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Hillary Clinton promises gun control measures if elected president


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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

What a load of nonsense.

11,208 gun related homicides vs 32,000 vehicle fatalities in the US in 2013.

Cars need to be banned!


And conveniently they have left out "hot zones" where their are active hostilities happening, ie, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, North and sub-Saharan Africa.

Globally, the US is on the low end of world-wide gun fatalities. Try checking your perspective before inserting your foot in your mouth.

Edited by connda
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"Please, please, please elect ME! I'll say and do ANYTHING! Just elect me PLEASE!"

She just turned down the NRA's dirty money for her election campaign...

Seems she has something that no other American President has had... Balls

Edited by Basil B
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"Please, please, please elect ME! I'll say and do ANYTHING! Just elect me PLEASE!"

She just turned down the NRA's dirty money for her election campaign...

Seems she has something that no other American President has had... Balls

How much money did Trump take?

It is so easy to slam dunk (debate wise) non Americans talking about American politics on wonders why they keep trying?thumbsup.gif

Edited by lostoday
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I said bills that he pushed, you know like in Congress, not proposals. He never tried to confiscate, register (they are anyway if bought from store/gun shop etc.) as the right claimed he would. Hillary just damn well might. As far as bratbart and the other right wing nut hate sites, they lie. Actually the education and mental health part of Obama's proposal make a bit of sense. Yrs ago, before I dropped my NRA membership, the NRA had some good educational programs. Like I said, since the Reagan regime destroyed the mental health programs, with follow on by others, America has gotten crazier. America has a mental health problem, witness the clown bus. Nothing wrong with a WHITE right wingnut carrying a gun around, even a semi-auto military looking type, try that if you are black. Nice chart, where is the comparison to other developed, allegedly "civilized" nations, like France, Sweden, Norway, England etc. Look I like guns, used to do a bit of gunsmith work with tutoring by an excellent gunsmith. I carried guns for a living for many, many years. The right wingnut "defense" of gun ownership just makes it worse. Personally I don't give a damn what somebody thinks about guns, I like them, bought and sold them and I've owned and shot many, for a living, to eat, for marksmanship and just for fun.

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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

You obviously don't understand why the founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the constitution. It wasn't for defence against Indians, it was to ensure the government could never become oppressors to the citizens. Still relevant today.
Too late. It was handed over to big business a long time ago who writes policy, in turn oppressing the population. All without a shot fired.

Just look to why most of the biggest corporations are incorporated in Delaware, the second smallest state.

Wasn't it one of the founding fathers who forewarned of control of the country's money by a corporation & should be in the hands of government of the people.

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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

You obviously don't understand why the founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the constitution. It wasn't for defence against Indians, it was to ensure the government could never become oppressors to the citizens. Still relevant today.

PS it was put in the constitution so that people like Obama and Clinton COULDN"T take the guns away.

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No rant about gun control when four marine s were killed by a Muslim extremist in Chatanooga Tn. Obama and other critics were silent

That's your best argument against gun control!

So, because four marines were killed it's acceptable for guns to be widely available to nutters who shoot up schools!

Some kind of NRA style twisted logic there!

Even a 10 year old got access to a shotgun the other day and killed another young kid over an argument regarding a puppy. How many military style weapons are now in the hands of thousands of Militia with the excuse they need them in case the Government attack the people of the US ????

Many people criticise Sharia Law (Me included) because it is written at a time hundreds of years ago and is now out of touch with current conditions......the same could be said about the American Constitution regarding the right to bear Arms. This article is in Dire need of a review if they are serious about reducing deaths/massacres caused by weapons that appear to be so readily available. The NRA should hang their head in Shame.!!

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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

What a load of nonsense.

11,208 gun related homicides vs 32,000 vehicle fatalities in the US in 2013.

Cars need to be banned!


And conveniently they have left out "hot zones" where their are active hostilities happening, ie, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, North and sub-Saharan Africa.

Globally, the US is on the low end of world-wide gun fatalities. Try checking your perspective before inserting your foot in your mouth.

Funny you mention sub-saharan africa, i read a report that in South Africa since 2004 when the made a the gun ownership laws more strict and generally clamped down on firearms generally...gun related crimes have decreased by 21% if the study is correct and btw where are the active hostilites ocurring in sub-saharan Africa ?

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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

What a load of nonsense.

11,208 gun related homicides vs 32,000 vehicle fatalities in the US in 2013.

Cars need to be banned!


And conveniently they have left out "hot zones" where their are active hostilities happening, ie, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, North and sub-Saharan Africa.

Globally, the US is on the low end of world-wide gun fatalities. Try checking your perspective before inserting your foot in your mouth.

I do not think it is Joe who is talking nonsense...

11,208 gun related homicides vs 32,000 vehicle fatalities in the US in 2013.

Of the 32,000 vehicle fatalities what percentage were intended murder???

Are the gun manufacturers investing in making their guns less lethal???

Edited by Basil B
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That was the point of my post... If the majority of US citizens supported stricter gun controls, they would be in place today...

You're being a bit naive don't you think?

The electorate getting what they want from politicians?

Whatever next.


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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

You obviously don't understand why the founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the constitution. It wasn't for defence against Indians, it was to ensure the government could never become oppressors to the citizens. Still relevant today.

