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Helping out the in-laws local shop to improve trade


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Go and buy a half decent blender - costs for a average one around 1800 baht and then buy a carton of soda water and the mix (about 80 baht a bottle for the better stuff - that Hayles at 40 baht a bottle is shit) and then teach them to make a slushie. My partners Mum does this during the hot season and she makes on average, 300 baht a day in profit as I talked her into using a wide variety of mixes. She use to cut rice all the time or pick nuts but now is too old and was only being paid 90 baht a day for that job and she thinks 300 a day is the bomb for generally sitting under a tree all day keeping cool.

She started to make lime drinks as experiments over time adding some sugar syrup to the mix and they took off. I just bought her a coffee machine a few months ago for her birthday present and that is adding to the mix. She has the only half decent coffee machine in her village (not nes cafe shit) and we spent a bit of money (about 15,000) on a concrete block, cover, some fans and a set of tables and chairs.

Her Ladyboy 'daughter' (my partner in life) has a successful business but as the bread winner for the family, told her Mum she needs to work as it is good for her and to tell you the truth, she cannot be happier now. We do not give her a cent but every time I come out to the Village, I bring one or two cartons of soda water and maybe a mix for her.

Good on you for trying to help out. I know a lot of others in our village that scab off farangs and do jack shit and do nothing but complain that the daughters not giving them enough but I also have met my share of good Thais that just like simple things. It doesn't always need to be about money...


Ahh, grumpy old men.... I can go at it all night as I am not that old yet.

I would prefer to see her happy under a shed selling shit then out in a rice field, or tilling soil all day for 90 baht and she is making enough to get by on without me dipping into my pocket every month for a 4000 baht hand out. I am even thinking about moving my old pool table down to the shed so the kids can play on it for 5 baht a game because she sure does not ask me for anything.

I think some of you old guys expect the in-laws are just to shut up and be happy for a handout every month as that is how you think that all Thais are lazy and want just money from a cashed up farang.

Hate to disappoint you old boy, some are not like that. Even if I had to prop her up at first, she is now doing something productive and that is way more then some farangs that I know that are sitting on a bar chair just getting fat and gaining a attitude problem.

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Yeah all your thoughts are positive, just bring change slowly slowly, and for many Thais in these shops, as one poster pointed out,

Is not so much base profits, just more sabai sabai social interaction and make a little bit, that's what makes them happy and occupies their time, good idea to keep it going but do not get manical about profits....the lifestyle is profit enough.

If you turned it into a 7 eleven it would probably be a nightmare for them.........your idea about profits and theirs would be very different

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Give then 4000 baht every month and be done,you will just keep throwing money into this venture believe me i speak from experience.

I get your point but, given I made one move to go to makro and buy new stock and already sales are improving I do not feel as though I should just give in just yet if you get me?

If the shop once made good money, good money to them probably being 1000bhat per day sales, I am convinved it can be done again... now like I say the only reason the other locals go to the other store is for the 1% yearly loyalty scheme and lack of selection, so I will attempt the 2% monthly scheme, get even more variation of stock and if that does not help I will throw the towerl in, just wondering if you guys might have any more ideas to throw into the pot?


I think you should keep out of it because you`re doing more harm than good.

These are an old couple in a local area happy to plod on, then you come along with ambitions to turn their little shop into some sort of mini Tesco Lotus. Obviously you don`t know about Thailand and the ways of doing business here. My guess is that sooner or later the old couple will resent your interference.

The best thing you can do is first get your wife to ask their opinions and preferences on what they want to do before taking matters into your own hands.

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Give then 4000 baht every month and be done,you will just keep throwing money into this venture believe me i speak from experience.

Same story here.

In-laws sweet people, love them to death,

Mother in law used to run a shop from her house, made as much from it in a month as I make in a day,wife makes pretty good money also. several times told the wife that they would be better of closing it and enjoin their life.

But guess what, they enjoy running a shop.

Father in law has a small rice farm , produces rice for him self and relatives,we could buy them all the rice they will ever need , but where is the fun in this for them,

The farm and shop gives their life a purpose.

Shop is closed now because MIL got sick, FIL still has the farm

Back when MIL run her shop had a similar problem with the OP. Other shop opened next door and threaten her business.


Loss leader, an item/items sold at cost to bring customers in that would also buy other things,

limited quantities per costumer of course. Her competition did not last long. Of course it helped that she did not have to produce much of a profit since she has as to support them.,

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when i was traveling through the north it seemed like a big factor in running these micro businesesses outside their homes was the consumption of alcohol and gossiping.

if they are too lazy/dumb to have figured out "make ice coffee/get a slurpee machine" on their own then you should probably just mind your own business.

what they have now, 2-3 cutomers a day at their mini-mart isn't a business. it's not a hobby. it's nothing.

i would stay out of it.

