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What a laugh !
If you come from Finland you only need $5000 whereas a Cambodian will be asked 6000biggrin.png
(translated by my friend gg)
Necessary documents: (methylpropionyloxy, multi-entry tourist visa)
1. A passport, which is valid for more than 12 months of arrival in Thailand.
2. Copy of passport information page.
3. Completed and signed visa application (on behalf of minor children will be the guardian to sign the application). Print the application here.
4. The visa fee of EUR 130 must be paid in cash for a visa anoessa.
5. The colored passport photograph (1 pc).
6. Airline tickets to Thailand as well as the first entry and the exit of a period of 60 days.
7. Copy hotel reservation for at least the first admission.
8. Wealth Certificate in English or in Finnish which refers to a balance of $ less than EUR 5000 / person over the last six months, showing the transactions, as well as a clear source of income for the entire period. The certificate can be, for example. a statement of account, the balance of pension certificate or receipt, stating the name of the owner and it shall be no more than 30 days old.
9. Certificate of the profession
If the applicant is employed: a certificate of the applicant current job
If the applicant is an entrepreneur: certificate of ownership of the business, company registration documents
10. Foreign citizen copy of valid residence permit.
11. Enquiry visa application sends must include a return envelope stamps and your registered letter or express letter to both the recipient information filled in.
Applying for a visa:
- Applications must be submitted at 9.00-12.00. The treatment time is four days.

So far the four embassies announcing the METV are only offering that or a single entry TR. Looks very much like the double entry and triple entry visas are going (IMO).

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Okay, if the single and double entry visas are 'going' (it seems that way and if you are going to have to apply from your own country, this is going to kick up a big problem for many) and you are like myself, 46 (almost 47), fully retired (as in I do not work) and have no job (well you are retired) but YOU have proof of funds, what do you do? If this happens, it will throw the fox in the hen house here as it will effect a lot of people if he double and triples go!

If it looks like it is going this way and doubles are gone, the PE visa looks like those with a few dollars to spare, might be the way to go. I certainly do have the funds but I have only near 3 years to go until I can gain a retirement visa and I really do not want to be forced to go home or cough up 500,000 of a PE. I can certainly afford a PE but I did not get to retire early from being stupid with money.

Lets see what happens by the 15 of November. If this is going to be standard practice across all Embassies, this sure will be a big shake up. It seems to me they do not want anyone under 50 here and you could see a massive move from many to Cambodia from the Digital Nomads.


Agree about PE, plus in this political climate, where changes occur every month, investing for 5 years is risky business.


Italy was 6,000 EURO

Cambodia was $8,000

+ proof of employemnt

+ proof of hotel bookings

_ ONLY issued to Cambodians

The announcement from the Thai embassy/consulates in Laos will be interesting.

with 7 million Chinese expected its obvious they dont care about a few thousand Farangs that would want this visa


Italy was 6,000 EURO

Cambodia was $8,000

+ proof of employemnt

+ proof of hotel bookings

_ ONLY issued to Cambodians

The announcement from the Thai embassy/consulates in Laos will be interesting.

with 7 million Chinese expected its obvious they dont care about a few thousand Farangs that would want this visa

We will have to await for the full picture to be unveiled.

However, it would appear there will be no restriction on "Farangs" applying for this visa in their own country. The "Farangs" would, of course, have to meet the requirements before a visa could be issued.

  • Like 1

Okay, if the single and double entry visas are 'going' (it seems that way and if you are going to have to apply from your own country, this is going to kick up a big problem for many) and you are like myself, 46 (almost 47), fully retired (as in I do not work) and have no job (well you are retired) but YOU have proof of funds, what do you do? If this happens, it will throw the fox in the hen house here as it will effect a lot of people if he double and triples go!

If it looks like it is going this way and doubles are gone, the PE visa looks like those with a few dollars to spare, might be the way to go. I certainly do have the funds but I have only near 3 years to go until I can gain a retirement visa and I really do not want to be forced to go home or cough up 500,000 of a PE. I can certainly afford a PE but I did not get to retire early from being stupid with money.

