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Donald Trump continues to lead Republican presidential race – CBS poll


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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

Don't be too sure about that.

Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

In which case, time to reconsider my citizenship. biggrin.png

It'll cost you smile.png

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Well Scott Adams of Dilbert fame sees something different in Trump. He's running circles around the MSM - he's attuned to his voting base to the point where he can say the exact words in their brains (this borders on non-supernatural telepathy) - he's a master at negotiation and what Adams calls "verbal judo." I thought Obama was like this too - the behavior of his pack bordered on irrational as far as I could see but he mastered them, raising $600M in email campaigns (Trump won't have to do this). Adams says Trump is such a "verbal judo wizard" that he is going to win, and build that "big, beautiful, powerful wall."


Yeah, that's a brilliant video and I think he's spot on about Trump's masterful manipulation skills which are also of course extremely entertaining. But I can't agree that he's going to win the presidency. The nomination, maybe. I wonder if people who do support Trump seeing that video would be inclined to change their minds if they realized how skillfully they were being tricked. Sure all politicians play games ... but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

"but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

No better example can be found to support your statement than to look at the US for the past 7 years.

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"but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

No better example can be found to support your statement than to look at the US for the past 7 years.

A failed community agitator is hardly the definition of a 'wizard'...

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Never thought I'd hear myself every uttering anything remotely in praise of Trump, however.....

One thing he has done is expose the trouble with campaign finance. As he uttered, or probably shouted in one of his earlier tirades, "Im rich I'm beholden to nobody", which is probably true. And he illustrated that even more in the first debate when he startled people as he pointed to his fellow candidates on stage and commented not just that he had made political contributions to several of them, but that as a businessperson when he made those contributions he fully expected to receive something back in return!

When you vote for them you are in effect voting for the Koch Bros, or another wealthy donor, such as a Trump. Never believe the BS that campaign donations don't have a quid pro quo attached to them, for once I agree with The Donald

Fascinating little article in the NYT which states, that nearly 50% of the total campaign finance raised so so has been donated by a mere 158 families


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Well Scott Adams of Dilbert fame sees something different in Trump. He's running circles around the MSM - he's attuned to his voting base to the point where he can say the exact words in their brains (this borders on non-supernatural telepathy) - he's a master at negotiation and what Adams calls "verbal judo." I thought Obama was like this too - the behavior of his pack bordered on irrational as far as I could see but he mastered them, raising $600M in email campaigns (Trump won't have to do this). Adams says Trump is such a "verbal judo wizard" that he is going to win, and build that "big, beautiful, powerful wall."


Yeah, that's a brilliant video and I think he's spot on about Trump's masterful manipulation skills which are also of course extremely entertaining. But I can't agree that he's going to win the presidency. The nomination, maybe. I wonder if people who do support Trump seeing that video would be inclined to change their minds if they realized how skillfully they were being tricked. Sure all politicians play games ... but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

I could only hope voters can see the trickery in Hillary as her cup runnneth over with it.

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Well Scott Adams of Dilbert fame sees something different in Trump. He's running circles around the MSM - he's attuned to his voting base to the point where he can say the exact words in their brains (this borders on non-supernatural telepathy) - he's a master at negotiation and what Adams calls "verbal judo." I thought Obama was like this too - the behavior of his pack bordered on irrational as far as I could see but he mastered them, raising $600M in email campaigns (Trump won't have to do this). Adams says Trump is such a "verbal judo wizard" that he is going to win, and build that "big, beautiful, powerful wall."


Yeah, that's a brilliant video and I think he's spot on about Trump's masterful manipulation skills which are also of course extremely entertaining. But I can't agree that he's going to win the presidency. The nomination, maybe. I wonder if people who do support Trump seeing that video would be inclined to change their minds if they realized how skillfully they were being tricked. Sure all politicians play games ... but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

Well it's like seeing a judo master then seeing some of his tricks revealed. Sure there are tactics and strategies used but I don't see how pointing that he's doing that is going to change things. Like the judo master with martial arts, pointing out ways he does things, knows the pressure points of the opponent, utilizes the energy from their attacks for his own purposes - not sure how that would lessen him.

And the Zogby smartphone poll states 78% approval rating for Obama from NASCAR fans. Maybe Zogby needs a larger sample size?

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So apparently you don't have to be crazy to support Trump. Good to know!crazy.gif

From a psychological perspective, though, the people backing Trump are perfectly normal. Interviews with psychologists and other experts suggest a simple explanation for the candidate's success -- and for the collective failure to anticipate it: The political elite hasn't confronted a few fundamental, universal and uncomfortable facts about the human mind.


