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:D I have Symantec Anti Virus installed on my laptop...I went to live update and received the following message: Live Up Date could not determine if there is an update list for this product is corrupted...as I am technologically challenged am asking for some help and support, does this mean my Symantec is no longer usable, does it mean the computer is now open to all kinds of virus, should I not use my computer until this is remedied and if so how would I go about it, I do not have any contacts in the IT field here in Bangkok and am a a loss as to how to proceed with this information...I use an ASUS lap top...any assistance greatfully received... :o Dukkha
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:D I have Symantec Anti Virus installed on my laptop...I went to live update and received the following message: Live Up Date could not determine if there is an update list for this product is corrupted...as I am technologically challenged am asking for some help and support, does this mean my Symantec is no longer usable, does it mean the computer is now open to all kinds of virus, should I not use my computer until this is remedied and if so how would I go about it, I do not have any contacts in the IT field here in Bangkok and am a a loss as to how to proceed with this information...I use an ASUS lap top...any assistance greatfully received... :o Dukkha

My advice would be to unistall and replace with AVG , better and free.


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If you think/know that Symantec Anti Virus isn't working, d/load AVG Free ASAP and run it.

You can always delete it later. :D

Don't you just hate it when someone beats you to the punch.

I guess the 7 minutes difference was the (overly long) time it took me to find the link :o


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Dukkha, go to Start, Set Program Access and Defaults, Change and Remove Programs. When it loads go to the Symantec listing and click on 'Change/Remove' See if you have an option to repair. Try that and you might find that solves your problem. Otherwise try uninstalling the program and run a fresh install.

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dukkha - There could be a numerous reasons your Symantec Antivirus is acting up. One might be a damaged file in the AV itself or you could have a virus which attacked the AV and shut down various functions used to protect your system (so the virus could do it's dirty work, undetected).

I would suggest, if you can get online, you go to one of the antivirus (Symantec, McAfee, Kaspensky, Trend Micro, etc.) and let them scan your system for a virus. A few online virus checkers are:


Trend Micro


If, however, you wish to keep your Symantec Antivirus, follow penguins instructions and attempt a repair. Should the repair prove unsuccessful, it is recommended you go online to Symantic, and use their "removal tool". It is virtually impossible to totally remove the Symantec AV without using their removal tool, as Symantec AV enters a great deal of "garbage" into your systems registry. Once it has been removed, you can do a reinstall, provided of course you have the Symantic AV disk.

Symantec Removal Tool

As others have stated, the free AVG antivirus is very good, and the price right.

CAUTION: Until you have either repaired your present installation, reinstalled it or switched to another antivirus, restrict online useage to just running a virus scan. Under no circumstances use the computer for banking or other financial transactions, untill your 100% sure its virus free.

good luck.


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:D Many thanks for all the help and support that you have all offered...I have a savvy thai friend, he uninstalled Symatec and installed something called 'Nod'...all is well so far but will keep your other suggestions in mind....these kinda posts are gratefully received and an example of some decent ex-pats offering assistance, sadly some of the other threads become nasty and vindictive so will keep well away from those....I think you could guess the kinda threads to which I am referring.. :o Dukkha
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My Symantic Anti Virus was not working too.

I went to the support website and got online with an agent. I was number 10 in the que. He eventually go to me in 10 minutes and suggested a startup in Safe Mode (hold down F8 at start) and then run SAV.

Worked great and problem solved.

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If, however, you wish to keep your Symantec Antivirus, follow penguins instructions and attempt a repair. Should the repair prove unsuccessful, it is recommended you go online to Symantic, and use their "removal tool". It is virtually impossible to totally remove the Symantec AV without using their removal tool, as Symantec AV enters a great deal of "garbage" into your systems registry. Once it has been removed, you can do a reinstall, provided of course you have the Symantic AV disk.

Symantec Removal Tool


Hello Everybody!

I have been lurking round this forum for some time now and have picked up lots of hints, tips and work rounds for computer problems freely given out by the generous members.

Unfortunately often when someone posts a problem about IE or Windows generally some of the responses instead of addressing the question or just keeping silent come back with “Do a Google or change to Firefox or Linux or throw out your whole system and use Mac”

Not very useful responses. One would assume the poster with the query knows the options but wants to at least solve his particular problem before flying off in a different direction installing or using a completely new program or system when he is just getting the hang of what he’s got now.

I was therefore pleasantly surprised with the answer by "WALDWOLF" that solved a long standing problem that had bugged me for some time.

I use Norton Ghost 2003 and some time ago I hit the wrong key or something and needed to reinstall the program. Unfortunately, though I did an uninstall as best I could the program would not install again complaining that “this program is already installed” or some such thing.

I checked the Norton Web site and got “Support for his version is no longer available” I found some Norton support groups did a Google and all the usual things one does in desperation and eventually came up with a Symantec Web site that had information for “Removing Norton Ghost 2003 after Add/Remove Programs does not work” http://tinyurl.com/4po7w

Unfortunately this method is almost two pages of instructions of how to individually remove each item from “THE REGISTRY” :o

I don’t feel competent enough to mess with “THE REGISTRY”:D so thought I would be stuck with useless pieces of Ghost lurking in my computer until such time I could do a total fresh Windows install.

I was reluctant to post the problem to this forum as I did not want to get wrist slapped on my first post with the usual “use this or that program or throw your whole system out”

So thank you "WALDWOLF" I used your recommendation and it worked a treat. I now have a fresh clean install of Ghost 2003.

D.D. :D

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:D Great help and advice forthcoming, many thanks..just to divert, was recommended to look at Windows Defender, went through the installation process only to be told at the end that my XP was not genuine and therefore could not download...also was recommended something called Malware...gave up on it also, but the NOD is in place and has been checked by my IT guy who seems to know what is what...does having a pirated XP cause many hassles. Am pissed off as paid 55 000 baht for this thing from a guy in Hua Hin, I dont know whether he has ripped me off or not, and no longer can contact him...it is a wireless ASUS lap top....and nobody had warned me about phishing and got an e.mail from the 'bank', filled out my confirmation of all the password etc...was alerted my Aussie bank when could not access, they said they locked it as they noticed a strange pattern which was coming from outside Thailand so locked my account luckily,otherwise would have been peniless as had a few million baht in my Oz investment account, guess the moral of the story is to delete any such thing as the bank said we would not ever send an e.mail requesting your information on line...dumb of me but have now learnt a valuable lesson...phishing, interesting new word for my vocab...cheers to all Dukkha :o
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Daffy D - Welcome, and a slap-on-the-wrist :o for not posting your problem earlier. Don't be putoff by a few "bad apples". 99.9% of the people here are willing to help you, if you'll just ask. Again, welcome aboard.

dukkha - Perhaps your Windows XP is "genuine"!

Microsoft yesterday (04-Oct-06) again confirmed a problem with Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) wherein, when some customers attempt to download updates from their (Microsofts) servers, the customer receives a message that their Windows XP is "non-genuine". More info: Microsoft WGA Problem Alert

For some time now, Microsoft has known there was a problem with WGA, and has established a forum to help users encountering problems. MS Forum. (NOTE: Several users have reported that Microsoft has censored posts to this forum which question the ethics or legality of the WGA program, as well as users who continue to report that Microsoft has failed to resolve their problem.)

Yahoo also has a WGA discussion group here: Yahoo WGA Group

One can also remove the WGA software. Read pro and con discussions here: How to Remove WGA

good luck


/edit - grammer/

Edited by waldwolf
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