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Expats living on their pension in Thailand, why the negativity?


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As they say .....it's complicated . The UK guys talk about PENSION. In AU we have what's named pension. Meaning old age pension. I cannot receive that due to assets etc. We have perhaps an income stream from our compulsory superannuation fund. Also from assets like perhaps rental properties.

I'm actually jealous sometimes of the young folk wishing to live in Asia. Also they travel so much.

Thing is I worked f...... ing hard all my life. Now money is no object. Sort of.

Everything seems to go lovely till a farang, who has accumulated very little wealth falls in love. Can't live here and support whoever on 25k teaching.....'

Anyway the first post that said JEALOUSLY is spot on.

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For me the "bottom line" is that Thailand is not for everyone. I've been coming here since '68 and I've seen the many, many changes this country has gone through. I have a baht 6 figure income monthly, and that allows me to live a nice, very comfortable life, with the things I, my wife, and my son need. We don't try to live extravagantly, but we live well, a large part due to me keeping the books and being diligent about it. I've seen guys with less income than me who are extremely happy. And I've seen guys with more income than me who are miserable all the time. To me, whatever your income is, you, and you alone, have to decide what you can have, and what it takes to live here. And then you have to stick to that, with minor adjustments from time to time. If you can't do that, then you're living in the wrong place.

It doesn't matter where some people live, it will be the wrong place.

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Jealousy? Don't be ridiculous.

There's no negativity nor jealousy towards the concept of a man living on his pension in Thailand - what else are you supposed to live on when you're retired?

Hell of a lot of people on TVF take the pee out of TEFLers and digital pikeys; why shouldn't some of the pensioners get some too?

For sure, I have definitely given that group a bit of stick but most of that stems from the fact that SOME of them - NOT ALL - seem to think that they shouldn't have to jump through immigration hoops because they bring in a monthly income. Good Lord, some of them even believe that, collectively, that income is equivalent to 10% of Thai GDP. LOL!

I don't hear the expat working day in-day out and paying taxes in Thailand demanding privileges yet some of the pensioners seem to think they're entitled

For every pensioner quietly going about his business, not demanding preferential treatment, enjoying his life on a nice, comfortable pension he paid into over a lifetime of hard graft, there's 20 more hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially - subsisting on food hall noodles and a happy hour Leo.

Those 20 tend to be the most vociferous and those are the ones I take the mick out of.

I don't get a pension, and i don't work. but live quite comfortably, not wealthy, but ok. But i still love food hall noodles, and definitely would have happy hour beer.....why waste good money you've saved all your life for?

Another thing is discounts on buying goods, if the shop won't discount, then we go to one that does....its not that we cant afford it, but why would anyone pay more than you need too? Common sense really.

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I think a large part of it is looking with young eyes from the Pattaya-eaque"experience" - they want to keep living that way but can't - they have to go back and work for another 20-35 years to be able to POSSIBLY THINK about doing what they see going on around them while they are here.....


Most old boys don't party and those that do definitely don't cut a rug up in the way ANY young man would want to emulate; you can trust me on that laugh.png

Rightly or wrongly, the younger guys perceive the older men here as being pretty sad and desperate for companionship even if that means paying for it.

It's not something they aspire to; you MUST know that

When I was younger, I went to places like Ibiza and other parts of Spain most every year. There were old boys who'd moved out there and appeared to be living the dream. Who knows? Maybe they WERE but was I jealous of them?

No freakin' way

I was happy to head home to top drawer birds, a kick ar5e salary and bonus, a large flat in Central London and the kind of parties the masses would read about in the papers the next day and drool.

The jealousy you people imagine is most likely to be found among your own ranks.

Pensioners jealous of other pensioners

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What pisses the old duffers of, is easy enough, their money cant but them back their youth or golden years.

Thankfully modern medicine now gives little blue pills, but it aint enough to give their teerak what she wants, hence why the motocy taxi driver or brother is always hanging around the house.

Over on another thread is 54 pages of teenage angst, why is the Brit Gov't ripping me off, why cant I get Thai citizenship, I cant speak a word of Thai.

Spend 35 years down pit lad, paid me union dues an that, sold me two up two down in Donny, came here and scored some lass no decent Thai man from village would look at.

Jeez CH, you dont know the half of it.

Gawds gift to women couldnt even afford a BUS TICKET to Bkk return, free loaded off his mates.

Never mind, what about the money seasoning technique, or money in money out trick to satisfy immi,, money from one acount tx into another, hang on gramps, its the same moeny going round and round.

Great stuff, head up your local boozer up my way and bitch and moan your pension aint being updated, you would be chased out the place, with glases flying, living the dream in these times of austerity, piss off gramps..