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It seems to help however. smile.png

The Trump people have gone over to him on a tremendous emotional rush with almost every item on the rightwing mind wishlist shouted spoken to. Just about every box is checked. To include having a Muslim brotherhood Manchurian candidate terrorist prez who wuz born in Kenya.


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Here's another interview with him: the WSJ interviewer is top-notch. He gives his plan for ISIS. He points out that African-American youths are worse off now than they were 8 years ago. He explains how he will force (using his negotiation expertise) Mexico to pay for the big, beautiful wall. Looks to me like a guy who wants to make his country great again. Is there anything he says that is not reasonable?


Edited by squarethecircle
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Here's another interview with him: the WSJ interviewer is top-notch. He gives his plan for ISIS. He points out that African-American youths are worse off now than they were 8 years ago. He explains how he will force (using his negotiation expertise) Mexico to pay for the big, beautiful wall. Looks to me like a guy who wants to make his country great again. Is there anything he says that is not reasonable?


Ask the vast majority of the Chinese if the United States is a great country and despite their party line recitations they will tell you it is. Make the same inquiry of Russians and they'll give the same reply with critiques. True elsewhere, true anywhere, true everywhere. Flawed in one way or another but a great country indeed, number one globally and in history. Trump is pimping his campaign line to get himself elected, that is all.

Trump's campaign line to get elected and his bombastic manner (which some call a style) to get attention give him more baggage than an annual report of the Orient Express. In order to be viable a year from now Donald Trump will have to have lived down his entire life. Trump will have to stop being Trump which he cannot do.

Donald Trump is already maxed out in public support, meaning he himself as him himself can't draw any more supporters. Certainly not in significant numbers. Trump's support is predominantly confined to the Republican party base even if the support derives from a significant number among the party base. (Very base.)

To get more support in numbers Trump will have to knock off Carson and Fiorina. Not an easy undertaking that. Trump could do that but under what circumstances and at what cost, price and consequence. Throw in getting Ted Cruz voters who as things currently stand will most prominently surface on Super Tuesday next spring and things get only more murky and dicey.

Mexico is a vital neighbor of the United States yet Trump is digging a nativist trench against it and throwing up a wall at it. All it took to edge the US toward entering WWOne was a suggestion of foreign imperial troops in Mexico at the US border and sponsored by Mexico. Republican Scott Walker had to take a walk home after proposing a wall at the Canadian border against our vital and only other neighbor and member of Nato, the North American Aerospace Defense Command and much much more. Mexico and Canada and the USA are the humongous synergistic trading partners of one another...and the other.

Most Americans are not concerned about Donald Trump becoming POTUS because he certainly will not get anywhere near holding the office of Washington, Lincoln. FDR, JFK, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama. The concern is that there are too many people who support this geostrategically and econo-strategically brainless man who is also barren any thoughts and is just plain mindless.

Citizens supporting the guy who relies on his wits, personality, charisma, have a long record of going hand in hand with him into the debit column of history.

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Trump makes me ashamed to be from the US. He is racist, anti-immigrant, and a misogynist. He keeps himself in the headlines because the tabloid press in the US, especially FOX News, is only interested in headline grabbing actions instead of any serious discussion of the serious political issues facing the country. A sad, sad commentary on the state of affairs in the USA.

Don't lump all politics in American in with the state of the Republican party. HRC or Bernie will make good Presidents. Biden is a good man.

It's the Republican party that's gone completely off the rails.

From Bush's condescending yammering, Trump's racism and xenophobia, Carson's Christian supremacy, to Fiorina's bald faced lying, yes, American's should be ashamed they let this right wing utter nonsense have a say in American politics. We can thank Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch and the disgusting Fox News for all of the right wing lies and loony tune nonsense.

Did I forget little Ricky Rubio? It's starting to look like he'll benefit from this rolling disaster that is the Republican party. He does occasionally sound human. That's about it for saying something positive about any of these Republican candidates. OCCASIONALLY, one of them will sound human. Then when you get into where Little Ricky stands on things you realize, he's just another right wing idiot.

I'm very positive about the state of affairs in the USA. I see a crushing defeat for Republicans a year from now and I see it more and more every day.

HRC or Bernie will make good Presidents. Biden is a good man. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Go Donald go. Give those useless politicians a good kicking. I just don't understand why Bush is still in there- the name alone should make people run, run, run from him.

I see a crushing defeat for Republicans a year from now

I sadly agree. It will be bad for the rest of us in the world- more of the same garbage as the last 6 1/2 or so years.

