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Thai man massively overcharged at national park because he looks like a farang


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<deleted> Racism here. I am absolutely sick of it. Applies in every corner of this land. I refuse to pay the additional and if they insist I walk away.

First, it is not racism, non-Thai Asians are also charged as foreigners--many, like my wife, simply shut their mouths and pay the Thai price. However, having dual pricing systems on tourist attractions is rather common around the world. For example, Disney World in Orlando, Florida charges Florida residents less than residents of other US states--and those are all Americans who are being charged different prices. The reason, according to Disney World management, is to encourage more locals to see the attractions. Perhaps the Thais simply want more Thais to be able to enjoy the attractions and want foreigners to pay for a greater share of the expenses incurred. It is sound business logic and has served its purpose if foreign attendance does not wane. So, if you don't like it, don't go.

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

Wake up mate. It is not only tourists who visit these places, many of us living here are on pensions. About 6 yrs ago i went to a national park near Mukdahan with 4 Thais, they were allowed in free, but i had to pay. I was not really interested, so i stayed in the car. They were back within 15 mins that's how interesting it was. rolleyes.gif

And you can't spare 200/400 baht from your 65,000 baht per month income!

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F@@@###ing Racism here. I am absolutely sick of it. Applies in every corner of this land. I refuse to pay the additional and if they insist I walk away.

Me too, If they wont accept my Thai driving license then I tel the to **** Off.

Please everyone if you get charged more than a Thai to enter somewhere then walk away, if enough people do it then they will have no choice but to stop it.

That's not necessarily the right response either -- I'm from Delaware in the US, and in-state residents pay less than out-of-state visitors to enter state parks and other state government-run facilities, perhaps by 50 percent. The rationale is, Delaware residents pay state taxes that help upkeep the parks, whereas out-of-staters don't. That seems fair to me, and I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that that's at least part of the rationale at play here. However, having to pay ten times the local rate is certainly excessive, and producing a national ID card should end any argument.

Foreigners have to pay 200 baht (last I checked) to visit the Grand Palace in Bangkok and other major sites, whereas Thais get in for free -- is that fair?

Perfectly fair!

It is fair. Most Thais go to the Grand Palace to make merit, most tourists go there to sightsee. One also can't really make any comparisons between highly "developed" countries such as Japan, US, Europe and their policies with other places that highly rely on tourism as a money maker. Non Indians pay a relatively whopping fee to enter the Taj Mahal and any Indian national parks. As a visitor to Sri Lanka, I pay 10 times the going rate to enter Yala National Park or any of the big Buddhist historic sites. At Angkor Wat, I pay 20x what Khmers pay, and at the pyramids in Gaza, I am charged well above what an Egyptian pays. If you are not Kenyan, you pay a whopping fee to go to Masai Mara and if you aren't Tanzanian, your Serengeti and Kilimanjaro fees will be huge. However, for the most part at all of the above sights, I feel my money is well spent and that I am seeing some of the world's most amazing attractions. On the other hand, you don't pay extra to enter a US or Canadian national park if you aren't from there, and Norway and Japan don't even charge anyone. I don't have gripes with tourists being charged extra, although when the charges become obscene or unworthy, they become very dubious. China charges more than U.S. park fees to enter national parks that don't even come close to comparison, and I don't know what they do now, but there used to be ticket takers hitting every boat that arrived to Koh Samet trying to extort a 200 baht national park fee because Samet is a national park (one with dozens of 7-11's, rampant overdevelopment, garbage, and not a single attraction that merits anything remotely like national park status (as opposed to say Koh Tarutao or Khao Sok).

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And their PM told to the UN, that he fight for eqality of everybody. The guy thinks who he is?? He is not a PM he is a bloody liar.

Otherwise if Mr. Prayuth would keep his word, he would stop this dual price policy, right away.

Till that, he is just a lousy liar.

I would like to as everybody to spread the word. Let the world know this practice, so they lose a lot of costumers.

