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France claims Russian jets have struck rebel, not IS forces in Homs


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France claims Russian jets have struck rebel, not IS forces in Homs

PARIS: -- The Russian defence ministry says it has started operations in Syria and has launched air strikes against the militant group the Islamic State.

A US official said Moscow gave Washington an hour’s notice of the strikes. President Vladimir Putin has said Russian engagement in Syria is “temporary”.

One video posted on social media and not verified reportedly showed a strike on the town of Talbeesah near the city of Homs. Activists allege the attack was launched by Syrian government planes. French diplomatic sources say if that is the case the strikes are targeting anti-Assad forces, not IS.

The Homs area is crucial to President Bashar al-Assad’s control of western Syria. Insurgent control of the area would separate the coastal cities of Latakia and Tartous where Russia operates a naval facility from Damascus.

The Russian defence ministry said its attacks were directed at IS military attacks. The admission from Moscow signals the country’s biggest play in the region since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, said one US official.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-01

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I wonder if these anti Assad rebels are also fighting ISIS, I have a feeling the anti Assad rebels and ISIS have a common goal, to remove Assad.

If they were to achieve this, what happens next is anyones guess but I have a feeling it won't be good for anyone, apart from perhaps ISIS.

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As expected, western rhetoric attempting to make Russia look bad because they are not targeting locations approved by the west...

On the other hand, how do you tell the difference between Syrian rebels and ISIS fighters? The answer is simple, you cannot because they are one in the same...

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Pathetic posturing from the French, The Anti Assad forces in Syria are all Islamic militants. There are no moderates. The US and their allies have had four years to do something about ISIS and their fellow travellers, during this time ISIS have got stronger and stronger. Russia will not mess about here, hopefully they will put them down quickly and with no mercy. Putin is not stupid, he knows very well that the Islamic militants in Syria are there on behalf of the West to overthrow Assad. He won't put up with it, the fact of the matter is that when it comes to dealing with these Islamic State people he is the only adult in the room. Poor old Obama, Cameron and the rest of them are out of their depth. Putin owns them time after time.

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As expected, western rhetoric attempting to make Russia look bad because they are not targeting locations approved by the west...

On the other hand, how do you tell the difference between Syrian rebels and ISIS fighters? The answer is simple, you cannot because they are one in the same...

Would love to hear your reply if this was the US, giving the world one hours notice of the attack. I don't think you'd be saying the same thing....

If you think ISIS and the rebels are the same, you need to do some serious research. The rebels want Assad out of office. Always have. ISIS has completely different goals. Though getting rid of Assad is one of them, but for completely different reasons. IMHO, it's a disgrace to put the two in the same group. They are totally different.


ISIL compels people in the areas that it controls to live according to its interpretation of sharia law.[285][302] There have been many reports of the group's use of death threats, torture and mutilation to compel conversion to Islam,[285][302] and of clerics being killed for refusal to pledge allegiance to the so-called "Islamic State".[303] ISIL directs violence against Shia Muslims, Alawites, Assyrian, Chaldean, Syriac and Armenian Christians, Yazidis, Druze, Shabaks and Mandeans in particular.[304]

ISIL fighters are targeting Syria's minority Alawite sect.[305][306] Islamic State and affiliated jihadist groups reportedly took the lead in an offensive on Alawite villages in Latakia Governorate of Syria in August 2013.[307][308]


The Islamic Front does not include al-Qaeda affiliates like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and the al-Nusra Front, but its charter welcomes foreign fighters, as "brothers who supported us in jihad", suggesting it is willing to co-operate with them.
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As expected, western rhetoric attempting to make Russia look bad because they are not targeting locations approved by the west...

On the other hand, how do you tell the difference between Syrian rebels and ISIS fighters? The answer is simple, you cannot because they are one in the same...

Would love to hear your reply if this was the US, giving the world one hours notice of the attack. I don't think you'd be saying the same thing....

If you think ISIS and the rebels are the same, you need to do some serious research. The rebels want Assad out of office. Always have. ISIS has completely different goals. Though getting rid of Assad is one of them, but for completely different reasons. IMHO, it's a disgrace to put the two in the same group. They are totally different.


