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Hillary Clinton promises gun control measures if elected president


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Some are treating the constitution like it was written by gods. Cant change it, its there for a reason.

Yet it has been changed. Can be changed. Should be changed. Nothing is stagnant, it must move with the times.

As long as the US treats the constitution with such reverance that it shall not be touched then citizens have no right to comment on Sharia law being antiquated.

By the way. Cars were not made with the intention to kill people. Guns are made to kill. Comparing the two is completely irrelevant.

You're an Australian and don't even live in the U.S. Why do you care about law abiding citizens in America being able to own a firearm? As far as Hillary is concerned, she will promise the moon to get elected. This woman has so much baggage, she could compete with Samsonite.

Whete do you live? If in the US why are you posting on a Thai forum. If in Thailand why do you comment about the US.

More to point, why do you comment about what is happening with refugees and muslims in other countries?

Is there a rule that one cannot comment? Best you report it and see what happens.

Intelligent people will tell you it is best to get an objective opinion on issues instead of a subjective opinion. Only a fool would disregard an objective view. Your post indicates as such.

Hillary would promise anything to get elected, and knows she wouldn't be able to take guns away from law abiding American citizens. When liberals talk about "gun control" they are referring to confiscation. These people never mention a plan to take guns away from criminals. Criminals don't comply with gun laws. It's naive to think additional gun laws would take guns away from criminals. I often wonder what part of this is so difficult to understand for the people who want more gun laws in America.

When President Ronald Reagan was shot, he never blamed the gun. He blamed the criminal who pulled the trigger. Talking about former President Reagan, he was an example of a real world leader.

I have been accused of many things over the years but being a fool isn't one of them. You may want to look in a mirror to see what one looks like.

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Just to recap here - There is nothing that can be done about the slaughter taking place only in America on a daily basis because"

a) There is no way to take the guns away

B) Crazy people will always be killing people

c) If we take away the guns than only the criminals will have guns

d) Killing each other is a Constitutional right under the second amendment

e) If you try and take away my gun, I'll kill you

f) As that dolt Jeb Bush says, "Stuff happens"

Does that about sum it up? Pathetic

Edited by Pinot
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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

What a load of nonsense.

11,208 gun related homicides vs 32,000 vehicle fatalities in the US in 2013.

Cars need to be banned!


And conveniently they have left out "hot zones" where their are active hostilities happening, ie, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, North and sub-Saharan Africa.

Globally, the US is on the low end of world-wide gun fatalities. Try checking your perspective before inserting your foot in your mouth.

OK, so it's not a problem. Just let them carry on shooting each other. It isn't my problem. I have to say though, it generates profits (blood money), employment for gun manufacturers and good income for undertakers, bereavement councillors and the like. All good vote winners!

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Just to recap here - There is nothing that can be done about the slaughter taking place only in America on a daily basis because"

a) There is no way to take the guns away

B) Crazy people will always be killing people

c) If we take away the guns than only the criminals will have guns

d) Killing each other is a Constitutional right under the second amendment

e) If you try and take away my gun, I'll kill you

f) As that dolt Jeb Bush says, "Stuff happens"

Does that about sum it up? Pathetic

You were doing so good until "d" and "e," when you resorted to straw-man arguments...but you finished strong with "f" so overall you're catching on. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

You obviously don't understand why the founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the constitution. It wasn't for defence against Indians, it was to ensure the government could never become oppressors to the citizens. Still relevant today.

Not being an American, I don't understand why the right to bear arms is still needed. My understanding of basic US democracy in the 21st century is that 'the vote' could be used to deter any government wishing to oppress it's citizens? Do US citizens still have the right to vote?

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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.

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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.

People can and do own guns in australia. Its just that aussies dont live in such fear to feel the need to have one.

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She gets my vote based on that point if I could vote ....schools should be safe period and if gun control starts there ....it great news for parents and the staff who work there

Since this is a uniquely American thing ....just add the airport screening equipment at each school ...good practice for the kids when they get to an American airport ...most foul travel experiences a businessman would ever encounter with the most obnoxious TsA idiots

What's uniquely American...mass killings. I'm sure it's a great comfort to those 75 or so Norwegian children, and their family and friends, at that holiday camp that they're not really dead because deranged killers only exist in America. And didn't you see my post that America ranks Seventh among advanced nations in mass shootings events.

It ranks 7th when adjusted for population which is manipulation of the data and spinning....the US is still number 1 for the number of mass shootings in terms of the number killed

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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.

People can and do own guns in australia. Its just that aussies dont live in such fear to feel the need to have one.

