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Can it REALLY be genuine if she won't French kiss?


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I've been trying to make an

acquaintance realise that the

fact his young teerak won't

kiss him passionately is a

surefire sign that she doesn't

feel the same about him as

he does about her.

He's adamant that she's just

"one of those Thai girls who

don't like tongue kissing".

I don't think this kind of Thai

woman (or any nationality)

exists. All women enjoy

Frenchies - his GF is taking

him for a ride but he won't

accept it.

My question is do you think

a woman can be genuinely

"into" you when she won't

kiss you passionately?

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In my experience of Thai ladies, if they know how to kiss like that then they have been with a few (many?) "ferangs" as nearly all Thai females I have encountered do not do that, some will try it, but its not the norm for them,

Thais "sniff" kiss as the norm in my experience.

Personally, if I met a Thai female, and she stuck her tongue down my throat, I'd drop her like a bad habit, as the mileage on the clock is way too high for my taste, and her background would be very questionable to me.

Edited by RolandRat
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Personally, if I met a Thai female, and she stuck her tongue down my throat, I'd drop her like a bad habit, as the mileage on the clock is way too high for my taste.

Your experience, okay. But not mine.

My wife has had only one boyfriend and one husband and she loves nothing more than a Frenchie during love making.

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Sniff kiss is the accepted tradition here → shows intimacy & respect....And that might be after seeing each other for awhile....

The Thais by and large are a non kissing society - just as they also are a non hugging society.....

Any gal that is quick with her tongue has been experiencing and is aggressive in western ways....You have to wonder/worry about how/why they've come know/employ the western "triggers"......

Your friend needs to learn a bit more about the country he is in.....

He might have a gem - but mishandling her = bye bye

Depends on the type of woman he wants and what he wants her for......

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Personally, if I met a Thai female, and she stuck her tongue down my throat, I'd drop her like a bad habit, as the mileage on the clock is way too high for my taste.

Your experience, okay. But not mine.

My wife has had only one boyfriend and one husband and she loves nothing more than a Frenchie during love making.

Different stage of relationships I would think - relatively speaking....That would be a more normal time for them to participate - including mine... .

But it's not like the west here where planting one on 'em standing or sitting next to each other is "the norm" or an anticipated/expected move/reaction, or practice.....

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Sniff kiss is the accepted tradition here → shows intimacy & respect....And that might be after seeing each other for awhile....

The Thais by and large are a non kissing society - just as they also are a non hugging society.....

Any gal that is quick with her tongue has been experiencing and is aggressive in western ways....You have to wonder/worry about how/why they've come know/employ the western "triggers"......

Ridiculous but largely consistent with the observations of older men in Thailand whose younger partners generally can't bring themselves to exchange saliva with them.

Total nonsense to suggest that a Thai woman who can French kiss will have learned this from foreign men.

Next we'll be told that Thai women who have sex out of wedlock will have learned that from farangs

French kissing is ABSOLUTELY the norm among young couples here.

Go to a Thai bar or club with lots of young folks - then come back and tell us that sniff-kissing is the norm.

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Sniff kiss is the accepted tradition here → shows intimacy & respect....And that might be after seeing each other for awhile....

The Thais by and large are a non kissing society - just as they also are a non hugging society.....

Any gal that is quick with her tongue has been experiencing and is aggressive in western ways....You have to wonder/worry about how/why they've come know/employ the western "triggers"......

Ridiculous but largely consistent with the observations of older men in Thailand whose younger partners generally can't bring themselves to exchange saliva with them.

Total nonsense to suggest that a Thai woman who can French kiss will have learned this from foreign men.

Next we'll be told that Thai women who have sex out of wedlock will have learned that from farangs

French kissing is ABSOLUTELY the norm among young couples here.

Go to a Thai bar or club with lots of young folks - then come back and tell us that sniff-kissing is the norm.

Yeah they're even capable of making babies without the aid of a foreigner these days.

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Go to a Thai bar or club with lots of young folks - then come back and tell us that sniff-kissing is the norm.

I ONLY go to Thai bars and clubs, and not just trendy ones in Thonglor full of rich Thais who've lived abroad. No one is french kissing in the average Thai uni bar. No one is making out. The most PDA they display is a sneaky sniff kiss and holding hands. Secondly the crowd that frequents bars often are way more outgoing than average. There are lots of Thais girls that never go to them and are quite conservative.

Sniff kissing is still the norm for most. Some can french kiss, especially among trendy or rich types, but many many normal girls don't really know how and have not done it. Not french kissing is not at all a bad sign, but neither is it a gauranteed good sign. It's impossible for anyone to tell without knowing the girl and seeing the couple together.

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OK well this has gone off on a tangent

The OP asked whether a woman's feelings toward her man can be genuine if she refuses to kiss him "passionately".

Not much else shows how much you love someone than deep, sensuous kissing.

In my view, if your woman refuses to French kiss with you, then she's in it for something else besides the "love".

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Quote: "ALL women enjoy Frenchies."

You've made out with every woman on the planet, have you?

I just think human sexual preferences are so varied that it's misguided to try and impose a criteria about what constitutes "genuine love," especially when you're crossing cultural barriers, or for that matter, meddling in someone else's relationship.

Edited by Gecko123
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Sniff kiss is the accepted tradition here → shows intimacy & respect....And that might be after seeing each other for awhile....

The Thais by and large are a non kissing society - just as they also are a non hugging society.....

Any gal that is quick with her tongue has been experiencing and is aggressive in western ways....You have to wonder/worry about how/why they've come know/employ the western "triggers"......

Your friend needs to learn a bit more about the country he is in.....

He might have a gem - but mishandling her = bye bye

Depends on the type of woman he wants and what he wants her for......

I agree the sniff kiss or just rubbing cheeks is the traditional method of kissing . It is probably considered old style now especially with a generation exposed to western movies and culture . And this is probably why a girl who tickles your tonsils does not necessarily indicate she has been with too many falungs. She has probably seen it at the movies and tried it out on her boyfriend or girlfriend at school.

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Quote: "ALL women enjoy Frenchies."

You've made out with every woman on the planet, have you?

I just think human sexual preferences are so varied that it's misguided to try and impose a criteria about what constitutes "genuine love," especially when you're crossing cultural barriers, or for that matter, meddling in someone else's relationship

No, of course I haven't but every

woman I've made out with

(hundreds from many different

cultures and countries) has

regarded kissing as an

indispensable part of the physical

side of male/female relationships.

On the rare occasion a woman

hasn't been keen on it, I've

assumed it's because she just

wasn't that interested in me.

No big deal...not every woman is

gonna be into you which is why

I don't understand why this guy

is wasting his time and money on

his woman when there are so

many to choose from.

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Quote: "ALL women enjoy Frenchies."

You've made out with every woman on the planet, have you?

I just think human sexual preferences are so varied that it's misguided to try and impose a criteria about what constitutes "genuine love," especially when you're crossing cultural barriers, or for that matter, meddling in someone else's relationship

No, of course I haven't but every

woman I've made out with

(hundreds from many different

cultures and countries) < snip >

These type topics are often started by someone who just can't wait to get his scorecard on the board.

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