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Do smoke mozzie coils actually work?


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as our boy sleeps indoors at night that is fine,but some of the day he likes to sleep under the marble table and benches outside,its where the mossie's like to hide,we used to light a coil at each end but the dog hated the smoke.so we bought 2 of those electric mossie burners with the floresant tubes.500bht.each.

do they work just have a look at the tray at the btm.enough to feed a tank full of fish.

we also leave one on in the kitchen overnight,not only kills any mossies but all those little black fkers that like to bite.

I've tried the blue light zapper but it didn't seem to attract mozzies.

Other insects that are no bother to us were attracted, and killed indiscriminately.

And then our Geckos went hungry! biggrin.png

electric floresant tubes attract all biting insects,but they must be the ONLY LIGHT at night. NO GOOD IN DAYLIGHT. safe to use in a bedroom and give a useful night light.

I wasn't trying in daylight. The problem is when we sit outside at night, naturally we have on other (fluorescent) lights which, as you say, may decrease the effectiveness of the blue light bug zapper.

In my case, mozzies ignore the bug zapper light, and any other fluorescent light I have on, and go straight for the flashing neon light sign above my head which reads, "All You Can Eat Buffet". biggrin.png

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Grow some lemon grass in pots and place them around your place. Mozzies can't stand the stuff. It's more natural and your wife can use it as well for cooking. I must be a mozzy as I can not stand the taste of lemon grass. Good luck and keep away from the chemicals as much as you can.

You get Citronella oil from Lemon Grass plants - they have a limited affect at repelling Mozzies but are better than nothing.

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Yes, they kill mossies. They are also commonly made from synthetic pyrethroids that accumulate in the environment and your body.

"most vertebrates have sufficient enzymes for rapid breakdown of pyrethroids."

from wikipedia

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Anyone tried the CO2 emitting traps? One brand available in Thialand is 'Black Hole'. Expensive but would be worth it if it works.

Don't know these types but they should work.

Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide. We exhale carbon dioxide. Attract them somewhere else with a largish amount of CO2 (killing them at that point is handy otherwise they just come back hungry for blood).

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what about those purple light coloured things that zap the bug when they fly into it - they effective over here (maybe the mozzies are not as smart as the ones in oz??

tried one back in oz seemed to attract loads of insects but I still got mauled by the mozzies

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Those lit bug zappers will work well on various insects that mate and hunt by the light of the moon. The light fools them into thinking that it is the moon. They fly towards it...(we aren't talking mensa candidates here). The zapper takes care of the rest.

That unfortunately is NOT how mosquitos hunt. They are primarily scent hunters. Mother Nature has taught them that at the end of that enticing CO2 scent trail will be a fabulous blood sac for them to feast on.

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Right then lads and lasses (thanks for the replies btw) going to answer my own thread here....

I have two big goldens, they wont sleep inside, tried it and they hate it only want to sleep in the garden... anyway few weeks ago I ran out of smoke coils, went out for a cig and my dogs noses covered in mozzies biting away plus mozzies all over the walls of the house....

Tonight I lit three coils (more than I usually would) but hung two of them up in the tree in my garden near where they like to sleep and one 10 meters away behind them, first 30mins or so millions of mozzies as usual, an hour later not one to be seen on the dogs or in sight...

So I think they do work but they take ages, an hour or so for the mozzies to get sick of it and do one! I would never have them in-doors and breath it in but I think outdoors your not going to really breath it in unless your stood right next to it with the wind taking it your way. Some might argue that it isnt good for the dogs but its all about placement, smoke rises so above the dogs is fine and obviously its outdoors.

Id sooner have them smelling them in anycase than be bitten by mozzies all night.

Inside my house, regardless of electric rackets, window nets etc they always seem to get in or atleast the odd one... it used to do my head in yet I'd live with it, since having my baby son 8 months back and he got bit once I could not have that.. my saviour, mozzy bed net from tescos, he hasnt been bitten once since and neither have I, in the morning you see the occasional mozzie clinging to the outside of the net which I give a nice good morning too (squash)

So they do work, you need 1-2 of them, and you need to give them an hour or so for them to annoy the mozzies enough to clear off, as for lighting them inside I wouldnt but I do not know enough I just assume breathing that in cant be good nevermind the fire hazard.

Electric rackets etc are great if you spot one indoors, but outside your just killing 10 in a million if that makes sense, my dogs are part of the family so I wont let them be mozzied all night,

Anyway hope that helps lads,


Edited by ryanhull
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