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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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I have to say WOW.I would have A hard time.I must be spoiled.I live on approximately 100000 baht A month when i'm there.But that

Also includes traveling.Eating nice restaurants etc.I couldn't do it on 10,000 baht A month.I had been hearing 1000 baht A day is about right.

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Couldn't agree more greg. Even the best players in the world hit a bad streak and lose 10's of thousands'...even 100' of thousand's of $$'s at a time. But those guy's use a descent bankroll and avoid going all out " flat broke"...they can basically afford to lose that much.

While i take my hat off to the guy in question i cant help thinking with a that with a bankroll of just $750...effectively everything he's got it could all go tit's up in no time.....microstake's NLH cash game's are the worst kind of poker you could invest in, the stake's are so small that people just dont respect money and dont fear losing it.

As said i like the kid, he's got ball's and i hope it work's out for him.

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This is crazy!! We must save this poor soul!!! Oh wait, he has a gofundme account with over $100,000.......and is now writing a book, "how to live on $300 a month and be happy." He got $50,000 from the book....

here is what I WANT TO KNOW.....How can you live being fat? lol. seriously. That is way worse than being poor. Or, How can you live being dumb? Or, How can you live only being with bar girls?

ok, back to my champagne and caviar...


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Most Thais are living on $300 a month and they would not call their life "miserable"..

Of course I "need" more for my life to be comfortable, but each to their own

Have you asked them ? Or is it a case of the natives should be glad with their lot in life ?

Comfort is what you decide yourself.

If I only had to care about rent, food, electric, transport, clothing and my visa status ( 158 Bht/month) I would have a hard time to spend 300$/10500Bht a month, and I wouldn't be hungry or look like a tramp.

But of course I then couldn't indulge myself in the Aussie beef, farang restaurants, beer bars, fortuner driving with the arm out of the window so everybody see me, or the whisky every day.

But does one need those to feel comfortable?

Edited by TheCruncher
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Somehow your expenses always rise to meet your income.

It is all about needs vs wants. We really don't need a/c rather than fans, 100 sq/m apartments overlooking the water rather than 13 sq/m rooms, dine in restaurants rather than street vendors, purchasing your beers at Nana rather than 7/11. We do that because we want to do it. When a person grows up living on only the fulfillment of their basic needs, they are far more content than those who grew up on their wants and are downgraded to only the basics.

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I think this story is made up. Here we have a man who saved up some money while working in England and decided to move abroad.

Once he gets to Thailand all he talks about is Dollars.

Me thinks he doesn't know what a pound is, so probably never been to England.

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Most Thais are living on $300 a month and they would not call their life "miserable"..

Of course I "need" more for my life to be comfortable, but each to their own

Have you asked them ? Or is it a case of the natives should be glad with their lot in life ?
Does anything I wrote imply what you try to put in my mouth?

Would they want more than the min 9K Baht per month? Of course, who would not.. but I never heard them (waitresses, employees in masssge shops, clothes shop etc) call their life miserable.

And yes, I know a few and talked with them

Do not feed the troll. He has nothing to add, only tries to stir up sh!t. On every thread, I might add.

I have worked with engineering staff who made only 12K/mo. Certainly, upcountry folks live on much less.

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Who would want to? I'm a grown man. I work my behind off and like nice things. I save and invest my money so I can continue to live well when I retire. If I was relegated to live on $300/month then I would take my ass home and live with my family until I could regroup and get my act together.

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i lived in Thailand for quite a while on 6,000 baht a month ( all in ) i had quite a nice lifestyle.it should be noted viewers that i was hardly " dancing in the ailes " and living in a room eqivalent to a Radisson 5 star prestige selection.But it was good fun,with fresh fruit for breakfast and nice long 15 km daily strolls in the morning,a train ride with some local banter and swimming in the sea in the afternoons and then perched on my rock listening to some cool romantic tunes while basking in the sun and constantly surrounded by birds ( Pigeons ...) my 6000 baht a month lifestyle was not Rock n Roll lifestyle but was seriously cool.............

Mr Canarysun ( cool for cats )

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If a farang's going to live on such a low income, Thailand is the place to do it.

It's beyond comprehension why anyone would want to live in a foreign country on such pitance.

People all over the world migrate to different countries because they can live a better quality of life, and are financially secure.

People leaving the west to live in a third world country to live in a 20 sqm room, with a fan, mattress on the floor on 9,000 baht a month.

Now that's what I call quality of life!!

No wonder the thai's don't want us here!!!

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To many things dont add up with this guy. The most hardest to believe being the part about the job.

-What industry or employer makes employment decisions 12 months in advance?

