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Thai vs Filipina

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I was with a Thai girl for several years and now I have a Filipino girlfriend. What I'm enjoying about my Filipino girl is that she is much more educated and is fluent in English. We can talk about things that I could never talk to my Thai girlfriend about. Plus, she has yet to ask me for money. My experience is that Filipino people are hard workers, however, they are a poor people. It is interesting to me that she can make more money in Thailand as a teacher than she can in the Philippines. From my experience, I take a Filipino girl over a Thai or Lao girl any day.

Now, ask me again in a few years.

Good luck.

the filipinos speak much better English, but because they speak better English that dosen't meen they are smarter or more educated...

thai speaks bad English and how to know they are smart and educated isn't easy unless you speak 110% thai...

only because somone don't speak very well English that dosen't meen they are uneducated or stupid....

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The BIG difference by my own experience, is that Filipino women enjoy sex very much, are not tied up by religion believes, and most speak good English. A Filipino woman is a Western with Asian flavor.

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Doesn't matter where a woman is from. If you're inadequate as a man it will come back to bite you regardless of which country you go. Stop running away and fix yourself as a man then all will fall into pieces. Use a mirror as a start lol.

Do you mean women treat men as objecst and all they are lookng for is a pretty face/body?

Adequacy comprises much more than mere looks.

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Let's look at Thai vs Filipina vs Khmer.

Thais, alright in small doses, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Thai women. I was married to a Thai for 22 years, I still don't really know why it crashed and burned.

Filipinas, can lie cheat and steal fluently, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Filipino women. I had a few Filipina GF's but had my fingers burnt every time.

Khmers, many are from very poor backgrounds and appreciate everything without asking for anything. I've been with the same girl 7 years, every day is a delight.

Ultimately there is no defintive answer, it's an individual decision and one man's meat.......

Agree about Khmers....dated briefly a Cambodian girl in Philadelphia....engineering student straight A grades, worked 2 jobs and was just happy to sit down to a fried rice meal after work and school and still smiled all the way. The only problem was I was caring for a sick parent an hour and a half away in NJ and just could not drive there more than once every 2 weeks....ah....what could have been...Molly T. if you read this...give me a call.....

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When does the Asean treaty take effect? That will allow free movement in SE Asia. It would seem that Filipinas would come to Thailand to work as Thai businesses would want to hire English speakers in businesses that deal with farangs. IMHO

See Sunrise Tacos.

A Filipina GF in Thailand might be good.

There is a food truck business in LA that has Flip pork in a corn tortilla. Have 4 trucks now.

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Looks like I hit a nerve with a moderator who deleted my post.

In a nutshell I was saying Pinoys are more honest, genuine and trustworthy than Thai women because they are religious.

I would never trust a Thai.

Ridiculous statement. If you only surround yourself with Thais you can't trust, it says a lot more about you. Birds of a feather....?

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I think the op is in denial. I bet she's regretting hooking up with him for reasons unknown to us but trying to save face by not kicking him out. The shallowness of the op (Thai vs filipina) is an indicator of him seeing women as commodities.

I think that says it all.

As far as this topic of Pl vs Thai women, let me add my useless generalization. My friend brought a beautiful Pl girl over here to LOS and married her. She does speak well and has made him a happy guy. I'm married to a beautiful Thai girl, who treats me like a King. I'm a very lucky guy. I don't think I could go the Pl route at this point of my life for one big reason...the food. My buddy like blend food. I love Thai food.

All the SE Asian countries have similar spiced food with the exception of the Philippines. The number one food there...pork adobo, a vinegar based slow cooking mess. Okay, it's not bad but it's not Thai food. Thai food is simply the best food in the world. Hands down, THE BEST FOOD in the world and my wife does every dish well. My buddy's wife does meat and potatoes.

Of course, love doesn't have a lot to do with food, but it's a big part of life. As Woody Allen says regarding his taking his little Asian daughter as a wife, "The heart want's what it wants." Food doesn't have a lot to do with who you fall in love with.

I love Thai girls. I could love a Phillipino, but I wouldn't be fed nearly as well.

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Sorry if this is the wrong section. Feel free to move.

I have been in a relationship with 2 Thai women only. Both educated. One in Canada and one here in Bangkok.

The current girlfriend has always been nice to me and I appreciate that. She even lets me stay in her own house and doesn't let me contribute even a baht (I wanted my own place, but she was insistent). She never and I mean never asks me for money and has her own job. Very independent. My age is 42, she is 35.

