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How my bills in Thailand are ฿8000 baht a month or about (£150, $230)


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Nice post! This post reminds me of how I lived for about a year when I first moved to Thailand. Happy times. I could save a nice amount and still have plenty left over for going out and having a good time. My advice to the OP, not that he's asking for advice, is to keep the situation going as long as possible. I got married and it's been a world of pain since then, I look back fondly on those early days of simplicity. If I could have my time again, I would have tired to prolong the situation. Make the most of it!

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The room rent of 1250 doesn't sound right, being it has a decent air cond.

Sorry the room rent is double that, I think I forgot to say that the prices i gave were half the bills of the apartment because the gf pays the other half. I pay half rent, half water, half electric and so on. Were both students she goes to uni, I learn online. were both low income earners :)

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The room rent of 1250 doesn't sound right, being it has a decent air cond.

Sorry the room rent is double that, I think I forgot to say that the prices i gave were half the bills of the apartment because the gf pays the other half. I pay half rent, half water, half electric and so on. Were both students she goes to uni, I learn online. were both low income earners :)
I'm losing the will to live. Arrrggg
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" Fabulous " ! I was living on 6,000 baht a month so yes it can be done! I think 8,000 baht a month is fabulous and accurate for living in a third world country.I think some of our viewers living in Thailand on certainly more than 12,000 baht a month must be living in " Cuckoo Land " ........ x

F.J your lovable Thai Visa friend...wub.png

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Well, kudos to the op for posting however he is forced to live like this due to no money.

The argument that everything is close by is ridiculous because this is poverty at it's finest and by his own admission he has no choice.

Seriously, you have to ask yourself the sense of these people moving to Thailand and living like a rat in a cage?

This is not living, this is barely surviving, even for students.

The worst thing is, it doesn't get any better when she finishes school.

I call this desperation living.

Sooner or later the hardships of not having any money come crashing down and it all ends.

I wonder if the OP thinks his GF wants to live like this forever.

Misery loves company

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Well, kudos to the op for posting however he is forced to live like this due to no money.

The argument that everything is close by is ridiculous because this is poverty at it's finest and by his own admission he has no choice.

Seriously, you have to ask yourself the sense of these people moving to Thailand and living like a rat in a cage?

This is not living, this is barely surviving, even for students.

The worst thing is, it doesn't get any better when she finishes school.

I call this desperation living.

Sooner or later the hardships of not having any money come crashing down and it all ends.

I wonder if the OP thinks his GF wants to live like this forever.

Misery loves company

I think your wrong about it doesn't change when she finishes uni, she's currently one of the top in her class doing English and Japanese, she's self motivated to learn herself so she has a chance to get a decent job in translating or something similar.

I don't expect my gf to put up with this style of living forever and I hope I don't have to either. Your right it does suck to have no spending money and have your gf call you tight because you don't want to spend an extra 100 baht for the supreme hotel room.

Edited by yacobm8
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my life in thai , l work 4 month and 2 month holiday in thailand since 10 years

l own room 30 sqm for just 9000 euros in bangkok on nut far for bts 4 km , l buy it in 2008

rent ;0 baht , l just pay charge room for 1 year 4800 baht

electric no air con , l pay month between 100 to 400 baht , pay 2 baht for KW , owner u pay to MEA directly , if u rent u pay 5 to 7 baht kw

water not more 100 baht

car ; nissan march 2010 with lpg second hand manual gear buy it last week for 160000 baht ,

second inssurance 8000 baht year

transportation often l use mini bus 8 baht or bus , or my bicycle

l spend not more 12000 baht month , l spend more in coffee than food lol

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The room rent of 1250 doesn't sound right, being it has a decent air cond.

Sorry the room rent is double that, I think I forgot to say that the prices i gave were half the bills of the apartment because the gf pays the other half. I pay half rent, half water, half electric and so on. Were both students she goes to uni, I learn online. were both low income earners smile.png

l have room in bangkok but also rent room in korat

l pay 2000 baht for new room 36 sqm

its just far 3 km the mall korat



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My rent and utilities (elec/water/internet) come to about 6000 baht a month. I seem to spend at least double on top of that (meaning 3x in total) when I'm travelling within Thailand to see friends or go over the border for Visa.

