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EU asks Turkey’s Erdogan for help with refugee influx


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EU asks Turkey’s Erdogan for help with refugee influx


ANKARA: -- Having been caught wrong-footed by the influx of refugees from Syria, the EU is asking Turkey for help.

Brussels has previously been particularly critical of the government’s crackdown on the media back home.

Turkey regularly features low on media freedom ranking worldwide.

But now the EU wants to woo the country’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, into stemming the flow of migrants into Europe.

And the former prime minister wasted no time in reminding EU officials in how Turkey has taken in its fair share of people fleeing the conflict in Syria.

“Right now, we have 2.5 million refugees in our country. We’ve spent 7.8 billion dollars and received only 417 million from the international community,” Erdogan told reporters in Brussels.

“In the whole of Europe right now, there are 250,000 refugees and migrants,” he said.

“Europe has to manage its borders better. We expect Turkey to do the same,” said Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council. “The situation where hundreds of thousands are fleeing to the European Union from Turkey must be stopped.”

Erdogan’s cooperation will come at a price. He is likely to seek concessions from the EU.

They could include easing travel restrictions for Turks coming to Europe and placing Turkey on a “safe countries” list.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, said he supported such moves.

“I’m strongly in favour of seeing the visa issue moving forward, being accelerated,” said Juncker. “Turkey has to be on the list of safe countries.”

But ultimately, the final decision is for the 28 governments that make up the European Union.

That could come at an upcoming EU summit scheduled to take place in Brussels on October 15 and 16.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-06

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The so call refuges don't want to re settle in Arab/Muslim countries, the want Europe, Scandinavia and

the US Canada and Australia, they're looking for a welfare countries where they and their extended

families can leech on the government's coffers for generations to come, and Turkey is no such a country....

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ooooh, awkward. Turkey, sorry we don;'t want you in the EU, but could you just give us a hand with these refugees please.

Ezzra, your post is a ridiculous generalisation, I can only imagine you copy and paste unsourced internet memes using unrelated stock footage to further your cause.

It's a complex problem, and given the instability of a lot of middle eastern countries, and the rampant human rights abuses against minorities and refugees in these countries, it is little surprise that some of these refugees might aspire to escaping to countries where they believe they will be dealt with in a more dignified manner.

The welfare argument is old ,hackneyed, unproven and is perpetuated by right wing rags and websites to elicit the kind of emotions they seem to have so successfully have made you display.

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The so call refuges don't want to re settle in Arab/Muslim countries, the want Europe, Scandinavia and

the US Canada and Australia, they're looking for a welfare countries where they and their extended

families can leech on the government's coffers for generations to come, and Turkey is no such a country....


ooooh, awkward. Turkey, sorry we don;'t want you in the EU, but could you just give us a hand with these refugees please.

Ezzra, your post is a ridiculous generalisation, I can only imagine you copy and paste unsourced internet memes using unrelated stock footage to further your cause.

It's a complex problem, and given the instability of a lot of middle eastern countries, and the rampant human rights abuses against minorities and refugees in these countries, it is little surprise that some of these refugees might aspire to escaping to countries where they believe they will be dealt with in a more dignified manner.

The welfare argument is old ,hackneyed, unproven and is perpetuated by right wing rags and websites to elicit the kind of emotions they seem to have so successfully have made you display.

It is clear you must be imagining, as you stated. The statistics overwhelmingly support the conclusion that vast majorities of recent "immigrants" go on public assistance and remain there. Repeated interviews with those on the move and also in Syria and Iraq expressly lay out there dual hopes- that they can all migrate en masse or that the children will be allowed to stay and can send for the parents later. Turkey is among the keenest enablers of this latest invasion into Europe.

Ezzra's post can hardly be called a generalization. Indeed, seeing otherwise requires the suspension of observable facts and logical conclusions- the premises are all apparent! The pejorative laced assertion that those who observe the self evident are somehow "right wing" nutjobs operating from the emotive is projection; the entire liberal basis for inviting invasion is predicated upon the emotional. However, the facts speak for themselves, notwithstanding the assertion that any site offering the numbers are "right wing."

