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Ok. I don't know how many in LOS have access to Fox or how many in this forum have been "exposed" to it in the past. I, for one, was slightly shocked. Incidentally, I don't regard myself neither a liberal nor a conservative, from a European stand-point at least. Just a "normally" intelligent person that try to read/watch the "conservative" as well as "liberal" media in order to make up my own mind. But: Hannity, Cavuto, etc. (O'Reilly is at least somewhat entertaining and sometimes even critical towards Bush/the Republicans) is the most outrageous, partial, unbalanced and borderline propaganda stuff I have ever witnessed.

Question: Is Fox regarded as a thustworthy, impartial news channel in the U.S? And if so, I must express my deepest concern on behalf of the rest of the world. Does anybody feel that they are in fact (whether you agree with their views or not) "Fair and balanced"? Just curious.

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I won't go far into this as I do not want to go into the bear pit. I live in San Diego.

ALL American media is feeding pablum to the people who gladly consume it.

It's all chorographed BS... :o:D:D


Wow, is this a loaded question or what...


I don't regard myself neither a liberal nor a conservative, from a European stand-point at least.

First of all, I'm not sure if this is a good way to quantify your political stance in the American spectrum. A European who is "middle of the road" would probably be considered as very liberal by a large number of Americans. Let us not forget that most European countries are socialist in nature and in the United States at least socialist = very liberal.

Secondly, yes the Fox News network is more conservative than all the other networks. I dont know that you could call FOX a conservative network, but they are definetly to the right of the major networks, and CNN who have openly admited in the past to being slanted to the left.

Ultimately, I think you are right and you need to get your news from a variety of news sources. Personally, I find TV to be the worst way of getting news. It tends to be filtered threw TV personalities that seem to think that they and their mulitimilion dollar salaries are more important that just the story.


godot...relax, Fox News has generally been dismissed by journalists worldwide as right wing US propaganda...change the channel.

The BBC is the only available source for unbiased news in english on the internet...although I have to admit that they do on occasion produce drivel. Check out The Guardian and The Observer websites for alternative sources and wonderful reviews of cinema, music and etc.


Do you really think the BBC is unbiased and doesnt censor the news?

So you're saying trust the British government... they would never lie to you..




lol, I'm not a media researcher, but as an American, I do have a natural tendency to distrust a government owned news source.

bias can be more than what they do say, it is also very much about what they do not say...

if you want to put all your faith into a government run news entity, be my guest, I just dont think its wise

out of curiousity, are you a Brit, tutsiwarrior?


BBC is slanted as well. I think anyone can see this- one time they weren't. Obvious BBC is pretty much anti-blair these days while sky is pro-blair. Watch the news and form your own opinion- I take in all sides and then reserve judgement at the appropriate time.


All news is censored, it really gets me steamy in non sexy way. If four civilians get ambushed / cooked / hung I wanna be able to see it myself and make my own judgement - ok, maybe this is a bad case to use as I'm sure the images were grotesque in the extreme, however this is not the point! What a slippery road we are going down when news companies approve what we can see.

As for the american TV news, well it has surely been beyond a joke ever since GWB was elected - how could a stumbling muppet with an awesomely horrific record of governorship in Texas make it through the presidential race intact? I mean, the TV journos let him off the hook time and time again, I thought these guys were hounds, 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman', they never let that drop, yet GWB has a very murky record himself that is never questioned - drink driving? Cocaine taking? Sheesh, anyway I'm not american so it's not my concern..... I can't lie, it does concern me! - they're the greatest democracy in the world and yet it seems that every anti democratic corporate entity gets a say in how the laws of the land are to be before the will of its people

Pah! Stick to the Bangkok Post, at least you're going to get unbiased oppinions there.......... :o

[/soapbox rant]



drew...I'm from California and I had the opportunity to review brit journalism and their bias while living in the UK. Refreshing to see a socialist counterpoint in the major dalies to the savage right wing pronouncements of Margaret Thatcher. In the US the prez is an icon due to the misguided view that democratically elected persons should not be criticised. Fukc that...stand up in the House and Senate chambers and hurl abuse when there is something that you don't want to hear...Dubya is a filthy homicidal ###### whose plans to appropriate iraqi oil have gone awry.

In so many words...this is revealed in the BBC...you gots to read b'tween the lines


Did not mean to inflame any kind of media war. I am well aware of the "flaws" of TV news. I just wanted to express my SHOCK of what was advertised as "America's no. 1 cable news network".

Anyway. Maybe you can list your preferred news media?

(Even though I may be a "liberal" (socialist or communist in the U.S.) I personally find that I get good backgrounds and good journalism from the Economist).



Dude, a fellow Californian... are you a no-cal or a so-cal?

Dissing the Iron Marge.... man... thats hard. But to be straight, tutsi, I think that perhaps your own perceptions about the world are coloring what you think is a good or bad news sources. There are many of us who dislike Bush, and then there are those who seem to have a vitrialic hatred of him (which you seem to have). Lol, and when do we doing anything other than criticise our elected leaders in this country? Clinton, Bush.. my god... isnt that all we do? Oh, and by the way, its not like any of the other politicians are much better (although I do like John McCain). ######, look at Gore. He was actively taking money from the Chinese government... How in the heck do you hold a fund raiser at a Buddisht temple with monks and come away with several hundred thousands dollars?