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I remember an incident on a baht bus.

(There he goes again!)

I got into a conflict with a sleazy baht bus driver who was trying to overcharge the bus full of mostly tourists.

I tried to insist on paying what I knew, as a resident, was the correct fare, and the driver looked like he was on the edge of getting violent (because in doing so I was informing the people on the bus they were being taken).

So a callous young Russian man started to mock and laugh at me (poor old westerner, can't afford the fare, as if) and offered to pay the driver the extra money for me. (No, I didn't accept his offer as that wasn't the point.)

Now with most of Russians gone with the crashed ruble, I like to imagine that disrespectful arrogant little PUNK as a stealth Russian soldier in Ukraine living on mush.

Oh well!

Or in one of Stalins beaut gulags.

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I honestly have never noticed the things you talk about in your OP since I joined this forum.....and I really don't understand what it is all about. In effect, it seems to me that you are saying....if somebody states that he is living in Thailand on his pension......he is frowned upon. What is the meaning there..if a person reaches pensionable age does he not have to live somewhere? what difference does it make what country he picks to live in....why would people frown on him for choosing a place where he believes he can get best value for his money, I see no logic in what you say you have noticed in these posts. I suppose I'm simply saying....it doesn't make sense.

Many European pensioners retire to Spain for the low cost and the sun....would they also be frowned upon?.... Am really baffled....on what grounds or what reasons do they have for frowning?......What happens?...a person posts " I'm living here on my pension" and a reply comes in...something like....." You shouldn't be doing that, you should be living at home". Never came across anything so nonsensical in my life.....if it is the case

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It get 50.000bht a month and i live great here but if i lived in Camerons uk i could not live there anymore,beer in the uk is about 3.50 a pint we get for just over a pound here,yes some food is more expensive,but i can live like a king, if i was back in the uk i would be in the gutter.my only moan is i pay english tax but do not get index rises in A pril out here

"Cameron's UK" - what's that got to do with the price of fish? Do you think living costs would be any lower with another party in the chair?

Beer in the UK may be around £3.50 a pint in pubs but where on earth are you buying beer in Thailand for a little over a pound a pint? Let's call 60 baht a little over a pound, to be generous. One pint = 568ml and a small beer here is 330ml. 330 divided by 568 = 0.58 x 60 baht = 34 baht. Can you can buy a bottle of beer in a Bangkok pub or bar for 34 baht? Unless you are comparing the price of beer in 7/11 to the price of beer in pubs in the south east of the UK, which would be a stupid and unfair comparison, you are talking absolute rubbish (or drinking Red Horse or some other vile brew).

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''the more posts a member has historically the greater the negativity in their responses''

I strongly disagree, are you saying, don't post? like in school, don't ask questions, so

get no answers, take off your blinkers, you've been in Thailand too long.

''The older and the wiser had a Plan B,with financial backing to bale out.''

That's why i read and contribute, for the wisdom i get here, wise, very wise.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

I spend a lot of time drinking with expat pensioners and there is another reason why they get picked on in the forums. It is because they have been living in Thailand long enough to know where to buy everything cheap.

They know where everything is, how much it costs, what days not to go to certain events, exactly which place you should buy your travel ticket from, which vendors to buy their food from, where to buy lottery tickets from at the correct price, which hotels to stay at that won't rip you off, where to get the best and cheapest breakfasts, where to buy the best health insurance, where the cheap beer bars are, etc. and some of the members on this forum own businesses here and they don't like the pensioners knowing where to buy their services cheaper.

In fact some business owners hate the expat pensioners because they pass on all their knowledge to the new tourists and they take their advice. I mean a local anywhere will always know where would be the best and cheapest non rippoff hotel to stay. I've done it myself, met many a good guy from my own country and found out he was paying 2,000 baht a night for a room. Took him for a walk and showed him an equivalent room for 600 a night. It's about helping your fellow countrymen out and they appreciate it and some on this forum don't like that because it means they lose business.

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I do not see it as an issue if the pension and the person's finances enable him to get the correct visa and extension.

He will also relieve the UK National Health service of a burden, that can then be applied to pregnant women from distant countries!

My only concern is that there is money accessible and available in case of debilitating illness or death in the absence of family and relatives, causing expense and difficulties for Thailand and Thai partner.

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You're right about the money conversion. Surely the money is worth more here than in their home country. On the other hand I think people see retires that retire in 5here home country then move here are like flees on a dog's back. Because they didn't retire here and they don't contribute to society. What money is spent at the restaurants, Tesco, and Bic C doesn't really constitute as a contributing factor. That figure is comparably quit low. So I think this MAY be a way they look at it, but this just is an idea.