The problem in the US is not just fear its also a case that people are obcessed with firearms, weapons and violence

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It all comes down to big business. Campaign money, tax dollars through employment etc just as it did with tobacco.

People can see the logic & one day enough tragedies will be too many to ignore.

Until then I hope your guns keep you warm at night.

Well actually gun related deaths in the United States are down by half over the past couple of decades (Dept. of Justice stats) but this is ignored in the anti-gun echo chamber. So it's the safest in the US in decades. Also, don't see the connection between a Constitutional right and the consumption of a harmful product...maybe you're in favor of banning Big Macs as well?

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It all comes down to big business. Campaign money, tax dollars through employment etc just as it did with tobacco.

People can see the logic & one day enough tragedies will be too many to ignore.

Until then I hope your guns keep you warm at night.

Well actually gun related deaths in the United States are down by half over the past couple of decades (Dept. of Justice stats) but this is ignored in the anti-gun echo chamber. So it's the safest in the US in decades. Also, don't see the connection between a Constitutional right and the consumption of a harmful product...maybe you're in favor of banning Big Macs as well?
Don't see why not, I'm a Burger King man myself...
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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.[/quote

We have the freedom to go anywhere without worrying about getting shot, so your idea of freedom is perverted. Plus you don't seem to know what yoke means.

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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.

We have the freedom to go anywhere without worrying about getting shot, so your idea of freedom is perverted. Plus you don't seem to know what yoke means.

Give your speech to Curtis Cheng...oh, you can't.

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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.[/quote

We have the freedom to go anywhere without worrying about getting shot, so your idea of freedom is perverted. Plus you don't seem to know what yoke means.

i am not an Aussie dear boy so thats the premise of your whole post shot to sh@t but nice diatribe and rant none the less and please dont shoot me

Edited by Soutpeel
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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.[/quote

We have the freedom to go anywhere without worrying about getting shot, so your idea of freedom is perverted. Plus you don't seem to know what yoke means.

i am not an Aussie dear boy so thats the premise of your whole post shot to sh@t but nice diatribe and rant none the less and please dont shoot me

Well if you're not the argument is still the same. If you think guns are so useless in stopping crime and protecting others, why do most police around the world carry them? Maybe they should spout your liberal shibboleths to bad guys instead of shooting them.

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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.[/quote

We have the freedom to go anywhere without worrying about getting shot, so your idea of freedom is perverted. Plus you don't seem to know what yoke means.

i am not an Aussie dear boy so thats the premise of your whole post shot to sh@t but nice diatribe and rant none the less and please dont shoot me

Well if you're not the argument is still the same. If you think guns are so useless in stopping crime and protecting others, why do most police around the world carry them? Maybe they should spout your liberal shibboleths to bad guys instead of shooting them.

I am not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination...never said guns are useless at any point or in any of my comments,

as i pointed out i carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street, and discharged it on more than one occasion

You should save your childish little jibes for your NRA meeting and stop putting words in my mouth...

I have stated there are far too many loonies and John Wayne shoot em up types who have easy access to firearms in the US and the gun permitting laws need to be sorted out and the NRA needs to be brought under control as far too many people are being killed in mass shootings by half wits with delusions

Usually people who are obcessed with fire arms is an indication of the person being inadequate in other departments.

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All of this rhetorical bashing of the US and Americans in general and not one word about the anti-depressants that nearly all of the shooters have been taking.

You non-Americans are like a broken record. It's the guns, gun laws, gun dealers and the 2nd Amendment that must be changed but not one iota of attention to the one thing beside the guns that ties nearly all of the shooters together.

The use of anti-depressants and the secret culture of medical histories of dangerous people.What I would like to see is just one of you hyper critical non-Americans come up with a law that will effectively take the weapons out of the hands of criminals and potentially dangerous mental patients.

Don't even consider the confiscation of guns. That isn't going to happen and would only disarm 99.9999% of law abiding gun owners.

Don't be shy. Make your posts offering suggestions as to possible laws you think should be enacted.



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All of this rhetorical bashing of the US and Americans in general and not one word about the anti-depressants that nearly all of the shooters have been taking.

You non-Americans are like a broken record. It's the guns, gun laws, gun dealers and the 2nd Amendment that must be changed but not one iota of attention to the one thing beside the guns that ties nearly all of the shooters together.

The use of anti-depressants and the secret culture of medical histories of dangerous people.What I would like to see is just one of you hyper critical non-Americans come up with a law that will effectively take the weapons out of the hands of criminals and potentially dangerous mental patients.

Don't even consider the confiscation of guns. That isn't going to happen and would only disarm 99.9999% of law abiding gun owners.

Don't be shy. Make your posts offering suggestions as to possible laws you think should be enacted.



