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Panthongtae gives Bt7 million reward to police

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Panthongtae gives Bt7 million reward to police
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- FORMER prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's son Panthongtae has handed Bt7 million to police that he offered as a reward to anyone with information leading to arrest of people behind the August 17 Erawan Shrine bombing, he said in a Facebook post Saturday.

But Panthongtae also noted certain suspicious points that remain unanswered in the police investigation that led to the arrests of two prime suspects allegedly involved in the fatal attack, which left 20 dead and more than 100 others injured.

He said on his Facebook page that his employees had given the money to the Royal Thai Police earlier yesterday.

"I have no worry about giving the Bt7 million reward. I have been ready [to do this] for so long," Panthongtae said in his post Saturday.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Panthongtae-gives-Bt7-million-reward-to-police-30270145.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-03

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What a good boy, daddy will be pleased. So will the coppers.thumbsup.gif

I wonder if it's enough to make the Redshirt angle and leads disappear. I can't believe all the rozzers think it is the Uighur minority to blame, and must have been curious at the very least, by the strong of coincidence around Mr T about to lose his police ranking, the rice mortgage case against lil' sis, other lieutenants of the UDD and PTP being hounded out of town and the implications of the draft constitution, to wonder if the bombing had anything to do with the man in Dubai? But now Oak may have made the inconvenient loose ends just wither up, like a rice stalk in the December winds. whistling.gif


Why does the police receive this money?

The money was supposed to be for anyone with information leading to arrest of people behind the August 17 Erawan Shrine bombing.

The police only could make the arrests because some people gave them information.


What a good boy, daddy will be pleased. So will the coppers.thumbsup.gif

I wonder if it's enough to make the Redshirt angle and leads disappear. I can't believe all the rozzers think it is the Uighur minority to blame, and must have been curious at the very least, by the strong of coincidence around Mr T about to lose his police ranking, the rice mortgage case against lil' sis, other lieutenants of the UDD and PTP being hounded out of town and the implications of the draft constitution, to wonder if the bombing had anything to do with the man in Dubai? But now Oak may have made the inconvenient loose ends just wither up, like a rice stalk in the December winds. whistling.gif

Exactly what I was thinking. I don't buy the 'Uighur's did it all themselves' at all - how come they had the bomb factory all set up long before those people got deported ?. And we have a guy who has made a full confession - but he did it to return a favor for a mate ?. Jesus - I wonder what his mate did for him to make it worth put a pipe bomb in a tourist hot-spot in return. No motive at all and no Mr Big in sight.

The angle on the red-shirt bomber must have a few people sweating. This might just be the ticket to have that line of inquiry dropped.


The cost of staying relevant / in the news = 7 mill for spoiled dynasty brat.

Pantongtae could have done much more for his cause by donating the 7 million baht to assist some really distressed farmers and that might have had a more positive reception by the Thai people.

Handing millions over to the corrupt RTP is not a smart move.


Why does the police receive this money?

The money was supposed to be for anyone with information leading to arrest of people behind the August 17 Erawan Shrine bombing.

The police only could make the arrests because some people gave them information.

Im sure the COPS will share it........After all they are a very caring bunch.whistling.gif


No one should be surprised far less shocked at anything the BIB do especially when it involves money but where's the leadership from the PM ?

Given Mr.T's status as a wanted fugitive and the general attitude towards the Shin family the BIB should have been ordered not to accept the cas as it would be totally inappropriate to do so. The PM has failed miserably as a leader and no doubt one of the potential excuses will be that a reward to the BIB for such ' great work ' should not be withheld.

Forget leadership, transparency ,morality, politics, anything you can name as once again we see that in LoS money is the real name of the game.


Just think about Ponthantaes future should a serious crime be committed by him and how the following investigation will be handled. This guy may just be giving this money to the cops to protect himself from being implicated or to get rid of any evidence now?? Or in the future.


Just think about Ponthantaes future should a serious crime be committed by him and how the following investigation will be handled. This guy may just be giving this money to the cops to protect himself from being implicated or to get rid of any evidence now?? Or in the future.

A good move by the Shin's to keep some of the BIB onside at least and the ' brains trust ' supposedly running the country can't see there's more to the payment than the cover story of a reward for ' great ' police work.