If I'm forced to shell out for an Elite Visa (probably inevitable within the next year), then that would average out a fair bit more percentage wise. It's all doable, but I like to keep a low bottom line with scope to manoeuvre should I need to (outgoings < income by a comfortable margin). If I'd stopped lending money to 'friends', I'd have been significantly further ahead by now, at least a condo or two - don't copy my mistakes.

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my life in thai , l work 4 month and 2 month holiday in thailand since 10 years

l own room 30 sqm for just 9000 euros in bangkok on nut far for bts 4 km , l buy it in 2008

rent ;0 baht , l just pay charge room for 1 year 4800 baht

electric no air con , l pay month between 100 to 400 baht , pay 2 baht for KW , owner u pay to MEA directly , if u rent u pay 5 to 7 baht kw

water not more 100 baht

car ; nissan march 2010 with lpg second hand manual gear buy it last week for 160000 baht ,

second inssurance 8000 baht year

transportation often l use mini bus 8 baht or bus , or my bicycle

l spend not more 12000 baht month , l spend more in coffee than food lol

Wow that's awesome and hope I can be in the same position as you one day. With your house and your electric being so cheap sounds great :)

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Just my opinion - I don't think anyone can live healthily on 150b a day. I know you are going to say jok or noodles for breakfast, and some fruit, water from the machine and a couple of 'jam dio' ( one dish and rice ) in the long run it can't be very good for you, cheap rice, palm oil, off-cuts of meat and some green stalks.

My wife is pretty good when it comes to food, some nights she likes to eat "nam prik" and boiled veg with some sun dried fish, I doubt she could do it. On other nights she will cook a whole sea bass or buy half a duck, Which costs most of her daily wage. ( she will eat the leftovers at work the next day )

Makes me laugh when people say, I live like a Thai - One thing I think Thais don't scrimp on is food.

Each to their own, good luck with your budget.

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Just my opinion - I don't think anyone can live healthily on 150b a day. I know you are going to say jok or noodles for breakfast, and some fruit, water from the machine and a couple of 'jam dio' ( one dish and rice ) in the long run it can't be very good for you, cheap rice, palm oil, off-cuts of meat and some green stalks.

My wife is pretty good when it comes to food, some nights she likes to eat "nam prik" and boiled veg with some sun dried fish, I doubt she could do it. On other nights she will cook a whole sea bass or buy half a duck, Which costs most of her daily wage. ( she will eat the leftovers at work the next day )

Makes me laugh when people say, I live like a Thai - One thing I think Thais don't scrimp on is food.

Each to their own, good luck with your budget.

Yes I agree I do eat from local food markets and it's like you say rice and something. We have eaten from buying ingredients from supermarkets and cooked our own food before which is healthier and in the future is like to do more cooking.

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" Fabulous " ! I was living on 6,000 baht a month so yes it can be done! I think 8,000 baht a month is fabulous and accurate for living in a third world country.I think some of our viewers living in Thailand on certainly more than 12,000 baht a month must be living in " Cuckoo Land " ........ x

F.J your lovable Thai Visa friend...wub.png

If this is Cuckoo Land, then you're our favotite doo-doo. Don't be a stranger.

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I think I forgot to say that the prices i gave were half the bills of the apartment because the gf pays the other half. I pay half rent, half water, half electric and so on.

Don't worry about posters not understanding.

90% are paying a monthly salary to their 'partner' just to live with them. crazy.gif

The concept of a 50/50 relationship as far as bills goes is completely alien and unattainable for them.



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" Fabulous " ! I was living on 6,000 baht a month so yes it can be done! I think 8,000 baht a month is fabulous and accurate for living in a third world country.I think some of our viewers living in Thailand on certainly more than 12,000 baht a month must be living in " Cuckoo Land " ........ x

F.J your lovable Thai Visa friend...wub.png

If this is Cuckoo Land, then you're our favotite doo-doo. Don't be a stranger.

It would be much cheaper to live in an actual "Third world country". I'm surprised where you are living you can get cell service.
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What type of visa are you using to live here?

