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Phuket haze reaches critical level

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Phuket haze reaches critical level
Saroj Kueprasertkij

The haze caused by Indonesian farm flare-ups has today reached critical level. Photo by Tanyaluk Sakoot

PHUKET: -- The director of the Phuket Provincial Health Office (PPHO) today met with vice governor Somkiat Sankaosutthirak to discuss the haze caused by Indonesian farm flare-ups which has now reached critical level, and they are urging people with breathing difficulties to stay indoors.

“The PM10 reading we got at 8am this morning was about 53 but by 2pm it was over 170,” Akkarawat Hirunphun, director of the Phuket-based Regional Environmental Office 15, told The Phuket News.

Despite the fact that the daily PM10 average is not yet reaching 120, which is considered a public health hazard, the high reading today could be dangerous for the young, old, and those with heart or respiratory complication.

“People with breathing difficulties, the elderly, children, pregnant women and those who partake in outdoor sports should stay indoors and refrain from doing their outdoor activities for a while.

“If it necessary for you to go out please make sure that you wear a mask and have medicine ready,” Mr Akkarawt added.

“Masks are available free of charge from most hospitals, and it is better to be prepared for unforeseeable situations,” added Dr Bancha Kakong, Director of PPHO.

V/Gov Somkiat Sankaosutthirak also noted that the haze may be causing problems to some locals but stated that it will get better soon.

“We do not want people to be panic. This haze occurs in Phuket almost every year, but now the fires in Indonesia are calming down so the air condition in Phuket will be better soon,” he said.

Meanwhile, Malaysia’s premier has urged Indonesia to act against those to blame for raging fires that have blanketed Southeast Asia in haze for weeks, as Malaysian schools closed again today (Oct 5) over health concerns.

The regional environmental crisis has caused flights and major events to be cancelled, and forced tens of thousands of people in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to seek treatment for respiratory problems.

"They [plantation companies] are operating there, we want Indonesia to take action," Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak was quoted as saying by state news agency Bernama late yesterday (Oct 4).

“Only Indonesia alone can gather evidence and convict the companies concerned,” Mr Najib told AFP.

Additional reporting by AFP

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-haze-reaches-critical-level-54403.php

-- Phuket News 2015-10-05


The head of the health department says:

“People with breathing difficulties, the elderly, children, pregnant women and those who partake in outdoor sports should stay indoors and refrain from doing their outdoor activities for a while."

The vice governor says:

“We do not want people to be panic. This haze occurs in Phuket almost every year, but now the fires in Indonesia are calming down so the air condition in Phuket will be better soon,” he said."

Ah politicians! Yeah right! Is the air different inside than outside? This is the worst I've ever seen it in the 11 years I've been here! My lungs hurt. It reminds me of when I was a kid at the beach in Los Angeles in the 1960s. The wind would blow offshore and send all the smog out to the beaches!


This has now become very unpleasant. In the early morning it is a grey veil over the hills, but by mid-afternoon it has thickened into a solid white blanket smothering everything but the nearer trees and houses. It also STINKS - not of woodsmoke, which would be understandable, but of something chemical. It makes life difficult for those chronologically challenged and those with chronic conditions like asthma, as it puts extra pressure on the heart and lungs to obtain enough oxygen.

I don't know how much longer this will last - until we have some rain anyway, as it only appeared after the last rain some 10 days ago. The rain would lay the dust.


Think of it as a campaign to make the Chinese feel more at home. I'm sure that TAT will come up with an advertising program especially for Beijing et al.


This has now become very unpleasant. In the early morning it is a grey veil over the hills, but by mid-afternoon it has thickened into a solid white blanket smothering everything but the nearer trees and houses. It also STINKS - not of woodsmoke, which would be understandable, but of something chemical. It makes life difficult for those chronologically challenged and those with chronic conditions like asthma, as it puts extra pressure on the heart and lungs to obtain enough oxygen.

I don't know how much longer this will last - until we have some rain anyway, as it only appeared after the last rain some 10 days ago. The rain would lay the dust.

What nobody talks about is Indonesia's problem with coal seam fires. There are literally hundreds of these and dozens of new ones added each year . They are too difficult and expensive to extinguish, so they continue burning year after year. Coal seam fires give off many chemicals including sulphur, arsenic and carbon monoxide, but the smoke is barely visible.

Much of Indonesia has only very thin topsoil, under which is an enormous amount of coal. When they burn the brush, it exposes many coal seams which ignite and often burn both above and below ground. Even when the brush fires are out and no smoke is visible, the coal seams continue poisoning the air.


Don't panic everyone, just keep driving your ridiculously over sized vehicles because YOU need to be " safer " than anyone else, and make sure the A/C is turned down to 26 degrees because YOU need to be comfortable, and don't forget to pick up the latest energy sucking TV because YOU need to be entertained in as gargantuan a manner as possible.

But, above all- continue to deny how YOUR need for energy facilitates this problem and how since everyone else is doing nothing to change their habits, neither should you.


Don't panic everyone, just keep driving your ridiculously over sized vehicles because YOU need to be " safer " than anyone else, and make sure the A/C is turned down to 26 degrees because YOU need to be comfortable, and don't forget to pick up the latest energy sucking TV because YOU need to be entertained in as gargantuan a manner as possible.

But, above all- continue to deny how YOUR need for energy facilitates this problem and how since everyone else is doing nothing to change their habits, neither should you.

Thanks for the tips - much appreciated. Meanwhile in Patong today...


<cough> <splutter>


I really would like to know why a few select farmers in Indonesia can get away with polluting the air of millions or billions of people. It seems the authorities could stop it, but? This is seriously affecting a big percentage of the population of this planet, all for the goal of a profit based business. Why doesn't any country stop it? I don't get it. These people must be so connected that even govts can't control them.


Why does this continue , Indonesia should be finned billions of dollars , its not their world and these fires are from slash and burn land clearing, These idiots responsible for this should be shut down,


I really would like to know why a few select farmers in Indonesia can get away with polluting the air of millions or billions of people. It seems the authorities could stop it, but? This is seriously affecting a big percentage of the population of this planet, all for the goal of a profit based business. Why doesn't any country stop it? I don't get it. These people must be so connected that even govts can't control them.

This is not a few farmers clearing pasture land for their cows. It is huge palm oil energy conglomerates that pay a lot of money- both in taxes and corruption payments to continue this practice. It will continue as long as there are forests to burn.

Welcome to the future and the soon to be Venus-fication of planet Earth where everyday, everywhere will look like this.

What are YOU doing to contribute to this problem? Sending your kids to a school 20 kilometers away and driving them to and from in a SUV? Living in a tropical climate where YOU could not exist without AC?


Why does this continue , Indonesia should be finned billions of dollars , its not their world and these fires are from slash and burn land clearing, These idiots responsible for this should be shut down,

Fines? Paid to whom? They are all in it.

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