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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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The more you have, the more you want and the more you need

That's a statement people without, offer to soothe the pain of living in penury.

Who are we to judge his lifestyle. The accommodation compact as it is looks clean well maintained and plainly has all the occupant wants or desires.

Reading the comments he made he seems happy enough, his life not ours

Who knows. Most males are hesitant to admit that they are losers and screwed up. Or he might be so mentally imbalanced, this life is ideal for his condition. Who knows, and who really who cares? He'll die alone and should he become ill, he will be unable to obtain decent medical care. That's his life.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Who knows. Most males are hesitant to admit that they are losers and screwed up. Or he might be so mentally imbalanced, this life is ideal for his condition. Who knows, and who really who cares? He'll die alone and should he become ill, he will be unable to obtain decent medical care. That's his life.


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When living on $300 a month you can't get sick or fall prey to a accident. I slipped on a wet floor an fell down the stairs of my Condo 4 years ago. Cost $3000 to fix me up an I had to spend time in hospital. I was insured.

You don't want to get sick but accidents do happen. My partners sister was sick with Dengue Fever an for the last week, I have been seeing her in hospital. The amount of people I saw being treated for motorcycle accidents was unreal.

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Well, it is true. Get seriously sick here without money or insurance an your flapped.

Like I said before, living off the fumes of a oily rag an hoping that will not be unlucky enough to get burnt is not living.

So living in Thailand for 1 year on not much money condemns one to 'die alone and be unable to obtain decent medical care'? Are you really that thick?

Statistically speaking it's highly unlikely I'm going to contract some illness that is life threatening and that it's impossible to fly back to the UK to get treatment for. I suppose it's possible I could be hit by a car or something, but meh, we all die eventually (and suffer a bad hit, and all the money in the world won't save you). I'm not going to live my life worrying about unlikely worst-case scenarios. If you did that you'd never leave your house at all.

Edited by grinder4all
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No, but your a fool for thinking things do not go wrong. Get hit by a bike an while your laying in pain on the side of the road with the arse out of your pants with your GF trying to get 80,000 baht on a short term loan to get you into hospital is for you, highly irresponsible.

One thing surely missing from visa regulations should be mandatory health cover for farangs.

No, I am not that "thick" as I am not irresponsible. You should take a deep breath in the mirror an think about growing up.

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No, but your a fool for thinking things do not go wrong. Get hit by a bike an while your laying in pain on the side of the road with the arse out of your pants with your GF trying to get 80,000 baht on a short term loan to get you into hospital is for you, highly irresponsible.

One thing surely missing from visa regulations should be mandatory health cover for farangs.

No, I am not that "thick" as I am not irresponsible. You should take a deep breath in the mirror an think about growing up.

Highly irresponsible? It's my own choice, no?

The chance of getting hit by a bike, even in Thailand, is pretty low. You don't need to be fully prepared against every possible eventuality, that's just ridiculous.

I've got no more than a 0.5% chance of getting hit by a bike this year, but the chance my life would suck if I moved back home is close to 100%. I'll take my chances with the bike.

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Most Thais are living on $300 a month and they would not call their life "miserable"..

Of course I "need" more for my life to be comfortable, but each to their own

I don't think that is accurate. It is certainly less than the per capita GDP, and I can tell you that out in the rural area where I live, only the Cambodian migrant workers will take a job paying that little.

Jobs go begging at 10,000 baht a month out here, and this is far from an affluent area.

In addition, it is rare for a Thai to live alone, and there is often more than one income earner in a household. And upcountry, often inherited house/land. In Bangkok where people often do rent, the average monthly household income is about USD $1,300.

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I don't really care about a nice bathroom as I will spend just a few minutes a day , we spend our time sleeping, watching TV, talking, on pc,... no need to have 5 bed rooms house. op has no children and don't want any probably.

we don't need all these fancy shitty things in life to be happy(you have been brainwashed by the American dream if you think so )....

A clean bathroom with a hot-water sink is a "fancy shitty" thing?

