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Even a broken clock is right twice a day..

Ah but, there you're wrong. Like everything else, Thai time is different than the real world. Inconveniently cut in quarters to make it last longer that therefore some are always in a different space and time not really comprehending what difference anything makes when Mars has no more water. Just as long as they can still return there for awhile in meditation.

Sabai sabai is all that matters if the finances are ok and they don't really have to know much else or care to. Kind of like living on Timothy Leary's planet.

I suspect that at least half relates to this gentleman's problem being somewhat exacerbated beyond the norm, that took me ages to identify. There's an old Twilight Zone episode should catch sometime that helped.

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women everywhere learn early in their lives that men are nor to be trusted with the important things; because the male is the gender that starts wars and performs acts of rape and barbarism.

Face it, men have gotten a bad rap after millennia of acting badly with that pillage thing. OTOH, most educated women would never expect a female Mozart or Einstein to appear.....IMO women want to be in control because they only have all that baby-making machinery 'down there' and so become mothers, nurses and whores, etc.and cannot surmount that role...Women ARE smarter than men in many respects Its a simple matter of the distribution of role policies, and in America, women are competing with men on their own turf-which is a sad mistake.

hashtag #hormonesoutofbalance. 555555


I have come to the conclusion that no matter how many times she "nods" in agreement with what I have just said.......she hasn't listened to one word of it.....or....to be more precise....she may have listened....but she didn't "hear" one word of it. (or visa-versa, no sure myself now. getting all confused...but you'd still have to love them....would ye?).


Ha ha.. yes, they do that -- I knew a Thai lady in USA and she found a new BF there and moved in with him -- I saw her a few days later and she looked shell shocked… her new BF was totally freaked that she went through and organized his desk for him… well, reorganized.

The key is to not let it bother you. Things get misplaced but no harm done really.

I dated a Thai woman in her late 40s (but very sexy) who lived in Reno. She never failed to ask for money. Why not just stop the pretense and charge me like a ho?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day..

Ah but, there you're wrong. Like everything else, Thai time is different than the real world. Inconveniently cut in quarters to make it last longer that therefore some are always in a different space and time not really comprehending what difference anything makes when Mars has no more water. Just as long as they can still return there for awhile in meditation.

Sabai sabai is all that matters if the finances are ok and they don't really have to know much else or care to. Kind of like living on Timothy Leary's planet.

I suspect that at least half relates to this gentleman's problem being somewhat exacerbated beyond the norm, that took me ages to identify. There's an old Twilight Zone episode should catch sometime that helped.

Uhm...I'm confused.


all women think they are right through out the world and her cleaning up and doing this stuff really is checking on what your up to thai women are very jelouse with farang husband as frightened they may lose them and there secrurity and status in life


My TW nags when we are in the car. She says my shouting and gesticulating with one finger is not the Thai way. I should drive like she does. I say if I drive like Thais do we would of been dead years ago. Am I right or am I right ? Only ferlung must answer.

Not only wrong, but potentially "dead wrong." Either by inevitable catastrophic 'accident,' retribution, stroke, or any combination of the three. This is not the place to inflict farang idio(t)syncrasies on others. The saying, "When in Rome..." was born for a reason. 'Dunning-Kruger' has always been in full effect in Thailand. And I do not mean, among the Thai.


My TW nags when we are in the car. She says my shouting and gesticulating with one finger is not the Thai way. I should drive like she does. I say if I drive like Thais do we would of been dead years ago. Am I right or am I right ? Only ferlung must answer.

Not only wrong, but potentially "dead wrong." Either by inevitable catastrophic 'accident,' retribution, stroke, or any combination of the three. This is not the place to inflict farang idio(t)syncrasies on others. The saying, "When in Rome..." was born for a reason. 'Dunning-Kruger' has always been in full effect in Thailand. And I do not mean, among the Thai.

This a very comprehensive & detailed response.

What does it mean?

My intuition - road fatalities. Close?


Because most lack the ability to judge what is best. It's a flaw in the education system, they are taught what is best rather than being taught how to determine what's best.

Really, i must be lucky then, my wife has the ability to judge what is best.......


all women think they are right through out the world and her cleaning up and doing this stuff really is checking on what your up to thai women are very jelouse with farang husband as frightened they may lose them and there secrurity and status in life

Mickey you're think too mutt.

She's cleaning his desk because she thinks it needs cleaning. Some Thai women are fanatical about keefon, no more no less. The OP needs to recognize when he's being cared for and stop fretting about his first world problems.

However don't expect her to lose face by actually admitting you are right if she's taken the opposite tack to you. Never gonna happen. I tease mine sometimes about her driving skills. It's always someone else's fault or more likely mine because I didn't warn her or because I did warn her or because I taught her.She knows she's being totally unreasonable when she puts on that stubborn grin and says "Wanna fight?"


Because you are in Thailand, and she knows a lot of things here that you don't know.

If I tell my wife I want to do something and she says no, I will always listen to her as she knows about things here in Thailand I do not know.

Every time my wife suggests what I should or should not do in Thailand, I always listen to her, although I still want to know her reasons.

After ten years here together, she has never been wrong.

After ten years here you still need to be told what you can and cant do, by your mother wife? blink.png

And you have it all figured out, do ya?

I've been married nearly 20 years to a Thai, lived here for more than 20, run a business here, been in countless social situations, and yep, there are still circumstances where I don't understand why the Thai person is upset/not upset, what is wanted or needed, etc... And I rely mostly on my wife to give me some perspective on the situation. "She feels hurt because he said this, so she expects... and meanwhile, face lost over there, and... blah blah. So just give her the hundred baht and we go."

