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All about the money...


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I had a Hi-So Gf......A real one. Thai-Chinese. We flew first class all over the globe. Ate in the best restaurants....She bought me more stuff than I care to recall...

She kept me hidden from her parents. The rest of the family were great. So......What I think you have is a face playing gold digger.

Oh......Pretty much everything we did was on her dime. I really had to plan on ways to pay for stuff........

Her credit card,you mean!

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3.When you obtain new passport exit Thailand with son.

Except the son can't leave the country without her signature agreeing to it unless he has sole custody given by the courts.

Sounds like for this woman everything has a price. I reckon the OP could have her signature for a bargain price of about 100,000 b waved in front of her slimmy leechy face,

OP, take advice, but listen mostly to the advice you really don't want to read. It's those lines that hit home the closest.

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If most foreign men that come here and get hooked up with a Thai female as a partner or bride, had a shred of common sense, these type of threads would decrease by more than 3/4.

Guys, DO NOT leave your brains behind at the airport when u arrive here, and have your gonads affixed and secured where they belong. You should be fine after that!!

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Hi-So my arse. She ain't even a wannabe. Formerly partnered with a rig pig. Mate, there are no rig pigs with class so she definitely ain't a girl of high status.

Leave that hill tribe Issan whore and get legal advice re your kid.

Jeez, you should have done your homework.

Still, you calling her Hi-So has me thinking you're a very naive lad. Good luck and damn glad it's not me.

Joopjoop totally uncool comment. I work oil and gas and believe I would have more class in a hair on my ass than you, judging by your comment
.....and your choice of descriptive words mixed with misspelling and grammatical errors just confirm my belief. I highly doubt it dude. First impressions go a long way to deduce the nature and type of person.....written text on a forum such as this is the next best thing.

You feeling me Callaway?

Edited by JoopJoop
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<deleted> mad bint, she just asked me to bring her chanel eyeliner to her tomorrow, forget about clean clothes and food for the kids.

That last piece of advice was good, alright, time to lawyer up, so next question, any good recommendations please?



Was in a similar situation 3 years ago. I did exactly what I was advised by friends and family, which is exactly the advice being given on here and exactly what my lawyers advised too. Pack up and go, take what is yours, and only legally yours, leave the rest behind. As painful as it may be it's only what the situation will be further down the line so just do it and accept it.

You will be amazed at her change of attitude once she knows you are "protected"

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If she has that mindset, there is nothing you can do that will be good enough. As other posters said, strengthen your position and then tell her to hit the road. having a child with her puts you at risk. All I can say is be careful. Good luck.

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Hi So I do not think so If you need to send money to Mum, step-dad, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin then this is not Hi SO this is Soak the Farang

I have been living here for 13 years now and I can tell you she is not HI So and you are absolutely crazy to send money to the extended family.

They are taking you for a ride setting feeling aside. And your wife only looks at you as an ATM

As for the house and care She probably cannot afford the car and house payment so I doubt she can take it and under Thai law there is a 50/50 split on property and other assets so tell her to take a leap about her threats

You married a low class Isan girl No class no people skills I feel sorry for you

Just get a good lawyer she has no money and cannot afford one .

Sorry but you married a low class Isan girl No education Family is poor I am sure of it They will keep hitting you up for money and they put pressure on your wife if you do not send money.

Edited by realenglish1
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Sorry buddy after 5 years of giving you are now screwed. She left one man for more and now she will do the same to you.. Wake the F.......CK UP !!!!!
GET YOUR ASS TO AN ATTORNEY QUICK !!!!!! Strong legal advice is what you need and yes she is going to use the kid against you !!!!

Sorry for the harsh words but that is what you need. You can not treat a women like a spoiled brat then cut her off without problems.

Just to bad you did not see the warnings from the first guy.

Good luck !!!

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It's you wage, control the use of it.

No money for her debts.

No money for her family.

Pay all household bills yourself.

Give her a small amount of spending money each day.

Don't let her find your bank book or ATM card.

Then let her threaten away.

No need to move out, no need to lose anything.

My thoughts exactly, and I live in the United States.... And yes with a Thai wife.... She is silently learning the meaning of life... Your job is not save her family, hold onto the kid and move ahead.

Remember it is a transition, and if you do not take control, that is your problem..... My advice is to know where you are going, and where you will end up! You need to stand your ground, be a father, and believe me it will turn around... tongue.png

I am not a dick, just a human being......

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Feel for you Peter 77

Bit late now but this adage applies in many aspects of life and love;- "Dont start someting you wont be able to stop".

Your child could be used as a tremendous emotional lever so good luck with all the advice coming thick and fast.

Our western sense of values and responsibilities re the child might not equate to that lady's?

Someones going to get hurt and she is maybe hell bent in making sure its not her. Too bad about her child?

Phasing out the dishing out to the relatives is one way, but attempts at reasoning is not a great part of the culture re money.

Materialist to the core?

Play it very Jai yen Peter so she has no extra grounds to use against you.

After all this is over, some things will get better. Promise. Been there, done some of that. AUD40,000 +

Good luck.

