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Young Australian attacked in Koh Samui by American millionaires son's charged with assault


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When will people ever learn not to have a holiday in Thailand. I mean what does it take.

It's just as stupid as the American populace continuing to preserve their "right" to bear arms. Meanwhile there is mass shooting after mass shooting. Clearly the population as a whole couldn't give a rats ass how many innocent people die (as long as it isn't them…right?)

Spend your holiday money where you are treated with respect and welcomed happily by the locals. And, importantly, your rights as a human being are upheld and you do receive justice.

You don't get justice in Thailand! So, stop going to Thailand!

Go to almost anywhere in Europe, U.K., Canada, N.Z., South Sea islands etc etc

Thailand does not deserve your hard earned money and it definitely does not deserve your life.

Wake up and don't continue to be so dumb.

Not sure about the need for the non sequitur regarding the 2nd amendment but, if you needed to get that off your chest...

I'm totally aware that they are different topics thank you. But your need to trivialize such important matters tells me much about you. One day you may be at the wrong end of a fist or a gun. At that time I'm sure you'll want everyone to have empathy and to acknowledge the injustice of it :-)

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"The two Americans involved, Raymond Chang and Ryan Wang"...Americans?..Don't think so. I would never call them anything but Chinese..Asians the very least.

Yeah.. I only consider Native Americans to be American.

Only joking. American passport === American. If they have a US passport, they are American.

Are you seriously suggesting that 'asians' cannot be American? How daft.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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This has been getting some time on ABC TV in Australia over the last couple of days. I don't know which side is telling the truth, but it seems odd that one guy can end up with serious injuries and the other two walk away apparently unscathed. Those in Australia that have talked with me about the case find it incredible that the police can charge someone then "change their minds" and charge the former "victim". As another poster has said the only winners here are the police.

I always advise young Australians proposing to visit Thailand that they can have an enjoyable holiday but don't get involved in bar fights but if you do don't expect the police to support you even if you are in the "right".

No mystery to us who live here as to why the Samui RTP have changed their minds . wai.gif

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"The two Americans involved, Raymond Chang and Ryan Wang"...Americans?..Don't think so. I would never call them anything but Chinese..Asians the very least.

Yeah.. I only consider Native Americans to be American.

Only joking. American passport === American. If they have a US passport, they are American.

Are you seriously suggesting that 'asians' cannot be American? How daft.

I am Jacks mother. The young man who was so savagely attacked on Samui. As I was recently made his power of attorney I feel that I can speak for him here. I am new to this forum as a contributor, but do read it sometimes occasionally, or as in the case of the Burmese Two, quite frequently.

I wish to thank you for your concerns about Jack and by and large most people have been very kind and caring to him. He suffers severe anxiety now PTSD and depression. So this support has helped him through many dark times. He has had his fair share of trolls and threats and even blackmailing. Random people that contact us with so called information about jack or the attackers just to stir trouble. He s managing that too.

We have learnt many valuable lessons through this journey and the value that some people place on some lives over others. Jacks life matters and his plans and his future were his to pursue.

The fact is that coming out with some of our evidence as we did last week was to help people see a young man going about that life how in a web of collusion lies were allowed to become truth. There is more evidence to come but it must be saved for the police charges we are working on as well as for the US Attorney we are working with.

Jacks attackers are indeed American nationals. They are US passport holders and were born in America. One is a particularly disturbed young man.

Which was clearly understood the day that it appeared jack may have needed to be medivaced to Bangkok for plastic reconstruction surgery. Through this one particular attackers actions jack is back in Bangkok next month for two more surgeries. He is a brave man and I admire his strength of character and courage every day.

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Koh Samui is a dangerous crap hole. I just totally avoid areas where there are numerous foreigners. Never have a problem far from the foreign slums like Samui, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Phi Phi, or anywhere listed in the Lonely Planet.