Edited by SuwadeeS
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many years ago i read it was against the Thai constitution to charge dual pricing? also does that mean if we returned to our own countries with our wife/ g/friend or boyfriend in national parks or government type place or other venues would they say uk people 10 pounds Thais 15 pounds ,no the people of our own country would speak out and get it changed. the problem here is we play at democracy we try to play the world stage, in this land money is above everything and they don't think people talk about what's happening in Thailand. They say tourist matter but i wonder to whom, customer service in near all section of thailand need to revamp or is it a case of get them in fleece them then back on the flight next batch please. sometimes 1 step forward 3 steps back

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

If you have to ask about dual pricing then you probably qualify for a re-education camp somewhere (Obviously not in Thailand). Do you consider that a lot of the Thais that visit these national Parks etc are not better off financially. than farang Tourists (The filthy rich elite from Bangkok driving their luxury cars Vs The recently retired Farang Pensioner on a vacation..as an example. My point is that all Thais,.....rich or poor are charged the same price....therefore the dual pricing system is purely Racist and not about who can afford the prices.

It is not racist. No definition of racism can be applied in this case.

It's the business of tourism.

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We need to get a response from a TAT spinster!

They'll have a many valid reasons as they do projected tourist arrivals in the country.

I think we have a TAT Fellow Traveller in this thread who is trying hard to justify this pricing policy.

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Hey we should start doing it in the United States Start charging Thai different than Americans. Like admission to the zoo Make it $100 USD for them

Or if they want to go to Disney World wack them with $200 for a ticket

In essence this is pure crap to charge more than what the Thais Pay and this also adds to corruption Thais figure then can overcharge on anything as long as they are Thais

One day this is going to seriously backfire on the Thais

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Must of been a farang in the ancestoral woodpile someplace.

This guy fooled me.

Anyways...wear that face with pride, and just hope the thai genes don't gang up on the farang genes. Reverse discrimination rears it's ugly head. There are just a few countries...that figure you just got to look the part, or you are an outsider. Western countries are just big bowls of alphabet soup.

I wonder if he ever tried rented a jet ski?


I just ditched what I had to say after reading that.

Quote of the year my man.

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This is just the tip of the iceberg . I know farangs who have been grossly overcharged for land in the provinces by their Thai wives and families. Land that Thais would pay 30-80,000 /rai farang pays upwards of 500K ! Stupid.

Thais see that sweaty white skin ,cream slacks and bata shoes and the price skyrockets.

If you want to buy anything expensive here you have to send in a Thai friend that you trust 100%. Once the price is agreed you come out of the shadows and pay.

I do it and no doubt thousands of smart expats do the same.

I wouldnt like to be a white tourist here. Do Koreans and Chinese pay farang price at national parks ?

The generals in the booths won't see the difference between a Thai and a Chinese.

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Here's a shocker for you. Thais can live in Thailand for free. Foreigners have to pay. Is that racism too or any other bigoted label that you or others want to apply.

This is Thailand and Thais can charge foreigners whatever they want. It has nothing to do with anything more than commerce. The foreigner has the choice to pay or not. It's been happening for years and yet foreigners still visit so it's clearly not a problem for most.

Did you also know that when your friend is having his body massage the Thai in the next room is paying less.

Actually Thais have to pay too.

Driving licences, Chanots, Tabien Baans, Thai ID cards, birth and death certificates, amendments to legal papers, etc. All the trappings of being Thai are paid for by the individual, they are not free. They are also the same price for foreigners (where applicable).

Thais can live in Thailand for free. Foreigners have to pay. You cannot argue against that simple fact.

Tell ya what I'll agree with you provided you add the caveat - Thai can live in Thailand for free providing they don't visit a National park which entails a 20b entrance fee.

And god help the poor Thai who is asked to prove he is Thai with either a passport of Thai ID which the poor sucker had to pay for. Being Thai sure can be expensive.

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Here's a shocker for you. Thais can live in Thailand for free. Foreigners have to pay. Is that racism too or any other bigoted label that you or others want to apply.

