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Youve Be Warned


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Don't marry *anyone* you have only known a few months...

Unless she is really hot and has excellent oral skills. :o

yeah but sometimes those skills wear off after you get married.

"I do" is actually an abbreviation of " I do not suck c*** anymore"


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What are you lot smoking today.

'Good girls not doing the hot photos'.

Every other month there is a scandal in the Thai press of some hi-so girl or other having her tush plastered all over the internet (not just photos either) - Remember Anna anyone?

This topic was discussed on Pantip and it is very clear from the responses that the digital imaging gear is very present in the bedrooms of middle class Thai couples.

Here's the actual problem The fact is, and it is easily seen in the responses here, most foreigners haven't got a clue how to judge Thais - Likewise most Thais haven't got a clue how to judge foreigners.

I've lost count of the times guys have told me they've met some middle class/hi-so good girl only to find that when the girl is presented she's nothing of the sort.

Just as a very dear friend of my wife's was so keen to introduce her new English boyfriend, telling us before hand what a gentleman he was. Gentleman be b0ll0cks - When I met him he was clearly trailer trash, a waister, the kind any Englishman would spot a mile off. Full of <deleted>, but she was blind to it - until she was left heart broken and wondering what went wrong.

And I don't count myself out of this, when I look back on some of the Thais I've thought were straight up, only to discover they were low class trash. Given the access my work gives me to the right social circles I can only imagine the mess guys get into who simply get off the plane and head to the bars, or as in this case, hit the www.

Its all about missunderstanding, culture, language and more hope than common sense.

I think you're right on here GH. Hard to judge. You just gotta be patient, use common sense, protect your assets. Same things you would do anywhere!

My TW from a very poor family....would kill me if I brought out any vid equipment! Perhaps the hi-so or middle class are different.

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Here's the actual problem. The fact is, and it is easily seen in the responses here, most foreigners haven't got a clue how to judge Thais - Likewise most Thais haven't got a clue how to judge foreigners.[/color]

I've lost count of the times guys have told me they've met some middle class/hi-so good girl only to find that when the girl is presented she's nothing of the sort.


Just as a very dear friend of my wife's was so keen to introduce her new English boyfriend, telling us before hand what a gentleman he was. Gentleman be b0ll0cks - When I met him he was clearly trailer trash, a waister, the kind any Englishman would spot a mile off.

Sooo true, my kombi was getting a bit small :o

Edited by Douggie Style
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Hi all

Came accross this the other day thought id post it.


I think he has a few more warnings.

Moral of the story (only my opinion)

- Knowing someone only two months before you get married is too short

- If there is a good chance you will move back to the west best to move west before marriage to give them a chance to see if they like it and can adjust or even see if they like you are just the west. if its you great or just the west fair enough plenty more fish yes there will be heartache but your life wont be ruined

- Get to know their family what they expect of you and your fiance what you and your fiance expect of them

- and i suppose finally (most importantly) get to know your spouse what you both expect of each other and what are your goals and life style expectations

I like the part he say's he's an englishman from england :D do englishman originally come from someplace else :o plus having an englishman accent, LOVE IT

Edited by DragonLad
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Sad story but the worst of it is that there are plane loads of guys coming over everyday ready willing and eager to make the same mistakes.

There ought to be some mandatory training before you can come to LOS.

You got it in one!.

Poor guy though - one of thousands and thousands ; Think once, think twice, think thrice, any doubts, leg it like the hounds of hel_l are after you........................

Anyway I'm Scots and tighter than a duck's rectum so no worries for me!.



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:D I only watched the first video bit, which was mainly of him morosely showing photographs of Mrs Bunn :o (he is a baker) to the camera. I thougt he was a bit of a saddo really, expresionless voice and no facial expressions (although the video was shocking quality). I feel sorry for him. I don't know if his ex wife knows that he is showing photographs of her naked on t'internet :D . I hope for his sake she doesn't find out!
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:D I only watched the first video bit, which was mainly of him morosely showing photographs of Mrs Bunn :o (he is a baker) to the camera. I thougt he was a bit of a saddo really, expresionless voice and no facial expressions (although the video was shocking quality). I feel sorry for him. I don't know if his ex wife knows that he is showing photographs of her naked on t'internet :D . I hope for his sake she doesn't find out!

strewth, If it was me I'd post the pics to everybody in her village as well. :D

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:D I only watched the first video bit, which was mainly of him morosely showing photographs of Mrs Bunn :D (he is a baker) to the camera. I thougt he was a bit of a saddo really, expresionless voice and no facial expressions (although the video was shocking quality). I feel sorry for him. I don't know if his ex wife knows that he is showing photographs of her naked on t'internet :D . I hope for his sake she doesn't find out!

strewth, If it was me I'd post the pics to everybody in her village as well. :D

Why doesn't he sell them?. Recoup some of his investment?. Surely his copyright after all?.

