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ISIL operations centre in Idlib, Syria ‘destroyed’ by Russian airstrike

Lite Beer

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In another post Publicus quotes information he gained from the 'Syrian Observatory for Human Rights'. The SOHR was long ago exposed as a one man band propaganda front. Despite it's grand sounding title it is operated by one man, Abdul Rahman, from a small house in Coventry, a small town in the West Midlands of England. A member of the so called 'opposition' in Syria, who is funded by the EU and one other European country, almost certainly the UK. Rahman fled Syria in 2000 when two colleagues were arrested for anti government activities, and was smuggled into Britain, where the British Government re settled him in Coventry, where he set up his fraudulent one man band propaganda unit, which has now been operating for at least ten years. And people still believe that this current Syrian crisis started with a 'spontaneous' uprising by the people in 2013, with The West playing no part! Pull the other one!


Can anyone factually deny the authenticity of the videos and reports from within Syria that he facilitates? Very easy for yet another 'alternate' media outlet to critique with comments such as "intentionally falsified intelligence reports designed specifically to justify the West’s hegemonic designs" - where is the proof?

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Russia did more damage inn3 days than US managed in 3 years.

Instant myth, rhetoric, PR. Add Russian bullshit and mix.

Now come 150,000 Russian troops in to the ME in addition to Iran combat forces on the ground in Syria, China docking its single aircraft carrier at Tartus with designs to send CCP pilots on missions into Syria in the Middle East. Baghdad is aligned with Russia, Assad and the rest of 'em.

This is already looking worse than the United States in Iraq courtesy of Bush-Cheney.

The alarms and red lights are going off in Riyahd, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Beruit, the Gulf states, Kuwait, throughout North Africa and in Ankara which yesterday chased a Russian fighter plane out of Turkey airspace and for which Putin apologized. SecDef Ashton Carter is in Rome today meeting with all the Nato allies.

Putin's economy is going deeper and deeper into the tank, Putin is stymied in Ukraine, so now Putin is going for broke in Syria and the Middle East.

It's of small comfort this isn't the Guns of August nor is it Poland 1939....not yet.

I realize for a patriot like yourself, truth does not sit well.

Thankfully enough people have their eyes open to see the facts.

But please continue to trump your own horn and beat your chest.

Do not worry about Putins economy, it is not in trillions of dollars in debt, worry about yoursthumbsup.gif

Despite your deep belief in US military superiority and Russian inferior military, Putin did more damage than the mighty US in over a year and 5 billion dollars down the drain.

A good reason why US administration and allies have shut up and sitting quietly.

In Ukraine, they were not so quite, now seeing just a few planes, and missiles, they do not dare to open their mouth, but a few silly statements.

In Ukraine, they were sending more troops and money and military gear, and training and- and -and -and

Now in Syria all over sudden they are ONLY prepared giggle.gif

In another post Publicus quotes information he gained from the 'Syrian Observatory for Human Rights'. The SOHR was long ago exposed as a one man band propaganda front. Despite it's grand sounding title it is operated by one man, Abdul Rahman, from a small house in Coventry, a small town in the West Midlands of England. A member of the so called 'opposition' in Syria, who is funded by the EU and one other European country, almost certainly the UK. Rahman fled Syria in 2000 when two colleagues were arrested for anti government activities, and was smuggled into Britain, where the British Government re settled him in Coventry, where he set up his fraudulent one man band propaganda unit, which has now been operating for at least ten years. And people still believe that this current Syrian crisis started with a 'spontaneous' uprising by the people in 2013, with The West playing no part! Pull the other one!


The people who support dictators and tyrants such as Assad and Putin will publish and believe what they like and the things they themselves need to believe.

Those over here on the other side recognise the hit jobs done by the fringe media that support Assad and Putin. We on this side also recognise and respect the credibility attained by the Syria Observatory for Human Rights since it was founded in Syria in 2006 by Syrians to protect activists against the Assad regime.

The Observatory has 230 native Syrians on the ground in Syria to include doctors, military, Alawites on the coast Four coordinators assemble information they then transmit to UK where it is confirmed. No one to include the UN has an exactly accurate figure of the deaths and refugees from the civil war.

The Observatory has a viable credibility that applies over the long term.

“Generally, the information on the killings of civilians is very good, definitely one of the best, including the details on the conditions in which people were supposedly killed,” said Neil Sammonds, a Mideast researcher for Amnesty International.

Money from two dress shops covers his minimal needs for reporting on the conflict, along with small subsidies from the European Union and one European country that [Mr. Rahman] declines to identify.


The Assad people would ignore the Observatory if it were not widely respected, credible, reliable. The Observatory is approaching its tenth consecutive year because it has all three qualities.

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