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You're right about the money conversion. Surely the money is worth more here than in their home country. On the other hand I think people see retires that retire in 5here home country then move here are like flees on a dog's back. Because they didn't retire here and they don't contribute to society. What money is spent at the restaurants, Tesco, and Bic C doesn't really constitute as a contributing factor. That figure is comparably quit low. So I think this MAY be a way they look at it, but this just is an idea.

yes oh wise Guru! i'm a retiree who spends in Thailand approximately 34 times the salary of an average Thai worker and now i'm well aware that this peanuts amount doesn't really contribute to my host country's economy.


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I think a large part of it is looking with young eyes from the Pattaya-eaque"experience" - they want to keep living that way but can't - they have to go back and work for another 20-35 years to be able to POSSIBLY THINK about doing what they see going on around them while they are here.....


Most old boys don't party and those that do definitely don't cut a rug up in the way ANY young man would want to emulate; you can trust me on that laugh.png

Surprised you can remember that far back ............ you're 47, aren't you?

And young men are under 30 years old.

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And living in Thailand is this to what I would aspire up on the 40th floor of Club Eh Too Fay or whatever? Maybe they tell the rank and file that they'll be photos tomorrow so all the hot boys and girls can stay home.


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You're right about the money conversion. Surely the money is worth more here than in their home country. On the other hand I think people see retires that retire in 5here home country then move here are like flees on a dog's back. Because they didn't retire here and they don't contribute to society. What money is spent at the restaurants, Tesco, and Bic C doesn't really constitute as a contributing factor. That figure is comparably quit low. So I think this MAY be a way they look at it, but this just is an idea.

I've retired here, I contribute

10% to the government on everything I spend (VAT).

2 sets of high school fees and expenses.

2 sets of university fees and expenses.

and I'll be doing a third set in the future.

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It get 50.000bht a month and i live great here but if i lived in Camerons uk i could not live there anymore,beer in the uk is about 3.50 a pint we get for just over a pound here,yes some food is more expensive,but i can live like a king, if i was back in the uk i would be in the gutter.my only moan is i pay english tax but do not get index rises in A pril out here

"Cameron's UK" - what's that got to do with the price of fish? Do you think living costs would be any lower with another party in the chair?

Beer in the UK may be around £3.50 a pint in pubs but where on earth are you buying beer in Thailand for a little over a pound a pint? Let's call 60 baht a little over a pound, to be generous. One pint = 568ml and a small beer here is 330ml. 330 divided by 568 = 0.58 x 60 baht = 34 baht. Can you can buy a bottle of beer in a Bangkok pub or bar for 34 baht? Unless you are comparing the price of beer in 7/11 to the price of beer in pubs in the south east of the UK, which would be a stupid and unfair comparison, you are talking absolute rubbish (or drinking Red Horse or some other vile brew).

Plenty of bars in CM selling large bottles at 3 for 180bht (Leo, Singha, Chang).

Blar Blar bar has Chang promotion nights at 3 large for 100bht.

You need to get out of the 'foreigner' bars.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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You're right about the money conversion. Surely the money is worth more here than in their home country. On the other hand I think people see retires that retire in 5here home country then move here are like flees on a dog's back. Because they didn't retire here and they don't contribute to society. What money is spent at the restaurants, Tesco, and Bic C doesn't really constitute as a contributing factor. That figure is comparably quit low. So I think this MAY be a way they look at it, but this just is an idea.

yes oh wise Guru! i'm a retiree who spends in Thailand approximatley 3.3m Baht per annum and now i'm well aware that this peanuts amount doesn't really contribute to my host country's economy.


haha yeah of course our spending at rental accom, hotel accom, big c, restaurants, car/bike running costs, VAT, bars, etc multiplied by the how many exactly expats living in Thailand doesn't count - yeah right...........

not to mention the bits and bobs that quite a few of us contribute to rural communities via girl friends and partners

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Yeah, really? Well I'm a pensioner but I'm not old and I'm far from poor, plus I have the advantage of experience. I'm also quite handsome and I'm over here, so go eat your hearts out youth, whoever you may be!

You forgot you're quite modest too

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Yeah, really? Well I'm a pensioner but I'm not old and I'm far from poor, plus I have the advantage of experience. I'm also quite handsome and I'm over here, so go eat your hearts out youth, whoever you may be!

You forgot you're quite modest too

Here, I'll rewrite it for you, happy now?

"Yeah, really? Well I'm a pensioner but I'm not old and I'm far from poor, plus I have the advantage of experience and I'm quite modest. I'm also quite handsome and I'm over here, so go eat your hearts out youth, whoever you may be"!