Hiya, I just recently ran into some trouble with my Education Visa, I was learning thai language online through Skype and managed to get 3 months until it came to extending and was denied.I now have a double tourist visa from Vientiane in Laos so hope to stay on that visa going in and out the country for 6 months. After that though I'm not sure what will happen sad.png

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Oh dear

How bad a thing to say is that, maybe she don't care about money. It is possible!!!

If they are happy let them live there life how they want

Do you really believe money is everything

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Do you have a job? What is your reason for being here? Vacation? Looking for work? just lazy?

Where are you from? maybe you are used to living like that?

I call myself self employed at the moment as I make my money online myself. I'm making only £130 a month guaranteed income. But recently started on a couple of website projects for family and friends which will replenish the money I've dipped into a little bit since I moved to Thailand. I've had to learn how to do my job online, self taught and made my own money and after 3 years of spending my spare time learning. I'm beginning to make a little bit so I hope it continues to go up as I get better.

I'm from the UK and I grew up in a council house (paid for by others) with my mum and brother. I was one of the poorer kids at school and my parents are both heavy drinkers. I wanted a job I loved to do working on computers and the only way I could do that was to cut bills and move to a cheaper country while I continue to learn. smile.png

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Do you have a job? What is your reason for being here? Vacation? Looking for work? just lazy?

Where are you from? maybe you are used to living like that?

I call myself self employed at the moment as I make my money online myself. I'm making only £130 a month guaranteed income. But recently started on a couple of website projects for family and friends which will replenish the money I've dipped into a little bit since I moved to Thailand. I've had to learn how to do my job online, self taught and made my own money and after 3 years of spending my spare time learning. I'm beginning to make a little bit so I hope it continues to go up as I get better.

I'm from the UK and I grew up in a council house (paid for by others) with my mum and brother. I was one of the poorer kids at school and my parents are both heavy drinkers. I wanted a job I loved to do working on computers and the only way I could do that was to cut bills and move to a cheaper country while I continue to learn. smile.png

Don't tell them that mate you will really start them of now

You should be home paying our pensions and leaving all the nice girls for us because we got money to pay for them....................... And all that crap

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Haha glad you said this because now I get to tell you that my girl is from a poor family of rice farmers. She isn't interested in a man with money. She grew up in a house with concrete floors throughout, a concrete bath, hard bed, cheap food etc. She would say her life is luxury compared to before and with me coming into her life has only made her happier and as a bonus her and her family only have to pay half the bills for her university apartment.

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Don't tell them that mate you will really start them of now

You should be home paying our pensions and leaving all the nice girls for us because we got money to pay them....................... And all that crap

Yeah haha this was my second post on this forum and I'm already beginning to see the different types of members so its all good I'm used to dealing with people online anyway.

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I commend you on your simple living lifestyle.

I have kept close track of my expenses all my adult life.

One interesting thing I've observed is that over time, for every dollar of regular/expected living expense, there is at least another dollar of irregular/ unexpected living costs. Oftentimes, irregular/unexpected living costs can have a much higher than a 1:1 ratio to regular/expected costs. Your visa run to Laos is a good example of an expense which may not show up in a given month's budget, but is nevertheless unavoidable.

Vacations, travel, insurance, dental, medical, eyewear, clothes, shoes, child care, home improvements, appliances, appliance repair, furniture, casualty losses, vehicle repair and maintenance, vehicle registration and licensing, kitchenware, pet care, educational expenses, reading materials, entertainment, gifts, membership fees, charitable donations, computers, cable, personal grooming expenses, language study, postage, etc. are additional examples of expenses which need to be considered when calculating the true cost of living anywhere over a long period of time.

I agree with this. It is good to budget, but there always seems to be unexpected things that pop up to ruin the budget if you have not built in a surplus. For example, I was riding with a friend down to Sri Racha when the front driver tire blew on his car. We put on the spare, and took it to the mechanic's shop. The tires had only < 10000 Km on them, but it turned out that they were previously mis aligned, so both front tires were seriously worn down. He had to replace both. I think the cost for the two tires and realignment was maybe around 5000 baht (not completely sure). This was something he did not plan on, but had to do.

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