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UK: Jeremy Corbyn snubs the Queen, saying he is too busy to be sworn in to the Privy Council


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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Italy was a monarchy.

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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Italy was a monarchy.

As were Romania and Bulgaria...

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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Well yes. According to that famous neo-marxist anarchist, Henry Ford:

"History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history that we make today." (Chicago Tribune, 1916).http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/182100.html

About time for some revisionism on WWII and the Cold War I think.

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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Well yes. According to that famous neo-marxist anarchist, Henry Ford:

"History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history that we make today." (Chicago Tribune, 1916).http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/182100.html

About time for some revisionism on WWII and the Cold War I think.

Nothing like cherry picking wars,

What about WW1, where the German King and the British King (cousins) agreed to fight and kill off all the unneeded serfs left off from the industrial revolution.


Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Well yes. According to that famous neo-marxist anarchist, Henry Ford:

"History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history that we make today." (Chicago Tribune, 1916).http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/182100.html

About time for some revisionism on WWII and the Cold War I think.

Nothing like cherry picking wars,

What about WW1, where the German King and the British King (cousins) agreed to fight and kill off all the unneeded serfs left off from the industrial revolution.


Don't forget that to those who wrap themselves in the Union Jack and refer to 'the sovereign' or 'Lizzie', WWII was the good war where everyone knew what was right or wrong. Notwithstanding those new Eastern European 'democracies' were in a post-imperialism phase reacting against the autocracy of their various imperial masters.

I don't think the Lizzie Lovers would bother asking the people of the Congo what they thought of their Belgian imperial overlord. Just as long as a few locals got bits of tin or coloured ribbon to put on their shirts, then everything is ok.

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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

'er Sweden, 'er Ireland.

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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Well in the case of the UK we can indeed be thankful for the efforts of an American temptress who ensured good old Nazi saluting Eddie didn't become king. I don't think he was doing much to defend democracy when he was sucking up to Hitler.

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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Well in the case of the UK we can indeed be thankful for the efforts of an American temptress who ensured good old Nazi saluting Eddie didn't become king. I don't think he was doing much to defend democracy when he was sucking up to Hitler.

Fink most families have an odd ball..............smile.png

Down through the years the royal families have had more than their fair share. I think its related to the fact they didn't spread the genes very far look at Hapsburgs they were a good example.

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There's not much that I see about this man to like. But I do like this. No Englishman being should ever be forced to kneel in obeisance before another.

Crap, nobody forces them to kneel. Anybody who is proud to be British and its long held traditions will be honoured to do so. This idiot is a Stalinist Russian lacky who allianates more Labour party supporters every day. He will soon be gone back to red obscurity. I would take a bet he is not re-elected at the next election when as his constituents see just what an anti-British turd he is.
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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Well yes. According to that famous neo-marxist anarchist, Henry Ford:

"History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history that we make today." (Chicago Tribune, 1916).http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/182100.html

About time for some revisionism on WWII and the Cold War I think.

Henry always painted things black.

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Good for him. I have no time for unearned elitism. His excuses are pretty pathetic but the fact he stands by his principles is good

Stands by his principles, you've got to be joking. For all his political life he has been against the EEC and then the EU , then when he is elected the leader of the Labour Party by the Union Leaders, he amazingly changes his stance.

Corbyn is a Labour Dynasour that is still fighting the Reds under the bed 70s era! need I say more?

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There's not much that I see about this man to like. But I do like this. No Englishman being should ever be forced to kneel in obeisance before another.

Crap, nobody forces them to kneel. Anybody who is proud to be British and its long held traditions will be honoured to do so. This idiot is a Stalinist Russian lacky who allianates more Labour party supporters every day. He will soon be gone back to red obscurity. I would take a bet he is not re-elected at the next election when as his constituents see just what an anti-British turd he is.

In the good old days a Stalinist lackey would have opposed Corbyn who comes from a Trotskyist background. Once the USSR collapsed, the CPGB dissolved itself. No more Stalinist Russia to defend any more, though some like to think that Putin is putting the old show back together again.

Edited by SheungWan
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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

Well yes. According to that famous neo-marxist anarchist, Henry Ford:

"History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history that we make today." (Chicago Tribune, 1916).http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/182100.html

About time for some revisionism on WWII and the Cold War I think.

Nothing like cherry picking wars,

What about WW1, where the German King and the British King (cousins) agreed to fight and kill off all the unneeded serfs left off from the industrial revolution.


In what part of WWll is WWl? Edited by Alan poole
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Something Mr. Corbyn and other republicans (in the European sense) sould consider, including some of you represented here, Is that counterintuitively, the Monarchies of Europe defended democracy with everything they had during WW11. Whereas all of the republics became Fascist and Nazi dictatorships.

Factor in Russia and the USSR (CCCP) Who had recently shot their Royal family the Romanoffs and the case is made even stronger for the monarchies; Britain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, with Sweden turning both ways as did France.

So it's not a matter of opinion who is more democratic, the likes of Mr Corbyn or dear old Betty Windsor. It's a matter of historical record.

'er Sweden, 'er Ireland.

Sweden as I pointed out went both ways. As for Ireland what can anyone say. The Republic of EIRE tried to join the 3rd Reich and was REJECTED, they did however allow UBoats sanctuary and contributed to the loss of life caused by them. Churchill never sanctioned them for this in any way. In my opinion if Britain had immediately banned all immigration from Ireland they might have realized that England was the best friend the'd ever had.

A complete myth that Eire allowed U-Boats sanctuary. And as for Eire applying for membership of the Third Reich.... One wonders which junk websites are pushing out these revisionist stories. Up and away with the fairies. I wonder what else will pop up on this Corbyn thread.

Edited by SheungWan
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