wants him to end-up in jail.

But......maybe it's best to have someone negotiate with this 'girl' to drop the charges in return for.............. something...... :o



guys serious question, when i go to a girl bar i pick out a girl, buy her a drink and slowly start

getting frisky with her, wait i know what you are thinking and no i am not trying to get a cheap

thrill, i am basically checking her to see what kind of company she will be if i off her from the

bar. Some girls can be cold as fish. I can usually tell the good ones just by how we get on

in the drink stage of the hunt. I got this down to a science, Marlin Perkins would be proud.

Well my question is should i curtail these hands on inspections? am i running some risk?

I am assuming the bar this happened is a girl bar. I never got any bad reactions from

them, usually just the love u longtime for sure game call and her game starts.




BTW: At the police station when having our conversation with this woman officer, she was very uncomfortable of our presence with Mr. Kid and avoided the eye contact all the time. First I thought that this is just me: In European cultural backround when a person behaves like this it is very obvious that she is not telling the truth and wants to avoid this situation. I kept very strict and penetrating eyecontact on her just to try to frie her more and she if she explodes:-)

I afterwards talked with my secretary, who is a thai, and she had excactly same impression. It was VERY obvious that the police woman was not talking all truth.

Also Mr. Kid had not received ANY documentation about this matter before yeasterday when the police woman handed them to us.

If we wouldn't have been there, Mr. Kid hadn't received anything for sure.

Strange thing. In civilized cultures police takes also care of the rights of the culprit.

After eaxmining all these papers we see that Mr. Kid has signed the full confession of grabbing her genitals. The finger inside her.

Also a power of attorney where Mr. Kid accepts the police to act as his solicitor.

Mr. Kid had NO IDEA of this and remains stunned what he has confessed. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!

He was asked to sign all this to get his freedom that night, and not ask questions. He did not understand a word of what he signed.

Now, this documentation is very bad thing to us and I hope we can do something about it.

All you out there who have ANYTHING at all to do with police in Thailand: DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING if you do not understand every word written there!!!! No matter what the police tells you there to be written. IT IS NOT TRUE and police IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. Even if the police is threatening you with jail. Spend the night in jail if it is necessary for not signing. Wait for your solicitor and ASK FOR HIM!!!!

This one night in jail might save you A LOT OF nights in the jail in the future.

I remain stunned how incomptent the Thai police is!!! This is a banana-state and definetely much more third world than I have thought!!!

I will today contact the Swedish embassy on this and ask if they have any word to say or is it Mr. Kid alone here.


Nam kao - this happened in a disco, and to one of the entertainers. (singer) Place is ok, but fking too many people in there, barely can move. A real fire hazard waiting to happen. Well known freelancer spot though, normally the ladies are groping. :o

Hans Lankari:

I've read your last post.

3 points:

1. Mr. Kid's daughter, and a girlfriend of hers, were present when the incident happened (at least the slapping by the so called 'victim).

Why on earth didn't he (or you) bring those girls -in their early twenties as you said- with him to the police-station? A couple of testifying and maybe a little crying faranggirls most certainly could have helped ?

2. I think it was unwise to bring in Mr. Kid's girlfriend into the policestation !

3. I understand he was afraid landing up in jail...BUT signing something, written in a language you cannot read is asking for (more) trouble.

Seems to me you guys hire the best lawyer there is; someone who has 'connections' with high police-officers in Pattaya.

The whole case stinks and is most probably a set-up of some weirdo girl who wants him to end-up in jail.

But......maybe it's best to have someone negotiate with this 'girl' to drop the charges in return for.............. something...... :o


1. Police convinced the daughter and the friend NOT to come to the police station as this was going to be a very short visit only and Mr. Kid would join them in 2 hours maximum. "Not a big deal at all." The police insisted them that their presence is not necessery. So the girls were convinced and didn't go there. A mistake from their part!

2. FOR SURE! I didn't know about her before I saw her at the station. Another mistake from Mr. Kid's part.

3. MAJOR MISTAKE!!! But as I said: Mr. Kid is a simple man and was terrified at the police station. He has NEVER had any problems with authorities anywhere in the world before and he signed all to get out from that situation as soon as possibile. And the police mislead him by telling him these signatures would ease him out of this agony.