ISIL compels people in the areas that it controls to live according to its interpretation of sharia law.[285][302] There have been many reports of the group's use of death threats, torture and mutilation to compel conversion to Islam,[285][302] and of clerics being killed for refusal to pledge allegiance to the so-called "Islamic State".[303] ISIL directs violence against Shia Muslims, Alawites, Assyrian, Chaldean, Syriac and Armenian Christians, Yazidis, Druze, Shabaks and Mandeans in particular.[304]

ISIL fighters are targeting Syria's minority Alawite sect.[305][306] Islamic State and affiliated jihadist groups reportedly took the lead in an offensive on Alawite villages in Latakia Governorate of Syria in August 2013.[307][308]


The Islamic Front does not include al-Qaeda affiliates like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and the al-Nusra Front, but its charter welcomes foreign fighters, as "brothers who supported us in jihad", suggesting it is willing to co-operate with them.

You are quoting wiki and the Beeb? No more reliable than MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS or any of the other zionist controlled mass media western networks... See how that works, my posts and links get deleted while I have to refute yours... coffee1.gif

Follow the money, that is all you need to do... Here is a hint, it all leads back to London and Washington...

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Sorry...but the money right now in Syria is going into Russia's pocketbook. You know that.

"Zionist controlled mass media western networks" Seriously? I guess RT or ZeroHedge are better? 55555 That type of comment gets old.

Syria's economic impact on the world is extremely minimal. It's impact socially is massive.


Syria's economic output has shrunk by as much as 60% since the conflict began in 2011, according to estimates in a new report released by British think-tank Chatham House.

Syria's mining and construction workers have been hit hardest - with exports dropping from $12bn to around $2bn.

The Syrian pound has also lost 80% of value since the conflict began.

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It will be interesting to see how this plays out:


NEW YORK, United States - A Russian airstrike killed 36 civilians, including five children, in the central Syrian province of Homs on Wednesday, the head of Syria's main opposition group said.

"The Russians struck northern Homs today and killed 36 innocent people ... who fought against extremism," said Khaled Khoja, head of the National Coalition, in an interview with AFP.

The opposition had received the names of all 36 victims, including five children from Homs, and were waiting detailed reports from elsewhere, Khoja said.

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As expected, western rhetoric attempting to make Russia look bad because they are not targeting locations approved by the west...

On the other hand, how do you tell the difference between Syrian rebels and ISIS fighters? The answer is simple, you cannot because they are one in the same...

Russia does a pretty good job of making themselves look bad.... and of course we can tell the difference between Daesh (ISIS) and Syrian rebels... The Syrian rebels are the ones with Blue hats.......cheesy.gif

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I wonder if these anti Assad rebels are also fighting ISIS, I have a feeling the anti Assad rebels and ISIS have a common goal, to remove Assad.

If they were to achieve this, what happens next is anyones guess but I have a feeling it won't be good for anyone, apart from perhaps ISIS.

Anyone with a grain of common sense knows the Rebels and ISIS fight alongside, well done Russia the US is not going to fight ISIS they are using American guns and vehicles, opps-- wonder how they get those?

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I wonder if these anti Assad rebels are also fighting ISIS, I have a feeling the anti Assad rebels and ISIS have a common goal, to remove Assad.

If they were to achieve this, what happens next is anyones guess but I have a feeling it won't be good for anyone, apart from perhaps ISIS.

Anyone with a grain of common sense knows the Rebels and ISIS fight alongside, well done Russia the US is not going to fight ISIS they are using American guns and vehicles, opps-- wonder how they get those?

they got those weapons because Bush destabilized the entire region making way for this very thing to happen. The US should NEVER have been there in the first place. A war based on lies. This was predicated on the events of 9/11 which Iraq had ZERO to do with.

Let Russia go ahead and deal with this problem. That means less western involvement, less western casualties and now the hate filled Muslims can focus their hatred and terror on Russia instead of the west.

I say good on em, let Russia have it!!!

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Sorry...but the money right now in Syria is going into Russia's pocketbook. You know that.

"Zionist controlled mass media western networks" Seriously? I guess RT or ZeroHedge are better? 55555 That type of comment gets old.

Syria's economic impact on the world is extremely minimal. It's impact socially is massive.


