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Vanessa Mae, Maggie May ... heck, it's worse than that ...

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I have no idea why they don't just split the numbers up!

Family visas (relatively small numbers that most would consider acceptable).

Students - change the classification to visit visa. Reduces the 'bad' numbers, becomes a good number because they are paying. Plus it confirms to the students that they are only here temporarily!

Leaves the more difficult categories (as far as the general public is concerned) - Asylum seekers and the uncontrollable EU-immigrants.

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Family visas (relatively small numbers that most would consider acceptable).

Well I guess being hard on family visas is a double whammy.

Don't grant the visa that is one less immigrant. Then with a bit of luck the UK spouse will emigrate boosting the net migration figure. Who knows the UK spouse take a couple of UK kids with them, three left and one denied a visa.

May and Cameron are desperate to boost net migration at any cost given that they have no chance of curbing the immigration total.

On a slight different subject but to demonstrate how desperate they are some cranking right wing pressure group is advocating slashing pension benefits on the basis that by 2020 a lot of the pensioners who were impacted will be dead anyway so wont influence the next election.

What thoroughly nice people the Conservatives are.

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