BTW: At the police station when having our conversation with this woman officer, she was very uncomfortable of our presence with Mr. Kid and avoided the eye contact all the time. First I thought that this is just me: In European cultural backround when a person behaves like this it is very obvious that she is not telling the truth and wants to avoid this situation. I kept very strict and penetrating eyecontact on her just to try to frie her more and she if she explodes:-)

I afterwards talked with my secretary, who is a thai, and she had excactly same impression. It was VERY obvious that the police woman was not talking all truth.

Also Mr. Kid had not received ANY documentation about this matter before yeasterday when the police woman handed them to us.

If we wouldn't have been there, Mr. Kid hadn't received anything for sure.

Strange thing. In civilized cultures police takes also care of the rights of the culprit.

After eaxmining all these papers we see that Mr. Kid has signed the full confession of grabbing her genitals. The finger inside her.

Also a power of attorney where Mr. Kid accepts the police to act as his solicitor.

Mr. Kid had NO IDEA of this and remains stunned what he has confessed. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!

He was asked to sign all this to get his freedom that night, and not ask questions. He did not understand a word of what he signed.

Now, this documentation is very bad thing to us and I hope we can do something about it.

All you out there who have ANYTHING at all to do with police in Thailand: DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING if you do not understand every word written there!!!! No matter what the police tells you there to be written. IT IS NOT TRUE and police IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. Even if the police is threatening you with jail. Spend the night in jail if it is necessary for not signing. Wait for your solicitor and ASK FOR HIM!!!!

This one night in jail might save you A LOT OF nights in the jail in the future.

I remain stunned how incomptent the Thai police is!!! This is a banana-state and definetely much more third world than I have thought!!!

I will today contact the Swedish embassy on this and ask if they have any word to say or is it Mr. Kid alone here.

If we wouldn't have been there, Mr. Kid hadn't received anything for sure.

Seems to me he was better off before receiving any documents. Now he's signed a bogus confession.



How long have you been in Thailand? 2-3 weeks? Everyone knows the Police in Pattaya have one of the worst reps in all on Thailand; extremely corrupt.

Your friend needs to get a competent lawyer NOW. You are in over your head/knowledge. It may however be too late as I suspect he has signed his way into a huge payday for the girl/police.


1) Can he not wriggle out of the confession cos he signed it under undue duress.

2) Can he prove he doesn't understand one word of Thai ?

3) Would not a competent lawyer happily argue these points on his behalf for free?

Surely anyone would have to be completely sh1tfaced to do something like this to her?

If we wouldn't have been there, Mr. Kid hadn't received anything for sure.

Seems to me he was better off before receiving any documents. Now he's signed a bogus confession.



How long have you been in Thailand? 2-3 weeks? Everyone knows the Police in Pattaya have one of the worst reps in all on Thailand; extremely corrupt.

Your friend needs to get a competent lawyer NOW. You are in over your head/knowledge. It may however be too late as I suspect he has signed his way into a huge payday for the girl/police.

"Seems to me he was better off before receiving any documents. Now he's signed a bogus confession."

Obviously you cannot read beside your amount of idiotism.

READ AGAIN and maybe you understand that he had signed these papers LOOOONG before meeting me on this case. Yesterday we got A HOLD ON THE PHOTOCOPIES OF THESE SIGNED PAPERS. Did you understand now or should I try make a cartoon model of this?

"How long have you been in Thailand? 2-3 weeks? Everyone knows the Police in Pattaya have one of the worst reps in all on Thailand; extremely corrupt."

Only 8 years. And you?

"Your friend needs to get a competent lawyer NOW. "

He has had one since I heard about this case. A thai lawyer, 20 years in business and very reputable man who is familiar with these things.

"You are in over your head/knowledge. "

But with MUCH better knowledge than you. I can READ!!! And that's a lot compared to you, gentleman who never brakes the law and never get himself in problems. Continue with your life and get out of this matter. YOU are not needed here!!!