Syria's economic output has shrunk by as much as 60% since the conflict began in 2011, according to estimates in a new report released by British think-tank Chatham House.

Syria's mining and construction workers have been hit hardest - with exports dropping from $12bn to around $2bn.

The Syrian pound has also lost 80% of value since the conflict began.

Because we are both patriotic Americans, I would love to agree with you but I cannnot. You are using sources that are worthless but more importantly, have no choice but to side with the west. If they don't, like Helen Thomas, they lose their seat at the table and the company that pays them goes broke. Don't use sources,, you are smart enough to draw your own conclusions. I would much rather hear your own logic than something you have picked up from wikipedia or the Mainstream press. Putin has clearly anticipated what we are up to and has called our bluff. We are now scrambling to save some face but it is already gone. The best we can do is get out of there without it costing us any more of our much needed money. Syria has always been a Russian ally and there is nothing we should be doing since it is natural for them to support each other. We have never had a real reason to be involved in Syria other than it is on the path to Iran which Israel wants us to neutralize along with all the other Shia nations in their back yard.

Per international law, a foreign government in order to be in Syria, one of two things must have happened, invited in by the legitimate host government or a UN security Council mandate. The former has happened; the current government has invited Russia.. The rights and wrongs associated with that decision are completely irrelevant.

Edited by Pakboong
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I don't agree that mainstream news sources are all controlled by the West and limited in what they can say. That's the mantra of people who subscribe to RT or ZeroHedge. They make big money off these people.

Lots of great news stories have been reported by mainstream media that are 100% against what various Western governments and politicians have done. Remember "deep throat"? That article brought down a president.

Wikipedia is a good source of basic info. BBC is one of the better news agencies out there.

I'm an American, but not patriotic. If the US does something wrong, which they've done many times, the media should report about it and hopefully encourage them to not do it again. Remember all the articles saying there were NO WMD in Iraq? Unfortunately, for people like us, not much we can do other than vote.

Back to the OP. The Assad government is creating a humanitarian nightmare. It's all about Assad. That's what started this mess in the first place. And yes, the US made it worse. As did Russia.

Would a change of leadership help? History says no. But seems a lot of the population there wants a change. Get Russia out of there, get the US out of there and let them deal with it on their own. Without Russian military support, Assad would probably be gone by now. And potentially, Syria would be like Libya. Another mess caused by a maniac dictator.

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I don't agree that mainstream news sources are all controlled by the West and limited in what they can say. That's the mantra of people who subscribe to RT or ZeroHedge. They make big money off these people.

Lots of great news stories have been reported by mainstream media that are 100% against what various Western governments and politicians have done. Remember "deep throat"? That article brought down a president.

Wikipedia is a good source of basic info. BBC is one of the better news agencies out there.

I'm an American, but not patriotic. If the US does something wrong, which they've done many times, the media should report about it and hopefully encourage them to not do it again. Remember all the articles saying there were NO WMD in Iraq? Unfortunately, for people like us, not much we can do other than vote.

Back to the OP. The Assad government is creating a humanitarian nightmare. It's all about Assad. That's what started this mess in the first place. And yes, the US made it worse. As did Russia.

Would a change of leadership help? History says no. But seems a lot of the population there wants a change. Get Russia out of there, get the US out of there and let them deal with it on their own. Without Russian military support, Assad would probably be gone by now. And potentially, Syria would be like Libya. Another mess caused by a maniac dictator.

That would be the best thing, Just leave the arabs to sort out their own mess! Where is the Arab league? Why don't the Arabs raise an Army to fight Isis. The West should copy Israel, Build a wall cut the arabs off from the west. Point them in the direction of East let them go to other Arab countries.

IMO this is going to take decades before it is resolved which ever way it takes shape. The reason the Arabs aren't fighting is because it would cause sectarian conflicts between the sects, Shia v Sunni etc. So Islam needs to go through a type of renaissance, where either the extreme or moderate wins over the other.

But as arabs have no problem killing each other in the name of Islam it's going to take a long time!

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I don't agree that mainstream news sources are all controlled by the West and limited in what they can say. That's the mantra of people who subscribe to RT or ZeroHedge. They make big money off these people.

Lots of great news stories have been reported by mainstream media that are 100% against what various Western governments and politicians have done. Remember "deep throat"? That article brought down a president.