It probably all depends on how you behave. Act like a <deleted> and you get treated as such ! I have lived here 8 years never had the problems that you appear to attract. whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

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Koh Samui is a dangerous crap hole. I just totally avoid areas where there are numerous foreigners. Never have a problem far from the foreign slums like Samui, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Phi Phi, or anywhere listed in the Lonely Planet.

It probably all depends on how you behave. Act like a <deleted> and you get treated as such ! I have lived here 8 years never had the problems that you appear to attract. whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

Maybe so. jacks attackers are not Thai and not from Samui. They were tourists that flew in and flew out.

I have met some wonderful people on the island of Samui since jacks attack. Incredible people in fact.

I think the issue is if there is any trouble the police will assist the more affluent party in any way possible changing documents and incident reports bringing friends in to act as false witnesses etc etc.

But Samui itself can't be blamed for that

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Allivesmatter, I hope you and your son Jack come through all of this much stronger people.

I would like to wish you both good luck with this mess and I hope the two attackers get what they deserve.wai.gif

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Allivesmatter, I hope you and your son Jack come through all of this much stronger people.

I would like to wish you both good luck with this mess and I hope the two attackers get what they deserve.wai.gif

Thank you so much for your kind words. We hope to one day say that it has.

Right now for jack it's still a day at a time. He does not look beyond each day as it's too difficult for him to do so right now. He is still a kind and lovely young man though and they could not take these qualities away from him which brings me just great pride really. He lives with great pain and despair but also gratitude to people such as yourself and to the the authorities in Bangkok that try to help get Samui in line and under control. Jacks is not that only case in Samui area that the BKK authorities are trying to manage.

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Koh Samui is a dangerous crap hole. I just totally avoid areas where there are numerous foreigners. Never have a problem far from the foreign slums like Samui, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Phi Phi, or anywhere listed in the Lonely Planet.

It probably all depends on how you behave. Act like a <deleted> and you get treated as such ! I have lived here 8 years never had the problems that you appear to attract. whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

Maybe so. jacks attackers are not Thai and not from Samui. They were tourists that flew in and flew out.

I have met some wonderful people on the island of Samui since jacks attack. Incredible people in fact.

I think the issue is if there is any trouble the police will assist the more affluent party in any way possible changing documents and incident reports bringing friends in to act as false witnesses etc etc.

But Samui itself can't be blamed for that

I entirely agree with you. I myself was set up by the Samui RTP. Standing stationary on my m/c with both feet on the ground, a taxi ran into me. Between the RTP and the taxi driver they managed to find two witnesses who saw me "overtaking the taxi at great speed"

Bht 25,000 was the taxi drivers claim, but on a cash payment of Bht5000 as demanded by the RTP it was substancially reduced.

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Koh Samui is a dangerous crap hole. I just totally avoid areas where there are numerous foreigners. Never have a problem far from the foreign slums like Samui, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Phi Phi, or anywhere listed in the Lonely Planet.

It probably all depends on how you behave. Act like a <deleted> and you get treated as such ! I have lived here 8 years never had the problems that you appear to attract. whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

Maybe so. jacks attackers are not Thai and not from Samui. They were tourists that flew in and flew out.

I have met some wonderful people on the island of Samui since jacks attack. Incredible people in fact.

I think the issue is if there is any trouble the police will assist the more affluent party in any way possible changing documents and incident reports bringing friends in to act as false witnesses etc etc.

But Samui itself can't be blamed for that

I entirely agree with you. I myself was set up by the Samui RTP. Standing stationary on my m/c with both feet on the ground, a taxi ran into me. Between the RTP and the taxi driver they managed to find two witnesses who saw me "overtaking the taxi at great speed"

Bht 25,000 was the taxi drivers claim, but on a cash payment of Bht5000 as demanded by the RTP it was substancially reduced.