The information from numerous sites is overwhelmingly supportive of Ezzra's post. There is actually nothing at all... nothing, to support the position you assert other than the emotional. This is the pot calling the kettle black.


USA- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/usa-muslim-refugees-91-4-on-food-stamps-68-3-on-cash-welfare/

UK- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/18/uk-71-percent-of-muslim-refugees-complain-about-the-food/

Germany- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/08/germany-to-spend-6-6-billion-on-800000-refugees-and-migrants/

Sweden- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/sweden-ten-times-higher-welfare-dependency-among-16-5-foreign-born-an-increase-of-82/


Netherlands- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/08/02/netherlands-50-70-of-former-asylum-seekers-live-on-welfare/

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Asking Turkey to assist in saving the patient is like asking the wolf to guard the hen house. Has no one paid any attention to this issue further than the topical we-are-the-world emotional appeal of bylines and first page news? The information is overwhelmingly apparent when the story is looked into. These are not groups of people looking to assimilate into the EU. These are invaders, plain and simple, irrespective of their premise- just ask them. There is simply no interest in Turkey or any other regional actor to stem the tide; they want them out to both invest islam in Europe and empty their coffers of the idle and malcontent.

At a deeper level this phenomena manifests the glory of the caliphate for Turkey. These events hearken to a deep seated, very real and palpable restoration of the Siege of Vienna. This is not historical psycho babble. Dates are important. This is why September 11th figures so prominently in modern islamic terrorism. This is why there have been two 9/11 attacks years apart. In the islamic world connections with the past are vital. This is why this is happening in the first place. Are we really so stupid not to see this "migrant" farce as a continuation of the "problem child" of the world setting our cities on fire for the past decades? Do we really think this is somehow divorced from all the other fundamental motivations that are sweeping jihad across the world? Utter rubbish. Of course its related. If one does not appreciate the supreme glory (from an islamic perspective) of watching Europe reel from swarms of muslims and arabs consuming European crops they know nothing about the deep seated supremacy that lies in the arab psyche. They know nothing of the underlying premise that their actions are their right.

Turkey may pay lip service but Turkey itself is a facilitator of much of the region's current problems, and now Europe's. With his own supremacist designs on usurping any sense of a secular Turkey Erdogan's only problem with the caliphate is al baghdadi and not himself. Turkey is a nexus for this problem. If the West continues to grapple with this phenomena divorced from all the motivations that compel the people Europe will fail in one generation, not 2-3 as projected.


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The so call refuges don't want to re settle in Arab/Muslim countries, the want Europe, Scandinavia and

the US Canada and Australia, they're looking for a welfare countries where they and their extended

families can leech on the government's coffers for generations to come, and Turkey is no such a country....


ooooh, awkward. Turkey, sorry we don;'t want you in the EU, but could you just give us a hand with these refugees please.

Ezzra, your post is a ridiculous generalisation, I can only imagine you copy and paste unsourced internet memes using unrelated stock footage to further your cause.

It's a complex problem, and given the instability of a lot of middle eastern countries, and the rampant human rights abuses against minorities and refugees in these countries, it is little surprise that some of these refugees might aspire to escaping to countries where they believe they will be dealt with in a more dignified manner.

The welfare argument is old ,hackneyed, unproven and is perpetuated by right wing rags and websites to elicit the kind of emotions they seem to have so successfully have made you display.

It is clear you must be imagining, as you stated. The statistics overwhelmingly support the conclusion that vast majorities of recent "immigrants" go on public assistance and remain there. Repeated interviews with those on the move and also in Syria and Iraq expressly lay out there dual hopes- that they can all migrate en masse or that the children will be allowed to stay and can send for the parents later. Turkey is among the keenest enablers of this latest invasion into Europe.

Ezzra's post can hardly be called a generalization. Indeed, seeing otherwise requires the suspension of observable facts and logical conclusions- the premises are all apparent! The pejorative laced assertion that those who observe the self evident are somehow "right wing" nutjobs operating from the emotive is projection; the entire liberal basis for inviting invasion is predicated upon the emotional. However, the facts speak for themselves, notwithstanding the assertion that any site offering the numbers are "right wing."

