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Reality Check for arrogant farang

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if shes making 40000 that is rich for a thai.

but why not live a little , rather than scrape bye on 8000 a month?

but maybe she saves for gold or something nice all im saying i had 4 million baht in 2010 and have blown the lot but im a farang who partys and enjoy spending my money.

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Who says she's different?

She's just the average middle class Thai woman.

In regard the experiences of most on here she is.

every thread you contribute on you bring up your girlfriends " status"..

Btw, I live among average middle class Thais..they spend way more than that..school fees alone..

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If she is saving 80% of her salary she's living on 8,000 Baht a month, I'm not sure I'd call that successful.

Nasty divorce from a western woman??

rich thais are like chinese never spending there hard earned not even a trip to the cinema, a steak and chips and a pint on payday.

I see lots of young attractive Thai women advertising themselves on dating sites, if the photos are to be believed, claiming to be middle or upper class good girls, seeking Farangs from 18 to 99. Profiles, don`t drink, don`t smoke, don`t do drugs, have good jobs and have to wonder, what do they do and if so prosperous as the OP describes, then why are there so many of them seeking Farang men decades older then themselves for companions?

Edited by cyberfarang
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Who says she's different?

She's just the average middle class Thai woman.

In regard the experiences of most on here she is.

every thread you contribute on you bring up your girlfriends " status"..

Btw, I live among average middle class Thais..they spend way more than that..school fees alone..

I agree. It is rather tedious. As tedious as reading posts from same old arrogants on how much money should one have living in Thailand and how anyone who does not live up to their standards (100k+ pensions) is a bum.

This coming from the people who are so financially well of and mostly live with prostitutes.

Yea.... I'm kind of sick and tired of reading this hypocritical garbage.

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This coming from the people who are so financially well of and mostly live with prostitutes.

I'v tried both ways,

Lived with a schoolteacher in the UK for 30 years ....... yawn.

Lived with hookers in Thailand for 8 years ........... WOW!

Can't believe I wasted 30 years ...... won't be wasting any more of my life.

Charlie Sheen and Hugh Hefner have the right idea, if you got the money, spend it on loose women.

Reality check ...... hookers are the most fun.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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If she is saving 80% of her salary she's living on 8,000 Baht a month, I'm not sure I'd call that successful.

Nasty divorce from a western woman??

You're looking at it from the wrong angle - it's the 80% that she IS saving that is successful!

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This coming from the people who are so financially well of and mostly live with prostitutes.

I'v tried both ways,

Lived with a schoolteacher in the UK for 30 years ....... yawn.

Lived with hookers in Thailand for 8 years ........... WOW!

Can't believe I wasted 30 years ...... won't be wasting any more of my life.

Charlie Sheen and Hugh Hefner have the right idea, if you got the money, spend it on loose women.

Reality check ...... hookers are the most fun.

Man.... I have nothing against your lifestyle.

However, you should realize that not all people are the same.

You see.... me.... I went through traumatic experiences in my life..... like civil war..... break of my country.... and starting again in another.

To me.... being with a hooker is a headache. Maybe not to you, but to me it would be.

I like my boring life. Thank you. I don't want to live with a hooker.

I am not saying will perhaps not change in the future, but right now this is who I am. A boring guy.

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If prostitutes are the most fun you ever had, you made a proper mess of your love life.

If you haven't tried it, how would you know?

Or are we all wrong and only you right?

If you haven't tried sex with a willing partner who's really into you and isn't just doing it for the money, how would you know?

It seems likely that the woman who's participating out of desire would be more fun, no?

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Who says she's different?

She's just the average middle class Thai woman.

In regard the experiences of most on here she is.

every thread you contribute on you bring up your girlfriends " status"..

Btw, I live among average middle class Thais..they spend way more than that..school fees alone..

I agree. It is rather tedious. As tedious as reading posts from same old arrogants on how much money should one have living in Thailand and how anyone who does not live up to their standards (100k+ pensions) is a bum.

This coming from the people who are so financially well of and mostly live with prostitutes.

