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CM Immigration makes strange Condominium visit ...

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Nothing to worry about and it's happening in different parts of the country. They are visiting foreigners living in houses too.

Overstayers are the only ones that should be worried by these checks.

And those working illegally.whistling.gif

Explain how in your infinite wisdom someone working illegally in Thailand needs to worry about immigration oficers visiting condos and homes. Visiting schools, maybe, condos and homes highly unlikely.

They do go about the neighborhood and ask others about your doings. They want to know that your money is not being made illegally.wink.png

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And how would the people in someone's neighborhood have any idea on their doings unless they are either speculating or the person in question is wearing a sign stating "illegal worker here." I can't imagine many illegal workers going around bragging to their neighbors that they are working illegally.

Edited by ldiablo
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And how would the people in someone's neighborhood have any idea on their doings unless they are either speculating or the person in question is wearing a sign stating "illegal worker here." I can't imagine many illegal workers going around bragging to their neighbors that they are working illegally.

But the wife/girlfriend or "significant other" might !

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Explain how in your infinite wisdom someone working illegally in Thailand needs to worry about immigration oficers visiting condos and homes. Visiting schools, maybe, condos and homes highly unlikely.

I do know IT Consultants working from their home in Thailand, and when you see their "computer room" it's clearly obvious that this is a work office, not just a desktop to surf the Internet...

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Explain how in your infinite wisdom someone working illegally in Thailand needs to worry about immigration oficers visiting condos and homes. Visiting schools, maybe, condos and homes highly unlikely.

I do know IT Consultants working from their home in Thailand, and when you see their "computer room" it's clearly obvious that this is a work office, not just a desktop to surf the Internet...

So you can't be organized, or have a study room, without being "an illegal worker" then? Preposterous x)

If it wouldn't've cost a crapload of money - I would've shipped everything from my study - and yeh it could look like an "office" to someone who doesn't give a dick about how they care about their paperwork & comfort in general clap2.gifcheesy.gif I also have a work permit & a nice office for actual WORK too, but should I need to redecorate my study with beany bags or anything to the amount of ridiculousness you're implying it would just make me facepalm.gif

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The CM Imm. officials making the home visits aren't interested in whether the foreigner is working out of a home office. They just want to know if the proper TM30 form has been submitted and in the case of the retired guys living in the sticks whether they're really living at the address and if they're making bombs in the garden shed. If they spend all day sitting in a room surrounded by the latest high-tech gear, they don't care if they're writing well paid copy for an overseas publication or posting on Thai Visa.

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My immigration office is in Nan and they have never mentioned the TM.30 form to me after 10 yrs of living in Thailand. Like some have mentioned I guess it all comes down to the head Immigration officer and what he has been told or chooses to enforce.

Same for me here in Ubon.

Did my 8th extension based upon marriage in August and it was not asked for. I guess the rental contract for the house we are renting plus a map to it and my wife's house book for our house up in the village is enough.


Download it and see. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/pdf/tm30.pdf

Or click this link for the document format, Notification Form for House Master, Owner, or the Possessor of The Residence Where Aliens Have Stay (TM.30)

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Side note. Last night at Swampy friend landed. and it took over 2 hours to clear immigration. Why? Immigration was having everyone report their place of stay and a phone number no exceptions.

Security theatre Thai style...like a tourist is supposed to know the phone number of the hotel they're staying at. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Side note. Last night at Swampy friend landed. and it took over 2 hours to clear immigration. Why? Immigration was having everyone report their place of stay and a phone number no exceptions.

Security theatre Thai style...like a tourist is supposed to know the phone number of the hotel they're staying at.

Yes, actually shouldn't you? I always printout the confirmation from Agoda or whatever website I used to make the reservation, along with the page from the hotel's website about how to find them once I arrive. How else am I going to find the place? What if plans change and I need to contact the hotel.

Yeesh. No wonder some tourists arrive in my home town of Chiang Mai and haven't a clue.

Oh wait a minute. You mean some people arrive at a destination without a reservation? No wonder we see people wandering around the streets of Chiang Mai toting luggage and looking lost. Not a good plan, especially for someone who just arrived from an international flight and is probably tired. Can be very dicey during high season.

Edited by NancyL
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  • 2 weeks later...

I notice from recent posts and from Udon Thani Immigration that they are starting to get bogged down and are finding it difficult to keep up with these rules and Police Visits. With the "30 days pending approval" stretching to 60 days now.

I wonder how many of these "30 days pending approval" can we have. Will a time come when we have to wait a year to get a 1 year extension?

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