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Donald Trump continues to lead Republican presidential race – CBS poll


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Donald Trump continues to lead Republican presidential race – CBS poll

WASHINGTON: -- Donald Trump remains in the lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, followed by Ben Carson, according to a CBS News poll released on Sunday.

The poll showed that 27 percent of Republican primary voters chose Trump as their first choice, which is unchanged from the previous poll in September. Carson has 21 percent, which is down from 23 percent last month. Ted Cruz is in the third place with 9 percent, a four-point increase from September.

Marco Rubio is fourth, Jeb Bush is fifth, and Carly Fiorina is sixth.

Full story: http://www.streetwisejournal.com/donald-trump-continues-to-lead-republican-presidential-race-cbs-poll/11473/

-- StreetWiseJournal 2015-10-12

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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

Don't be too sure about that.

Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

Don't be too sure about that.

Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

In which case, time to reconsider my citizenship. biggrin.png

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Trump makes me ashamed to be from the US. He is racist, anti-immigrant, and a misogynist. He keeps himself in the headlines because the tabloid press in the US, especially FOX News, is only interested in headline grabbing actions instead of any serious discussion of the serious political issues facing the country. A sad, sad commentary on the state of affairs in the USA.

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Go Donald Go.!

Win the nomination, yes smile.png

If you can't do it, let's hope Ben can clap2.gif

After the Romney 2012 rout the Republican National Committee did an "autopsy" that said Republicans running for office need to appeal to the broad electorate.

This bunch ain't it either.

So after the 2016 election there will be a cremation laugh.png

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^^^ That's better than Hillary. Let's have a runoff between them and watch Hillary disappear.

Yeah, right. The GOP is delusional. cheesy.gif

The way the GOP hopeful wanna be's are dragging their knuckles on the ground I would not count Hillary out just yet. She may yet dislodge herself from her petard from where she has hoisted herself on. She was way to cocky taking everything for granted I think you will see her attitude change in the coming months. She has seen the light and stopped to smell the roses. When it comes to Presidential hopefuls on both sides its turning out to be like the movie "Dumb and Dumber" Carlie is no prize. Faux news caught her making a faux statement about paying up outstanding bills and then there are the "doctored" video's she is flashing around on her attack against Planned Parenthood. If you open your mouth you better have the true facts to back up your words up or as the referee said "Your outta here"

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A lot of nations are flirting with xenophobic fascists like Trump. It's not only the USA. I don't believe he will ever be elected president but I can see now he has a fair chance of being nominated to represent the party that fits his poison so well, the republicans.

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Well at least im glad the hairpiece isnot using taxpayers money to fund his campaign. His funds are ill gotten though, he will probably just bankrupt th US so it clears debts and start again and Im sure he will make a shedload.

Its only ego driven

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Trump makes me ashamed to be from the US. He is racist, anti-immigrant, and a misogynist. He keeps himself in the headlines because the tabloid press in the US, especially FOX News, is only interested in headline grabbing actions instead of any serious discussion of the serious political issues facing the country. A sad, sad commentary on the state of affairs in the USA.

Don't lump all politics in American in with the state of the Republican party. HRC or Bernie will make good Presidents. Biden is a good man.

It's the Republican party that's gone completely off the rails.

From Bush's condescending yammering, Trump's racism and xenophobia, Carson's Christian supremacy, to Fiorina's bald faced lying, yes, American's should be ashamed they let this right wing utter nonsense have a say in American politics. We can thank Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch and the disgusting Fox News for all of the right wing lies and loony tune nonsense.

Did I forget little Ricky Rubio? It's starting to look like he'll benefit from this rolling disaster that is the Republican party. He does occasionally sound human. That's about it for saying something positive about any of these Republican candidates. OCCASIONALLY, one of them will sound human. Then when you get into where Little Ricky stands on things you realize, he's just another right wing idiot.

I'm very positive about the state of affairs in the USA. I see a crushing defeat for Republicans a year from now and I see it more and more every day.

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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

Don't be too sure about that.

Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

In which case, time to reconsider my citizenship. biggrin.png

You dropping your US citizenship sounds good to me. If Trump is the reason for reconsidering then go for it. It obviously means little to you.

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Meanwhile, the sitting President goes on national TV to denigrate Mr. Trump to the public in an attempt to use his position to sway public opinion and influence the voters...to his Democratic Party...

Just another feather in the cap of the most self-aggrandizing President in US history...

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Meanwhile, the sitting President goes on national TV to denigrate Mr. Trump to the public in an attempt to use his position to sway public opinion and influence the voters...to his Democratic Party...

Just another feather in the cap of the most self-aggrandizing President in US history...

Let's wait about 50 years for any historical perspective judgments, shall we?

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Trump makes me ashamed to be from the US. He is racist, anti-immigrant, and a misogynist. He keeps himself in the headlines because the tabloid press in the US, especially FOX News, is only interested in headline grabbing actions instead of any serious discussion of the serious political issues facing the country. A sad, sad commentary on the state of affairs in the USA.

Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS so calm down.

For one thing Huckabee is praying against it. biggrin.png

For another thing the vast majority of the general electorate is center-middle. They reject Trump the way the electorate rejected Barry Goldwater in 1964 when the Republican party nationally got routed on account of their fling with rightwing extremism. While the right since then has become more fierce and loud, it is still out there on the lunatic fringe of both the society and the general electorate.

If as in 1964 a quarter of Republican voters don't vote in the general election the Republican candidates on every ballot will again vanish, disappear.

The great majority of the general electorate will never vote for Trump, or Carson, Fiorina, Cruz, Paul (remember him?). Rubio or Bush will lose decisively cause the great majority don't want either of them.

Ohio Gov John Kasich the Rino would do better but just not well enough because HRC even now leads Kasich and everyone else in Ohio. The D for the Senate in Ohio against the incumbent Republican senator up for re-election is ahead of him too as Ohio continues to trend as an increasingly D blue state. (D former Gov Ted Strickland vs R Sen Bob Portman.)

In the past 10 presidential elections Ohio has split 5-5 but in the last six, Ohio has voted D 4x and R twice. Ohio voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. So the trend in Ohio is in one direction only going in to 2016.

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Meanwhile, the sitting President goes on national TV to denigrate Mr. Trump to the public in an attempt to use his position to sway public opinion and influence the voters...to his Democratic Party...

Just another feather in the cap of the most self-aggrandizing President in US history...

Let's wait about 50 years for any historical perspective judgments, shall we?

In 50 years...we will not likely be around to say: "I told you so"...so I am saying it now...biggrin.png

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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

Don't be too sure about that.

Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

In which case, time to reconsider my citizenship. biggrin.png

You dropping your US citizenship sounds good to me. If Trump is the reason for reconsidering then go for it. It obviously means little to you.

A reminder to myself why I usually don't post in a political topic. Members with no sense of humor. wink.png

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As much as the GOP wants no part of this. They aren't going to nominate a wealthy, reality television personality.

Don't be too sure about that.

Folks are sick of the same-o, same-o and by Jees, by Golly, we just might see Trump in Big White.

In which case, time to reconsider my citizenship. biggrin.png

You dropping your US citizenship sounds good to me. If Trump is the reason for reconsidering then go for it. It obviously means little to you.

If Trump is the best the opposition can muster who could blame him.

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I heard Bozo the Clown was a close second and closing in on The Don. Maybe the public is confused because their hair color is the same and they both sound alike, they both talk nonsense.

Your point is well taken about a lot of Republicans, but the general public is not confused in respect of the coming general election.

No one at the top of the polling of Republicans can win. Not Trump, not Carson, not Fiorina.

Bush is history although he's become the vulture of the Republican group, planning to hover around through the primaries hoping to pick some carcasses to eventually crawl out on top, so who knows at this point.

Rubio looks like he's still on the high school debating team and Kasich does really try hard. These are the only ones I'd mention so I hope I didn't miss anyone important over there. wink.png

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Trump makes me ashamed to be from the US. He is racist, anti-immigrant, and a misogynist. He keeps himself in the headlines because the tabloid press in the US, especially FOX News, is only interested in headline grabbing actions instead of any serious discussion of the serious political issues facing the country. A sad, sad commentary on the state of affairs in the USA.

Don't lump all politics in American in with the state of the Republican party. HRC or Bernie will make good Presidents. Biden is a good man.

It's the Republican party that's gone completely off the rails.

From Bush's condescending yammering, Trump's racism and xenophobia, Carson's Christian supremacy, to Fiorina's bald faced lying, yes, American's should be ashamed they let this right wing utter nonsense have a say in American politics. We can thank Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch and the disgusting Fox News for all of the right wing lies and loony tune nonsense.

Did I forget little Ricky Rubio? It's starting to look like he'll benefit from this rolling disaster that is the Republican party. He does occasionally sound human. That's about it for saying something positive about any of these Republican candidates. OCCASIONALLY, one of them will sound human. Then when you get into where Little Ricky stands on things you realize, he's just another right wing idiot.

I'm very positive about the state of affairs in the USA. I see a crushing defeat for Republicans a year from now and I see it more and more every day.

I was referring more to the problems associated with monopoly media - not just to the Republican party. The Republican party wasn't always controlled by a bunch of wackos. Dwight Eisenhower was a decent man and a decent president. The last Republican I can credit with any sense of decency and morality. The 'mainstream' media in the US avoids serious issues because it just may educate the electorate. Better to focus on brash and outlandish statements that do nothing to resolve the serious social issues in the country. Bernie's my man and I'm proud to say that I'm a Social Democrat or a Democratic Socialst. It's not a dirty word in most countries outside the US, either!

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Yeah, I see Rubio's star is probably rising. Also Cruz is quite crafty. A lot of republicans seem to want CRAZY now so in case they reject absurdly no chance crazy like Trump and Carson, Cruz is waiting in the wings to be more credentialed crazy.

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