Yes we know this has happened too. We also heard recently police walking down green mango one night asking for people in the Soi to become witnesses against jack. I think some initially came forward but they seem to have disappeared now. Police make no money let's face it. So if the police see an opportunity to make big big money just be changing all the official documents. It's easy money really. Only we had too much evidence ourselves for this to go away. Each department we go to simply cannot dismiss jacks story. They go through all the evidence and cannot dismiss it. They try to help and end up with - sorry it's Samui. You know what it's like. Many mafia in police. Wish we could do more but we cannot.

However this has now changed and we are successfully working with authorities now. Some police get lazy and forget about some documents that couldn't be changed. :)

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Had the mother accepted the 800,000Bt offered, rather than demanding 10m and saying the Wangers would otherwise 'rot in jail', the boy would be off the hook.

Bit of a greedy cow it seems.


Only that was never said and thankfully I have a witness to the actual exchange that took place.

The attackers lie about jack and now they lie about me

As expected really

Honesty is a very expensive gift that we have learnt not to expect from cheap people.

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Had the mother accepted the 800,000Bt offered, rather than demanding 10m and saying the Wangers would otherwise 'rot in jail', the boy would be off the hook.

Bit of a greedy cow it seems.


Only that was never said and thankfully I have a witness to the actual exchange that took place.

The attackers lie about jack and now they lie about me

As expected really

Honesty is a very expensive gift that we have learnt not to expect from cheap people.

Unfortunately, the richest, most connected, and influential tend to be the one's who control the narrative, and I'm not just talking about Thailand. Look around the world and you'll see it everywhere, at least those individuals who are well traveled, and have their eye wide open. But in the least developed countries where corruption tends to be endemic and widespread throughout the culture, the narrative can be more easily manipulated, and again I'm not just talking about Thailand. It's unfortunate, but it happens. Evil abounds, and tends to be concentrated within those segments of societies where it does the most harm to the average person. Their is also immense Good in the world, but it's influence in waning.

I hope in Jack's case the truth prevails, not the perversion of truth.

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This is never going to happen to me, because I stay away from bars, red light districts and stupid s...., instead I spend my time in Bangkok visiting art galleries. It's ALL about the people you associate with or NOT.

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If you have lived here in Thailand long enough you begin to realize that you can not always do what needs to be done honestly and or by the letter of the law in cases such as this...simply because the other side will not conduct themselves honestly and or by the law.

In other words you have to have a plan "B" that can be enacted and not by the letter of the law...... if you know what I mean

Assuming that the young man that took a beating did nothing of any significance that warranted a fairly brutal beating by 2 other people, over a girl in dispute, and then believed he could simply get justice by suing them makes me think that he and his family and friends and supporters really do not or did not realize how things can go sideways here in Thailand when you try to take legal action and do it by the letter of the law, so to speak.

You have to be aware and or prepared for the dirty, low down, low life tricks and manipulation that commonly happens here in Thailand and try to counter it in some way or form as it is near inevitable when it becomes a legal case and it goes to court the guilty party is going to fight back and fight back dirty....as is commonly the case here in Thailand and near expected every time.

I personally believe the young Australian did nothing that would warrant a beating such as he received while the 2 young men accused of the beating did exactly what they are accused of while those sorts of altercations happen all too often in clubs and pups and discos the world over....when alcohol is involved....and often enough over a girl.

Without the alcohol involved , more than likely the altercation would not have happened...but it did.... while the perpetrators that performed the beating are now trying very hard to lie and deny and buy and or coerce their way out of accepting any responsibility or accountability for the part they played in a case of aggravated assault.


Regardless of just how and why and or any other factors involved, laying a serious beating on another person comes with its implications while many people actually are, often enough held accountable for such actions.

I surmise the victim is not going to receive the justice that is due to him by way of the corrupted justice system while I would be totally indifferent if the victim and his supporters and or witnesses enact "Plan B" and successfully turns the case around on the 2 low life perpetrators.