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What pisses the old duffers of, is easy enough, their money cant but them back their youth or golden years.

Thankfully modern medicine now gives little blue pills, but it aint enough to give their teerak what she wants, hence why the motocy taxi driver or brother is always hanging around the house.

Over on another thread is 54 pages of teenage angst, why is the Brit Gov't ripping me off, why cant I get Thai citizenship, I cant speak a word of Thai.

Spend 35 years down pit lad, paid me union dues an that, sold me two up two down in Donny, came here and scored some lass no decent Thai man from village would look at.

Jeez CH, you dont know the half of it.

Gawds gift to women couldnt even afford a BUS TICKET to Bkk return, free loaded off his mates.

Never mind, what about the money seasoning technique, or money in money out trick to satisfy immi,, money from one acount tx into another, hang on gramps, its the same moeny going round and round.

Great stuff, head up your local boozer up my way and bitch and moan your pension aint being updated, you would be chased out the place, with glases flying, living the dream in these times of austerity, piss off gramps..

^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

The anti-old posts none of you have seen!

Here it is!

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If self funded pensions OK.

Not jealousy from me, with an income many times the aged pension, but a degree of disgust.

I worked 43 years, never drew a cent from the government, provided for myself, and am a self funded retiree. I live in Australia, mostly, so continue to pay GST, and other federal and state indirect taxes.

Somebody who paid a lot less tax than I did, and continue to do, receives an aged pension, and then leaves the country, contributing nothing further. I think if a recipient is not living in the country that pays his state funded pension, it should be reduced by what tax that pension may attract if the recipient was living in his home country...... start at about 25%, but possibly more.

Paying income tax is not the same as paying into a private superannuation fund.

NO, you got it the wrong way around, he saves his country at least 25% by leaving..

If I and many others lived in UK, government would be paying my health care, dentist, Doctor, Hospital, medication, winter fuel, and guess lots of other odds and end in living allowances can be claimed...

In the UK back in 2003 my Doctor said my monthly medication prescription was £70.... that is just one item I am saving my country by leaving.. have been in hospital 3x here guess spent around 120,000 baht + spent over 80,000 baht at dentist here.... in UK would have been a lot more on both + I would not have paid, that would have been the government paying..

So I am saving the UK Government a lot of money by not living there.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

and i am just curious where you read these negative comments. i'm an active member of TV since nine years and can't recall a single one.

I can recall a few ... but very few. However, as to cynical whiney posts about other subjects ... esp. about Thailand & Thais ... I recall many hundreds.

Some people are just plain cynical, find fault in virtually everything, and don't know how to be happy. And like old dogs, some get worse and worse as they get older and older.

Cynics who whine on here are entitled to do so if their experience of Thailand is a negative one. Their opinion is as valid as the next person's who has had mostly good experiences and says so. A forum is an outlet, even a safety valve for people who are hurt or angry and a place for expression of delight. If the negatives out number the positives then it's to be expected that the need to express a negative can be stronger than the need to express a positive if they are already happy and don't have a need say much at all.I would imagine they may not inhabit or contribute to the forum regularly.There are plenty who whine about the whiners too! To me it's all good, entertaining and educative.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

and i am just curious where you read these negative comments. i'm an active member of TV since nine years and can't recall a single one.

I can recall a few ... but very few. However, as to cynical whiney posts about other subjects ... esp. about Thailand & Thais ... I recall many hundreds.

Some people are just plain cynical, find fault in virtually everything, and don't know how to be happy. And like old dogs, some get worse and worse as they get older and older.

Cynics who whine on here are entitled to do so if their experience of Thailand is a negative one. Their opinion is as valid as the next person's who has had mostly good experiences and says so. A forum is an outlet, even a safety valve for people who are hurt or angry and a place for expression of delight. If the negatives out number the positives then it's to be expected that the need to express a negative can be stronger than the need to express a positive if they are already happy and don't have a need say much at all.I would imagine they may not inhabit or contribute to the forum regularly.There are plenty who whine about the whiners too! To me it's all good, entertaining and educative.

expressing disgust about the whiners is not whining!

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I can recall a few ... but very few. However, as to cynical whiney posts about other subjects ... esp. about Thailand & Thais ... I recall many hundreds.

Some people are just plain cynical, find fault in virtually everything, and don't know how to be happy. And like old dogs, some get worse and worse as they get older and older.