How much does the News of the Screws pay for pics like that anyway?. (With associated sob story).




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More bad stories than good, and they all seem to marry a girl after knowing her for some ridiculous amount of time like less than 1 year.

Well sure it can happen like that. I've seen it happen all over the spectrum personally. I've seen a guy live with a tg for 7 years before marrying and shortly after he signs the marriage contract, whammo he gets raped for big bucks and a divorce. Let us face it, what happened to this guy is all too common here. All I have to do is look around me and a high percentage of people I know personally have had this shit go on. Look here in the forum and we see Tipperporn and Skipper to name only 2 of many. Personally I have been fortunate in that I never fell into the marriage trap and after 5 years of observation on the goings on around me, I never ever will. I will engage in my long term live in relationships until the pressure gets too great, then I move on. It aint worth it. As for visiting families in Issan, I have refused and take a lot of heat for that. I welcome family to visit us in BKK but that is where line gets drawn.

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A friend of mine had a HOT Thai girl. He treated her well; built an addition onto the family home, bought stuff for all the in-laws. While he was away working she cheated on him and he found out about it. Dumped her of course. Months after it was over he sent me an email with nudie pics of her (dam what a smokin body!). Anytime someone tells me "hey my girl let me take some HOT pics........danger, danger :o

That's just it! The successful relationships are those where the guy is never out of the country for very long. The moment he gets on an overseas flight, she's looking around high and low. The longer he's away, the better her chances to find other someones. How many times have we seen this?

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A friend of mine had a HOT Thai girl. He treated her well; built an addition onto the family home, bought stuff for all the in-laws. While he was away working she cheated on him and he found out about it. Dumped her of course. Months after it was over he sent me an email with nudie pics of her (dam what a smokin body!). Anytime someone tells me "hey my girl let me take some HOT pics........danger, danger :o

That's just it! The successful relationships are those where the guy is never out of the country for very long. The moment he gets on an overseas flight, she's looking around high and low. The longer he's away, the better her chances to find other someones. How many times have we seen this?

Are you talking about girls who work bar? Of course they'll be looking.....and doing.

But what about the average non-bar girl? I would trust them not to be so easily led astry. They are only human and it's possible, but I think you really have to make a distinction between the Thai bg and non-bg.

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More bad stories than good, and they all seem to marry a girl after knowing her for some ridiculous amount of time like less than 1 year.

Well sure it can happen like that. I've seen it happen all over the spectrum personally. I've seen a guy live with a tg for 7 years before marrying and shortly after he signs the marriage contract, whammo he gets raped for big bucks and a divorce. Let us face it, what happened to this guy is all too common here. All I have to do is look around me and a high percentage of people I know personally have had this shit go on. Look here in the forum and we see Tipperporn and Skipper to name only 2 of many. Personally I have been fortunate in that I never fell into the marriage trap and after 5 years of observation on the goings on around me, I never ever will. I will engage in my long term live in relationships until the pressure gets too great, then I move on. It aint worth it. As for visiting families in Issan, I have refused and take a lot of heat for that. I welcome family to visit us in BKK but that is where line gets drawn.

Whatever happen to Tip? Wasn't he supposed to come back to Thailand and then post? He really got screwed; poor guy. He seems like a nice bloke....

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Maybe he was a bit green but there you go - I was married to my ex (UK bitch) for 13 years - she started putting it about all over the place she really went to town and took my house etc etc etc - I have since met and married a lovely Thai lady - but the point I'm trying to make is yes of course be careful but any relationship can go wrong and you can get burned financially and emotionally and some of you should remember "there but for the grace of God go I"

In other words some of you lot are going to get F**** right up the proverbial one day and then see how youu feel

Be a bit more compassionate guys one day it could and will be some of you

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Maybe he was a bit green but there you go - I was married to my ex (UK bitch) for 13 years - she started putting it about all over the place she really went to town and took my house etc etc etc - I have since met and married a lovely Thai lady - but the point I'm trying to make is yes of course be careful but any relationship can go wrong and you can get burned financially and emotionally and some of you should remember "there but for the grace of God go I"

In other words some of you lot are going to get F**** right up the proverbial one day and then see how youu feel

Be a bit more compassionate guys one day it could and will be some of you

good post


and yes i think a lot of guys on here are being a bit too cynical on this chap,

i actually feel for the guy, what sort of future has he and when do his payments stop, and why maitenence payments, she left him!!!!!

england, shot to pieces

looks after everybody unless you are actually english IMHO

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just a quick reply on this one as i find this a pathetic topic and give it no respect what so ever.

some punters say they feel sorry for this guy but i have no sympathy for him at all :D

any punter that marries a woman after 2 months whether it be in los or farang land deserves a one way ticket to the phyciatric hospital and how can he ever complain when it all goes to <deleted>.

as far as showing nud_e pictures of the said girl on "you tube" is a low act and what is his point. ?

his point is, he's trying to make us think that she is a hoe to make himself feel better and further more he say's he loves her.

well thats showing love isn't it. :D

a truly sad case this guy is and they should confine him to the bakery for ever as he is one sad pathetic loser. :D

cheers punters :o

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Ya, ya, ya.. What an evil woman she was. Poor fellow, duped, dumped, and taken to the cleaners.

