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Thai lawyer says Karadag did confess to be Erawan shrine bomber

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Thai lawyer says Karadag did confess to be Erawan shrine bomber


BANGKOK:-- Thai lawyer of yellow-shirted Erawan Shrine bomber Adem Karadag disclosed today that his client had admitted to have confessed to the police that he was the real bomber of the shrine on August 17.

Chuchart Kanphai, the lawyer, was granted permission by the military junta to visit Karadag this morning at the 11th Army Circle’s detention centre in Dusit area following report that he was a scapegoat.

He said after almost two hours of meeting Karadag that the detainee is not a Turkish as earlier news report said.

Karadag said he was an Uighur and said he was the man in yellow shirt who placed the backpack with a bomb device inside at the fence near the Erawan shrine.

Karadag also said he was ordered to place the bomb by Abdullah Abdulrahman who helped to smuggle him into Thailand. He said he knew Abdullah since April this year.

But Karadag said he didn’t know the real motive of the bombing, but just do it in return for bringing him into the country, the lawyer said.

He also said his passport is a fake Turkish passport, and also denied knowing the other suspects on the wanted list of bomb suspects.

Karadag also said he wanted an Uighur interpreter as he could not communicate in both English and Turkish.

The lawyer said he would prepare a report describing his motivation in committing the crime to seek leniency from the court following his confession.

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-30

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The lawyer of the defendent announced in a media press talk that his client had admitted (to police) that he's the guy placed the bomb.......there's been no formal charges as I understand, certainly there's been no court case...the ethics of Thai lawyers !!!

Reminder to self......avoid at all costs ever using a Thai lawyer...!

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Sounds like more convenient admissions to match the police gobbledygook.

So they have a low rank soldier carrying out instructions, planting a bomb made by a known Thai bomb maker any effort to go after the bomb maker named Odd or international efforts to pursue Mr Big?

Odd they are still referring to him by the apparently false name in the forged passport.

If this is how the Thai authorities make their country safe then quite clearly is is not a safe place.

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In Thailand, is there such a thing as an 'attorney-client privilege'? Nothing like having your own attorney confirming a confession.

I wonder if the confession has any 'water marks'? I know what happened! The RTP used the same Rohingya translator that they used in Koh Tao!

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Very very odd.

He can't communicate without an interpreter yet he made a confession to police, and told his lawyer he made a confession.

He did not confess to the lawyer, but allegedly told his lawyer he had confessed to the police. There's a difference.

Why is his lawyer going public with the admission of a confession? This is the biggest question right now.

This guy needs an incorruptible and dedicated lawyer. Remember, the lawyer, out of the blue, assigned himself.....who is paying him?

It's easy to imagine that this guy is a patsy, and that the lawyer was never on his side from the start.....I really don't blame the people who suffer from the old MacCarthyism slogan; Reds under the bed.

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After this many days, I think even if I couldn't understand a word they were saying, I'd also just sign any piece of paper to make them stop. Can you just imagine what they have been doing to this fella. There are plenty of ways to do it without leaving a mark, especially at an army base out of sight, they would have been having a field day.

I'm not saying he's innocent, I'm saying he's human, a man can only take that much. He probably thinks once he gets a Lawyer that isn't going to feed him to the dogs, then he'll say he was tortured for the confession. beatdeadhorse.gif

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Very very odd.

He can't communicate without an interpreter yet he made a confession to police, and told his lawyer he made a confession.

He did not confess to the lawyer, but allegedly told his lawyer he had confessed to the police. There's a difference.

Why is his lawyer going public with the admission of a confession? This is the biggest question right now.

This guy needs an incorruptible and dedicated lawyer. Remember, the lawyer, out of the blue, assigned himself.....who is paying him?

It's easy to imagine that this guy is a patsy, and that the lawyer was never on his side from the start.....I really don't blame the people who suffer from the old MacCarthyism slogan; Reds under the bed.

Well all he needed to confess was...

Lawyer: You Bomber

Karadeg: Yes, Me Bomber.....

Both can understand at least this much English.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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so he wants the court to go easy on him, 20 people murdered and over 100 with horrific injuries some of them still being cared for in hospital, if he is responsible then there is only one outcome, in saying that I have absolutly no confidence with anything the RTP say or do, they are now pointing at redshirt activists as being involved - they either need to start producing evidence or keep their mouths shut and stop confusing people with these conflicting press releases

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I thought this was all done and dusted yesterday with RTP announcement and he was already found guilty by police just a case of the Junta Soldiers sentencing him to death or life in prison, case closed now he has a lawyer <deleted> he needs a lawyer for when its all over.

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Very curious. The suspect's lawyer, Mr Chuchart, earlier insisted that his client was innocent and was a Turk who had come to Thailand to seek work in Malaysia, even though most Turks seeking overseas work head to much better paid jobs in Germany, Austria, Switzerland etc where there are large Turkish communities.

If he hasn't had an interpreter who is able to speak his language and that is the only language he knows, it is puzzling to think what language he spoke with his lawyer and, indeed, used to make his confession. Perhaps the police found some Chinese Public Security Bureau men who can speak a smattering of Uighur and Thai and sell rotis as their cover jobs.

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Thailand along with numerous other countries have a problem with Muslims. Why deny the obvious when hundreds of men women and children are killed EVERY year.

According to their Qur-an they can lie, cheat and kill as long as it's infidel's, of course the modern Muslims have also added Muslims of minor sect's to this list.

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The cops needed a confession to wrap this up so they could keep the reward money. Talk about corruption! The reward money should go to the victims who survived and the families of those who died. Cops get paid for doing their jobs...ridiculous! Amazing? I think not. Greedy and uncaring unjust--yes.

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As to whether this particular person is guilty of anything, I'll let others decide that (amazing how many internet armchair judges exist who seemingly can gather all needed evidence from a newspaper report or even a message board post).

The guy's lawyer, however, clearly discloses to the press and public the confidences of his client. If the lawyer doesn't have a clear and knowledgeable waiver by his client to do so, he ought to be disbarred. Given the lawyer says that the accused specifically asked for a Uighur interpreter as he couldn't communicate in other languages, it seems rather unlikely that an adequate waiver was ever given.

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If the guy is guilty then I hope he gets punished to the fullest extent of the law. If he is not guilty then freedom. Either way it's up to the courts to decide. i do not pretend to know enough about the law to be giving my predictions or advice but it appears that there are plenty of lawyers on Thai Visa.

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My understanding of the way the law works in most western countries is that someone cannot be convicted of murder based solely on their confession ie there needs to be independent evidence of their guilt as well. I don't know if this applies in Thailand. Does anyone else know ?

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