This is Thailand and Thais can charge foreigners whatever they want. It has nothing to do with anything more than commerce. The foreigner has the choice to pay or not. It's been happening for years and yet foreigners still visit so it's clearly not a problem for most.

Did you also know that when your friend is having his body massage the Thai in the next room is paying less.

Actually Thais have to pay too.

Driving licences, Chanots, Tabien Baans, Thai ID cards, birth and death certificates, amendments to legal papers, etc. All the trappings of being Thai are paid for by the individual, they are not free. They are also the same price for foreigners (where applicable).

Thais can live in Thailand for free. Foreigners have to pay. You cannot argue against that simple fact.

Tell ya what I'll agree with you provided you add the caveat - Thai can live in Thailand for free providing they don't visit a National park which entails a 20b entrance fee.

And god help the poor Thai who is asked to prove he is Thai with either a passport of Thai ID which the poor sucker had to pay for. Being Thai sure can be expensive.

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I used to walk away but since getting my Thai driving licence I haven't had to as I get charged the Thai price.

However at one attraction I went to with a tourist friend of mine from England he was charged and paid the 10x rate. I was given his ticket along with my own, only to notice that his ticket was the same as mine with the Thai price on it.

What a scam...who pockets the difference, the cashier or the attraction owner, and how common is this (or do I need to ask)?

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Answer @ eviajero Post no 91

Judging by the amount of Pedantic Posts you have rattled off,you must lead a very boring life. if the Thai had not looked like a Farang,the question of dual pricing would not have massively arisen,as in the title!

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many.many countries have dual pricing.

National Park upkeep is expensive and for 3rd world countries they need to charge appropriate fees to have parks open.

If they charge local prices for everyone, there won't be enough money, if they charge foreigner prices, many Thais will be excluded from their own parks.

Those saying US and Canada don't charge foreigners more is because locals can afford the fees, in Thailand the fees to keep parks open would exclude locals.

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What is a local?

It's somebody who lives in a particular vicinity, NOT somebody who lives in a particular vicinity and matches the personal prejudices of some goon in a ticket booth.

My post referred to your comment about "locals", by which you meant UK locals - your post was clear on that, since the quote is from a passage about UK.

My "What is a local?" is not about Thais, but about 'locals' anywhere in the world.

As for the 'goon' bit - I'd use that description for anyone in a position of authority, however little that authority might be, who applies personal prejudices in the course of their work wherever in the world they might be.

So you're using a derogatory term to describe someone that appears to have been doing the job he's instructed and paid to do!

He has not applied prejudice. His job is to charge foreigners 200 baht and Thais 20 baht. Regardless of what you think of the pricing system you cannot accuse this attendant of being prejudiced when charging someone that looks western and can't prove otherwise.

Stop trying to introduce Thais into my post which didn't refer to Thais and had no connection with Thais.

clap2.gifcheesy.gif Ok so when you talk of goons in ticket booths I will assume it has nothing to do with the Thai ticket attendant in the OP and that when you refer to "goon" it only applies to goons of other nationalities.

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My conclusion: I don't visit any of the National Parks anymore neither with family nor friends.....

Overpricing and what you get there? Nothing!

Compare to NP in USA you have Visitor Centers, Tours, Exhibitions, Trails and and and for less the money they charge in Thailand!

So, don't go!

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Swings and roundabouts, maybe

When I go to to Japan, there are many different rail passes (e.g., JR, JR West, Kintetsu) available to me (as a short-term tourist) which cut the cost of travelling by a large amount, depending on how much I use the passes.

Japanese and expats living in Japan have to pay full price, so I tend not to extoll the virtues of the rail passes to them. The locals know anyway - no need to rub it in

I happily accept the Japanese situation (of course!), but when it comes to paying dual pricing entry fees in Thailand, I think about it and if I don't see value, I stay away. This means I often end up staying away. My loss, maybe, but at least I can make a rational decision about it.

