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small money and being young but happy


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Always considered it a victimizing excuse, the youthful accusations that today's old-timers "had it so easy" compared to the impossible situation of today's youngsters who say they face dead-end jobs, unobtainable good employment, unaffordable housing and a generally hostile cost of survival.

I've seen many BARELY OUT OF SCHOOL who feel entitled to immediate six-figure salaries, five bedroom mansions, latest-model Beemer, 10-foot TV screens, the latest $1,000 smartphones, two vacations a year, no-hour workweeks etc. etc.

Unable to have these 'basic' needs met, many are returning disgusted to live with those lucky moms and dads who have all that cash they picked off trees during their easy times.

This old-timer cruised through life by working at starvation wages to gain experience in his chosen field for six years before matching his meager military salary on discharge, banged away at three fix-me-up homes before affording a three-bedroomer, and generally driving older, practical used cars.

Most of my old fart friends share similar histories.

Seriously? You're talking about how you were able to own four different houses to justify how you had it tougher than today's youth?

You're so out of touch it's laughable.

Not "owned"....mortgaged...and Yup, three extremely cheap fix-me-upper "homes" I worked on day and night for 10 years that today's youngsters wouldn't be caught dead in.

mate have u got any idea a fix me up home is worth in any city in australia?

your looking at 500000 dollars this is 2015 not the 70s and 80s.

You gotta get off the East coast,Adelaide,$350k with a pool.Rent out a few rooms.

Unemployment is highest in SA and the housing market there is dead , Would be lucky to find tenants.

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Yeah and in twenty years those young guys will have no career, sweet f all saved and be well on their way to being a burden on someone else. It's a fact of life that people have to work and contribute to society.

There is the short term picture and the long term view.

+1 ^^^.

Unfortunately this is the case.

I and many others have worked long and hard (I and many others still work long and hard) to get into the position of being able to live in a tropical paradise with a lovely lady.

Whilst I still work, I can pick and choose the contracts I take and those I reject (Riyadh have finally stopped phoning).

I have a home I could only dream of owning in the UK (yes, I know, before anyone pipes up), a sensible savings plan and a job I actually enjoy (except when it's hot, windy, muddy, dusty, wet or all of the above).

Life is as close to perfect as it can get. But I'm not 20 something.

I think if he wants to live in Thailand and be happy (for now) good luck to him....some people can live on the cheap, and be quite content. You have worked all your life, fine, I have too, until I said to myself "I have had enough of busting my balls", I'm off. But all people are different I guess, and seem to get by on little or nothing, or maybe he has a rich family that can give him money too live. I know a few like that here, their parents have a business, and give them 'pocket money' to go live their dream because the parents grafted and want their boy to be happy.

Sorry, but just because you are a moderator, doesn't mean your life is the only way to live.

I wish I had had the b@lls to do it when I was a puppy.....

i can get buy on a few satos , noodles, coffee, satay sticks in a girls bed or on a mates floor or on a beach.

my father gives me 25 aussie dollars a week not much i know but its better than nuthing.

5555,living the life and bludging of hard working Dad,you must be proud.

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So you are saying a young lad who cannot work a job to pay the bills/buy a house is better off in Thailand.

How does he support himself in Thailand ?

well if hes young people will often see hes poor and opted for a different lifestyle and maybe let him couchsurf for long periods.

Yeah, great life-plan, dependence on the pity of others

its called networking through social media.


No son,it's called bludging.A big social error in Oz.

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One day 15+ years ago, I was casually traveling in Thailand and was on a domestic ThaiAir flight. I was talking with my seat mates who were a Thai-Swiss couple living in Switzerland and visiting her parents in Thailand. I was on the aisle seat and across from me was a Thai person who said nothing for the entire flight. As we were getting off the plane I started to speak with the Thai person -- turns out he was the head of a large Thai Foundation under Patronage of HM the King and had been following the entire conversation, and asked me if I wanted a job as a volunteer as he heard I had skills that he could use. As far as Thailand goes and elsewhere, that changed my life

So you can never tell -- the OP is not following conventional wisdom but who knows? -- sh8*&t happens when you aren't sitting at home and even maybe for a young guy.

I think this is exactly right. If you don't get out there how will you know what opportunities are there.

Also a lot of these angst ridden retirees wouldn't have cut it in Thailand 25+ years ago. You have to take risks in life.

Least they forget until about 15-20 years ago Thailand was mainly a place of much younger people, who got jobs, IT, traveled, taught, NGO, FIFO well beyond their realms of comprehension.

Thailand is a place to explored to its fullest whist you are young..

I think it's complete nonsense, work hard,save, retire was in the 70's as it is today..travel as much as you can when your young got the energy, vitality, enthusiasm nit so cynical..

The op is young , happy and with something to live off, good for him..at some point this will change or be forced upon him..but they seem 3 good adjectives to me.

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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.

don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.

if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.

Edited by VIPinthailand
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So you are saying a young lad who cannot work a job to pay the bills/buy a house is better off in Thailand.