This may be wishful thinking on my part ....but you have to wonder what would have happened if the 2 dick heads in question would have ( hindsight in practice here ) manned up and admitted they did beat the other guy...because..... they were very enraged and lost their composure and admit they were very drunk themselves and use alcohol as a often, well accepted reason and excuse for ones aggressive behavior while apologizing to everyone and announcing they will accept accountability for what they did do and ask forgiveness and leniency ...etc etc....rather than try to immediately lie and bullshit their way out of any accountability and furthermore continue to sustain the lies and deceitfulness growing ever larger.

Just wondering.


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This is never going to happen to me, because I stay away from bars, red light districts and stupid s...., instead I spend my time in Bangkok visiting art galleries. It's ALL about the people you associate with or NOT.

Soi Cowboy an "art gallery" now????

Yes...... art galleries and libraries are surprisingly great places to meet girls

I met plenty of girls everywhere .....other than bars and discos and clubs....and no alcohol involved.

As in .......pure and unadulterated womanizing....lol

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This is never going to happen to me, because I stay away from bars, red light districts and stupid s...., instead I spend my time in Bangkok visiting art galleries. It's ALL about the people you associate with or NOT.

Soi Cowboy an "art gallery" now????

Yes...... art galleries and libraries are surprisingly great places to meet girls

I met plenty of girls everywhere .....other than bars and discos and clubs....and no alcohol involved.

As in .......pure and unadulterated womanizing....lol

I came for the temples...
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Just observe the bahaviour of a lot of young Australians and Brits holidaying in Pattaya, Khao San, Phuket and also the rest of the Southern resort areas and the way that they drink and behaviour with the local girls and even other female foreigners, you can see for yourself who is in the wrong.

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Just observe the bahaviour of a lot of young Australians and Brits holidaying in Pattaya, Khao San, Phuket and also the rest of the Southern resort areas and the way that they drink and behaviour with the local girls and even other female foreigners, you can see for yourself who is in the wrong.

Or, you could stop generalising, look at the actual evidence. Then see for yourself who was wrong.

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Just observe the bahaviour of a lot of young Australians and Brits holidaying in Pattaya, Khao San, Phuket and also the rest of the Southern resort areas and the way that they drink and behaviour with the local girls and even other female foreigners, you can see for yourself who is in the wrong.

Or, you could stop generalising, look at the actual evidence. Then see for yourself who was wrong.

Thank you Linky. Although we have not released all evidence to the Australian media as you saw last week there is enough for people to see. I think to now go down the path again of racial profiling in light of what we have seen would be an easy and Ill informed way to view jacks attack. Blaming the victim is the last refuge of a scoundrel only in our case it was their first. Black people are not all unemployed drug addicts. All Indian men do not rape women. Not all Australian educated young men hang out in walking street or soi cowboy abusing women.

If he did embody that racial stereotype how does someone know these things about you in selecting someone to attack through the hours of that evening. They knew nothing about jack only what they saw in watching him for hours at three different areas where he happened to be followed. These recordings will come out in court however.

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If you have lived here in Thailand long enough you begin to realize that you can not always do what needs to be done honestly and or by the letter of the law in cases such as this...simply because the other side will not conduct themselves honestly and or by the law.

In other words you have to have a plan "B" that can be enacted and not by the letter of the law...... if you know what I mean

Assuming that the young man that took a beating did nothing of any significance that warranted a fairly brutal beating by 2 other people, over a girl in dispute, and then believed he could simply get justice by suing them makes me think that he and his family and friends and supporters really do not or did not realize how things can go sideways here in Thailand when you try to take legal action and do it by the letter of the law, so to speak.

You have to be aware and or prepared for the dirty, low down, low life tricks and manipulation that commonly happens here in Thailand and try to counter it in some way or form as it is near inevitable when it becomes a legal case and it goes to court the guilty party is going to fight back and fight back dirty....as is commonly the case here in Thailand and near expected every time.

