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Thai Army cyber warfare unit to counter hackers under preparation


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Cyber warfare unit to counter hackers under preparation


BANGKOK: -- The Royal Thai Army is now making preparation to set up what it called "Cyber Warfare Unit" to deal with cyber crimes which is increasingly threatening the country, particularly national security.

The first preparation was seen in recent contest held by the Thai Army’s Military Technology Centre to find high proficient staff to counter hacking which it predicts will put national security at stake.

But the contest, aimed at the possible setting up of a Cyber Warfare Unit, has also raised a great deal of interest from the general public mainly concerns over its powers and jurisdiction.

The Military Technology Centre organized the Army Cyber Contest last month to identify soldiers who posses high proficiency in online data analysis.

It was the first time such a contest has been organised in the country.

Maj Gen Kongcheep Tantrawanich, spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, stated that in the past each branch of the armed forces had its own unit looking after cyber attacks but they were separate and never coordinated.

The establishment of the cyber warfare unit will address this problem and will protect the country against coordinated cyber attacks which could serious undermine internal security.

He said critical classified information such as strategic defence plans, deployments of forces along border defenses and equipment and weapons details cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

The spokesman revealed that such a plan will require major input from the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology.

He added that the unit will most likely employ a defensive stance with regards to protecting critical information from leaking out.

This include protecting websites – especially those concerning internal security; from being blocked or destroyed.

The Thai public must have access to vital information at all times and thus the defensive strategy must be strong and highly specialised, he said.

But he said the general public should not be too overly concerned over the establishment of a cyber warfare unit in the country.

A lot of details will have to be worked out and when finalised will have to be made public.

The setting up of such a unit has many merits and the main aim is to prevent cyber attacks from foreign nations which is becoming a major global concern.

Furthermore, this is not in any way connected to the ‘Single Gateway’ proposal which the government has confirmed will be cancelled.

At the same time, a computer security system expert said in the past Thailand has been the target of numerous foreign cyber attacks. Mostly, Thailand has often been used as a transit location to launch attacks on other third party countries. The result of this is that Thailand has more often than not, been blamed for the act.

He said state sponsored attacks have often taken place where hackers from other countries have often taken advantage of Thailand.

These countries view Thailand more as scapegoat than friends.

He said Thailand is considered to be one of the top 5 countries that are easiest to hack.

“They basically compromise our server and use it to hack into other countries. Do you recall the most controversial hack in history? The hacking of Sony Pictures! They blamed that on Thailand when in actuality we were used and never committed such an act, ” he said.

He said one particular state, which he did not elaborate, hacked into Thailand’s server and then proceeded to hack into Sony Pictures. They basically used Thailand as a base station and Thailand couldn’t do anything about it because at the time the country did not have a cyber warfare unit.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/cyber-warfare-unit-to-counter-hackers-under-preparation

-- Thai PBS 2015-10-23

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Going to watch my own tongue on this one and just read others' comments. This one just opens a HUGE door for comments.

Or a backdoor.

Seems like someones been watching too many movies on hacking. Identity fraud is the biggest cyber crime in this age of the internet not hacking into the defence departments computers and causing thermonuclear war. Install virus protection software and up date regularly.

Also you must have a big tongue wxpwzrd if you can watch it.

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The Royal Thai Army is now making preparation to set up what it called "Cyber Warfare Unit" to deal with cyber crimes which is increasingly threatening the country, particularly national security.

As always...overblown statements meant to obscure and obfuscate what is really happening. There is no threat except to Mr. P's vision for Thailand under a single internet gateway which will kill the internet, business and the people's right to information in Thailand.

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The whole thing is a farce, one group uses the F5 button to take down websites and the other has created a unit to deal with this "threat" but hasn't actually employed anyone yet as they have to trawl through the ranks to find someone with enough 1337 skillz to fight these "hackers".

The mind boggles

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Cyber warfare units have been set up years ago by most countries, either civilian version or army version. Even Switzerland has both an army and a civil government unit.

So nothing new or special, only years later than other countries

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This will be entertaining

There ready for war with the genius intellects of the cyber world

I suipose you should not have lied at the start. Tell people your true intentions

I think your ready for very little. I also think your not capable of building a gateway anyway

I also think that by the time elections come the gateway will be deceased

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These hackers can break into US corporation and the US government sites do they really think Thailand cyber warriors are going to stop them? Plus when does disagreeing with this government makes it a national security threat.

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I hope they put up a better fight than they did against the Japanese in WW2.

Maybe Thailand will just open up their firewalls and let them in?

It shouldn't be difficult then if they can hold out for maybe 30 minutes it will be a much better success. (But of course we all know that Thailand is the only country in Asia that has never been occupied by a foreign power...cough cough!)

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Going to watch my own tongue on this one and just read others' comments. This one just opens a HUGE door for comments.

We had all better be careful in the future, because cyber crime is going to be what they judge as being as being cyber crime. May be a good idea for Thai Visa to hire more mods, they are going to need them.

Think I may stick to the plants and animals forums, should be safe on there.

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