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Arrested suspect confesses to murdering Japanese businessman in Ang Thong


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Fairly standard case of a foreigner living upcountry with a lo-so Thai woman he met in a bar. The wife, her Thai husband and siblings get fed up that he is not giving them enough money and is living far too long and bingo they cut his throat or beat him to death.

Far better to rent daily. If you must marry a bar girl, don't live upcountry with her and certainly don't live anywhere near her family or Thai husband.

When my friend went away back to work on the oil rigs his wifes boyfriend moved in, I only found out when I went to the village with my GF who live accros the rd, so I immediately left her and got well away from them.

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Fairly standard case of a foreigner living upcountry with a lo-so Thai woman he met in a bar. The wife, her Thai husband and siblings get fed up that he is not giving them enough money and is living far too long and bingo they cut his throat or beat him to death.

Far better to rent daily. If you must marry a bar girl, don't live upcountry with her and certainly don't live anywhere near her family or Thai husband.

When my friend went away back to work on the oil rigs his wifes boyfriend moved in, I only found out when I went to the village with my GF who live accros the rd, so I immediately left her and got well away from them.

But you did tell your friend didnt you ?

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He had a terminal illness and wife didn't want to see him suffer. Other than that she loved him true.

We don't really know, perhaps the husband asked the wife to find somebody to end his suffering. The husband can not get into heaven if he commits suicide so he has the wife help him out. Maybe the husband couldn't commit suicide because of legalities so he had his wife help him out. Other scenarios than a greedy wife.

Yeah right assisted sucide by cutting someones throat....priceless do you people actually read some of the stuff you write...:rolleyes:

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He had a terminal illness and wife didn't want to see him suffer. Other than that she loved him true.

We don't really know, perhaps the husband asked the wife to find somebody to end his suffering. The husband can not get into heaven if he commits suicide so he has the wife help him out. Maybe the husband couldn't commit suicide because of legalities so he had his wife help him out. Other scenarios than a greedy wife.


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The scariest part of this story is the wife and brother's lack of criminal sophistication.

The wife appears to have figured there was no way they could pin the murder on her if she had an alibi, and the brother appears to have been totally clueless about crime scene forensics.

Fear of being caught seems to have played little role in deterring this crime. Scary.

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Looks like not much thinking went into this at all our the neighbour got wasted drunk in advance ... If they had of poisoned him or anything else they would have gotten away with it....

Doubt anyone would be suspicious if a man who is 83 just died....

If he was living in a condo, the thai wife would have just to throw him by the balcony... and case closedsad.png

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Looks like not much thinking went into this at all our the neighbour got wasted drunk in advance ... If they had of poisoned him or anything else they would have gotten away with it....

Doubt anyone would be suspicious if a man who is 83 just died....

If he was living in a condo, the thai wife would have just to throw him by the balcony... and case closedsad.png

Suffocate him with a pillow or something and the Thai police would conclude he died from old age....

Only a real idiot would try and kill him with scissors and then dump the scissors in a bin right outside the murderscene...

They could have also waited until he was riding his bike and get somchai to run him down in the pickup.... Its a daily occurrence anyway and easily blamed on an accident

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Looks like not much thinking went into this at all our the neighbour got wasted drunk in advance ... If they had of poisoned him or anything else they would have gotten away with it....

Doubt anyone would be suspicious if a man who is 83 just died....

If he was living in a condo, the thai wife would have just to throw him by the balcony... and case closedsad.png

Suffocate him with a pillow or something and the Thai police would conclude he died from old age....

Only a real idiot would try and kill him with scissors and then dump the scissors in a bin right outside the murderscene...

They could have also waited until he was riding his bike and get somchai to run him down in the pickup.... Its a daily occurrence anyway and easily blamed on an accident

so they just thought no one would care, if a farang get murdered here.

After the koh tao case murder, its like the thai got a free licence to kill... pretty scary!

one more thought:

look how easy to found a hit man, how easy to get murdered in this country. Just ask a friend or a sibling and they will do the job!

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He had a terminal illness and wife didn't want to see him suffer. Other than that she loved him true.

We don't really know, perhaps the husband asked the wife to find somebody to end his suffering. The husband can not get into heaven if he commits suicide so he has the wife help him out. Maybe the husband couldn't commit suicide because of legalities so he had his wife help him out. Other scenarios than a greedy wife.


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Hmmmm...that was simple enough to figure out.

It would be nice to know what becomes of the wife and her murderous accomplice.....but seldom if ever, it seems, do we hear about what happens to the crooks and murders and low lives that do get caught red handed or soon after their villainous crimes have been committed.


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Since the victim of this crime was a Japanese, it is worthy of note that not only farangs are potential victims of greedy Thai women, but also other races.

Off topic but,.......

For the senior members married to much younger women and reading this topic, take comfort in knowing that the famous men married to younger women on this list ,were all married for love and their sexual stamina. Money and fame had absolutely nothing to do with it.


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I smelled it yesterday already that this guy was killed because someone can't wait for him to expire. As someone said yesterday in the other post which young chick wants to ride a 80 year ++ c..k for a few Baht a month. The Japanese surely didn't pay her a premium for the ride (2000x30 Days = 60,000 Baht a month) so she wanted to get out of it.

Nobody sane, would pay such price for a 40 - 50 oldwoman with her looks - body. 15.000 - 20.000 (already to much) should do the trick.


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Oh poor dear, how terrible it must have been for an 84yr old man to be stabbed multiple times in the throat with a pair of scissors and left to bleed and die. Even in the good times when they just got married, i wonder what sort of a life they had together and what would they have in common to talk about.

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