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Biker begs for life after Khao Yai elephants corner him (VIDEO)


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Why on earth would he try to pass them? These are wild animals. That he stops to wai them shows you the level of his intelligence. Like most people here, he is living in a cartoon world.

David Attenborough, eat your heart out, we have a wildlife expert in our mists.

Please tell me how I should handle it, if I was ever caught in a situation like that?

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

Edited by TimmyT
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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants


Your comment is too simple. Timmy's post is merely a mountain of elephant dung.

"...one human life worth more than any number of elephants." ?????

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

Yeah, right. Like they are just going to stand there, wait for you to find a rag, then open your gas tank to soak it, then light it.

Some village is definitely missing an idiot.

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He waied the elephants to show his respect!?

You couldn't make this sh1t up...at least I couldn't!

Well, it worked.

I wonder if wai'ing also works against sharks or tigers?

Yes it does, at least until they get their teeth into you

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I am no wildlife expert, but if you watch the events in the video closely, you will see that most of the elephants have their tails up and one is peeing, which appears to be marking territory.

This seems to be territorial and the elephants are treating the motorcyclist as an intruder. The man done all the right things, head down, arms slightly extended and keeping as still as possible to try and convince the elephants that he`s not a threat.

If that had been me, I would probably had passed out with fright or been petrified on the spot.

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In a National Park, animals have right of way. He should have known that and stayed back until they moved off the road. Just the same the only damage is to his pocket as he will no doubt need new underwear. Otherwise he is a very lucky man

Edited by gandalf12
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I am no wildlife expert, but if you watch the events in the video closely, you will see that most of the elephants have their tails up and one is peeing, which appears to be marking territory.

This seems to be territorial and the elephants are treating the motorcyclist as an intruder. The man done all the right things, head down, arms slightly extended and keeping as still as possible to try and convince the elephants that he`s not a threat.

If that had been me, I would probably had passed out with fright or been petrified on the spot.

He could have tried speaking to them ''Okay boys,you have had a bad day, i am having a bad day, let's start all over, you piss off before i get really angry''.

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

Yeah, right. Like they are just going to stand there, wait for you to find a rag, then open your gas tank to soak it, then light it.

Some village is definitely missing an idiot.

truly scared person can do this in less than a minute. there are many examples that the adrenaline rush speeds up metabolism, thinking and moving

PS avatars of Just1Voice and Ratcatcher truly shows that they belong to those animal-crazed lefties :)They associate themselves with animals like PETA left-liberal fundamentalists..

very well known psychiatric phenomenon

Edited by TimmyT
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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants


Is this the first time you've encountered a TimmyT post?

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