I contacted today the Swedish embassy and they were curious to know WHY the police had not informed them of the passport thing. This is the duty of police IMMEDIATELY to let a foreign mission know about confiscation of a passport. They have now documents on this matter and we also with the lawyer are today on this case full time.

In the meantime: the girl-friend had asked Mr. Kid for 10 000 baht. I dind't get an answer where that was supposed to go.



I contacted today the Swedish embassy and they were curious to know WHY the police had not informed them of the passport thing. This is the duty of police IMMEDIATELY to let a foreign mission know about confiscation of a passport. They have now documents on this matter and we also with the lawyer are today on this case full time.


I'm no constitutional expert but I was under the impression that our passports were the property of the state or Queen or whomever and not actually ours. I was also under the impression the state or Queen can request the return of their property. This is my favorite excuse not to surrender my passport to anyone ever. I just say it's not mine... :o

True or false?


I'm no constitutional expert but I was under the impression that our passports were the property of the state or Queen or whomever and not actually ours. I was also under the impression the state or Queen can request the return of their property. This is my favorite excuse not to surrender my passport to anyone ever. I just say it's not mine... :o

True or false?

I don't know if in all, but at least in most, passports of this world, there is a disclaimer printed somewhere stating excactly this. It is the property of the state that had issued it. Not the holder's property at all. Just "borrowed" to him/her as a proof of his/her identity and nationality.

Happened today so far:

The lawyer got things moving and there is hope now. He used his contacts and IF everything goes as he and his contact in "upper levels" has let us know, we will be much happier in 2 days time. Let's see. I am not very confident but who knows. I wouldn't like to disclose too much now.

We are working on this case at the moment and updates are available in short time.


Happening now:

The lawyer talked to the head of the Pattaya police station and this captain was surprised of some things that had happened to Mr. Kid and he promised to start investigating the actions of the woman police officer involved here.

We were asked NOT to let her know that her captain is looking into her actions and some obvious mistakes she had done.

Then Mr. Kid called me that this woman officer is calling him continuously asking him to go to the station. We told him that he should NOT go there as also the captain had said this same.

The woman officer continued calling Mr. Kid and repeating how he should come there and come ALONE. No lawyer! The case had now started to stink more and more.

Mr. Kid called me again and again, and I again and again convinced him NOT TO GO THERE. This woman officer was now working on her own. Without the knowledge of her superiors.

Also the Swedish embassy had contacted police captain in Pattaya and Banglamung plus police supervisors in Bangkok.

These actions of embassy had obviously entered in the knowledge of this woman officer and she desperately tried to convince Mr. Kid to go to the station. Again and again.

We called to the woman officer, and she refused to talk with us. Hung up the phone.

Mr. Kid called me in desperation what he should do. AGAIN we convinced him NOT TO GO. I also offered him a place to stay if he is afraid this woman officer to come to look for him.

We finally managed to contact this woman officer by telephone and we wanted to know why she needs to meet Mr. Kid now. No explanations. She only stated that lawyers cannot help Mr. Kid and lawyers only "want big money from him".

This case is getting pretty obvious now...


Hmmmm...the story starts to be interesting what once was a simple case (for the police).

It seems to me that the "woman Police Officer' has a big problem here; especially if her boss, the Captain of the Police Station, starts investigation PLUS the Swedish Embassy involved.

Could she have been 'working' together with the singer-girl from that club....trying to squeeze as money money as possible from 'poor' old Mr. Kid?

Keep us informed.



If we wouldn't have been there, Mr. Kid hadn't received anything for sure.

Seems to me he was better off before receiving any documents. Now he's signed a bogus confession.



How long have you been in Thailand? 2-3 weeks? Everyone knows the Police in Pattaya have one of the worst reps in all on Thailand; extremely corrupt.

Your friend needs to get a competent lawyer NOW. You are in over your head/knowledge. It may however be too late as I suspect he has signed his way into a huge payday for the girl/police.

"Seems to me he was better off before receiving any documents. Now he's signed a bogus confession."

Obviously you cannot read beside your amount of idiotism.

READ AGAIN and maybe you understand that he had signed these papers LOOOONG before meeting me on this case. Yesterday we got A HOLD ON THE PHOTOCOPIES OF THESE SIGNED PAPERS. Did you understand now or should I try make a cartoon model of this?

