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Germany offers Turkey concessions package to get support in refugee crisis


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Germany offers Turkey concessions package to get support in refugee crisis


ANKARA: -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a visit to key ally Turkey on Sunday, meeting with both President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu.

She came with Europe’s refugee crisis and Syria top of the list of things to discuss, and to get enhanced Turkish co-operation she offered to help revive Turkey’s stalled EU membership talks, and fast-track Turkey into the border-free Schengen zone.

For his part Davutoglu warned the “Syrian offensive”:

“Of course we expect things in return. There is an agreement on migrants between Turkey and the European Union and this holds true for third countries as well but of course visa liberalisation and readmission agreements should also go into effect,” said Merkel.

“We are ready to fight against illegal migration, against human traffickers who exploit desperate people. Turkey is ready for all kinds of cooperation in this regard.” promised Davutoglu.

However Merkel may find herself in a minority with other EU members preferring to keep Turkey at arms length, at least for the time being.

“I don’t think there will be strong steps to move forward with Turkey and Europe, because Europe still believes that this crisis can be solved by giving Turkey a few billion dollars or euros,” says the Turkish German University’s Dr. Enes Bayraklı.

“It seems that the refugee crisis has brought Turkey and Germany closer after years of chilly relations. Merkel’s short visit to Turkey prepared the ground for a new era of cooperation,” says euronews’ Bora Bayraktar.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-19

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Exactly, her mouth has caused problems for the whole of Europe that might near go away so now, on behalf of everyone, she prepared to throw money and promises around to bail her out of the mess she's created.

It was said last week that Turkey would be dropping massive hints, at the least, about their membership of the EU so imagine paying Turkey to hold migrants, in the majority Moslem, back then give them EU membership and they can let as many as they want in and probably will.

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Exactly, her mouth has caused problems for the whole of Europe that might near go away so now, on behalf of everyone, she prepared to throw money and promises around to bail her out of the mess she's created.

It was said last week that Turkey would be dropping massive hints, at the least, about their membership of the EU so imagine paying Turkey to hold migrants, in the majority Moslem, back then give them EU membership and they can let as many as they want in and probably will.

That sums it up.

Wannabee EU President and former Staasi spy Merkel not only promises to 'revive" Turkeys EU membership quest, she promises to 'fast track" their membership of Schengen so they can do away with border controls and let in as many migrants - refugees or economic, as they please, when they please and however they please.

Do you think she checked with other EU leaders before making these offers? Oh, no need, Germany are the CEO and managers of all Europe so no need to ask anyone.

Didn't Germany and Turkey have an alliance once before? That didn't work out too well for either!

I hope the German electorate wake up to this dangerous woman and her parties dominance of Europe wishes before it's too late.

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And the Aussies got so much flack for paying people smugglers not to bring people to Aussie....the EU are hypocrits, this silly woman caused this in the first place....so what do they do try and buy off Turkey.....in Europe they should have put up the fences when this kicked off and told the migrants to FO to Kuwait or Saudi or the other gulf states

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Exactly, her mouth has caused problems for the whole of Europe that might near go away so now, on behalf of everyone, she prepared to throw money and promises around to bail her out of the mess she's created.

It was said last week that Turkey would be dropping massive hints, at the least, about their membership of the EU so imagine paying Turkey to hold migrants, in the majority Moslem, back then give them EU membership and they can let as many as they want in and probably will.

That sums it up.

Wannabee EU President and former Staasi spy Merkel not only promises to 'revive" Turkeys EU membership quest, she promises to 'fast track" their membership of Schengen so they can do away with border controls and let in as many migrants - refugees or economic, as they please, when they please and however they please.

Do you think she checked with other EU leaders before making these offers? Oh, no need, Germany are the CEO and managers of all Europe so no need to ask anyone.

Didn't Germany and Turkey have an alliance once before? That didn't work out too well for either!

I hope the German electorate wake up to this dangerous woman and her parties dominance of Europe wishes before it's too late.

It's a very important point to consider if she's acting unilaterally or has the EU's nod to speak on behalf of everyone. Somehow I doubt it.

According to the BBC she's promised cash, that Germany will back removal of travel restrictions for Turks and will back their application for membership. It was pointed out that previously she always opposed any suggestion of Turkey joining the EU but now up to the neck in a mess of her own making...!

With feelings running high I sincerely hope she gets marginalised by other countries and told in no uncertain terms she cannot make promises for others to keep.

A problem here is she might give Turkey false hope and if they don't get what they feel they're due they can simply open the flood gates and adopt the popular Thai stance ' we're doing our best ' while doing nothing.

The Merkel issue is a test for the EU and why is it I am sure they will fail miserably ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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"Do you think she checked with other EU leaders before making these offers? Oh, no need, Germany are the CEO and managers of all Europe so no need to ask anyone." Baerboxer.

Just as well, as I was under the impression that Turkey joining the EU was an 'Over our dead bodies' issue for France.

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