How does he support himself in Thailand ?
well if hes young people will often see hes poor and opted for a different lifestyle and maybe let him couchsurf for long periods.

Yeah, great life-plan, dependence on the pity of others
its called networking through social media.


No son,it's called bludging.A big social error in Oz.

not taking any government money.
any pension from australia.
not one dime and your still complaining .
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So you are saying a young lad who cannot work a job to pay the bills/buy a house is better off in Thailand.

How does he support himself in Thailand ?
well if hes young people will often see hes poor and opted for a different lifestyle and maybe let him couchsurf for long periods.

Yeah, great life-plan, dependence on the pity of others
its called networking through social media.


No son,it's called bludging.A big social error in Oz.

not taking any government money.
any pension from australia.
not one dime and your still complaining .

It's called envy.
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Here is a quote from my Profile Page.

“I have lived in Thailand my entire adult life. Soon after completing my studies, I moved to Bangkok. I was not sent here by military, government, god or corporation. I just bought a ticket and boarded a plane with no real plan. I had no idea what I would do or how I would stay here. Somehow it all worked out.”
To be honest I don’t know anyone else who has successfully followed my life path and maybe I am a statistical anomaly but it worked for me. Learning the language and not shunning upperclass Thais certainly didn't hurt.
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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.

don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.

if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.

Must be a decent income if one is to save 30k per year.

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while I can understand what this young man is all about you cannot live on next to nothing in Thailand you must have a source of income bumming around and living off others is not the right thing to do ,I am not a killjoy but there are so many bummers in Thailand as it is some living off immoral earnings I am not about to encourage this young man to do the same .

The young guy that this thread is about is not bumming around, he is making money playing Poker online.

A lot of young guys do that here in Thailand.

A lot of young guys do other online work.

And despite what some of the old boys think, there are many ways to make a lot of money online, not every person is but definitely some people are.

Oh! You mean like the young guy in his 20's here who recently lost his Girl Friend in a sudden death, and his job, but still decided to stay in Thailand with no job or money. Until he got caught selling drugs and having 200 Yaba Pills on him in Pattaya and was sentenced to 50 years in jail.

Yeah! He will get to stay in Thailand a long time and without a job or money. He won't have to worry about his future either as he doesn't have one now. He may even learn another language. But I doubt he is having this so much fun now you have been talking about.

What about 60 something year old Sylvester Ancram an african american defence contractor who met a girl from isaan and bought her a motobike, house , and a car only to have it stolen from under his feet leaving him homeless in pattaya for years then less than a week before his pension he dies at the beach?

The hard work really payed off for him didnt it?

Personally I don't care what you do. You are not the first young man I have listened to who thought he knew more then the rest of us and doesn't want to take good advice from the older and wiser. Where he thinks 40 years of working is the same as 40 years in a Thai Prison. Where getting a good education doesn't count as you don't plan on working anyway.

So continue to live for today and enjoy yourself as much as you can by drinking and not working, and see on your own where that leads you. Experience on your own what real Alcohol Withdraw feels like, which a Hangover compared to that is nothing, and when you wish you were dead. Experience first hand the pain one feels from a swollen Pancreases from drinking too much and almost dying from Pancreatitis. After all, they all started as young as you are and just wanted to enjoy life to the fullest and have fun. So Up-to-you!

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Reading what the younger guys are saying, you cant really blame them for not wanting to play ball in the traditional way.

Some have huge government loans for overpriced university education. Daily living costs in the west are skyhigh.Then add the debt from overpriced real estate. Hard to see them having any real life or freedom, they are just slaves to the system.

In the previous century, depending on luck and location, you could buy real estate and make up to 300% profit in less than 10 years.

We have lumped huge debt on the youth. Many start with loans for overpriced university and go in further hock for overpriced housing.

Even if they want to cash out in the future, the market will allow no more appreciation in real estate, simply because there will be no money and few buyers.

Many who have houses now are in it so deep even if they manage to sell at a small profit, will still be in debt. And that is a sad reflection of how things have gonr

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I can see both sides of the argument but your comment is interesting to me, as i had this debate with a friend.

Him-go travel when your young

Me- get some security first

Long story short, he travelled young. Had to go home when funds short. Is now 60+, saving for deposit and prospect of spending his twilight years paying off a big loan with diminishing employment possibilities.

Me: stayed home, worked. Own and sold real estate. Sold out, retired at 45 and live in Thailand many years on the interest of savings. Still have money and choices,options for late life without work or worry.

Judging by his pennypinching and stingyness ( which alienates him from others), unjustified bitterness towards everyone and eveything, and seemingly hostility to me noeadays ( for no real reason) i think i know who is more happy and content.

One day 15+ years ago, I was casually traveling in Thailand and was on a domestic ThaiAir flight. I was talking with my seat mates who were a Thai-Swiss couple living in Switzerland and visiting her parents in Thailand. I was on the aisle seat and across from me was a Thai person who said nothing for the entire flight. As we were getting off the plane I started to speak with the Thai person -- turns out he was the head of a large Thai Foundation under Patronage of HM the King and had been following the entire conversation, and asked me if I wanted a job as a volunteer as he heard I had skills that he could use. As far as Thailand goes and elsewhere, that changed my life

So you can never tell -- the OP is not following conventional wisdom but who knows? -- sh8*&t happens when you aren't sitting at home and even maybe for a young guy.