Just think about Ponthantaes future should a serious crime be committed by him and how the following investigation will be handled. This guy may just be giving this money to the cops to protect himself from being implicated or to get rid of any evidence now?? Or in the future.

A good move by the Shin's to keep some of the BIB onside at least and the ' brains trust ' supposedly running the country can't see there's more to the payment than the cover story of a reward for ' great ' police work.


Panthongtae gives Bt7 million reward to police
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- FORMER prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's son Panthongtae has handed Bt7 million to police that he offered as a reward to anyone with information leading to arrest of people behind the August 17 Erawan Shrine bombing, he said in a Facebook post yesterday.

But Panthongtae also noted certain suspicious points that remain unanswered in the police investigation that led to the arrests of two prime suspects allegedly involved in the fatal attack, which left 20 dead and more than 100 others injured.

He said on his Facebook page that his employees had given the money to the Royal Thai Police earlier yesterday.

"I have no worry about giving the Bt7 million reward. I have been ready [to do this] for so long," Panthongtae said in his post yesterday.

However, there were unanswered questions still in his mind. He said relevant authorities gave conflicting news about the investigation. He also alleged that there were attempts to link this bombing to domestic politics.

Panthongtae said he wanted Bt5 million to be given to police whose straightforward investigative work led to the arrests, and the remaining Bt2 million to any informant who gave information that led to the arrests.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Panthongtae-gives-Bt7-million-reward-to-police-30270144.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-04


Is there no end to this folly. From what I see the BiB have no idea who they have arrested, just appear to be patsies to me.

There's another 5 million for their inept efforts from a family trying to crawl above the law. bah.gif


The thought that the reds were behind the Erawan bomb never even crossed my mind, until Thaksin's payment of 7m for the arrest of a non-proven bomber with seemingly no real motive. It is almost as if big T wants this case closed asap. I wonder why? As with everything Thaksin does, for his serious observers, his real motives are clear. In this case to nip in the bud any public link between Thaksin and red bomb whackjob Odd.


Thaksin's payment of 7m baht has to be more about favours to old chums or for the RTP to turn a blind eye!


BiB...............The best money can buy.coffee1.gif

Well, money can buy them.

More correctly, money does buy them.


Here you go rotten tomatoes!

And extra 5 mil for you, oh yeah, you had better slip the other 2 mil to the civilians that led you to your first arrest.

Even though Somyot has retired, he is probably expecting his ex gracia cut too!

PM (and devotees) may tell everyone that they have the power in Thailand, BUT this demonstrates the reality is very, very different.

What a nice touch - the money is even wrapped in brown paper.

At least isn't KTB binding.



Conflict of interest ? ..these people love to do it with the lights on

And where are those Shin / red shirt apologists ..yes, those in favour of corruption.

And where is Chalerm ?


The RTP stronger and more influential than the government.

A military government!

Do you seriously believe the Royal Thai Police are more powerful than the Royal Thai Army?


The RTP stronger and more influential than the government.

A military government!

Do you seriously believe the Royal Thai Police are more powerful than the Royal Thai Army?

We can only hope that we never get to see a showdown between them!

A guaranteed lose-lose scenario for everyone.

RTP numbers estimated between 230,000 and 250,000 - and the new chief wants them to get better weapons.

RTA numbers estimated around 190,000.

RTAF around 45,000.

RTN around 71,000.


The thought that the reds were behind the Erawan bomb never even crossed my mind, until Thaksin's payment of 7m for the arrest of a non-proven bomber with seemingly no real motive. It is almost as if big T wants this case closed asap. I wonder why? As with everything Thaksin does, for his serious observers, his real motives are clear. In this case to nip in the bud any public link between Thaksin and red bomb whackjob Odd.

The Bangkok Post today say that the lawyer who is representing Yingluck in the rice pledging scheme once sought bail for Khun Odd.

There must be some connection.


The RTP stronger and more influential than the government.

A military government!

Do you seriously believe the Royal Thai Police are more powerful than the Royal Thai Army?

The government could be more proactive in asserting it's authority in matters concerning the at times unusual or alleged lawbreaking practices of it's police force.

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