Having said all of that, I totally respect the fact that as to how Thais run their country, it's up to them ....

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Wow I cannot believe the moaning and gripping of people on this forum there is no duel pricing the price is set and Thai people get a discount because its there bloody country, considering the average Thai wage is about 5000 bht a month how can you expect them to pay full price 200bht is just £4

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I have no problem with Thais paying far less to get into public attractions. Tourists should pay more, considering our average income is 10 times the average Thai. Thais should not pay anything to enter Wats, etc that are sacred to Buddhists, whereas tourists who are just there to gawk and snap selfies should pay. It is not racism, it is just logical.

It happens all over the world. Local residents of Southern California can get drastically reduced season passes to Disneyland not offered even to Northern Californians. Students from out of state or other countries pay much higher tuition at US universities, because local residents pay taxes to support the institutions, and they are there for the greater good of the US. Thais who have higher incomes pay taxes to fund national parks etc and Buddhists support their local and regional temples, wats, etc with donations of whatever they can afford, so they should not be expected to pay additionally to worship.

I am so sick of Thai Visa old farts complaining about such inequities, those who complain the most deserve to pay the most, to pay for your bad karma (no I don't believe in karma spiritually, but sociologically it works). We relatively rich bastards should be happy to spend more than Thais to live in the country.

Get over it!!!

I was over it before you were born sonny.If you can't understand blatent racism,you need re-education.

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It is the white mans tax. I live in myanmar. At the golf clubs I pay 5 times the local rate at most local clubs.

I compensate by hitting more strokes to get my money's worth. smile.png

OK so in the developed world we charge all the same and that price is still above the white mans tax price in Thailand or Myanmar.

It is discriminatory but the locals dont understand that. Thats how you treat minorities. Like minorities.

It is unfair and unjust but that is how the world works. We also compensate by keeping them out of our countries so that we can get paid higher wages and earn an income far greater than most people in the world. This gives us an advantage by owning the wealth and the means to create it. So is that fair?

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Children and senior citizens often get a reduced rate in the UK because they are fortunately subsidised by tax payers like me. There are no higher rates for non Brits and no-one is penalised because of race, colour or creed! There are very strict laws governing discrimination, which Thailand would do well to follow!

Dont agree, my example, a man divorces his wife in the uk has to give part of his pension to the wife. Not so the reverse. Clear discrimination.

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

You think it is ok to rip off tourists? I would love you to come to my country and be told you have to pay 10 times the price of a local. The only reason this story has been reported is because it happened to a Thai. A reality check is called for

I think that in business people charge as much as they think their product or service is worth and that the consumer has the choice. Tourists get "ripped off" in every country.

If Thailand is pricing foreigners out of visiting these places they will soon know and will pay the consequences or change. My guess is that foreign tourists will still visit. 200 baht = $5. Is a tourist on holiday honestly going to quibble over such a small amount! Reality check back at you.

It isnt the amount that is questioned here it is the principle. Evidently you dont understand tat

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

Rich Thai who g to Paris can also afford a 10-folded price, let's do the same to them!

Ok as long as you're prepared to let the poor Thai visiting Paris have a discount!

Dual pricing happens in many countries. In the UK adults pay more than OAP's and kids to enter many places. And sometimes locals get discounts.

Adults do not pay more than OAPs in the UK. They pay the full price and OAPs sometimes get discounted on things like council tax, it's NOT a dual pricing policy. Children's pricing is children's pricing and not just a UK thing, most civilised countries charge less for children whether at football matches or bull fighting. And reference your first post "western tourists can afford to pay more", more than who? How about non-western tourists? I agree, it's 200 baht, take it or leave it, I also have no problem with tiered pricing but if it's only foreigners that get the benefit of increase pricing then this guy should not pay that 'tax', should he? You make the comment about letting poor Thais having a discount in Paris.. How about poor Russians, Australians and, Malaysians, French etc getting a discount in Thailand then?

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