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Well Scott Adams of Dilbert fame sees something different in Trump. He's running circles around the MSM - he's attuned to his voting base to the point where he can say the exact words in their brains (this borders on non-supernatural telepathy) - he's a master at negotiation and what Adams calls "verbal judo." I thought Obama was like this too - the behavior of his pack bordered on irrational as far as I could see but he mastered them, raising $600M in email campaigns (Trump won't have to do this). Adams says Trump is such a "verbal judo wizard" that he is going to win, and build that "big, beautiful, powerful wall."


Yeah, that's a brilliant video and I think he's spot on about Trump's masterful manipulation skills which are also of course extremely entertaining. But I can't agree that he's going to win the presidency. The nomination, maybe. I wonder if people who do support Trump seeing that video would be inclined to change their minds if they realized how skillfully they were being tricked. Sure all politicians play games ... but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

"but history shows such masters as Trump can turn out to be very tragic for the nations that fall under the wizard's spell.

No better example can be found to support your statement than to look at the US for the past 7 years.

The statement that is quoted, "but history shows..." is an excellent one that seems to get a high and tight fastball from the hurlers on the hard right, so it seems worthwhile for the progressive-liberals to archive it to use going forward during the campaign and in other relevant contexts.

Hit it out of the park the next time.

Thx for that. thumbsup.gif

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I heard on the news that Trump and Carson may boycott the next debate because they want certain conditions, including opening comments, like the Democratic debate. I believe there are a few other demands.

Scary to think that they can only debate if they get their way.

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I heard on the news that Trump and Carson may boycott the next debate because they want certain conditions, including opening comments, like the Democratic debate. I believe there are a few other demands.

Scary to think that they can only debate if they get their way.

Seems the Cruz and Paul campaigns have the same feelings.

Quoted from the link below:

"Top aides to Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul also insisted that the debate feature opening and closing statements, with Paul aide Chris LaCivita saying at one point that CNBC could "go x--- themselves" if they weren't willing to agree to those terms, according to two sources on the call."


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I heard on the news that Trump and Carson may boycott the next debate because they want certain conditions, including opening comments, like the Democratic debate. I believe there are a few other demands.

Scary to think that they can only debate if they get their way.

If they think that for whatever reason they will not get anything from the present setup, or less than their competitors, it makes sense for them to ask/demand a change in the setup.

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I think Millennial voters are a major reason we have reality TV personality leading polls. Millenials are out there in large numbers and willing to shake up the establishment. They are not interested in the old guard. They want a Republican version of Obama. They get their news from social media and they like Trump.


The primary support of Trump in the Republican party is from the tea party people, Christian evangelicals, Faux viewers, white NRA types and other rightwingers to include the many self-exiled expats abroad who want Trump to restore the old America for 'em.



Interesting article. Here's another one that talks about how Trump is shaking everything up--but mostly inside the GOP and its media machine, Fox News.


Speaking of Fox News, here's an excerpt that talks to their audience:

"Neither Ailes nor Murdoch are too dense to know what this means. They know they've spent a generation building an audience of morons. Their business model depends on morons; morons are the raw materials of their industry, the way Budweiser is in the hops business."

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Same could be said about Rolling Stone, but it caters to the lefty looney crowd.

Fair enough. Another name for these folks is "millennials."

Well maybe a branch of them, they do not understand conservatism due to inexperience or perhaps sheltered due to life in a gated community. That's my take but the Rolling Stone article is revealing.

More about the popularity of Trump: Ann Coulter implies Trump is proof that "God has not given up on America yet."


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Same could be said about Rolling Stone, but it caters to the lefty looney crowd.

Fair enough. Another name for these folks is "millennials."

Well maybe a branch of them, they do not understand conservatism due to inexperience or perhaps sheltered due to life in a gated community. That's my take but the Rolling Stone article is revealing.

More about the popularity of Trump: Ann Coulter implies Trump is proof that "God has not given up on America yet."


You're quoting Ann Coulter? Man, that lady is the looniest of the looneys.



This is why we have such a wide chasm in America right now. People that I think are complete nutbags (e.g., Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Carson, Cruz, et al) you probably think are legit. Even the word "conservatism" means different things to different people. Those on the right and left will never agree. All we can hope for is that our side outnumbers the other side.

Edited by Berkshire
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Same could be said about Rolling Stone, but it caters to the lefty looney crowd.

Fair enough. Another name for these folks is "millennials."