"How long have you been in Thailand? 2-3 weeks? Everyone knows the Police in Pattaya have one of the worst reps in all on Thailand; extremely corrupt."

Only 8 years. And you?

"Your friend needs to get a competent lawyer NOW. "

He has had one since I heard about this case. A thai lawyer, 20 years in business and very reputable man who is familiar with these things.

"You are in over your head/knowledge. "

But with MUCH better knowledge than you. I can READ!!! And that's a lot compared to you, gentleman who never brakes the law and never get himself in problems. Continue with your life and get out of this matter. YOU are not needed here!!!

I contacted today the Swedish embassy and they were curious to know WHY the police had not informed them of the passport thing. This is the duty of police IMMEDIATELY to let a foreign mission know about confiscation of a passport. They have now documents on this matter and we also with the lawyer are today on this case full time.

In the meantime: the girl-friend had asked Mr. Kid for 10 000 baht. I dind't get an answer where that was supposed to go.

Did you understand now or should I try make a cartoon model of this?

Yes, I would appreciate a cartoon model. Should be easy for you. After re-reading your post it is really hard to tell when you were present/not present with your friend. I assumed you would be present with your friend most of the time; guess I made a bad assumption.

Only 8 years. And you?

Long enough to know the Pattaya police are well known for their corruption. In 8 years this obvious fact has escaped you........slow learner are you? :o

YOU are not needed here!!! :D

Oh really? This is a public forum; you're not even the OP. I'll post all I want.

Here's hoping your buddy gets out of this without costing too much; it's a minor crime but TiT you gotta play safe. :D

He's already payed dearly with the personal stress and the embarrasment he has caused his family. :D


This is a real soap opera for the bored expat! Do you need a literary agent? :o

Make sure you notify the local media when all is said and done or right away. They're always looking to expose a good scoop. For this, I would recommend Pattaya People over Pattaya City News. I believe Niels is more fearless...

Hans, since you've been so open with us: in monetary terms, how much do you think Mr. Kid has parted with thus far? Obviously in terms of anguish it's hard to calculate.

Does Mr. Kid plan to remain in Pats? It reminds me of that British tourist last month who got a cop busted for planting weed on him. I don't think the Brit stayed around too long thereafter. All the best.

Hmmmm...the story starts to be interesting what once was a simple case (for the police).

It seems to me that the "woman Police Officer' has a big problem here; especially if her boss, the Captain of the Police Station, starts investigation PLUS the Swedish Embassy involved.

Could she have been 'working' together with the singer-girl from that club....trying to squeeze as money money as possible from 'poor' old Mr. Kid?

Keep us informed.


I would like to know if the "victim" xalled the police or called the woman police officer directly :o


I kind of find it hard to believe that the Capt doesnt know whats going on. This is a story that made the news and it was all conducting in his own police station.


The young lad who was about to be " Stung " by some of our finest was able to set up a sting himself. Perhaps the anti-corruption mob in BK would be interested in this woman officer's actions. One phone call and who knows ? ( of course Mr Kid better be out of town asap afterwards, but perhaps worth a punt ). :o

I kind of find it hard to believe that the Capt doesnt know whats going on. This is a story that made the news and it was all conducting in his own police station.

Yes and no.

No (Capt) policeofficer in any station, expecially Pattaya, knows everything what's going on in a certain case.

"The lawyer talked to the head of the Pattaya police station and this captain was surprised of some things that had happened to Mr. Kid and he promised to start investigating the actions of the woman police officer involved here." by Hans Lankawi.

I filed a complaint about a burglary (not Pattaya) and you should see the THICK dossier they make but only left me a simple 'handwritten' report on 1 page :o They didn't give a copy of the computer-report. :D

So, it's understandable what 'Hans Lankari wrote; if it's true? I don't know.



I'm getting all Captain Picard about this. A line must be drawn HERE!

Nail this bitch police womans ass to the wall.

Nail the singer bitches ass to the wall as well.

Lets all boycott Lucifer's until the bitch is sacked.

Enough of this nonsense already.

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