Ah it only took 11 pages and so starts the childish accusations labelling people anti american..

And suppose you can prove just about all the shooters were on medication and anti depressants ? Or is this more NRA propaganda

Here is one ban automatic/semi automatic assault rifles from civvy street...the army and police can have them only

Edited by Soutpeel
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All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

So it goes.

There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Wow "gun haters"...suprised you never accused the poster of anti american rhetoric as well :rolleyes:

You post illustrates perfectly why there should be more firearms controls in the US

And for the record

1. I completed my military training 2. Carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street

3. Worked for a couple of years in the US and seen all manner of gun nuts and John Wayne types who should have never been allowed a fire arm in the first place

In my opinion the US should significantly tighten up the gun laws and take the legal guns off the various fruit loops and sort out the influnce of the NRA, which i am sure your a card carrying member of, as its completely out of hand in the US

Well we had a revolution and wrote ourselves this thing called the Constitution to govern ourselves and we gave ourselves the right to own a gun as free people. While you Australians are still under the yoke of British so thank you for your advice on rights and freedoms but I don't think you know the first thing about the words.[/quote

We have the freedom to go anywhere without worrying about getting shot, so your idea of freedom is perverted. Plus you don't seem to know what yoke means.

i am not an Aussie dear boy so thats the premise of your whole post shot to sh@t but nice diatribe and rant none the less and please dont shoot me

Well if you're not the argument is still the same. If you think guns are so useless in stopping crime and protecting others, why do most police around the world carry them? Maybe they should spout your liberal shibboleths to bad guys instead of shooting them.

I am not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination...never said guns are useless at any point or in any of my comments,

as i pointed out i carried a concealed firearm for many years in civvy street, and discharged it on more than one occasion

You should save your childish little jibes for your NRA meeting and stop putting words in my mouth...

I have stated there are far too many loonies and John Wayne shoot em up types who have easy access to firearms in the US and the gun permitting laws need to be sorted out and the NRA needs to be brought under control as far too many people are being killed in mass shootings by half wits with delusions

Usually people who are obcessed with fire arms is an indication of the person being inadequate in other departments.

Okay, I'm starting to understand your arguments now...you should be allowed to carry a firearm and shoot people for what we will assume, arguendo, we're valid reasons, but other people shouldn't have this right to protect themselves and their loved ones. Makes sense to me ?

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This is for the folks that think Obama has been trying to take your guns from the git-go, WRONG! He has signed 2 bills, yes 2, relating to guns and both favored gun owners, oops. You see sometimes you have to spend a minute going to a source that isn't a lying, hate spewing right wingnut site. Sometimes I think some of you out there in never, never land must be "sovereign citizens". http://uspolitics.about.com/od/Gun-Control/a/Gun-Laws-Signed-By-Obama.htm To you folks, 10,000 gomens and a bottle of Asia, put it together, it's USMC Japanese sarcasm. Hillary will do what ever she can to ban sales, esp. of military type semi-auto, large capacity mags, and anything else she can think of. No way in hell she will/can confiscate, but she'd probably like to.

I think you are out of touch with state laws, all guns in CA have had waiting periods and

back ground checks, same at gunshows with dealers, most show will not allow sales from

non-licdend seller's (parking lot sell's are against the law).

California has bans on many military looking weapons and magazine capisity, banette lug and

flash suppressors since the mid 80's. A friend here in LOS has a CAR-But 15 he can't sell in CA

because of that ban, it sits in a garage in in SFO and would have to take to OR or NV to sell.

But this is CA and there is 49 other states that have there own laws, so what can Hilary ? 55555555555555, Bill already sold us out to the bankers.

I was a Dem, member of NRA(1 year for the magazine), stopped voting 25 years ago, it's a



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All of this rhetorical bashing of the US and Americans in general and not one word about the anti-depressants that nearly all of the shooters have been taking.

You non-Americans are like a broken record. It's the guns, gun laws, gun dealers and the 2nd Amendment that must be changed but not one iota of attention to the one thing beside the guns that ties nearly all of the shooters together.

The use of anti-depressants and the secret culture of medical histories of dangerous people.What I would like to see is just one of you hyper critical non-Americans come up with a law that will effectively take the weapons out of the hands of criminals and potentially dangerous mental patients.

Don't even consider the confiscation of guns. That isn't going to happen and would only disarm 99.9999% of law abiding gun owners.

Don't be shy. Make your posts offering suggestions as to possible laws you think should be enacted.



Ah it only took 11 pages and so starts the childish accusations labelling people anti american..