PS it was put in the constitution so that people like Obama and Clinton COULDN"T take the guns away.

Actually it was put in the constitution that people like Obama and Clinton COULDN'T take blunderbusses and muskets away. I don't think the founding fathers expected things like the AR-15.

Hey, maybe there's the loophole.


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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

You obviously don't understand why the founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the constitution. It wasn't for defence against Indians, it was to ensure the government could never become oppressors to the citizens. Still relevant today.

PS it was put in the constitution so that people like Obama and Clinton COULDN"T take the guns away.

Actually it was put in the constitution that people like Obama and Clinton COULDN'T take blunderbusses and muskets away. I don't think the founding fathers expected things like the AR-15.

Hey, maybe there's the loophole.


You think they were so stupid that they didn't understand that technology changes things?

If they meant blunderbusses and muskets they would have said that.

With control freaks like Obama running amok, the right to bear arms has never been so relevant in the US.

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This is for the folks that think Obama has been trying to take your guns from the git-go, WRONG! He has signed 2 bills, yes 2, relating to guns and both favored gun owners, oops. You see sometimes you have to spend a minute going to a source that isn't a lying, hate spewing right wingnut site. Sometimes I think some of you out there in never, never land must be "sovereign citizens". http://uspolitics.about.com/od/Gun-Control/a/Gun-Laws-Signed-By-Obama.htm To you folks, 10,000 gomens and a bottle of Asia, put it together, it's USMC Japanese sarcasm. Hillary will do what ever she can to ban sales, esp. of military type semi-auto, large capacity mags, and anything else she can think of. No way in hell she will/can confiscate, but she'd probably like to.

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You think they were so stupid that they didn't understand that technology changes things?

If they meant blunderbusses and muskets they would have said that.

With control freaks like Obama running amok, the right to bear arms has never been so relevant in the US.

Ignoring your dramatics for a minute, the best thing they ever put in the constitution was that it can be changed.

That's why you have amendments.

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You think they were so stupid that they didn't understand that technology changes things?

If they meant blunderbusses and muskets they would have said that.

With control freaks like Obama running amok, the right to bear arms has never been so relevant in the US.

Ignoring your dramatics for a minute, the best thing they ever put in the constitution was that it can be changed.

That's why you have amendments.

Think they'll ever get a gun control amendment through? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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You think they were so stupid that they didn't understand that technology changes things?

If they meant blunderbusses and muskets they would have said that.

With control freaks like Obama running amok, the right to bear arms has never been so relevant in the US.

Ignoring your dramatics for a minute, the best thing they ever put in the constitution was that it can be changed.

That's why you have amendments.

Think they'll ever get a gun control amendment through? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I was reading somewhere else thats exactly what they intend to do

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You think they were so stupid that they didn't understand that technology changes things?

If they meant blunderbusses and muskets they would have said that.

With control freaks like Obama running amok, the right to bear arms has never been so relevant in the US.

Ignoring your dramatics for a minute, the best thing they ever put in the constitution was that it can be changed.

That's why you have amendments.

Think they'll ever get a gun control amendment through? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course not.

What do you think this thread is about?

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You think they were so stupid that they didn't understand that technology changes things?

If they meant blunderbusses and muskets they would have said that.

With control freaks like Obama running amok, the right to bear arms has never been so relevant in the US.

Ignoring your dramatics for a minute, the best thing they ever put in the constitution was that it can be changed.

That's why you have amendments.

Think they'll ever get a gun control amendment through? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I was reading somewhere else thats exactly what they intend to do

I'd reckon I'd have more chance of legally marrying a sheep than there is an amendment of the constitution to introduce gun control.

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You think they were so stupid that they didn't understand that technology changes things?

If they meant blunderbusses and muskets they would have said that.

With control freaks like Obama running amok, the right to bear arms has never been so relevant in the US.

Ignoring your dramatics for a minute, the best thing they ever put in the constitution was that it can be changed.

That's why you have amendments.

Think they'll ever get a gun control amendment through? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I was reading somewhere else thats exactly what they intend to do

I'd reckon I'd have more chance of legally marrying a sheep than there is an amendment of the constitution to introduce gun control.

You will have to wait and see...but if it does happen i want an invite to the wedding ;)

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Some are treating the constitution like it was written by gods. Cant change it, its there for a reason.

Yet it has been changed. Can be changed. Should be changed. Nothing is stagnant, it must move with the times.

As long as the US treats the constitution with such reverance that it shall not be touched then citizens have no right to comment on Sharia law being antiquated.

By the way. Cars were not made with the intention to kill people. Guns are made to kill. Comparing the two is completely irrelevant.

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As far as Hillary or some other anti-gun person confiscating guns from law abiding Americans, that won't happen in our lifetime nor your children's lifetime. The anti-gun people are beating a dead horse with their repeated silly comments about what Hillary is going to do and not do. Hillary will be lucky she isn't a recipient of correctional services by the time Trump is elected president.

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snip< As long as the US treats the constitution with such reverance that it shall not be touched then citizens have no right to comment on Sharia law being antiquated.

By the way. Cars were not made with the intention to kill people. Guns are made to kill. Comparing the two is completely irrelevant. <snip

Sharia law is about 1400 years old. The constitution is very young in comparison.

Comparing the two is completely irrelevant.

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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

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