I personally believe the young Australian did nothing that would warrant a beating such as he received while the 2 young men accused of the beating did exactly what they are accused of while those sorts of altercations happen all too often in clubs and pups and discos the world over....when alcohol is involved....and often enough over a girl.

Without the alcohol involved , more than likely the altercation would not have happened...but it did.... while the perpetrators that performed the beating are now trying very hard to lie and deny and buy and or coerce their way out of accepting any responsibility or accountability for the part they played in a case of aggravated assault.


Regardless of just how and why and or any other factors involved, laying a serious beating on another person comes with its implications while many people actually are, often enough held accountable for such actions.

I surmise the victim is not going to receive the justice that is due to him by way of the corrupted justice system while I would be totally indifferent if the victim and his supporters and or witnesses enact "Plan B" and successfully turns the case around on the 2 low life perpetrators.

This may be wishful thinking on my part ....but you have to wonder what would have happened if the 2 dick heads in question would have ( hindsight in practice here ) manned up and admitted they did beat the other guy...because..... they were very enraged and lost their composure and admit they were very drunk themselves and use alcohol as a often, well accepted reason and excuse for ones aggressive behavior while apologizing to everyone and announcing they will accept accountability for what they did do and ask forgiveness and leniency ...etc etc....rather than try to immediately lie and bullshit their way out of any accountability and furthermore continue to sustain the lies and deceitfulness growing ever larger.

Just wondering.


Your last paragraph perfectly represents what I expected to have happen when I arrived in samui.

Having no experience in such matters I naively expected a family gathering around ours saying -we re not sure what's happened, we will get to the bottom of this, we are so sorry. What do you need right now.

I feel stupid now in thinking that way but my only frame of reference was -what would I do if my child had inflicted serious injury on another human being. Other than make him beg for forgiveness from the family and the victim we would start a journey to healing immediately.

There was no journey to healing. Instead I was met verbal violence towards me and an attempt to try and make me see that my son was dirt. Being bullied and told to accept any money he offered becuase Jack would never get any more than that in court. I said I was ok with that

Kindness honesty. Things that go a long way I believe would have really saved many families from the ensuing mess.

I feel sad for the young sister of one of the attackers. For both their mothers and for tiffanys family. Jessica Liu will be receiving the same bullying that I received. And she is actually a wonderful compassionate human being.

But she will be seen as a traitor to violent cads. Jessica Liu has courage and a strong moral fibre that helped direct our investigation in the first few days. It's such a shame and very regretful that she will be seen as the bad guy to all involved in the cover up.

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Just observe the bahaviour of a lot of young Australians and Brits holidaying in Pattaya, Khao San, Phuket and also the rest of the Southern resort areas and the way that they drink and behaviour with the local girls and even other female foreigners, you can see for yourself who is in the wrong.

Or, you could stop generalising, look at the actual evidence. Then see for yourself who was wrong.

Thank you Linky. Although we have not released all evidence to the Australian media as you saw last week there is enough for people to see. I think to now go down the path again of racial profiling in light of what we have seen would be an easy and Ill informed way to view jacks attack. Blaming the victim is the last refuge of a scoundrel only in our case it was their first. Black people are not all unemployed drug addicts. All Indian men do not rape women. Not all Australian educated young men hang out in walking street or soi cowboy abusing women.

If he did embody that racial stereotype how does someone know these things about you in selecting someone to attack through the hours of that evening. They knew nothing about jack only what they saw in watching him for hours at three different areas where he happened to be followed. These recordings will come out in court however.

Like I was saying....you better have a Plan "B" that forces the perps. to admit their guilt and or forces them to be held accountable for their actions.

Are you taking legal action against them in the USA....????? as they are US citizens and if that is the case and you can take legal action against them in the USA then basically you would be wasting your time taking legal action against them here in Thailand.