Wikipedia is a good source of basic info. BBC is one of the better news agencies out there.

I'm an American, but not patriotic. If the US does something wrong, which they've done many times, the media should report about it and hopefully encourage them to not do it again. Remember all the articles saying there were NO WMD in Iraq? Unfortunately, for people like us, not much we can do other than vote.

Back to the OP. The Assad government is creating a humanitarian nightmare. It's all about Assad. That's what started this mess in the first place. And yes, the US made it worse. As did Russia.

Would a change of leadership help? History says no. But seems a lot of the population there wants a change. Get Russia out of there, get the US out of there and let them deal with it on their own. Without Russian military support, Assad would probably be gone by now. And potentially, Syria would be like Libya. Another mess caused by a maniac dictator.

The whole point is that it is not up to us. Nobody is the perfect dictator.

Somebody once said that the purest form of patriotism is dissent.

I like your interest. I would like to hear more of your opinions. The only biased news in the world is the Mainstream News. Alternative news sites are better because they do not need a seat at the White House Press room to survive.

I don't particularly like supporting Putin's view but it may not be his personal view. His guy Lavrov seems competent and the two of them managing a patriotic bunch of Russian is not necessarily bad. Remember, he kicked all dual citizens out of his government jobs. That was a big move.

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The US can just crack some popcorn and sit and watch this. It doesn't care. It isn't even demanding a date for Assad's removal.

Let Russia expend money and soldiers fighting a losing battle.

Syria will never unite under Assad now.

It was quite obvious that Russia is there to keep Assad in power so it's going to bomb the crap out of anyone opposed to him.

It's the Syrians I feel sorry for.

And the US doesn't give a toss about them either, they're Europe's problem.

Welcome to the world where the US now gets blamed for not doing everyone else's dirty work.

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Pathetic posturing from the French, The Anti Assad forces in Syria are all Islamic militants. There are no moderates. The US and their allies have had four years to do something about ISIS and their fellow travellers, during this time ISIS have got stronger and stronger. Russia will not mess about here, hopefully they will put them down quickly and with no mercy. Putin is not stupid, he knows very well that the Islamic militants in Syria are there on behalf of the West to overthrow Assad. He won't put up with it, the fact of the matter is that when it comes to dealing with these Islamic State people he is the only adult in the room. Poor old Obama, Cameron and the rest of them are out of their depth. Putin owns them time after time.

You ever seen the movie Charlie Wilson's War? The Russians don't have a real good track record dealing with Islamic militants in this region of the world.

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Of COURSE that was going to happen.

We're here to fight ISIS...Ooops, there you go Bashar old buddy, we accidentally on purpose got some of your enemies from the place that you most want to capture.

OF COURSE that was going to happen!

US, France, GB and whatever western forces feebly 'fighting' against ISIS have seen nothing but setbacks.

They all, jointly and severally didn't like the idea of Russians turning on heat on them, demonstrating their weakness.

Now, whatever Russians have done or will do cannot be right! Example - this reaction.

- They, Russians hit not ISIS but Assad opponents!

- Who are ISIS? Assad opponents, but... the west is against Assad...

- Turkey joined the war against ISIS by bombing Kurds. Who are Kurds? ISIS opponents... but they are also fighting for cessation from Turkey...

To sum this up - don't expect ISIS gone away. Do not expect ISIS defeated. Putin and Obama 'talks' in UN General Assembly is nothing but PR gone viral.

Their mutual 'smiles' looked like bared teeth.

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So NATO thinks Russia isn't going to play the same game, just from the other side of the table? I don't for a second think they are that gullible. But gotta crank up the MSM machine to recalibrate the gullibility index of the average sheep citizen.

"The first casualty of War is Truth"

-US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson

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I'll still stick to mainstream media sources. Alternative ones are just to "tin foil" hat for me. And the mainstream sites have vastly more resources to cover stuff like this.

I just read this article. Quite interesting. And spot on!


Syria conflict: Diplomatic goals behind Putin's military build-up

Russia - isolated and confronting Western sanctions due to its behaviour in Ukraine - is genuinely concerned about the rise of Islamist fundamentalism, which threatens to spread ever closer to Russia's own borders.