However, we almost never talk about anything. She just goes to work and is glued to her iPad when she's at home. She doesn't have any desire to go anywhere (at my expense), doesn't like to dress up and I don't think we say more than 200 words to each-other during the week. Sex is also non existent. It was great for the first 2 months and then it just stopped. Of course, she blames it on me.

I understand that maybe she's tired from work. I want to talk to her and figure things out, but it's just impossible. I find Thai women are impossible to talk to.

So, which brings me to my next question. How are Filipino women like? One thing that I never liked about them was that they all seem to want to get out of Philippines and go West. Most Thai women don't really want that. However, they do seem to speak the language really well and seem more approachable. Should I just go and see for myself during the next visa run?

Would it not be better to finish with your Thai gf before hunting down a Filipino?

And they say Thais are heartless


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I'm not hunting. I'm inquiring.

It's the same thing!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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May be you are not doing what she like in the bed, why not ask her directly and she guide you. Thai people love their country and want to live in Thailand. The Filipino's on the other hand try to move out to get better life. They are more educated as it is required to get opportunities both in Philippines and abroad. They are very hard worker. I know many of my friends happily married with them and they are really taking good care of family. And the best is they speak good English so you can always talk without having problem.

The problem you have on the other hand can happen to anyone and with any woman in the world no matter which country is she from. Talk it out with her and if things does not improve there is no point in being there unless you either don't mind it with no sex or you can not afford to stay on your own.

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The next flight to Manila - I want it.

Flips are better educated, speak English, hard workers.

I might order two or three.

Put my feet up & count the $$$ as it rolls in.

It is a no lose bet as I see it (or am I blind?)

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Thai v Filipina?

Been there - 1 week - 8 days too long.

Food - a dog wouldn't eat it.

Women - all yours!

??? Pardon my American Brain, Mai Co Chai the above??

Both Thai & Filipino food is good, but if your talking about the women..............Sex?? Filipina's love it, unpaid Thai chicks 'just do it' becus they have too. Filipina's are "fun fun fun till her Daddy takes the T-Bird away" Thai chicks expect you to buy her a T-Bird. I wouldn't marry either one though, more fun being friends.

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Let's look at Thai vs Filipina vs Khmer.

Thais, alright in small doses, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Thai women. I was married to a Thai for 22 years, I still don't really know why it crashed and burned.

Filipinas, can lie cheat and steal fluently, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Filipino women. I had a few Filipina GF's but had my fingers burnt every time.

Khmers, many are from very poor backgrounds and appreciate everything without asking for anything. I've been with the same girl 7 years, every day is a delight.

Ultimately there is no defintive answer, it's an individual decision and one man's meat.......

This guy nailed it.

I don't know, I found Khmer women Jealous and Treacherous - if your a sex worker, there's no room for jealously, I've seen them cross the street to fight a women hangin on the arm of a foreign guy, 'just because she thinks 'He is Mine" they throw acid in other girls faces - no thanks, don't need the Drama. Mild as a kitten one day, a scalded cat the next.

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Let's look at Thai vs Filipina vs Khmer.

Thais, alright in small doses, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Thai women. I was married to a Thai for 22 years, I still don't really know why it crashed and burned.

Filipinas, can lie cheat and steal fluently, but there are many happy souls in relationships with Filipino women. I had a few Filipina GF's but had my fingers burnt every time.

Khmers, many are from very poor backgrounds and appreciate everything without asking for anything. I've been with the same girl 7 years, every day is a delight.

Ultimately there is no defintive answer, it's an individual decision and one man's meat.......

This guy nailed it.

I don't know, I found Khmer women Jealous and Treacherous - if your a sex worker, there's no room for jealously, I've seen them cross the street to fight a women hangin on the arm of a foreign guy, 'just because she thinks 'He is Mine" they throw acid in other girls faces - no thanks, don't need the Drama. Mild as a kitten one day, a scalded cat the next.

Fair point, although I never saw acid on the night time scene in Phnom Penh, but it's been a long while since I visited any bar area anywhere in Asia. From my last expereince several years back it's a world away from the fun days of the 80's and 90's, particularli in BKK.

In my original post I was referring to women outside of the sex industry. With sex workers I reckon it's a given that they are all wonky one way or another. My comparisons were with regard to 'every day women' and not 'haa kin', isn't that what the Thais called/call women selling it for money?

All that said, as I commented in my last post and always do, one man's meat........

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Looks like I hit a nerve with a moderator who deleted my post.

In a nutshell I was saying Pinoys are more honest, genuine and trustworthy than Thai women because they are religious.

I would never trust a Thai.

because they are religious? you are either joking or altogether lacking in intelligence.

as for honest genuine and trustworthy are you talking about the whores or the whole country. personally i find alot of women here in phils remarkably mercenary. I come to manila for money, but i live in thailand.

personally if thai or phils are your two only choices for a partner you should give up now.