Here in Thailand you can expect more of what you have experienced so far ....so if you carry on trying to get justice here in Thailand you are going to be subjected to all the more corrupted actions by anyone that can be paid off to twist the whole affair around and thwart your efforts.

Your son should actually be outside of Thailand ( not because he should be scared, which is a consideration ) but simply so they can not toy around with him and have access to him and arrest him on trumped up false charges being paid for by the Raymond family and any connections they have or make ( as in bought and paid for ) .....because that is what commonly happens while that would be strong message they are sending you.

If they can not make the charges go away so easily then they and anyone they can pay off could resort to much nastier means of sending their message....so best he is outside Thailand .....that is..... if you continue to seek justice here in Thailand through the easily and all too often corrupted justice system and not some other means and way.

Cheers and good luck.

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Just observe the bahaviour of a lot of young Australians and Brits holidaying in Pattaya, Khao San, Phuket and also the rest of the Southern resort areas and the way that they drink and behaviour with the local girls and even other female foreigners, you can see for yourself who is in the wrong.

Or, you could stop generalising, look at the actual evidence. Then see for yourself who was wrong.
Thank you Linky. Although we have not released all evidence to the Australian media as you saw last week there is enough for people to see. I think to now go down the path again of racial profiling in light of what we have seen would be an easy and Ill informed way to view jacks attack. Blaming the victim is the last refuge of a scoundrel only in our case it was their first. Black people are not all unemployed drug addicts. All Indian men do not rape women. Not all Australian educated young men hang out in walking street or soi cowboy abusing women.

If he did embody that racial stereotype how does someone know these things about you in selecting someone to attack through the hours of that evening. They knew nothing about jack only what they saw in watching him for hours at three different areas where he happened to be followed. These recordings will come out in court however.

Like I was saying....you better have a Plan "B" that forces the perps. to admit their guilt and or forces them to be held accountable for their actions.

Are you taking legal action against them in the USA....????? as they are US citizens and if that is the case and you can take legal action against them in the USA then basically you would be wasting your time taking legal action against them here in Thailand.

Here in Thailand you can expect more of what you have experienced so far ....so if you carry on trying to get justice here in Thailand you are going to be subjected to all the more corrupted actions by anyone that can be paid off to twist the whole affair around and thwart your efforts.

Your son should actually be outside of Thailand ( not because he should be scared, which is a consideration ) but simply so they can not toy around with him and have access to him and arrest him on trumped up false charges being paid for by the Raymond family and any connections they have or make ( as in bought and paid for ) .....because that is what commonly happens while that would be strong message they are sending you.

If they can not make the charges go away so easily then they and anyone they can pay off could resort to much nastier means of sending their message....so best he is outside Thailand .....that is..... if you continue to seek justice here in Thailand through the easily and all too often corrupted justice system and not some other means and way.

Cheers and good luck.

Thank you for your kind interest in jacks case. We appreciate that. Yes there is a plan b underway right now. Two actually.

Plus we are working with a US Attorney. Jack is currently in Australia having recently been able to leave for University. 10 months later than anticipated. The trumped up charges and being thrown in jail - too late on that. That happened on jacks last trip back to sAmui. There is also an investigation into that at the moment here in Thailand.

We honestly don't feel bad towards Thailand or the police in Bangkok. Jacks looking forward to coming back next month as it is home to him and all his friends are here. and Bangkok has always treated jack well. He faces two more surgeries this trip which understandably he is afraid to face whilst also wanting to see them performed so that the sooner he can have all the reconstruction work completed.

Life has been a daily struggle for him not just psychologically, but the physical issues he undergoes daily is difficult.

As you can see from the B2 case in Samui jack was simply unlucky to have been attacked in an area whose police force is easily corruptable and vulnerable. Samui in our experience operates under quite different mores than Bangkok. But we can only speak from our experience and we know people know who would argue that point too.

We are not scared actually and only fear the father truth be known. He is extremly intimidating.

