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Rising anger in Thailand's boom-to-bust Isaan

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Of course one can thank yinglucks unsustainable, bad political and poorly thought out populist policy for this. Th farmers have grown so accustomed to that carrot that is just out of reach they become reliant on anyone that can offer them extravagant amounts of money for their crop. Like a drug addict without his hit they collapse without that easy unsustainable "hit". I did say 2 years ago that populism destroys prosperity. In 2 years populism destroyed Thailand's ranking in the global rice market. Indonesia exported oil. Decided to subsidize on fuel for its citizens, demand increased, roads were congested and they started importing oil. Greece was giving welfare pledging the future of its citizens. Look at it now. Populism destroys human values of pride, self-respect and hard work. Populism, when unleashed, doesn't go away and often eats its own master. It certainly contributed to the fall of the PTP. History is a good teacher, but the PTP and Yingluck knew better and now their erosive corrupt policies are coming back to haunt them, but the current govt is the target of blame on the uneducated as they are conditioned to focus on a carrot just out of reach. Like the fallout from a nuclear holocaust the famers would blame the people trying to decontaminate the area instead of the people that dropped the bomb. They know no better. I pity them.

Of course has the tax money assisted the sector towards sustainability, such as research and development, irrigation, transportation, financial management, cooperatives and agriculture education that Prayut is looking at pushing on with the sustainable agricultural framework to help the farmers, not bribe them. These efforts of sustainability have multiplier effects that have the power to eventually lift poor farmers out of poverty.

I feel that funding for these longer-term measures however should have been accompanied by several sensible short-term measures to alleviate the innocent, "handout addicted" victims of the populist unsustainable fallout.

The PTP...Really keep on giving and giving well after they have gone. I bet you will, not see anyone from the UDD or PTP offering constructive advice on how to help the farmers because the farmers cannot vote now. As soon as they have the power to vote the PTP and UDD will magically start caring as that is when it suits their agenda.

EDIT - I love this comment "People want to protest," said Sabina Shah, a local leader of Thaksin's "red shirt" supporters in Khon Kaen" Well Sabina the farmers wanted to protest when yingluck was in power as well, but they were unfortunately turned back by the red shirts, intimidated and their families threatened.

"farmers have grown so accustomed to that carrot that is just out of reach"

Yes those pesky poor farmers why don't they just shut up and love the Junta? so accustomed to that "carrot" they really should know their place huh??? why should the last government want to try and help them with subsidies eh? (yes we know it was mis-managed) why not let them starve! EU and USA too!!! stop ALL the farming subsidies dear WORLD

One might think this all has nothing to do with politics and something to do with RICE - if one were a fool that is

'Mis-managed' ???. Just like the amnesty bill was 'mis-understood' ?.

You people really are a class act. You will NEVER admit anything you or your dirty leaders did wrong. Until you grow up, Thailand is stuck in this rut.

Would say the same about you too. Until you realize that the only way that elected governments can be overthrown is at the ballot box then Thailand will be stuck in this rut. In fact your thinking is putting Thailand further and further back in time.

You really don't like the poor do you?

You are more than happy to cheer for the rich and screw the poor. You just think of them as stupid peasants. Does this help make you feel superior about yourself?

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I live in a small village in rural northern Thailand.

The people around me are already beating their ploughshares into swords. Their fury is palpable. Just yesterday one said to me: "A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another".

I hear you. IMO it's inevitable and necessary. Not only in Thailand, also in Laos, Cambodia and Burma.


Their economic hardship is self-made, due to their reliance on paddy farming.

Issarn was never suited for growing crops requiring much water, as much of this region is hilly terrain. But cleared the forest and jungle they did to plant rice...

I live in Mahasarakham and its certainly not hilly there. I wish it was. Much of Isaan is covered by the Korat Plateau which is largely flat.


Maybe I look at this all wrong, but I've lived in Isaan through all the Thaksin, the preceding Leekai governments' and the military. Somehow I seemed to miss the 'boom'.

I have no doubt people profited from the rice scheme, but unless I read the number wrong it only moved total government spending ratio, Bangkok to Regions by 2%, to a world bank number of a whopping 27% versus Bangkok metro region, which given that Isaan alone accounts for a third of the total Thai population, is amazing. Imagine the same disparity in the US towards New York, UK to London, or Germany to Berlin. There would be uproar!

I have never met a rice farmer yet that actually aspires for his kids to be rice farmers, but the establishment sorta likes an uneducated populous without options. It's mindless drivel to say you shouldn't give handouts, since without providing the people with a viable alternative, and that comes with education.

China, as much as I hate using them as an example, do recognize that the true path to long term sustainable development is to educate your people. Here the establishment view is rather self absorbed...rather give a goody bag to the peasants and watch them prostrate themselves before you...watch TV every night!

Somehow I doubt the Thaksins, Yinglucks, Abbhisits, Prem's, Prayuth's actually care one iota about really developing the country, its all about power and control


Somehow I doubt the Thaksins, Yinglucks, Abbhisits, Prem's, Prayuth's actually care one iota about really developing the country, its all about power and control

Fully agreed. Masters and slaves. Red or yellow. Same same but different.


Somehow I doubt the Thaksins, Yinglucks, Abbhisits, Prem's, Prayuth's actually care one iota about really developing the country, its all about power and control

Fully agreed. Masters and slaves. Red or yellow. Same same but different.

Trouble is so many here fail to recognize that their red or yellow darlings are the same side of the same coin, and I should include the military in that bucket.

Quite depressing I should imagine to many when (if) they finally realize that Thaksin, Suthep, Prayuth are actually all part of the same tribe

Quite depressing I should imagine to many when (if) they finally realize that Thaksin, Suthep, Prayuth are actually all part of the same tribe

a tribe known as psychopathic exploiters... sick.gif

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