It wants to see the so-called Islamic State defeated and some order restored in Syria, where it has long maintained a strategic interest. It believes Western policy in the region has been self-serving and wildly naive.

Existing regimes have been toppled leaving little more than chaos in their wake.

Some very valid points...from a mainstream media site. wai2.gif

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I wonder if these anti Assad rebels are also fighting ISIS, I have a feeling the anti Assad rebels and ISIS have a common goal, to remove Assad.

If they were to achieve this, what happens next is anyones guess but I have a feeling it won't be good for anyone, apart from perhaps ISIS.

Anyone with a grain of common sense knows the Rebels and ISIS fight alongside, well done Russia the US is not going to fight ISIS they are using American guns and vehicles, opps-- wonder how they get those?

they got those weapons because Bush destabilized the entire region making way for this very thing to happen. The US should NEVER have been there in the first place. A war based on lies. This was predicated on the events of 9/11 which Iraq had ZERO to do with.

Let Russia go ahead and deal with this problem. That means less western involvement, less western casualties and now the hate filled Muslims can focus their hatred and terror on Russia instead of the west.

I say good on em, let Russia have it!!!

Exactly,maybe China can get Involved too
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As expected, western rhetoric attempting to make Russia look bad because they are not targeting locations approved by the west...

On the other hand, how do you tell the difference between Syrian rebels and ISIS fighters? The answer is simple, you cannot because they are one in the same...

I'm pretty sure they will be targeting everyone with weapons who isn't the Syrian Army. I would bet their plan is to attempt to stabilize strategic areas within the region, in which historically they have had a vested interest.

Edited by connda
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whistling.gif Don't get to excited. I was in Ethiopia when the Soviet Union with their Cuban artillery friends came to Ethiopia to help their Marxist friends in the Ethiopian Army.

Even had tanks from the friendly Socialist republic of Yemen to help them.

Where are they all today?

Not a single one of them in Ethiopia today. All dead or long gone back to their own countries.

I even had an old passport stamped by the "Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia" at that time.

That is all gone now as Assad's Syria will be in 20 years

Governments come and go, but the people live on and survive the stupidity of those who think they can "govern" those people.

As the saying foes, the mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small.

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whistling.gif Don't get to excited. I was in Ethiopia when the Soviet Union with their Cuban artillery friends came to Ethiopia to help their Marxist friends in the Ethiopian Army.

Even had tanks from the friendly Socialist republic of Yemen to help them.

Where are they all today?

Not a single one of them in Ethiopia today. All dead or long gone back to their own countries.

I even had an old passport stamped by the "Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia" at that time.

That is all gone now as Assad's Syria will be in 20 years

Governments come and go, but the people live on and survive the stupidity of those who think they can "govern" those people.

As the saying foes, the mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small.

20 years? In 20 years, which sovereign nations, including the current 'major players' are going to be in the category of "Last Man Standing".

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The US can just crack some popcorn and sit and watch this. It doesn't care. It isn't even demanding a date for Assad's removal.

Let Russia expend money and soldiers fighting a losing battle.

Syria will never unite under Assad now.

It was quite obvious that Russia is there to keep Assad in power so it's going to bomb the crap out of anyone opposed to him.

It's the Syrians I feel sorry for.

And the US doesn't give a toss about them either, they're Europe's problem.

Welcome to the world where the US now gets blamed for not doing everyone else's dirty work.

I also feel sorry for the Syrians. 4 million have fled, 7 million are internally displaced, around 250,000 ++ in Europe and currently 20% of the Jordanian population is made up of refugees.

I want to wish Russia the best of luck in bringing peace and prosperity to the country.

I do not think that this is the time to try to unseat the Assad gov't and since the US has a very checkered history with Assad and his father, supporting him is not possible for the US. It is best that the US leave this one to others.

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I presume France will be putting in a similar complaint about the US bombing a hospital in Afghanistan yesterday .

But I wont hold my breath.

You caught that too. Perfect example!

Doctors Without Borders Afghanistan = US Airstrike Collateral Damage.

So where are the MSM pundits screaming bloody murder? Ahhhh, that's only reserved for everyone who are not US allies, like Russia.

Yes, hypocrisy does know no bounds.

Edited by connda
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