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You don not need advice. You just need a new pair of running shoes. Get the hell out of there never mind the kid, its her hold against you. He will be fine without you. Get a new gal from the provinces one who has not got ferangs in her eyes.You life is already hell so it cannot get worse.

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I just wish people would stop using ...hi-so...nobody in Thai society wants to be seen by others as being poor, even if they don't have a pot to piss in. It's all about face, and saving face in this country, therefore anyone with a little money or gives the illusion which it generally is, is considered hi-so rich. Sad so sad. As for the guy who started this post all i can do is wish you the best of luck, and think things through very carefully, but you have discredited yourself by calling your wife hi-so and then telling all it's all about the money with your wife.

Good Luck

Edited by burgerking
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It's you wage, control the use of it.

No money for her debts.

No money for her family.

Pay all household bills yourself.

Give her a small amount of spending money each day.

Don't let her find your bank book or ATM card.

Then let her threaten away.

No need to move out, no need to lose anything.

You may need to grow a pair she seems like a banshee. Do like Custer did and make a stand or your pain will only continue and increase. Good Luck

"do like custer did ... " - he was killed

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It's you wage, control the use of it.

No money for her debts.

No money for her family.

Pay all household bills yourself.

Give her a small amount of spending money each day.

Don't let her find your bank book or ATM card.

Then let her threaten away.

No need to move out, no need to lose anything.

No, actually it is not only his money. I suggest that you read up on the Thai CCC from Section 1470 onwards. It is about the property of husband and wife and salary is sin somros and not sin suan tua. If he is unlucky, he is also responsible for the debts of his wife (depends on when she aquired the debt and for what). According to Section 1516 Thai CCC he has the duty to support his wife. If not, that would be a reason for her to divorce him and gave her the opportunity to sue him for compensation.

from my understanding this is good advice. would be best to sell up the house. maybe offer to give your girlfriend any proceedsfrom the sale. I know a couple guys who paid their wives a one off payment for sole custody of their children. really this is the most important thing.

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Seen posts like this that have just ended up being troll posts but hey ho half the fun is reading the replies.

OP, does she know where you work? If not find somewhere furnished to rent and just disappear for a while. Send 2000 baht/week from your ATM to hers. That's plenty for a tramp. You just have to hope your child benefits. She won't give a damn and will either be on a dating site or hooking up with some other old slappers looking for the next mug and leave your child with old red teeth. Of course some Thai man will keep her in practice until sugar daddy tips up. Get over it.

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Build a strategy, call your wife and son to go to your country visit your family or friends (to cool down things), then once you get there,disappear with your son. She will be lost as hell. Just do not make her suspects what you are trying to do, be nice and polite with a big smile in your face and the right time, she will be lose as never! revenge is best tasted cold.

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Build a strategy, call your wife and son to go to your country visit your family or friends (to cool down things), then once you get there,disappear with your son. She will be lost as hell. Just do not make her suspects what you are trying to do, be nice and polite with a big smile in your face and the right time, she will be lose as never! revenge is best tasted cold.

Bingo !!!

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All good feedback, thanx, keep it coming.

You are right, I should have said wannabe hi-so, her ex was in oil and gas and gave her evetything until she left him, guess that was not even enough either.

Can't say I have had her on fixed income but everything has been by bank transfer, no cash in hand, so can prove have been supporting my wife.

Yes it has been more than a year paying off these debts, box was too small to go into a 4-yr sob story, but came to a head last night when I challenged her on spending 10,000 in less than 4 days, been arguing all day and she has taken the kids and not come home tonight.

Most friends have advised getting a divorce, just trying to figure out where I stand on custody and that I can just take care of my son and forget about her.



get divorced and keep thing simple, in Thailand no need to get married, I don't get it with this marriage thing with all these farangs I assume they were never cuddled by their mothers.

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Sorry buddy after 5 years of giving you are now screwed. She left one man for more and now she will do the same to you.. Wake the F.......CK UP !!!!!

GET YOUR ASS TO AN ATTORNEY QUICK !!!!!! Strong legal advice is what you need and yes she is going to use the kid against you !!!!

Sorry for the harsh words but that is what you need. You can not treat a women like a spoiled brat then cut her off without problems.

Just to bad you did not see the warnings from the first guy.

Good luck !!!

im afraid fools rush in where angels fear to tread .........comes to mind

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I had a Hi-So Gf......A real one. Thai-Chinese. We flew first class all over the globe. Ate in the best restaurants....She bought me more stuff than I care to recall...

She kept me hidden from her parents. The rest of the family were great. So......What I think you have is a face playing gold digger.

Oh......Pretty much everything we did was on her dime. I really had to plan on ways to pay for stuff........

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif you gota luv it na

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I had a Hi-So Gf......A real one. Thai-Chinese. We flew first class all over the globe. Ate in the best restaurants....She bought me more stuff than I care to recall...

She kept me hidden from her parents. The rest of the family were great. So......What I think you have is a face playing gold digger.

Oh......Pretty much everything we did was on her dime. I really had to plan on ways to pay for stuff........

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif you gota luv it na


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