And suppose you can prove just about all the shooters were on medication and anti depressants ? Or is this more NRA propaganda

Here is one ban automatic/semi automatic assault rifles from civvy street...the army and police can have them only

1. "Ah it only took 11 pages and so starts the childish accusations labelling people anti american.."

Sorry if it hit too close to home for you.

2. "And suppose you can prove just about all the shooters were on medication and anti depressants ? Or is this more NRA propaganda"

I can only presume you chose not to look at the link I provided,

The link starts out:


"SSRI Stories is a collection of over 6,000 stories that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals) in which prescription drugs were mentioned and in which the drugs may be linked to a variety of adverse outcomes including violence.

This updated site includes the stories from the previous site and new ones from 2011 to date. We have used a new “category” classification system on the new stories. We are working back through previously SSRI Stories to bring them into the new classification system. In the meantime use the search box in the upper right column to search through both the old and the new stories.
SSRI Stories focuses primarily on problems caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Prozac (fluoxetine) was the first. For more see About SSRIs. Other medications prescribed as antidepressants that fit the “nightmares” theme of the collected stories are sometimes included."
There are other links if the 6,000 examples on the above site don't satisfy you. Such as...
Then there is this article which says, in part...
"There are a number of indications that Harper-Mercer had mental health or behavioral issues. His screen name on some social media sites was "lithium love." Lithium is used as a psychiatric medication.
Harper-Mercer graduated from The Switzer Learning Center in 2009, according to a graduation listing in The Daily Breeze newspaper. Switzer Center is a private, nonprofit school in Torrance, California, geared for special education students with a range of issues from learning disabilities, health problems and autism or Asperger's Disorder, according to the school's website."
A Google search got me 201,000 hits. Surely not all of them are wrong.
3. "Here is one ban automatic/semi automatic assault rifles from civvy street...the army and police can have them only"
Automatic weapons are already banned without a federally issued license to only a select few private individuals. They are not available to the general public.
Assault rifles are merely semi-automatic rifles with a pistol grip and a military appearance. your argument is a straw man argument. Here's a little something you might want to ponder about so called assault rifles.
FBI: Hammers, Clubs Kill More People Than Rifles, Shotguns
January 3, 2013 2:44 PM
WASHINGTON (CBS DC) — Annual FBI crime statistics show that more people are killed with clubs and hammers each year than by rifles or shotguns.
In 2011, there were 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs. There were 356 murders in which a shotgun was the deadly weapon of choice.
The national debate on guns has grown more intense since Dec. 14, when Adam Lanza forced his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and killed 20 children and six adults before committing suicide in one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.
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There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Hear, hear,

Well spoken.

Let's have more and more guns so that more and more Americans can kill each other at an ever increasing pace.

Might improve the odds for the rest of the world.

Why pound sand when nutters can murder school kids ?


I couldn't have said it better...no amount of gun control (short of confiscating them all) will stop "nutters" from killing people.

True but confiscating the guns will reduce the numbers of people killed at a "single sitting" by the nutters....they will not be killing 20 during a single occurance with a knife or baseball bat will they ?

Remember Timothy McViegh? He wouldn't have been convinced by your argument.

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There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

Hear, hear,

Well spoken.

Let's have more and more guns so that more and more Americans can kill each other at an ever increasing pace.

Might improve the odds for the rest of the world.

Why pound sand when nutters can murder school kids ?


I couldn't have said it better...no amount of gun control (short of confiscating them all) will stop "nutters" from killing people.

True but confiscating the guns will reduce the numbers of people killed at a "single sitting" by the nutters....they will not be killing 20 during a single occurance with a knife or baseball bat will they ?

Remember Timothy McViegh? He wouldn't have been convinced by your argument.

Yes its only too clear, the forefathers should have insisted on the right carry arms and Dynamite. But only when not taking antidepressants.
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RE: Mass Shooters - the Problem is psychotic people who are loose on the streets in America who are never locked up - even when time after time they exhibit a tendency towards violence and have documented records of being bat <deleted> crazy....

Since the deinstitutionalization movement of the 1960s, civil commitment in the U.S. for mental health issues almost always requires a finding of dangerousness -- both imminent and physical -- as determined by a judge. Not long term with multiple incidents of violent behavior ...Much of the rest of the Western world has more reasonable -"common sense"standards -- allowing family, friends and even acquaintances to petition for involuntarily commitment, with the final decision made by doctors. Getting dangerous people off the streets is not a goal of the do gooders in America. But waiting until they kill someone with a gun, or knife or club is. You know it might hurt their feelings to be involuntarily committed - lock up and force treated ... Random killings is a better social outcome for the bleeding hearts.

READ the Statistics in this article before you sputter all over your screen.



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