Yea.... I'm kind of sick and tired of reading this hypocritical garbage.

Most on here won't be on anywhere near 100k....most foreigners here are blue collar, working class..living cheaply in Isaan....they are generally poorer farangs living with poor uneducated women....( not necessarily ex- hookers)..

Calling someone a " bum" doesn't help..

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If she is saving 80% of her salary she's living on 8,000 Baht a month, I'm not sure I'd call that successful.

Nasty divorce from a western woman??

I read she's saving 90%, so she lives on 4000 Baht, but maybe the OP's girlfriend is lucky she has one of these...........................a bunch of old men here who brag about their high horse lifestyle on 100,000k a month while 50% of their pension goes on leasing the girlfriend.

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If she is saving 80% of her salary she's living on 8,000 Baht a month, I'm not sure I'd call that successful.

Nasty divorce from a western woman??

I read she's saving 90%, so she lives on 4000 Baht, but maybe the OP's girlfriend is lucky she has one of these...........................a bunch of old men here who brag about their high horse lifestyle on 100,000k a month while 50% of their pension goes on leasing the girlfriend.

Nah.... like I already mentioned I have been slumming in her house for the past 2 years without ever paying a baht.

When we go on vacations I do pay for that. It's only fair.

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This coming from the people who are so financially well of and mostly live with prostitutes.

I'v tried both ways,

Lived with a schoolteacher in the UK for 30 years ....... yawn.

Lived with hookers in Thailand for 8 years ........... WOW!

Can't believe I wasted 30 years ...... won't be wasting any more of my life.

Charlie Sheen and Hugh Hefner have the right idea, if you got the money, spend it on loose women.

Absolutely, 90% of my money I spend on women and alcohol, the other 10% I waste.

I think that was George Best.

Reality check ...... hookers are the most fun.

Man.... I have nothing against your lifestyle.

However, you should realize that not all people are the same.

You see.... me.... I went through traumatic experiences in my life..... like civil war..... break of my country.... and starting again in another.

To me.... being with a hooker is a headache. Maybe not to you, but to me it would be.

I like my boring life. Thank you. I don't want to live with a hooker.

I am not saying will perhaps not change in the future, but right now this is who I am. A boring guy.

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If she is saving 80% of her salary she's living on 8,000 Baht a month, I'm not sure I'd call that successful.

Nasty divorce from a western woman??

I read she's saving 90%, so she lives on 4000 Baht, but maybe the OP's girlfriend is lucky she has one of these...........................a bunch of old men here who brag about their high horse lifestyle on 100,000k a month while 50% of their pension goes on leasing the girlfriend.

Nah.... like I already mentioned I have been slumming in her house for the past 2 years without ever paying a baht.

When we go on vacations I do pay for that. It's only fair.

So she lives with 2 people on 4000 Baht?

Now I understand.

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It seems likely that the woman who's participating out of desire would be more fun, no?

I have to admit, I thought that too,

But what I thought wasn't what was true!

Oh well. I guess hookers are the best sex you've ever had.

Having thought a bit more.

Professionals have a lot more chance to practice & hone their skills.

Professionals have more competition, so need to up their game.

Professionals are (usually) much younger and prettier than a gf/wife.

Professionals (this is a Thai only reason) are often in the game because they like lots of sex with different partners, a wife/gf might not like sex at all.

New toy excitement factor.

So that's just 5 reasons.

But you haven't tried, so you have nothing to compare.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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As per above poster, impressed at the frugality of living on 4-8000 baht a month. That's impressive when living expenses, clothes, entertainment, transport are factored in. Elements of bs in this one.

Elements of BS?

Electricity with the aircon on more than 50% of the time = 1000 baht

Phone+internet = 1000 baht

6000 left for food at the market.

So sorry, but she is not a high spender. Entertainment = reading books on iPad.

Prove it it's BS

Does she spend her life watching tv.

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Point of the thread is that middle class Thai women don't live in poverty. I have provided my average example of the average middle class woman backed by real numbers from an employment agency.