Lets see what happens by the 15 of November. If this is going to be standard practice across all Embassies, this sure will be a big shake up. It seems to me they do not want anyone under 50 here and you could see a massive move from many to Cambodia from the Digital Nomads.

Fact is that anyone that wants to live in Thailand permanently has always been expected to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover their stay (or pay for it) and those staying on tourist visas have got away without having to do that for a long time. With the numbers of expats increasing it's not surprising that Thailand is plugging the hole.

I think anyone that can afford to retire in their mid forties shouldn't have a problem paying 500k which effectively gives the convenience 6 years uninterrupted stay in the country. They don't not want under 50's. They don't want under 50's that are working illegally. Nomads included even though IMO they insignificant in numbers.

I think they've pitched the cash needed for a 6 to 9 month stay about right. Genuine tourists taking a work sabbatical will have no problem meeting the requirements.

Most genuine vacationing tourists only come for 2 weeks to 1 month and the single entry visa covers that and some. I know we shouldn't speculate, but if they keep the double and triple entry TR's how many of the new METV's will they sell!

Laos will be the big one. They typically haven't followed the same criteria as other countries in the region so maybe non-nationals will be able to apply there. Whether many that have utilised the double entry TR will be able to meet the criteria for the METV is another thing.

Cambodia gets a fraction of tourists that Thailand does so I'm sure they will welcome the nomads with open arms.

  • Like 1

Okay, if the single and double entry visas are 'going' (it seems that way and if you are going to have to apply from your own country, this is going to kick up a big problem for many) and you are like myself, 46 (almost 47), fully retired (as in I do not work) and have no job (well you are retired) but YOU have proof of funds, what do you do? If this happens, it will throw the fox in the hen house here as it will effect a lot of people if he double and triples go!

If it looks like it is going this way and doubles are gone, the PE visa looks like those with a few dollars to spare, might be the way to go. I certainly do have the funds but I have only near 3 years to go until I can gain a retirement visa and I really do not want to be forced to go home or cough up 500,000 of a PE. I can certainly afford a PE but I did not get to retire early from being stupid with money.

Lets see what happens by the 15 of November. If this is going to be standard practice across all Embassies, this sure will be a big shake up. It seems to me they do not want anyone under 50 here and you could see a massive move from many to Cambodia from the Digital Nomads.

I'm exactly in your same "position"....even the same age!!!!

Attention....only double/triple TV are going....SINGLE is going to stay!!!!

At the moment, if even Laos will confirm possibility of METV just for Lao nationals/Lao residents all we will have to do is travelling Laos more frequently....every three months...60 days single TV+30 days IMM.ext....in our case 12 more trips to Laos..55555

  • Like 1

and this on the Norway site

Therefore, the existing Tourist Visa with 2 and 3 entries will no longer valid after the introduction of the Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry.

so now we have;

Italy must be resident
Norway must be resident
Finland must be resident
Cambodia must be resident

see a trend??

the moment, if even Laos will confirm possibility of METV just for Lao nationals/Lao residents all we will have to do is travelling Laos more frequently....every three months...60 days single TV+30 days IMM.ext....in our case 12 more trips to Laos..55555

you seriously think they will issue u 12 consecutive tourist visas without going home??


and this on the Norway site

Therefore, the existing Tourist Visa with 2 and 3 entries will no longer valid after the introduction of the Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry.

so now we have;

Italy must be resident

Norway must be resident

Finland must be resident

Cambodia must be resident

see a trend??

And Singapore too.


and this on the Norway site

Therefore, the existing Tourist Visa with 2 and 3 entries will no longer valid after the introduction of the Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry.

so now we have;

Italy must be resident

Norway must be resident

Finland must be resident

Cambodia must be resident

see a trend??

the moment, if even Laos will confirm possibility of METV just for Lao nationals/Lao residents all we will have to do is travelling Laos more frequently....every three months...60 days single TV+30 days IMM.ext....in our case 12 more trips to Laos..55555

you seriously think they will issue u 12 consecutive tourist visas without going home??

