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Would this work in Thailand or would it backfire and....


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This automatically triggered hologram....would it work in Thailand, or would it backfire and end up with no cars for a hundred metres and thus ruin the particular area for businesses (because of the ghost-like apparition)

I see applications beyond handicapped parking.

Thailand certainly needs something to get drivers to respect certain no-parking places.

I can also see security applications. Imagine a ghoulish hologram triggered whenever someone approaches your property at night.


<iframe width="603" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DUfcNNv3g68" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by Seastallion
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it would be a 2 second novelty then they would continue to park right there. thats if they even noticed the hologram..............basically they really dont give s h** about anyone but themselves

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I would love to be there to see it first hand if it ever came here to Thailand. The video would make a killing on youtube. But the sad truth is, like many other op's have pointed out they will soon just ignore it. If they installed a camera as well to take the license plate and a fine was enforced for using a disabled spot, maybe just maybe it would work.

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As others have said apart from a small percentage of Thais they don't give a shit about anyone, but themselves, their parents, the brother and money.

Had one reverse her c class(less) Mercedes at my childrens pram while she squeezed her tacky status symbol into the remaining space of a parent and child space at Mega Bang na instead of parking in the empty spaces 20 metres away. They simply couldn't understand or couldn't careless why what they did was wrong. Told them exactly what I thought of them to which they replied "Don't be like that". Seriously ? Seriously classless.

On the reverse side though I did think what a ****** at a high ground clearance ford ranger parked in the disabled spot at Central Chonburi at the same time the owner came back with a walking stick and deformed leg. Opps.

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At first, being such a superstitious lot, they would crap themselves. But when they realised the reality they would just carry on as normal and ignore it.

I'm not sure how many could figure out the technology? So superstitious they may not even give it a second thought immediately thinking it is a Pee? Still I'm surprised that this has come out of Russia as well, not exactly known themselves for their respect or compassion for anyone or their rights themselves. Obviously this tech wouldn't work outside either or anywhere there's the slightest bit of breeze but it's quite interesting and maybe something to build on, the point too is that it is attention grabbing and also begs the question of whether or not it continues to run even if you do park in the space? I know it would disrupt the video but if the sound was still running it'd be getting a lot of unwanted attention from others and the embarrassment of knowing people know you are parking improperly may be enough to deter.

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