The information from numerous sites is overwhelmingly supportive of Ezzra's post. There is actually nothing at all... nothing, to support the position you assert other than the emotional. This is the pot calling the kettle black.


USA- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/usa-muslim-refugees-91-4-on-food-stamps-68-3-on-cash-welfare/

UK- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/18/uk-71-percent-of-muslim-refugees-complain-about-the-food/

Germany- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/08/germany-to-spend-6-6-billion-on-800000-refugees-and-migrants/

Sweden- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/sweden-ten-times-higher-welfare-dependency-among-16-5-foreign-born-an-increase-of-82/


Netherlands- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/08/02/netherlands-50-70-of-former-asylum-seekers-live-on-welfare/

Your first video, "80% of muslims living in the west are beggars living off the state", that is sensationalist nonsense. It's highly offensive, and I suppose because it was spoken by a guy from the middle east on a news show somewhere there, you think I will find it convincing. You want me to buy into that arguement, you'd better get some figures from a proper source to back it up, not a political pundit mate.

Your second source, Pat Condell, is a youtube comedian, and a political firebrand and if you want me to listen to him, he needs sources to back up what hes saying.

Get back to me when you have some figures from an impartial source. Until then you are just using empty rhetoric to prove a made up point, and since you finished your own post by calling mine an emotional response, then I guess you must also be guilty of projecting. xx

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The so call refuges don't want to re settle in Arab/Muslim countries, the want Europe, Scandinavia and

the US Canada and Australia, they're looking for a welfare countries where they and their extended

families can leech on the government's coffers for generations to come, and Turkey is no such a country....


ooooh, awkward. Turkey, sorry we don;'t want you in the EU, but could you just give us a hand with these refugees please.

Ezzra, your post is a ridiculous generalisation, I can only imagine you copy and paste unsourced internet memes using unrelated stock footage to further your cause.

It's a complex problem, and given the instability of a lot of middle eastern countries, and the rampant human rights abuses against minorities and refugees in these countries, it is little surprise that some of these refugees might aspire to escaping to countries where they believe they will be dealt with in a more dignified manner.

The welfare argument is old ,hackneyed, unproven and is perpetuated by right wing rags and websites to elicit the kind of emotions they seem to have so successfully have made you display.

It is clear you must be imagining, as you stated. The statistics overwhelmingly support the conclusion that vast majorities of recent "immigrants" go on public assistance and remain there. Repeated interviews with those on the move and also in Syria and Iraq expressly lay out there dual hopes- that they can all migrate en masse or that the children will be allowed to stay and can send for the parents later. Turkey is among the keenest enablers of this latest invasion into Europe.

Ezzra's post can hardly be called a generalization. Indeed, seeing otherwise requires the suspension of observable facts and logical conclusions- the premises are all apparent! The pejorative laced assertion that those who observe the self evident are somehow "right wing" nutjobs operating from the emotive is projection; the entire liberal basis for inviting invasion is predicated upon the emotional. However, the facts speak for themselves, notwithstanding the assertion that any site offering the numbers are "right wing."

The information from numerous sites is overwhelmingly supportive of Ezzra's post. There is actually nothing at all... nothing, to support the position you assert other than the emotional. This is the pot calling the kettle black.


USA- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/usa-muslim-refugees-91-4-on-food-stamps-68-3-on-cash-welfare/

UK- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/18/uk-71-percent-of-muslim-refugees-complain-about-the-food/

Germany- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/08/germany-to-spend-6-6-billion-on-800000-refugees-and-migrants/

Sweden- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/sweden-ten-times-higher-welfare-dependency-among-16-5-foreign-born-an-increase-of-82/


Netherlands- https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/08/02/netherlands-50-70-of-former-asylum-seekers-live-on-welfare/

If you don't mind, I shall also post a link to an International Business Times article, and a Telegraph article, both are sources I would find a tad more credible than the links you posted above. Do have a read if you have time.



The telegraph is generally a fairly conservative paper, just in case I get accused of spreading liberal media. The International Business Times is also an impartial news source.

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