I think this is exactly right. If you don't get out there how will you know what opportunities are there.

Also a lot of these angst ridden retirees wouldn't have cut it in Thailand 25+ years ago. You have to take risks in life.

Least they forget until about 15-20 years ago Thailand was mainly a place of much younger people, who got jobs, IT, traveled, taught, NGO, FIFO well beyond their realms of comprehension.

Thailand is a place to explored to its fullest whist you are young..

I think it's complete nonsense, work hard,save, retire was in the 70's as it is today..travel as much as you can when your young got the energy, vitality, enthusiasm nit so cynical..

The op is young , happy and with something to live off, good for him..at some point this will change or be forced upon him..but they seem 3 good adjectives to me.

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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.

don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.

if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.

And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.

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Maybe it's comes down to risk and what level of risk taker someone is. Low risk taker works 40 years in the hope to earn enough and be well enough for a good retirement. Lets say 1 in 2 odds.

High risk taker, fly by the seat of your pants and hope it works out. Lets say 1 in 30 odds.

I could have stayed in Thailand 16 years ago and worked as a diving instructor, I decided instead to conform to a point, go back to UK earn money with good jobs and go from there. It was the right decision. I would have enjoyed staying in Thailand but would have very little in the bank with zero security. Now I have the option to retire early.

Edited by scubascuba3
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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.

don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.

if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.

And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.

Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.

don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.

if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.

And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.

Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

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You don't know anything about the future, and you better don't rely on promises like the ones on greenbacks.

There might be a civil war in Europe, a collapse of energy supply, you can't know.

Two trends are obvious: Western economies are heading south, while SEA is improving.

In a situation like this anything is possible, so why not stay here where it's safe and peaceful?

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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.

don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.

if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.

And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.

Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

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You don't know anything about the future, and you better don't rely on promises like the ones on greenbacks.

There might be a civil war in Europe, a collapse of energy supply, you can't know.

Two trends are obvious: Western economies are heading south, while SEA is improving.

In a situation like this anything is possible, so why not stay here where it's safe and peaceful?

No you dont, but a person with half a brain and the means can make prepartions and planning which account for an uncertain future to minimise the impact

BTW where is energy supply collasping ?

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And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.

Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

They move to Thailand then sponge of their Dad and Girlfriend.

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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.
don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.
if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.
And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.
Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

its a developed country at least they look after there own unlike europe where they spend millions on refugees and let there own suffer.
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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.
don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.
if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.
And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.
Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

its a developed country at least they look after there own unlike europe where they spend millions on refugees and let there own suffer.

So if i understand what your saying then, they do put their hands out and become scroungers on the system ?
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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.
don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.
if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.
And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.
Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

its a developed country at least they look after there own unlike europe where they spend millions on refugees and let there own suffer.

So if i understand what your saying then, they do put their hands out and become scroungers on the system ?

Same in the UK .
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the American dream is a failure that will make you miserable and will enslave you in debt.
don't listen guys here that tell you have to work hard,these guys want be sure you play in their ponzi scheme so they get their fat retirement cheque every month.

you don't need to work hard in life to have a good life. ask a monk. you have been lied and brainwashed.
if you manage to save and work for 5 years only, you can live in Thailand for ever. yes it s possible. only 5 years.

5 years at 30k$= 150k.

150k at 5% (if you invest smart) = 7500$ income per year

total 20'000 bahts a month.

20k bahts is enough for a room, food, visa and even healthcare.

you could even save more, and get more by not using air conditioning, work part time, gambling, lottery, not smoking, not drinking, invest, heritage from your parents, fly low cost, rent cheap room, eat at market, drink water and juice,and stay out of farang ladies and do not make babies.
And live like that for the rest of your life?

What visa will allow this if you are say, mid twenties?

No thanks....not for me.
Forget about that bit, there would very few jobs in farangistan for some one with no qualifcations/skills or experience which would allow them to save up $ 30k/year for 5 years to begin with, can you see a MacDonalds burger flipper saving 30k/yr for 5 years

The finanical planning regime according to the gospel of VIPinthailand is flawed to begin with anyway

burgerflipping is reserved for immigrants in australia same as 99%of unskilled labour.

So what do the unskilled natives do for a job in Aussie then ? Put their hands out to the goverment and become scroungers on the system

its a developed country at least they look after there own unlike europe where they spend millions on refugees and let there own suffer.

So if i understand what your saying then, they do put their hands out and become scroungers on the system ?

Same in the UK .

But we are discussing Aussie not the UK, and didnt you in your previous post ....i quote.

.." at least they look after their own, unlike Europe where they spend millions on refugees and let their own suffer"

last time i looked the UK is part of Europe rolleyes.gif
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