Because nobody is direct here, avoiding confrontation like the plague, there is an elaborate system of signals, nigh on invisible to the farang eye, and no matter how long you are here and how often you observe, you'll never be able to fully grasp certain situations unaided. If you don't actually inhabit the value system, it can be tricky.

In this micro regard, it is true that foreigners "Don't understand" Thais, but authorities have a tendency to extend this to us not understanding why it is perfectly cool to use foreign slaves on fishing vessels... Or declare scapegoats guilty in a murder trial... "Can you not see with your own two eyes what is as plain as the duck egg in your monkey's garden? If they are not executed for the crime they did not commit, an important person will lose face - and you wish to see this? The embarrassment would be crippling to all who witness it... therefore the guilty verdict must proceed. Do you not understand simple logic?"

Quite often, the dilemma in life for us is not found in our ability to understand, but in our willingness to accept, then live in accordance with our new understanding. This is a tough task for the global traveler. More often than not it involves adaptation of an entirely new ethical parameters. Most learn only under pain of death here, that if we do not shed at least some geographically obsolete western preconceptions, our journey will continue to be 'fraught with peril,' and in the end, pointlessly so. The reality is certainly not going to change. Everything, right down to the laws of Thai physics, for us is unique unto itself. A fascinating place. Not good, not bad. Just fascinating. And a great place to call home.

Concise, and for the most part, spot on, Globeman.


One of the base tenets of Thai Culture is that Thailand and therefore its people ARE better than any other nation or peoples.

This automatically makes a Thai know best, how the heck could they possibly not know best !

That is the thought process, in fact, thought, isn't necessary.


I crack a wobbly,something my missus is unlikely to forget,but after 11 years this has lost its effect.Now we co exist,putting up with each others imperfections.I was border line diabetic and had to cut down on rice,took the missus 3 weeks to wake up.I just ate less and gave the rest to the dogs.If you want to sleep under my hospital bed for a few weeks keep it up.Anyway,i do my own breaky and lunch now and all is good in the home.

If you really want people to read and understand your post, you might try using phrases that all have a chance of understanding. Now please explain " crack a wobbly". I guessed that "breaky" is breakfast.


I crack a wobbly,something my missus is unlikely to forget,but after 11 years this has lost its effect.Now we co exist,putting up with each others imperfections.I was border line diabetic and had to cut down on rice,took the missus 3 weeks to wake up.I just ate less and gave the rest to the dogs.If you want to sleep under my hospital bed for a few weeks keep it up.Anyway,i do my own breaky and lunch now and all is good in the home.

If you really want people to read and understand your post, you might try using phrases that all have a chance of understanding. Now please explain " crack a wobbly". I guessed that "breaky" is breakfast.
"Crack a wobbly"....to pass wind while receiving oral sex.

Now read again.


I crack a wobbly,something my missus is unlikely to forget,but after 11 years this has lost its effect.Now we co exist,putting up with each others imperfections.I was border line diabetic and had to cut down on rice,took the missus 3 weeks to wake up.I just ate less and gave the rest to the dogs.If you want to sleep under my hospital bed for a few weeks keep it up.Anyway,i do my own breaky and lunch now and all is good in the home.

If you really want people to read and understand your post, you might try using phrases that all have a chance of understanding. Now please explain " crack a wobbly". I guessed that "breaky" is breakfast.

I understand the post and agree with him...thumbsup.gif

I do not understand the post BUT agree with him.


I crack a wobbly,something my missus is unlikely to forget,but after 11 years this has lost its effect.Now we co exist,putting up with each others imperfections.I was border line diabetic and had to cut down on rice,took the missus 3 weeks to wake up.I just ate less and gave the rest to the dogs.If you want to sleep under my hospital bed for a few weeks keep it up.Anyway,i do my own breaky and lunch now and all is good in the home.

If you really want people to read and understand your post, you might try using phrases that all have a chance of understanding. Now please explain " crack a wobbly". I guessed that "breaky" is breakfast.

I understand the post and agree with him...thumbsup.gif

I do not understand the post BUT agree with him.

Now I understand the post BUT do not agree with him


Refuse to eat the food you tell her not to make. Then go prepare for yourself what you really need. Do this several times and she may be shamed into doing what you want.

No need to shame her through scorn or shaming words. Just smile, stay calm and say: I can not eat this. It will make me sick. So I go make food for myself."

Speaking personally for myself: If this would backfire and she stopped making my meals, then I'd leave her. I know that's harsh but in my relationship cooking is my wife's job, and I have my jobs ... number one being I supply all the money. Fortunately I have a great wife who has learned what I will and won't eat ... and what I love to eat ... and she's very happy to supply it.


My TW nags when we are in the car. She says my shouting and gesticulating with one finger is not the Thai way. I should drive like she does. I say if I drive like Thais do we would of been dead years ago. Am I right or am I right ? Only ferlung must answer.

Well, I think you are right, but don`t tell the wife I said so


For me, my GF tries.. I know at times her ideas leave me with more questions than anything else, but I can't overlook the fact that she is trying to help or offer solutions.

For me it would be different if her intentions were to be intrusive, ill-willed or the like, but for me, I know her intentions are good.

Plus, at times she does have good ideas, so I not to quick to dismiss them all. Sure, some of her ideas are just not credible, but I don't get mad because I know she's trying to be a "partner" and help.


I've got a momma, with five sisters; a wife, with four daughters, and six grand-daughters. The complete catastrophe. Believe me, it's not a phenomenon, peculiar only to Thai womencoffee1.gif

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