How I met her is completely irrelevant. I certainly didn't meet her in a bar.

Having worked in Thailand with a large company I know for a fact the Thai women (and men) are doing quite well in the professional industry. While it is all relative to a great degree; in comparison a Thai women as a planner, material controller in a mfg company makes 35,000 ($1,000) to 45,000 ($1200) baht a month where as in the US the same position would command a salary of 110,000 ($3150) to 125,000 baht( $3500). But the COL are significantly higher in the states. Taxes, Medical insurance, SS, SDI, etc.

A 40,000 baht a month salary is a respectful wage living in Thailand and most can live quite well and comfortably. I never saw a restaurant empty on Friday night. Saw lots of business packed, malls crowded etc. My now wife as hospital professional made a bit more than 40,000 when we met and she was living quite well and unlike most of the people here in the States, she carried no debt. That was the single biggest thing I found interesting is that most carry very little to no debt. They do not like it. They own their condo, they own their car, they do not have credit cards. With that said though, I did witness western society behaviors slowly entrenching themselves into the Thai system and more and more people are financing very expensive cars, doing longer term loans on houses and condo's and using high interest CC's from places like Central Mall. Its just a matter of time and this will all catch up to them and there will be debt ridden Thai's. Soon will come bankruptcy attorney's and a credit rating system.

This is why I laugh at all the whingers about Thailand. They want all things western for their convenience and constantly moan about it but if it became exactly like the Western country they left then the perks of living in Thailand would be gone.

Good post Theguyfromanotherforum. I understood the intent of the post. I did not see it as bragging. Cheers

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If prostitutes are the most fun you ever had, you made a proper mess of your love life.

If you haven't tried it, how would you know?

Or are we all wrong and only you right?

If you haven't tried sex with a willing partner who's really into you and isn't just doing it for the money, how would you know?

It seems likely that the woman who's participating out of desire would be more fun, no?

Yes -- and Harriet participated out of a helluva desire for Ozzie


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My poor western girlfriend's apartment brings in 55,000 baht per month in profit alone. So could move to Thailand and live the lifestyle of your girlfriend whilst doing nothing. :)

Of course this is of no consequence to anyone, since no one has suggested that 'middle class' Thai women are poor in the first place.

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Entertainment,: reading books on the iPad.

Well kill me now if I have to stay with someone like that.

BUT yes 40k is a nice salary for a Thai that doesn't go out much, fair = fair.

When I go out I always end up paying in those damn bars, 10k a night is nothing special, ok sure I might've done two short times as well so it's worth the money but still, gets expensive quickly.

Edited by dennis123
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I see page two talks about sex, I like that.

Well, after 3 partners one of them was amazing, really nothing to complain at all, after let's say 60 hookers, ten of them were quite amazing as well and some even more amazing.

That amazing partner was very cute and young, the hookers too, but relationships can get boring rather quickly so taking that into account I rather stay single, I just love to try a new one now and then, it's exciting as you never know what to expect and sometimes you have to take a proven one in between to get some real good sex. The ones I take are sometimes a little too young, like 18-19-20 with not too much experience or willingness, but then again, some of them, my god!!!

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This thread was painful to read.

And isn't the title a violation of the rules?

And I have never heard a farang...arrogant or otherwise...say anything about middle-class Thai economies.

But I have heard that many single Thai women who paid off houses, nice cars and loans quickly have worked alot of OT to do so.

My hats off to them.

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As per above poster, impressed at the frugality of living on 4-8000 baht a month. That's impressive when living expenses, clothes, entertainment, transport are factored in. Elements of bs in this one.

Elements of BS?

Electricity with the aircon on more than 50% of the time = 1000 baht

Phone+internet = 1000 baht

6000 left for food at the market.

So sorry, but she is not a high spender. Entertainment = reading books on iPad.

Prove it it's BS

And how did this highly sucessfull young lady meet an irresistable guy like yourself whistling.gif

Internet springs to mind.

Is that not 'same same but different ?'

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