Guys, guys,

You forgot that Vientiane and Savannakhet are refusing applications after 2 now.

And no, this time they wont ask for proof of anything, (since they cannot check anything foreign) they will just point at the new METV and say "go back home" - where it will be easier to check if you really qualify (bank statement/job)-

  • Like 1

and this on the Norway site

Therefore, the existing Tourist Visa with 2 and 3 entries will no longer valid after the introduction of the Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry.

so now we have;

Italy must be resident

Norway must be resident

Finland must be resident

Cambodia must be resident

see a trend??

You forgot Singapore also residents only



Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa (enforced on 13 Nov 2015): valid for entering Thailand within 6 months from the date of application. The period of stay is 60 days maximum per stay. The Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa holder may enter Thailand again as long as the visa is still valid. Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa will only be granted to Singaporean nationals or Long-Term Pass Holder of Singapore.

4. Evidence of adequate finance

Single-Entry Tourist Visa: $1000 per person and $2000 per family

Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa: $8,000 per person (6 months of financial statements)

5. Letter of Employment (compulsory for Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa applicants)

6. Evidence of accommodation booking (compulsory for Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa applicants)

Single-Entry Tourist Visa: S$50

Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa: S$250



and this on the Norway site

Therefore, the existing Tourist Visa with 2 and 3 entries will no longer valid after the introduction of the Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry.

so now we have;

Italy must be resident

Norway must be resident

Finland must be resident

Cambodia must be resident

see a trend??

the moment, if even Laos will confirm possibility of METV just for Lao nationals/Lao residents all we will have to do is travelling Laos more frequently....every three months...60 days single TV+30 days IMM.ext....in our case 12 more trips to Laos..55555

you seriously think they will issue u 12 consecutive tourist visas without going home??

YES....in one way or another if you are really not working here and you have proof of funds coming from abroad you can stay Thailand.

....it's actually 17 years I'm in Thailand...never married...never worked here...

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I can't see the metv replacing current 60 day tv .

metv is meant to be running along with rather than replacing so I assume it bad translation/information at present or a big change from original idea which will be messy.

Best idea would be online tv & limited amount back to back yearly .


I don't know why everyone seems to be assuming this will make digital nomads leave, or is intended to do so. Actually what this MIGHT mean is they have the green light to stay long term on back to back 6 month (possibly 9 months if you can do an entry just before it ends then an extension) visas, just in a more slightly more expensive way.

So before they had to take trips selectively to one or two consulates (Vientiane / Savannakhet) and be hopeful each time they wouldn't get a red stamp, and if so go to another one to 'break the chain', and after a while of doing that consider renewing their passport for a clean slate... jumping through those hoops put a lot of people off. Many just gave up and all this time have already been in Cambodia / Philippines / Vietnam for precisely the reason that tourist visas were so fiddly.

Now if they're able to do back to back METVs by flying home, it's a more expensive (only slightly though) GUARANTEED way to stay. $6k is not a lot of money to show (but we already have one example of a country that doesn't require you to show any funds at all) and a flight home isn't that big of a deal. I'd prefer METVs by mail from back home in my country, to another trip to Laos.

I'm making a few assumptions which remain to be seen (like others in this thread) that:

1. can do METVs back to back as long as you have the funds in your bank account

2. 'proof of residence' just means proving your nationality - but we don't see this on the Norway one

3. 'proof of a job' this could be showing monthly X income instead of one lump sum, like for retirement visa extensions you can show 40k/mo instead of 80k - but we don't see this on the Norway one, and others make reference to 'entrepeneurs' so those who work for themselves (digital nomads) will have some way of explaining what they do to support themselves

To me the above is more likely. I don't think Thailand wants digital nomads out, I think they want illegal workers (which are only those working IN Thailand, actually) and criminals out.

  • Like 2

I would assume that "Westerns" can still apply for Single Entry Tourist Visa at any Thai Embassy or Thai Consulate in SEA.

Yes but Laos and Malaysia have already limited number of applications to 2.