Cynics who whine on here are entitled to do so if their experience of Thailand is a negative one. Their opinion is as valid as the next person's who has had mostly good experiences and says so. A forum is an outlet, even a safety valve for people who are hurt or angry and a place for expression of delight. If the negatives out number the positives then it's to be expected that the need to express a negative can be stronger than the need to express a positive if they are already happy and don't have a need say much at all.I would imagine they may not inhabit or contribute to the forum regularly.There are plenty who whine about the whiners too! To me it's all good, entertaining and educative.

expressing disgust about the whiners is not whining!

OK boss, I'll defer to your 28889 more posts than mine wai2.gif

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Cynics who whine on here are entitled to do so if their experience of Thailand is a negative one. Their opinion is as valid as the next person's

I quoted a part of your post as I find it relative, I have found in my time that many posters do not live here in Thailand or come once a year or every couple of years on holiday and whinge about it from a holiday experience. I am not saying their inputs should be entirely dismissed but IMHO people who live in Thailand have a lot more credibility to the reality of it all.

I have always wondered the demographics of the posters. It would be an interesting Pareto chart I would have to guess.

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Cynics who whine on here are entitled to do so if their experience of Thailand is a negative one. Their opinion is as valid as the next person's

I quoted a part of your post as I find it relative, I have found in my time that many posters do not live here in Thailand or come once a year or every couple of years on holiday and whinge about it from a holiday experience. I am not saying their inputs should be entirely dismissed but IMHO people who live in Thailand have a lot more credibility to the reality of it all.

I have always wondered the demographics of the posters. It would be an interesting Pareto chart I would have to guess.

Agree. Yes I am one and I don't live in Thailand but have done temporarily and will again eventually. That is why I absorb as much as I can from this forum, the good with the bad. Thus I consider all posts on here because it is all experience that leads to every opinion however ill considered or harsh.. Also my experience is limited so I'm happy to defer to others who do live in Thailand, I think I will come forewarned of many things, and I thank the members for sharing whatever,although there are many contradictory posts. I hope that leads me to a less judgmental position, however I do challenge when I read what I think are obviously wrongful, aggressive or prejudiced posts.

Cheers to all.

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What pisses the old duffers of, is easy enough, their money cant but them back their youth or golden years.

Thankfully modern medicine now gives little blue pills, but it aint enough to give their teerak what she wants, hence why the motocy taxi driver or brother is always hanging around the house.

Over on another thread is 54 pages of teenage angst, why is the Brit Gov't ripping me off, why cant I get Thai citizenship, I cant speak a word of Thai.

Spend 35 years down pit lad, paid me union dues an that, sold me two up two down in Donny, came here and scored some lass no decent Thai man from village would look at.

Jeez CH, you dont know the half of it.

Gawds gift to women couldnt even afford a BUS TICKET to Bkk return, free loaded off his mates.

Never mind, what about the money seasoning technique, or money in money out trick to satisfy immi,, money from one acount tx into another, hang on gramps, its the same moeny going round and round.

Great stuff, head up your local boozer up my way and bitch and moan your pension aint being updated, you would be chased out the place, with glases flying, living the dream in these times of austerity, piss off gramps..

You must have taken exams in bullshit , because you certainly write enough of it cheesy.gif

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Jealousy? Don't be ridiculous.

There's no negativity nor jealousy towards the concept of a man living on his pension in Thailand - what else are you supposed to live on when you're retired?

Hell of a lot of people on TVF take the pee out of TEFLers and digital pikeys; why shouldn't some of the pensioners get some too?

For sure, I have definitely given that group a bit of stick but most of that stems from the fact that SOME of them - NOT ALL - seem to think that they shouldn't have to jump through immigration hoops because they bring in a monthly income. Good Lord, some of them even believe that, collectively, that income is equivalent to 10% of Thai GDP. LOL!

I don't hear the expat working day in-day out and paying taxes in Thailand demanding privileges yet some of the pensioners seem to think they're entitled

For every pensioner quietly going about his business, not demanding preferential treatment, enjoying his life on a nice, comfortable pension he paid into over a lifetime of hard graft, there's 20 more hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially - subsisting on food hall noodles and a happy hour Leo.

Those 20 tend to be the most vociferous and those are the ones I take the mick out of.

I don't get a pension, and i don't work. but live quite comfortably, not wealthy, but ok. But i still love food hall noodles, and definitely would have happy hour beer.....why waste good money you've saved all your life for?

Another thing is discounts on buying goods, if the shop won't discount, then we go to one that does....its not that we cant afford it, but why would anyone pay more than you need too? Common sense really.

Are you frugal freddie lol. Seriously, i do not find anything wrong with trying to get bargains. These 2 week millionaires say some expats are cheap charlies, but they fly cattle class, and stay in 500 - 700 baht a night hotels.

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