Well maybe a branch of them, they do not understand conservatism due to inexperience or perhaps sheltered due to life in a gated community. That's my take but the Rolling Stone article is revealing.

More about the popularity of Trump: Ann Coulter implies Trump is proof that "God has not given up on America yet."


You're quoting Ann Coulter? Man, that lady is the looniest of the looneys.



This is why we have such a wide chasm in America right now. People that I think are complete nutbags (e.g., Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Carson, Cruz, et al) you probably think are legit. Even the word "conservatism" means different things to different people. Those on the right and left will never agree. All we can hope for is that our side outnumbers the other side.

Careful saying she's the 'looniest of the looneys'. I fear the loonies seem to have a craving to outdo each other in outrageous statements.

Then again, Coulter, speaking from her secret lair, I'm fairly sure could eventually out shock them all

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Same could be said about Rolling Stone, but it caters to the lefty looney crowd.

Fair enough. Another name for these folks is "millennials."

Well maybe a branch of them, they do not understand conservatism due to inexperience or perhaps sheltered due to life in a gated community. That's my take but the Rolling Stone article is revealing.

More about the popularity of Trump: Ann Coulter implies Trump is proof that "God has not given up on America yet."


You're quoting Ann Coulter? Man, that lady is the looniest of the looneys.



This is why we have such a wide chasm in America right now. People that I think are complete nutbags (e.g., Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Carson, Cruz, et al) you probably think are legit. Even the word "conservatism" means different things to different people. Those on the right and left will never agree. All we can hope for is that our side outnumbers the other side.

"This is why we have such a wide chasm in America right now. "


" All we can hope for is that our side outnumbers the other side."

I thought you were British. Where does the word "WE" fit into the discussion from your viewpoint.
If some posters can quote Rolling Stone with a straight face, then Ann Coulter is also quotable. Live with it.
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Many posters here epitomize why the US is almost done for and why Americans are considered uneducated. While these liberals have gotten their fantasies to come true in the US they have seen fit to live akin to refugees in a country that still has many semblances of the third world about it instead of back home in the US where they should supposedly be in paradise. They have voted with their feet, if not their minds. From afar they call for yet more destruction of what is left of the once great USA, heeding the latest memes cast out to them by the lamestream liberal dominated bankster run kosher media. It's like watching a nation gleefully engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

One man comes along, and he may be a faker, but he at least talks some sense about at least slowing the destruction, and he is automatically vilified as if a satanic creature. Yet no REAL reasons are given for this... just a mindless list copied from the media clowns.

It's staggering that so many don't even SEE the real problems that are so OBVIOUS and instead are just living in a hypnotized state, fiddling as Rome burns...

Edited by Joe Reality
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Well that's just filling the power void on the right. Both are necessary and it works better if they modulate themselves but can't think of a time since the Focus on the Family movement in the 1980's when there was a movement as self-righteous and "morally superior" movement as the current breed on the left. Total hypocrisy and it's no wonder Trump strikes a vein in so many people.

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Many posters here epitomize why the US is almost done for and why Americans are considered uneducated. While these liberals have gotten their fantasies to come true in the US they have seen fit to live akin to refugees in a country that still has many semblances of the third world about it instead of back home in the US where they should supposedly be in paradise. They have voted with their feet, if not their minds. From afar they call for yet more destruction of what is left of the once great USA, heeding the latest memes cast out to them by the lamestream liberal dominated bankster run kosher media. It's like watching a nation gleefully engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

One man comes along, and he may be a faker, but he at least talks some sense about at least slowing the destruction, and he is automatically vilified as if a satanic creature. Yet no REAL reasons are given for this... just a mindless list copied from the media clowns.

It's staggering that so many don't even SEE the real problems that are so OBVIOUS and instead are just living in a hypnotized state, fiddling as Rome burns...

I see you gingerly managed to sneak in an anti-semitic trope ... suggesting that mass media/banking are controlled by Jews. Cheeky!

So in response, I wonder if many people realize that the Trump campaign is attracting a large segment of visible anti-semites (as well as racists of all kinds) and Trump does nothing to discourage their support or confront their hateful attitudes. On the Jew thing, it's especially ironic considering the Jews in Trump's family.