- ok, not impossible, but I find it hard to believe a Thai woman would choose to stay with what amounts to a farang bum, pay half of everything, when all Thai women know they have huge choices of available farangs on the websites.

-he says the internet is slow, wont stream youtube ect. Yet is able to play 1000s of hands of poker a day uninterrupted, without it dipping in and out. Yeah right.

- he blames a travel agent for screwing up because he misses the flight and has to pay for another at the airport.

I ask you, who these days uses a travel agent and pays a premium when you can deal with budget airlines online?

- living on 300 baht a day total?

Just food, water and toiletries for 2 would at least be 200 a day, so he has us believe the other 100 will cover rent, visa provisions and everything else.yeah right

To much BS.

I suspect he somehow makes a few cents from people clicking on the link.


The blog's author isn't the one living on $300 a day so how does he make a few cents from people clicking on the link?

Probably the same guy??

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Perhaps the photo is what life really looks like as a Digital Nomad in Thailand?

Young people aren't embarrassed to share pics and stories of being broke, let blogs interview them etc., so you'll see it quite often. The social media generation.

There are plenty of older / retired people who fall on hard times too, but you just don't see them revealing it.

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Who cares? It's his life. If he's happy, good for him!

Um, actually the Thai authorities care.

It's hard to imagine how he is dodging the system legally to be here with 300 a month.

Do you think they would allow him or any other foreigner to live here on 300 a month... didn't think so.

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Who cares? It's his life. If he's happy, good for him!

Um, actually the Thai authorities care.

It's hard to imagine how he is dodging the system legally to be here with 300 a month.

Do you think they would allow him or any other foreigner to live here on 300 a month... didn't think so.

It's temporary. He's been travelling around SEA for a few months.

Actually the 'proof of funds' to show you can support yourself is 10k for visa exemption (30 days) or 20k for tourist visa (60 days). So pretty much $300/month.

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Most Thais are living on $300 a month and they would not call their life "miserable"..

Of course I "need" more for my life to be comfortable, but each to their own

Did you ever ask a Thai who earn 15k how he felt about his life?

Better still, did you ever ask to swap with a Thai earning 15k so you could see if you were ecstatic or miserable on15k. I mean each to their own, but I reckon it's basically pretty shit.

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Most Thais are living on $300 a month and they would not call their life "miserable"..

Of course I "need" more for my life to be comfortable, but each to their own

Did you ever ask a Thai who earn 15k how he felt about his life?

Better still, did you ever ask to swap with a Thai earning 15k so you could see if you were ecstatic or miserable on15k. I mean each to their own, but I reckon it's basically pretty shit.

Most of my working life i worked 6 days a week and felt miserable and had no life, but at least i was getting decent coin.

Its not unheard of for Thais to work 7 days a week with 1 weekend off per month, for shlt money.

I am amazed how you keep that up and remain reasonably cheerful.

As a young fella, if i had told my father i was going to Asia to live off poker on the internet (there was none) for pennyscraps he would have smacked me in the chops.

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Correction......I just noticed..I said 300thb/month Was $300/month....and that was when 1 dollar = 29 thb

I married a professional woman...if not, my budget today, was the same. Many Thai couples have a good life spending just $300/month living out the big cities, where many nice small detached houses are rented for 3000thb/month or less, and condos for 2000thb/month or less. Unfortunately they get in trouble when wanted to have cars. Cars in Thailand are a luxury if not used for work, even motorbikes. The risk to get involved in an accident is very high here, and insurances very expensive for Thai modest people.

By the way. I have few expat farang friends living well and happy with less than $500/month, and they share my feelings about some expats living here. Too many expats thinks that retirement in Thailand means to spend money to accomplished what they cannot do in their countries, date a lot of easy younger women in bars, get drunk without regrets, and living in "luxury"...and do not having any idea what good a different culture can bring for them.

Just stopping to work hard and to worry a lot with bosses and money, it is a priceless blessing.

Edited by BKResort
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Contrary to what many might think, Thailand is one of the best places in the world to live on a small budget.

There is so much you can do for free or really cheap here.

I found a place where you can windsurf, sail, and kayak for 80 baht a year in Bangkok at a beautiful lake.

I also know an amazing gym with Olmpyic swimming pool, running track, tennis courts, gym equipment, boxing ring etc. All for less than 100 baht a year in central Bangkok.

There are tons of deals and like this available. Good living is affordable to everyone here.

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Who would want to? I'm a grown man. I work my behind off and like nice things. I save and invest my money so I can continue to live well when I retire. If I was relegated to live on $300/month then I would take my ass home and live with my family until I could regroup and get my act together.

Good luck with those investments, high risk & poor returns at the moment, and lets hope you wife doesn't get them in a divorce.

Making investments is easy, hanging onto them is hard.

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