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Survey shows most primary and secondary students want less homeworks and reports

Lite Beer

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At the school my 10 y/o daughter attends they start at 8:30 and ends 15:30 . When she gets home she often has 2 hours of homework .

I think the kids are right .

Depends if they want to be as well educated as other countries. Want to be a dummy, fine dont bother studying.

studying isn't about only time spend on study , it's the quality of the teachers , Thai kids spend the most time in school in asean , but still score very low in this region .

sending them home with a lot of homework is a sign the teachers are not qualyfied .

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Is there any surprise that kids don't want to get brainwashed ?

Seems they are much smarter than the posters in this forum who love them

to be brainwashed and educated to be perfect slaves of the economy.

Kids should play and be happy !

Most of what they are taught in school is big BS !!! [no difference if in the West or in Thailand]

Then there are the uneducated who always want everybody else to join their club.

Honestly, I am working very hard to un-educate myself and finally become a sane human being again.

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"Secondary students also want unnecessary content to be removed".

So they want their school day to be reduced to an hour and a half!

There is a lot of unnecessary stuff put to them. Get rid of it. Quality, not quantity.

Yup. As long as you can write your name in Thai and English, you graduate...

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Hell when I was a kid I got up at 3 am milked the cows fed the chickens then took bath ate breakfast walked up hill both ways in the snow with no shoes to school Then after school plowed the field did my homework Computers? hell we just got TV and before bed slop the pigs. If I was lucky got my butt whipped if I got anything less than a B

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Do any of the posters on here know how much homework a Thai student gets every day? Or is it just another excuse to bash Thailand?

I taught some high school in Surin, not that that is indicative. But 10th grade students didn't have enough homework to keep them out of the reggae bar all night...

Edited by krdowney
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Honestly, without bashing, this issue is really problematic. I know I never did my homework as a kid, I was out playing basketball until the sun went down (no, I wasn't very good). The issue is that my parents and my teachers and my principal all made it clear to me that I SHOULD be doing my homework. That finally clicked in after my second year of college and I pulled my education out of the fire. Okay, that was me, not everybody. But here, there is a widely held belief among teachers and parents and principals that homework is not important, which teaches causes problems for the students in two ways.

First, they don't learn as much school. Classwork and homework reinforce each other; simple as that. Second, they don't learn that they should learn something in school. This is the real problem because students who continue their education after mathayom do not appreciate the importance of studying outside of class. I have university students from 1st years to masters who tell me in conversation that homework and analytical thought are just Western ideas that we are trying to imprint on them. This shows my students are smart, but they are raw and undisciplined and there is no way they can grasp the subject matter in any of their classes without doing work at home.

To give them credit, they will do their homework for the distinguished Thai assistant and associate professors, mainly out of respect, and that is proper. They also tend to not do homework for the foreign teachers because we are not respected as much, which is understandable here. But I will tell you this, few students believe that any homework assignment is necessary, and many don't attend class, and then they want to make honors so they can go to a Dutch or British or Japanese uni for their MA. They lack the work ethic necessary, and I think it comes from their culture telling them that studying is unimportant or harmful. I also have some brilliant students who do work that is commendable. But their classmates don't understand why they do it.

Homework is as much about discipline as education. These two features are in retreat globally, sad to say.

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Thailand students are already at the bottom of learning education in Asia. To many phones and games to play. Not many good teachers who can keep there interest. I meet a Thai English teacher who could not speak English. I volunteer to teach and the children do not want me to leave. I have a house and Thai wife in Thailand but there educational system is a total wreck. Thailand,s hope is in there children but with mother leaving there children with grand parents who have no schooling and do not care what they do. If no change Thailand is doomed!

Build it and they will come the ones that want to learn anyways.

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I agree. What is the point of just another worksheet about the same material covered in class? I teach here and I don't assign much homework. It's busywork as far as I'm concerned. I see colleagues give out massive amounts of daily work and really wonder if it helps. I prefer to ask my students to pay attention in class and when they are not in school, enjoy their free time. Isn't that what most adults want?

At the school my 10 y/o daughter attends they start at 8:30 and ends 15:30 . When she gets home she often has 2 hours of homework .

I think the kids are right .

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I agree. What is the point of just another worksheet about the same material covered in class? I teach here and I don't assign much homework. It's busywork as far as I'm concerned. I see colleagues give out massive amounts of daily work and really wonder if it helps. I prefer to ask my students to pay attention in class and when they are not in school, enjoy their free time. Isn't that what most adults want?

At the school my 10 y/o daughter attends they start at 8:30 and ends 15:30 . When she gets home she often has 2 hours of homework .

I think the kids are right .

How does a teacher know if a student is attentive in class or understand what have been taught?

Homework and assignments provide the feedback as well as the attitude in learning of the child. Short incomplete answers or copying others provide the clues.

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Yeah, less homeworks would be good.

Eat less sugars and drink less coffees too.

and maybe they eat too much rices!

Hey, Thai PBS.....is homework a countable or uncountable noun?

If they can't distinguish between the two, how on earth can the kids?

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We all wanted less homework when we were at school. What happened?? We did the bloody homework because that's what your supposed to do. I must admit my mum had to sometimes use parental control to make sure I did it, but it was done. To be honest primary school kids should not have mobile phones, if they do, the home room teacher should collect them and if there is a call from a parent take appropriate action regarding the call. At high school/ university the students should be able to keep their phones but if they are being misused during class they receive minus points that go towards there end of year scores. I know, I am living a dream and it will never happen but that's my stand point on this.

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Is there any surprise that kids don't want to get brainwashed ?

Seems they are much smarter than the posters in this forum who love them

to be brainwashed and educated to be perfect slaves of the economy.

Kids should play and be happy !

Most of what they are taught in school is big BS !!! [no difference if in the West or in Thailand]

Did you have a good education or are you essentially a drop out of the system? Sounds like the latter to me

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