Here is some background on that:


On social media, it seems that while not all Donald Trump supporters are anti-Semites, many of the vocal and vicious anti-Semites seem to be Donald Trump supporters.”
While Trump’s supporters may not be taking aim at him directly, by virtue of the fact that many of the most outspoken ones are openly and rabidly anti-Semitic, they are attacking his Jewish daughter, his son-in-law, his grandchildren and their extended Jewish family.
Trump credits his campaign with reigniting a conversation about immigration reform on the national stage. Well, immigration isn’t the only topic being discussed thanks to Trump and his candidacy. The blight of anti-Semitism is back on America’s radar, put there by Trump’s supporters, both random Twitter followers and the likes of conservative journalist Coulter.
If Trump is willing to come out swinging against anyone who dares disrespect him, he owes it to America, not to mention to his daughter and her family, to do the same to those who spew anti-Semitic rhetoric in his name.
Edited by Jingthing
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Many posters here epitomize why the US is almost done for and why Americans are considered uneducated. While these liberals have gotten their fantasies to come true in the US they have seen fit to live akin to refugees in a country that still has many semblances of the third world about it instead of back home in the US where they should supposedly be in paradise. They have voted with their feet, if not their minds. From afar they call for yet more destruction of what is left of the once great USA, heeding the latest memes cast out to them by the lamestream liberal dominated bankster run kosher media. It's like watching a nation gleefully engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

One man comes along, and he may be a faker, but he at least talks some sense about at least slowing the destruction, and he is automatically vilified as if a satanic creature. Yet no REAL reasons are given for this... just a mindless list copied from the media clowns.

It's staggering that so many don't even SEE the real problems that are so OBVIOUS and instead are just living in a hypnotized state, fiddling as Rome burns...

Yes Coulter and the other tea bag nut jobs mourning the loss of white privilege, you know, the privilege ordained by god for the chosen few.

Perhaps if you put more words in capital letters you might Stop the Rot!

America will still be great when the first female is elected President because of it will adapt to meet the needs of new generations despite the attempts by the wealthy, privileged classes to invent and perpetuate a class system. I look forward to the time that America adopts Spanish as a 2nd official language. And black people are treated with respect as citizens by the police whose salaries they pay.

And what are you doing here in the third world (sic). Here for the temples right?

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Same could be said about Rolling Stone, but it caters to the lefty looney crowd.

Fair enough. Another name for these folks is "millennials."

Well maybe a branch of them, they do not understand conservatism due to inexperience or perhaps sheltered due to life in a gated community. That's my take but the Rolling Stone article is revealing.

More about the popularity of Trump: Ann Coulter implies Trump is proof that "God has not given up on America yet."


The vast majority of millennials are not conservatives because they have rejected conservatism because they have seen the Republican party since 2008 if not before then. It is no thanks because millennials growing up have seen GW Bush and his Dick Cheney, Rick Santorum and Herman Cain; Huckabee, Carson, Cruz and Trump and the whole gaggle of 'em.

And it ain't pretty.

I've said since practically the outset of the Trump stump and bump that Donald Trump entering the 2016 contest for POTUS on the Republican side is definitive proof not only that God exists, but that it is now absolutely beyond any doubt God has become a Democrat. So thank you God and welcome.

If you let Trump win the Republican party nomination for POTUS it will be a Democratic party landslide crusher from coast to coast and from border to border. The coolest part is that the same will happen no matter who the Republicans nominate next year. Your will is awesome and it is indeed divine, amen.

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Many posters here epitomize why the US is almost done for and why Americans are considered uneducated. While these liberals have gotten their fantasies to come true in the US they have seen fit to live akin to refugees in a country that still has many semblances of the third world about it instead of back home in the US where they should supposedly be in paradise. They have voted with their feet, if not their minds. From afar they call for yet more destruction of what is left of the once great USA, heeding the latest memes cast out to them by the lamestream liberal dominated bankster run kosher media. It's like watching a nation gleefully engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

One man comes along, and he may be a faker, but he at least talks some sense about at least slowing the destruction, and he is automatically vilified as if a satanic creature. Yet no REAL reasons are given for this... just a mindless list copied from the media clowns.

It's staggering that so many don't even SEE the real problems that are so OBVIOUS and instead are just living in a hypnotized state, fiddling as Rome burns...

You are pretty far out there. Americans do not even make up the majority of the farang expat community, I believe that distinction goes to an Island off the the coast of continental Europe.

"10% of Britons live abroad, the highest percentage among OECD countries. Germany is right behind in the #2 spot. 5.2% of Australians are estimated to live abroad. By contrast, the U.S. State Department estimates that less than 2% of Americans do so. North Korea's government doesn't bother to estimate. They just don't let North Koreans travel freely. It follows then that Brits, Germans, and Australians have a higher percentage of living in Thailand than Americans who, in turn, have a much higher chance of living here than North Koreans."


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