Jack believes that truth and justice always wins out at the end of the day and still believes that to this day. Rightly or wrongly he has faith in the truth and people - and life still!

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Be aware that here in Thailand, even if your son is considered or proven to be 100 percent innocent, relative to what the 2 perpetrators have done and how they conducted themselves before, during and or after ....they will ask or demand or more or less corner you into giving concessions and or admitting a degree of guilt??? and accountability on Jacks part.

The fact that Jack was there and he was part of the altercation is how their mentality works in regard to who should be blamed and held accountable ...so in effect they think both parties are accountable and should be held accountable....because Jack was there and had he not been there in the first place then the problem would not have happened or never would have started....is the way they actually think of it.

So something like this may happen:

OK. we did inflict harm on him ( they will never admit they assaulted him ) and we will take the blame for that ...but.... he has to take the blame for starting the whole affair because he was attracted to the girl and acted inappropriately which prompted us to beat him up...for good reason..... that you have to acknowledge....so he has to agree with that.

So we will accept the legal consequences but you have to pay us this much money or cede to us some face saving concession because you are also responsible and accountable for the part you played in the altercation....

If you agree to that then we will agree to take responsibility and accept accountability on our part...but you must first agree you are also accountable

That is most likely what could very well develop .....but the problem is they want you to admit guilt and accountability on your part first while they say they will admit guilt and accountability AFTER they get their concession(s) ....and more than likely ( 99 % chance ) ...renege on their admittance while legally turning and twisting the whole affair against you using your previous admittance and agreement.

Be aware of traps like that being presented to you in a supposedly sincere manner in an effort to end the case in a amicable way...supposedly?


Edited by gemguy
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Be aware that here in Thailand, even if your son is considered or proven to be 100 percent innocent, relative to what the 2 perpetrators have done and how they conducted themselves before, during and or after ....they will ask or demand or more or less corner you into giving concessions and or admitting a degree of guilt??? and accountability on Jacks part.

The fact that Jack was there and he was part of the altercation is how their mentality works in regard to who should be blamed and held accountable ...so in effect they think both parties are accountable and should be held accountable....because Jack was there and had he not been there in the first place then the problem would not have happened or never would have started....is the way they actually think of it.

So something like this may happen:

OK. we did inflict harm on him ( they will never admit they assaulted him ) and we will take the blame for that ...but.... he has to take the blame for starting the whole affair because he was attracted to the girl and acted inappropriately which prompted us to beat him up...for good reason..... that you have to acknowledge....so he has to agree with that.

So we will accept the legal consequences but you have to pay us this much money or cede to us some face saving concession because you are also responsible and accountable for the part you played in the altercation....

If you agree to that then we will agree to take responsibility and accept accountability on our part...but you must first agree you are also accountable

That is most likely what could very well develop .....but the problem is they want you to admit guilt and accountability on your part first while they say they will admit guilt and accountability AFTER they get their concession(s) ....and more than likely ( 99 % chance ) ...renege on their admittance while legally turning and twisting the whole affair against you using your previous admittance and agreement.

Be aware of traps like that being presented to you in a supposedly sincere manner in an effort to end the case in a amicable way...supposedly?


Well if I didn't know better I would say that you have walked with us through this journey and merely written a synopsis of the events of the last year ! You totally nailed it.

Don't worry we are very aware there will be no courageous or noble efforts. These are not brave people

And they hold no responsibility for damaged lives. Not just jacks. Jacks family, their families and the kids willing to purger themselves for their friends , the police wanting to make a few easy quick bucks for their own families that they need to provide for. There is a mounting list of casualties in all this and more to come at trial ,sadly.

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How one can be harmed and others just got away without charge,It does not matter who start it Even if it was in self defence someone else did so much damage.???

No wander Thailand lawless state and it's police are just joke and as usual corruption smell from even a distance.coffee1.gif

Edited by gigman
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