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Palestinian groups call for mass protests against Israel


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Yeah, yeah yeah...it can indeed get ridiculous, and has.

As mankind's thinking has evolved, we have put in place rules. No longer can "might be right".

Ironic how you point out the ridiculousness of making a claim from historical times, because that is exactly what the Israelis are doing; "We are indigenous to the area." says a group of people who have no ancestors placing foot there in 80 or more generations.

Some pockets of mankind may have evolved (the Finns or Icelanders, for example), but 'might is right' is still effective in our times, and will be in the future. I'm not saying it's right. Am saying it's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

We have also moved on from the time of Genghis Khan, and now have international laws such as the Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory to control our international relations. So that any country cannot simply take over the territory of another because it has the might and can do.

Like China commandeering Tibet in the 1950's ? Or China yanking the Spratly Islands from Philippines as we speak.

Each situation is unique. I look at the Israeli take-over as particularly unique. Palestine was a short-lived state mostly controlled by the French. For the 5,000 years prior, the region was controlled by various groups, mostly nomads, but also large imperialist powers from the surrounding region. The genetic make-up of Palestinians is a mix no different than any of the former nomads of that region, from Turkey to Egypt to Afghanistan to Morocco. It includes Islamists, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, Christians, hippies, rastafarians, Sufis, and former 7-11 franchise holders. The Palestinian State has no more historical depth or credence than Rastafarianism in Paraguay.

Some links to support this rambling gibberish would be handy.

All I can suggest in the meantime is to widen your knowledge of the history of the area.
Even the The Jewish Virtual Library claims that as far back as 1800 almost 100 years before the founding of Zionism in 1897 and the waves of Jewish migration that Zionism encouraged,Jews formed a mere 8.7% (24,000) and Palestinians 91.3% (275,000) of the population.
Even after the first waves of Jewish migrations 1890 - 1922, the Jewish population of Palestine was only 11% when the first census was taken, and they owned a mere 3% of the land
Edited by dexterm
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It would be an interesting world if each country were compelled to revert to being inhabited by an ancestral group. Yet, where do you draw the line? 100 years ago? 500? 2000? 5000? Depending on the time-line, the deserts bordering the eastern Mediterranean would belong to either: Philistines, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Turks, Hebrews, Arabs, Palestinian nomads, French, British, or Jews. I'd like to see the entire Middle East with 1/50th the number of people, and the reintroduction of native plants and animals. It doesn't have the carrying capacity for more than about 1 or 2 million people at best.

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