FTH, I concur, all news is censored... but I can prove it either.. in fact, the "all" makes it pretty much impossible to prove.

lol, I'm not a media researcher, but as an American, I do have a natural tendency to distrust a government owned news source.

I think you have to distinguish between a news source owned "privately" by a head of government (Italy Thailand and in some respect Russia etc) and a news media that is state owned (England Scandinavia etc.). I still think that BBC is the best source of TV news (I'm not British).


Sorry Godot, but;

I am well aware of the "flaws" of TV news.
Ok cool, then no worr.....
I just wanted to express my SHOCK of what was advertised as "America's no. 1 cable news network".

erm, whats with all this shock then? :o


Harry. There is a difference between the inherent flaws of TV news (punchlines 30 sec. interviews etc) and blatant propaganda. In my view no news source should have to emphasize that they are "fair & balanced" every five minutes or so. Especially when every normally intelligent person can see that they are not. Guess I'm just not used to this...


Why are you all out attacking all the other channels for being biased? That wasn't what the question was about. In case you missed it, what some of us find questionable to say the least, is the way they push their slogan "Fair And Balanced News".

Entertaining? Often!

Fair And Balanced? You got to be kidding. They're so far right that they border on facism.


well, technically speaking, I think they are Americas #1 Cable news network.. They have more viewers than all the other networks combined..

Godot, I would agree with you.. there is a diffrence in who owns it, but I think in general, the owner of a news source can taint the news that it relates. Oh, yeah, the Economist... first rate publication, I'm also a fan of the WSJ.

My prefered news Media, well thats tough. If the telly is on and its has to be news, I tend to watch fox. Unfortunately, the whole of the American Media is VERY American centric and they all tend to do a poor job on world news. I think a better souce is a wide variety of internet news services (I love the drudgereport and google news) although I've been known to read the peoples daily.. now if you want to talk about bias and censorship... they take the cake..

I think FTH was hinting towards the right idea, get it from a bunch of different news sources and weigh what they are telling you with who is telling it, then make up your own mind...


Drew. Right on. Different news media. As long as one does not only "visit" the ones one agree with.

BTW. NRK (the state owned tv channel in Norway) is regarded by far the most trusted news media in the country. Whichever party (parties) is in power.


drew...you cool, I'm outa socal but spent my formative adult years in nocal...SF, Berkeley...you know the story...

with regard to the vitriol and Bush it was to illustrate that such comments might be censored unless I was Kofi Annan.

There was a radio host long time ago in LA named Joe Pine in CA that was a crippled, embitterd dude with a wig that used to cut loose on 'negroes, queers and etc' that was never censored...never did critisize elected officials. Rus Lumbaugh and others have taken up the mantle. So we can say that there may be selective censorship in the US.

Most Americans have no proper information...if they did then Dubya would be bad history...and that informed voting per 'Freedom and Responsibility' would endure.


Regardless whether you think Fox News is right-of-center, the news babes are certainly better looking than you see on CNN or BBC. :D

I get my information from a variety of sources and they all have a slant one way or the other w/possible exception of The Christian Science Monitor.

What I can't understand is the big problem with say Fox News or CNN? If you don't want to watch what they're saying, change the channel... :o


yes...as with everyone responding to this thread I enjoy masturbating to the evening news...the tv remote control is at risk when there are sticky substances adhereing thereto...


Kinda like Fox & Friends. That blonde is cute at least (Juli... something).

I agree. If I don't like it I can turn it off. Unfortunately on Samui we only have Fox and BBC. Besides if there's a show I find obnoxious I still have the right to criticize it. Right? If Heinrich Himmler magically rose from the dead and started a radio show I would like to have the opportunity to make some critical remarks.


Ms Green?...sounds jewish...is there a plate of latkes on the table when she delivers the weather report?

Fox and his Friends is a movie by Rainer Werner Fassbinder who was a homosexual german anarchist...please don't drag his name into the mud...


Lol, I hate to admit it, but I'd much rather watch Paula Zahn than Greta...

Tutsi, right on man. Go Bears! So-cal originally here and went to school in Berkeley! Also not in California anymore. lol, yeah, Berkeley does explain a lot... great place to live.. but things can get just a bit wierd there...


yeah...such as the birthplace of political correctness. I've got a friend closing on 60 years old that has been successful peddling trinkits at craft fairs and stacking books at the library for an hourly wage and is ready to retire! He's doin' a whole lot better than me with an engineering degree.

Berkeley is one of them energy centers...takes a big effort to get out of the gravity field. Last time I was there I couldn't smoke in my favorite bar, Brennan's down by Spengers. An advanced civilization in decline...a couple of my old mates had checked out as well...there was only the bartender that I knew from years past. I said that I was working overseas and he implied 'stay there'. he wouldn't want to inflict the new berkeley on anyone.

I wanted to move up University Ave with armed gangsters to retake the town and make it right for the old style 60s-70s brothers...fukcin' Schwartnegger don't bother me, but it ain't happenin'...Holy ground usurped by politically correct barbarians...

'forever to dwell with negroes and maylays until death...'...that's me

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