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Retiring Police Chief to support construction of entertainment complex after retirement

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Sure, I know it's a way of life but it's driven by greed. Wanting more wealth, more power.

They get followers because they pay them and promise them higher positions and nobody speaks out because of fear. These guys can get you killed, tortured, locked away, break your life, etc.

I found this to be a good explanation about this matter:

Good book, I read some years ago. There were plans to make a film. Thank God they didn't, they'd probably have turned it into another 'Die Hard' sequel biggrin.png

Best book I've read in a decade. They are still making the film, well it's in 'development', whatever that means, it's been in development for 6 or 7 years, 555. Not with Johnny Depp anymore though but with Joel Edgerton.


Why is it I would suspect that any games offered to punters may be rigged to give the house more of a advantage,

Talk about playing cards with the devil. I do not see much chance of this man attaining a better /higher status in his next life nor many others involved in the BIB. A position lower than whale dodo may be more fitting.

Only the particularly stupid or impatient would rig and already rigged game, seriously it is almost comedy when I see a concrete example of an altered game. Worse yet for such moves, if you are tweaking the VS player advantage (in play not shorting it) you send volatility and exposure to the moon so it can absolutely come back and destroy you and break the bank.


I sometimes wish that I could share Thai beliefs. Then I could relax knowing that all these corrupt, self serving people will spend a million years as a hungry ghost, before being reborn as a rat. But I don't, and they won't.


The brazen nature of the ex police chief and his sudden linking of all and sundry to certain political affiliations before retiring and his recent announcement leads me to think he has protection from above for his previous deeds, and future endeavours in the gambling industry.


I must say when the PM took power I thought he had balls although letting this slime stay in office and furthermore letting his crony take over has answered my questions..

The great changes that never happened

Let's say he got rid of the current police chief, who would replace him ?.

An Army man ?. That would have the red-shirts screaming for blood long before he was removed from office because he had absolutely no clue what he was doing.

So it would have to be another policeman. Which one should the poor PM (who you seem to think should wave some magic wand) choose ?.

Remember: You cannot progress in the Thai police unless you are right in on the corruption. The whole organisation works on the 'troops' splitting the proceeds with their boss. Any righteous cop who refuses is going precisely nowhere. They are not called 'tomatoes' for nothing - they are completely representative of the ethics of your average red-shirt.

Prayuth has realised he is powerless to sort them out barring sacking the entire organisation and starting afresh. He is hoping that if reform of the dirty cronies in Parliament can be achieved, it will filter down over the following years.

Of course it will never happen. It's clear to me that most people here (including every red-shirt) don't even think corruption is wrong. It is just easy money and they all want a bit. Once the army step down, the biggest task will be setting everything back the way it was. Just like after the last coup.

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