Where do you come from?

He's from the internet.

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No, but your a fool for thinking things do not go wrong. Get hit by a bike an while your laying in pain on the side of the road with the arse out of your pants with your GF trying to get 80,000 baht on a short term loan to get you into hospital is for you, highly irresponsible.

Most accidents you can walk away from at no charge.

I've had 3 bicycle accidents this year, little expense to me.

Hit by a m/c from behind flew through the air, shirt ruined, 60bht to straighten wheel.

Fell off a MTB in the rain, lost a bit of skin, ribs hurt for a couple of weeks.

Fell off a road bike at 50Km/hr (this week), destroyed my cycling shorts, lost a bit of skin.

Lady I know had 3 m/c accidents this year, knocked off each time.

Lost skin, hospital fees for cleaning the wounds, less than 500bht.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Yes, it's almost impossible to get seriously injured on a motorcycle in Thailand.

Try a bicycle.

Cost me B350k incl rehab.

6 mths & I am still in a wheelchair.

It's even more difficult to get seriously injured on a bicycle.

Were you wearing your helmet & Speedos?

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I say good luck to the guy, everyone's different and being happy is the most important thing...the uk's a sh&thole and i wish him the best of luck.

Having said that playing micro stake's poker is insanely difficult to make a living from. I started playing online poker about 6 years's ago and while ive made a descent profit over the years ive also seen enough crap on the cash table's to know that you can lose your whole bankroll in a matter of minute's.....i flopped 4 Queen's a few weeks back and i new for a fact the guy i was playing was holding AA on a flop of QQA.....meaning he'd flopped a F/H and was never gonna fold....im holding 4 Queens' ! one of the best hands you could hope to hit.....i jam the money's in on the turn which was a 3....he instant call's for around a $100 each and im 98% to win with just one card to come......amazingly that card was an Ace....!! so my 4 Q's lose to 4 Ace's...and this crap happens all the time...cash game poker online is just sick.

Also this guy said he play's around 2000-4000 hands a day and he's only played 80,000 hands.....that means he's been a "pro poker player" for less than 6 weeks....trust me when i say that "beginner's luck" will fade and winning become's alot less frequent.

There's millions of players around the world and only a very small percentage actually make a descent living from it.

I've also tried playing poker in thailand when i'm over that way and it's far from easy....naff wifi and losing connection all the time, add to that been stuck in a hot sweaty room for 9-10 hour's a day staring at a computer screen trying to make a few $$'s a day...you've gotta have a good mind set to combat the boredom and frustration.

I say fair play to the guy, he's got ball's....so many people live their life never having taken a chance and do what they wanna do....and before they know it it's too late :)

Shallow is the scrabble word of the hour.

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broken bones can get expensive.......but i am sure there is a youtube video that will teach you how to set a broken leg!!! then take some weird leaf medicine and .... presto....fixed for 100 baht.

luckily, with only a few dollars.....odds are the person is alone in his room or walking very little every day...

no money for dangerous things!!!

but i've read a lot of stories of health claims rejected when in thailand......so i wouldn't feel safe if i bought something online..

ok, back to croc fishing

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There you are, the welfare industry is a growth sector.

It will stimulate the economy & thus benefit all citizens.

Three cheers for the welfare industry!

I Imagine Germanys gdp going up big with all the new syrians collecting welfare. Fool proof way to have a strong economie...................hahahaha!

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3 November, 2015 at 10:36 am

Excellent article and replies , I lived in Thailand 15 yrs. going from a 3 bed house with a pool and jacuzzi to my own built house in Korat then into a small room ( $100 a month ) life can be great out there , learning Thai is easier when u live with Thais. This guy has a room has food and constant sex what more do u want in life. I know many people in the uk who don’t have this , especially the sex.

100% agree on these master-Tootwai2.gifthumbsup.gif
I'm also planning some kind of low cost life too. but playing poker is really not a good idea. One mistake and you're gone ..
so im in years I dedicate it to think of some way than to have some income in Thailand...
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