I don't know why everyone seems to be assuming this will make digital nomads leave, or is intended to do so. Actually what this MIGHT mean is they have the green light to stay long term on back to back 6 month (possibly 9 months if you can do an entry just before it ends then an extension) visas, just in a more slightly more expensive way.

So before they had to take trips selectively to one or two consulates (Vientiane / Savannakhet) and be hopeful each time they wouldn't get a red stamp, and if so go to another one to 'break the chain', and after a while of doing that consider renewing their passport for a clean slate... jumping through those hoops put a lot of people off. Many just gave up and all this time have already been in Cambodia / Philippines / Vietnam for precisely the reason that tourist visas were so fiddly.

Now if they're able to do back to back METVs by flying home, it's a more expensive (only slightly though) GUARANTEED way to stay. $6k is not a lot of money to show (but we already have one example of a country that doesn't require you to show any funds at all) and a flight home isn't that big of a deal. I'd prefer METVs by mail from back home in my country, to another trip to Laos.

I'm making a few assumptions which remain to be seen (like others in this thread) that:

1. can do METVs back to back as long as you have the funds in your bank account

2. 'proof of residence' just means proving your nationality - but we don't see this on the Norway one

3. 'proof of a job' this could be showing monthly X income instead of one lump sum, like for retirement visa extensions you can show 40k/mo instead of 80k - but we don't see this on the Norway one, and others make reference to 'entrepeneurs' so those who work for themselves (digital nomads) will have some way of explaining what they do to support themselves

To me the above is more likely. I don't think Thailand wants digital nomads out, I think they want illegal workers (which are only those working IN Thailand, actually) and criminals out.

IMO. Getting back to back METV's from your home country will be difficult because they appear, based on limited information, to be wanting to issue these only to people that have jobs or businesses to go back to. Surely anyone getting back to back METV's would need to explain how they can do their job or operate their business without working in Thailand. I expect the number of back to back applications will be limited.

You don't see online working as illegal and yet you are already seem to be thinking of ways to obtain a tourist visa without disclosing your work activities when in Thailand. How is a digital nomad going to explain how they will not be working at their business whilst in Thailand and not breaking the terms of a tourist visa?

  • Like 2

I'm making a few assumptions which remain to be seen (like others in this thread) that:

1. can do METVs back to back as long as you have the funds in your bank account

2. 'proof of residence' just means proving your nationality - but we don't see this on the Norway one

3. 'proof of a job' this could be showing monthly X income instead of one lump sum, like for retirement visa extensions you can show 40k/mo instead of 80k - but we don't see this on the Norway one, and others make reference to 'entrepeneurs' so those who work for themselves (digital nomads) will have some way of explaining what they do to support themselves

To me the above is more likely. I don't think Thailand wants digital nomads out, I think they want illegal workers (which are only those working IN Thailand, actually) and criminals out.

You don't see online working as illegal and yet you are already seem to be thinking of ways to obtain a tourist visa without disclosing your work activities when in Thailand. How is a digital nomad going to explain how they will not be working at their business whilst in Thailand and not breaking the terms of a tourist visa?

What do you mean you don't see it?

its in RED

Application for transit visa (for Norwegian passport holders) Purpose of visit

– For tourism (pleasure) purposes only (Category “TR”)Validity of visa

The validity of the visa is 90 days for a single entry visa (enter within 90 days from when the visa is issued) or 180 days for a two-entry or three-entry visa (must use all entries within 180 days from when the visa is issued – i.e. enter Thailand two times or three times depending on the visa within 180 days from when the visa is issued) – (each entry stay up to 60 days).Period of stay

Travelers with this type of visa will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period not exceeding 60 days at any time. The period begins on the date you arrive in Thailand.

Required documents : Your Passport.

(Must not expire within 6 months and contain at least ONE completely empty visa page). 1 copy of Passport

(The page(s) shows your photo , name , date and place or birth and the expiration date of passport) 1 application form [ Download ]

(completed and signed by the applicant. Parents can sign for the minor). 2 photos

(Passport photo, 2” x 2”, color, front-view, taken within 6 months, and write your name and last name on the back of each photo). 1 Copy of return plane ticket.

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