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Donald Trump: I would send Syrian refugees home

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Don't count on it the electorate body has been dumb enough to send two Bush into presidency even though they were idiots too

There are people abroad who need to improve their alleged analysis of the US political system from primary voting to the nominating convention, on to the general election and electoral college.

These amateur analysts need to be advised in the most clear terms that Donald Trump will never be elected POTUS. As just one real world indicator, the current odds on Trump being elected POTUS are 8-1 which converts to an 11% probability. On Sept 1st Trump was at 4-1 (20% probability). For the Republican party nomination, Trump is at 9-2 odds (18% probability). Oddsmaking moves more cautiously than public polling does and while oddsmaking has a qualified predictive value, it has a strong track record in elections of the president (excepting the year 2000 when all bets got hit by a bushfire).

(Hillary Rodham Clinton is currently at 4-11 or 73% for the D party nomination and 5-4 or 44% for POTUS which is far and away from competitors for either.)

So only the rightwingnutosphere in the US and some certain other outliers abroad believe Donald Trump has some kind of realistic shot at being elected POTUS (or to be nominated by the R party for POTUS).

Again, let's deal with reality. Donald Trump will never be elected POTUS.

Not in a million years.

It is nonetheless entertaining to see the clown in action and to log the reaction of his clone clowns. And it is amusing to see Trump popularise the Regressive Era of the Republican party in the USA.

In speaking of it to anyone CCP Chinese or of CCP Chinese ancestry , it could be said Donald Trump is America's Jiang Zemin, except that, unlike Jiang who ruled for ten years of tyranny in the CCP, Trump is already a has been that never was or will be.

Just like your kid like understanding of China and its internal workings .....

Even a topic on Trump can be linked back to a China post ...I suggest you never step back into China and beg for work ....it's pathetic at its best what you write here about all your hatred for the country and its systems and government and then head back expecting to get a visa to get some cash for your internet bills and daily moaning


Trump is self financing his campaign and stated recently he will not run ads.

Funny stuff...won't really put his money where his mouth is. He says the media is giving him enough coverage. Estimated $1 billion so far.

So without ads he's likely to lose,, but he knows that and just having a Cheap Charlie go at the nomination process.


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He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

Take them in and send them all to Detroit to help bring that city back. If they complain it isn't good enough send them back. win win.

Good thinking. Detroit has loads of empty space due to people leaving.

I'd agree with the Donald if he were say he'd send them back to Turkey. That is where they belong, though obviously Turkey needs financial aid to look after them.

Refugees have no "right" to move beyond the first safe country they enter.

While some are complaining that Saudi etc do not take refugees, they are only doing what they consider to be best for their countries, unlike western governments welcoming an alien invasion.


Trump is self financing his campaign and stated recently he will not run ads.

Funny stuff...won't really put his money where his mouth is. He says the media is giving him enough coverage. Estimated $1 billion so far.

So without ads he's likely to lose,, but he knows that and just having a Cheap Charlie go at the nomination process.


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Just a guess, but IMO the Donald doesn't want to be president and have to put up with all the bs that entails. He's too smart for that. I reckon he just wants to stir things up and get someone elected that does what he believes the country needs.


A kind of noblesse oblige I'd guess.

A true self serving sacrificing patriot for everyone in the country to emulate.

Donald Trump, the south end of a northbound horse.

The poll by the Washington Post-ABC News released three days ago found 62% of self-identified Republicans disapprove of Trump while only 35% of Republican voters approve of him. Republican voters comprise one-third of the electorate, so Trump has the support of one-third of one-third. Another one-third of the electorate, Independent voters, disapprove of Trump 2-1.

So Donald Trump does not need to get the R party nomination to assist the R party to self-destruct. It's practically there now. And Trump won't get it anyway.


He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

Take them in and send them all to Detroit to help bring that city back. If they complain it isn't good enough send them back. win win.

I like that idea a lot. Detroit Baltimore,Chicago. Put them in a preexisting ghetto then they donot have to bother turning a good suburban neighbourhood into a ghetto.

If they complain call them racist and let the local population there deal with it.

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