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Most of the Filipinas usually are fun to be with, are playful and fun to have conversations with. However, as you mentioned, they all r trying to escape philippines and most of them will expect some kind of monetary compensation as they are genuniely not well paid even holding good jobs.

There are no free-bees, even in the western world. No money, no honey. Filipinas, a least, have their own personal achievement agendas and goals above and beyond the total free-loading mentality so prevalent within Thai culture. Perhaps its the difference in fundamental religious platforms. Who knows?

So, if you're looking for an independently thinking Asian woman, who generally possesses the wherewithal to be a real life (productivity oriented) partner with you, then invest your time, effort and money in either the Philippines, or Vietnam. Those women have grit, especially the Vietnamese.

A Filipina/Vietna will tell you straight-up, that if you can't help her to get out of the Philippines/Vietnam, then she's not interested in wasting her time and effort on you, period! In addition, those womenfolk will take a pro-active part, and actually share in the major decision making processes of a relationship, rather than give you the typical (responsibilty shirking) "up-to-you" reply you get from most Thailas.coffee1.gif

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Sir Charles IV (post #76) has definitely made an excellent point, re: starting with getting your own act together....first!

There are no free-bees, even in the western world. No money, no honey. Filipinas, a least, have their own personal achievement agendas and goals above and beyond the total free-loading mentality so prevalent within Thai culture. Perhaps its the difference in fundamental religious platforms. Who knows?

So, if you're looking for an independently thinking Asian woman, who generally possesses the wherewithal to be a real life (productivity oriented) partner with you, then invest your time, effort and money in either the Philippines, or Vietnam. Those women have grit, especially the Vietnamese.

A Filipina/Vietna will tell you straight-up, that if you can't help her to get out of the Philippines/Vietnam, then she's not interested in wasting her time and effort on you, period! In addition, those womenfolk will take a pro-active part, and actually share in the major decision making processes of a relationship, rather than give you the typical (responsibilty shirking) "up-to-you" reply you'll get from most Thailas.coffee1.gif

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  • 2 years later...

I'm repeating myself but here goes.


5 years in PI:


XXX - it's my birthday, what you give me? 6 months later -  XXX its your birthday, what you give me?


They can lie, cheat and steal fluently, big deal...


It sounds to me like the OP is looking a gift horse in the mouth...Q.E.D.




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On 10/3/2015 at 1:25 PM, Fabricus said:

I once had a GF from the PI. She was an upper class girl from Manila. She lived and worked in BKK; her parents sent her money every month to supplement her income.

She used to call me five times a day. The fifth call killed me: she'd be crying her eyes out and saying how much she loved me. In the end I really hated her.

Your relationship with the Thai girl is over. Move out, and move on.

Your best bet is to enjoy Thailand and focus less on little girlies. Most Thai girls are rather dull.

Thailand is extraordinary in that it has so much to offer. Explore it; discover it; savor it!

.  Fillapinas are dull and lacking personality. Thai girls,  love them or hate them are quirky, eccentric , have odd believes and superstition and are highly sexualized. 

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On 4/11/2018 at 7:39 PM, The manic said:

.  Fillapinas are dull and lacking personality. Thai girls,  love them or hate them are quirky, eccentric , have odd believes and superstition and are highly sexualized. 

they, like any other woman, arent sexualized towards anyone past 40,

like OP is

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14 hours ago, poanoi said:

they, like any other woman, arent sexualized towards anyone past 40,

like OP is


14 hours ago, poanoi said:

they, like any other woman, arent sexualized towards anyone past 40,

like OP is

Speak for yourself.  Fortunately for me that has not been my experience. 5555 Tried the bubble wrap and olive oil with three birds at once? No? If any chicks are up for it ...Thai girls are. You stick to your once weakly Sunday sessions if your wife lets you. Leave sex to we hedonists and life lovers..

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/4/2015 at 11:58 AM, TuskegeeBen said:

Ditto! An upper-class girl from the Manila, working in Thailand, who's family sends her a monthly stipend (from Manila) to supplement her Thai income? Now that's a crocodile dance story, if ever there wascheesy.gif

Yeah, you are probably right. The last time I was in BKK, I had dinner with a Filipina who works for the UN in BKK. Her family is well to do, so I am not sure if they send her money or not. She has a house and car paid for by the UN in BKK as well as her own house and car in Cebu. She is still single and enjoys considerable travel with her UN job and always has money.  I have known her for over 20 years. She is a classmate of my wife. Yeah, as I was saying, you are probably right. 

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