BUT.. there are two sides to every story, and this is only his.

Like he would tell any of his faults.. if he had any that she might have complained about. No.. she was just to be the obedient grateful girl from the developing country.

So what if she posed for him. Who knows how many times he might have pestered her, and she probably did it thinking they would never break up and he would never show them. OR better yet, so that he might not look at his porn collection, but at her pictures instead.

And then he is surprised that she has the same rights in England as English women? He would have preferred she had no rights? Just because she was not English, he thought she did not deserve spousal support?

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And for all the men who love to complain about how their farang ex wives took them to the cleaner and how they loathe all farang women, well now you know.. no matter where your wife is from, she can still take you to the cleaners..

She just needs to divorce you in the right court.

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just a quick reply on this one as i find this a pathetic topic and give it no respect what so ever.

some punters say they feel sorry for this guy but i have no sympathy for him at all :D

any punter that marries a woman after 2 months whether it be in los or farang land deserves a one way ticket to the phyciatric hospital and how can he ever complain when it all goes to <deleted>.

as far as showing nud_e pictures of the said girl on "you tube" is a low act and what is his point. ?

his point is, he's trying to make us think that she is a hoe to make himself feel better and further more he say's he loves her.

well thats showing love isn't it. :D

a truly sad case this guy is and they should confine him to the bakery for ever as he is one sad pathetic loser. :D

cheers punters :o

I think Terry's post says it all.

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A friend of mine had a HOT Thai girl. He treated her well; built an addition onto the family home, bought stuff for all the in-laws. While he was away working she cheated on him and he found out about it. Dumped her of course. Months after it was over he sent me an email with nudie pics of her (dam what a smokin body!). Anytime someone tells me "hey my girl let me take some HOT pics........danger, danger :o

That's just it! The successful relationships are those where the guy is never out of the country for very long. The moment he gets on an overseas flight, she's looking around high and low. The longer he's away, the better her chances to find other someones. How many times have we seen this?

Are you talking about girls who work bar? Of course they'll be looking.....and doing.

But what about the average non-bar girl? I would trust them not to be so easily led astry. They are only human and it's possible, but I think you really have to make a distinction between the Thai bg and non-bg.

No I am not talking about BGs. Much as many posters say things like "this or that can happen to anyone anywhere", I say that this happens to any TGs regardless of background. This is what I have seen in over 5 years of living in Thailand. I've seen it with a nurse, office worker and bank teller. The minute someone brings this up, as the above poster did, they scream bg. I've seen it more with regular TGs in my world

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just a quick reply on this one as i find this a pathetic topic and give it no respect what so ever.

some punters say they feel sorry for this guy but i have no sympathy for him at all :D

any punter that marries a woman after 2 months whether it be in los or farang land deserves a one way ticket to the phyciatric hospital and how can he ever complain when it all goes to <deleted>.

as far as showing nud_e pictures of the said girl on "you tube" is a low act and what is his point. ?

his point is, he's trying to make us think that she is a hoe to make himself feel better and further more he say's he loves her.

well thats showing love isn't it. :D

a truly sad case this guy is and they should confine him to the bakery for ever as he is one sad pathetic loser. :D

cheers punters :o

I think Terry's post says it all.

Totally disagree. The U Tube guy had a knee jerk reaction to being a victim of premeditated extortion at the highest level. His actions are justified based on that

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I'm still looking for where in the video he shows the nud_e photos. Did I miss something? Is it in one of the other ones?


That's the best one and the title of it is her name. If he gave her e-mail address, I would contact her for a quick whirl as I liked the pictures, but I'm too lazy to use snail mail. :o

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And for all the men who love to complain about how their farang ex wives took them to the cleaner and how they loathe all farang women, well now you know.. no matter where your wife is from, she can still take you to the cleaners..

She just needs to divorce you in the right court.

All this talk about farang ex wives being so harsh is nonsense at least in my world. I divorced 2 American women who were more than reasonable and could have cleaned me out. Instead they took beyond reasonable lump sum payments in court settlements. I am forever grateful to them for not contesting and eating up more assets in judgements and outrageous attornies fees. No possible chance I would take a gamble with a foreign marriage situation. In short, I am totally at odds with the negativity shown by so many towards farang women

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This topic has run long enough.

Comments now are bordering on violation of Forum Rules, and the following in particular:

Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated


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