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Hero Thai fisherman rescues Norwegian couple from sinking mud

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Hero Thai fisherman rescues Norwegian couple from sinking mud


image: Khaosod.co.th

KRABI: - A Thai fisherman has been called a hero after he came to the rescue of a Norwegian couple who had become trapped in sinking mud in Krabi River.

The heroics of Mr Chat Ubonchinda were captured on camera. The footage was later shared online and has been watched more 1.5 million times.

The drama unfolded on Friday morning when the unnamed Norwegian couple had became stuck in waist high mud when taking photographs of Krabi River.

Mr Ubonchinda who was out in his fishing boat at the time, saw the couple get into difficulty and decided to go their rescue, reports Khaosod.

In the footage, Mr Ubonchinda can be seen first moving all of the couple’s photography equipment to safe ground, before returning to try and pull the couple out of the mud.

When that fails, Mr Ubonchinda risks his own well being by laying face down in the mud, allowing the couple to use his body as support in order to free themselves .

After the couple were able to get free, Mr Unbonchinda just returned to his boat and went on his way.

It is reported the couple have tried to contact their rescuer to show their gratitude. However, Mr Unbonchinda told reporters he did not want anything in return for his actions.

-- 2015-10-17

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Another example of the kindness and graciousness of the Thai people. After witnessing so many times Thai's being mistreated and trying to be taken advantage of by greedy and selfish Westerners, it is a wonder there are so many Thai's that still have that amazing and endearing demeanor of friendship, good natureship, and respect for other people.

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well done bravery thai style i bet his wife is kicking his ass now you did what for zero baht???

Congratulations on being the first clown to try to put a negative and derisive slant on this report of two people probably having their lives saved.

What is "bravery Thai style"?

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well done bravery thai style i bet his wife is kicking his ass now you did what for zero baht???

Congratulations on being the first clown to try to put a negative and derisive slant on this report of two people probably having their lives saved.

What is "bravery Thai style"?

yeah right

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its funny, you dont realize how close to death you can go sometimes.

being 'saved' feels good and relief at the time.

but,, if they werent saved, then its a horrible way to die, (scared and crying).

i was also rescued (in australia) when i was pushed out to sea by the strong current on a Scuba-Diving trip and i was yelling and inflating this rescue balloon, but my boat (2km away) couldnt see me.

my feet were dragging on coral and getting cut, i was so scared, and after about 15 minutes of this, i was lucky that a smaller private boat just happened to be passing and saw me wink.png

it only really just dawned on me (about 10 years later) how lucky I was).

at the time I was just happy-go-lucky and didnt realize how close I came to dying at sea that day.

Hence, I really feel happy for the Norwegian couple (and every other person) that gets saved in any incident.

Edited by easybullet3
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I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero", but Ubonchinda deserves a standing ovation nevertheless. It's selfless people like him who still give me hope for this country.

'I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero"'

Yes, that's the important thing to take away from the story ... whether or not the semantics meet your approval,

" ...people like him who still give me hope for this country. "

How patronizing and egocentric.

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well done bravery thai style i bet his wife is kicking his ass now you did what for zero baht???

This is RARE display of "thai-style" bravery. For the most part, people here could give a rat's ass if anyone they don't know lives or dies. It's demonstrated in parking lots and crosswalks everyday when drivers, with complete disdain for anyone walking buzz them on purpose.

I saw a woman fall one time and twist her ankle at Impact Arena and I was about 50 meters away. She was asking people walking by for help and EVERYONE ignored her. I had to go and assist her. That's real "thai-style" bravery

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At the start of the video sequence, there is a copper blowing away on a whistle like there was a Bangkok traffic jam that needed clearing, making me wonder if he saw the couple stuck, and that was the reason he was blowing his whistle. But if so, what could be the meaning? "Get out of the mud you dumb farang couple?" "Help someone needs rescuing here, but I don't want to get my shiny badge and starch pressed uniform dirty"? Or, "is that a local good samaritan going to help them, perhaps if I blow my whistle hard enough he will leave them alone and I can have more fun watch them wriggle in the mud, until I call my mates at Por Teck Tung in about half an hour to come rescue them"?

Who knows, but the fishermen did well and had good presence of mind how to get them out with minimum fuss and to do. He has probably done it quite a few times before and it was nothing heroic for him, though he deserves some thanks and perhaps a small token of appreciation from the Norwegians, who might have been there some time until the BIB did anything to help........whistling.gif

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Another example of the kindness and graciousness of the Thai people. After witnessing so many times Thai's being mistreated and trying to be taken advantage of by greedy and selfish Westerners, it is a wonder there are so many Thai's that still have that amazing and endearing demeanor of friendship, good natureship, and respect for other people.

I half expected to see some bitter and obnoxious individual using this story as a vehicle for criticising some aspect of Thailand, the "yeah this good but...." line of non thinking.

Instead I find someone being equally obnoxious and using it to attack westerners.

Strange days indeed.

Edit: having now read all the posts I see my original assumption was correct.

So we have a full set of obnoxiousness.

How nice.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero", but Ubonchinda deserves a standing ovation nevertheless. It's selfless people like him who still give me hope for this country.

'I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero"'

Yes, that's the important thing to take away from the story ... whether or not the semantics meet your approval,

" ...people like him who still give me hope for this country. "

How patronizing and egocentric.

And here comes Suradit69 yet again, to add his usual brand of negativity to this feel-good news story.

May I ask you why you choose to post on this forum, Suradit? You seem to have nothing but contempt for the people who post here.

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if you get out of the tourist traps you will often meet people like this.

According to most here, it's not worth living outside of BKK, Pattaya or CM!

Agreed though. Why such surprise at decent, normal, kind hearted people that don't like to see others in distress?

They're not only unique to the west, you know?

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