Edited by Seann
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Thanks for the replies all...

I think you should keep out of it because you`re doing more harm than good.

These are an old couple in a local area happy to plod on, then you come along with ambitions to turn their little shop into some sort of mini Tesco Lotus. Obviously you don`t know about Thailand and the ways of doing business here. My guess is that sooner or later the old couple will resent your interference.

The best thing you can do is first get your wife to ask their opinions and preferences on what they want to do before taking matters into your own hands.

Hardly turning their little shop into a tesco lotus by introducing some new stock and products the kids and locals want am I? not as if I am installing epos systems, already just the trip to marko and the new products /candy/snacks and what not they are see`ing an increase in sales, how is that doing any harm? and how am I turning it into a Tesco Lotus?


Thanks all for the replies, alot to digest, I would like to reply to posts individually however I will just do not have the time this minute, apprecited though

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Have you tried stocking, work tools, and handles for axes , string, anyhting that Is used in everyday life, How about a Computer, and scanner /printer so they can use to send E mails, or copy things.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Whatever ideas you have for the shop, tell em to your wife and let her share em with the in-laws. I've found Thais generally don't care to learn things from foreigners. They may smile and let you show em something, and maybe do it once or twice. But as soon as tomorrow comes, they'll be back to their old routines.

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Commendable interest in helping out the in-laws, but please keep in mind...

1. You are seeking a sustainable competitive advantage in a market which has extremely low entry and exit barriers and razor thin profit margins. If there is now a new competitor in town, it's unrealistic to think that sales can be restored to former 1000 baht level. Even allowing for a hefty 30% profit margin, that's only 300 baht per day. Not exactly a cash cow.

2. Many of the ideas you are considering will require an on-going commitment to maintain (running to Makro to purchase items, keeping track of reward program, maintaining equipment, etc.) Are you signing up to provide long-term logistical support? Will in-laws be able to sustain all this into the future without your on-going help?

300 bhat a day to us guys is obviously nothing, but 300 bhat a day say a month is not bad going at all out here... crazy I know. Also they do have there own truck and my father in-law quite likes a drive out to get away from his mrs for a bit heh so thats fine, I think I will take him next time to Marko as he will probably get a bit overwhelmed if he goes alone, regading keeping track... the mother in-law does everything on paper now, I wondered downloading her an epos system and sticking one of my old computers in there but way over the top so I will leave her with her pen and paper heh cheers

My wifes sister bought a small fan oven (the round glass one with the fan in the lid) and has started making small pizzas. She makes the bases in the morning then adds toppings and cooks them on demand. Just simple pizzas with tomatoe sauce (paste is hard to find), sausage, mushroom or something inexpensive but tasty, and cheese. I think they are 40 baht for a small one (49 in town) and are selling quickly, especially amongst the younger ones.

Thanks mate... is that just one of the ovens we have, say the 4000 bhat makro oven jobs?

popcorn machine.

Good call will consider that appreciated


Thanks alot all for the replies... slurpy/ice drinks, popcorn machines and mini pizzas... all good ideas I will give serious consideration too, appreciated lads

The oven the sil uses is a small round one. From memory it was under 1000 baht. They are making pizzas today but I'm not sure how to upload photos from my phone.
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Personally I would forget the 1 or 2% rebate idea in favour of keeping prices as low as pos. I think that the competitors shop will run into problems on payout day. Hot dogs etc may work but at such a low level of sales that profit may not exceed cost and wastage. New product lines always create interest and that is the way to go. Loss leaders such as noodles, fish sauce, etc. keep customers coming in the door, in other words sell some basic items at cost just to keep the foot traffic up and in the hope of other purchases. Keep the best selling items, including the loss leaders, at the back of the store on a low shelf. Just above them, display a more tempting and profitable product. Selling daily specials help to create interest and maintain a flow of potential customers. Use Macro instead of the local wholesaler. Avoid buying stuff off the back of passing pick-up truck sellers. A mini mart is a full time occupation, maybe your in-laws need some younger assistance.

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Forget the rebate , too much paperwork.....

CASH CASH CASH , no credit (Maybe not possible if they have already been doing it )

at least make a hard limit ( may lose the customer when they reach the limit and do not want to lose "Face" by showing up with no payment !

Buy 10 , get one free voucher as long as the voucher cannot be copied

Free candy ! For the young kids if they count to 10, do ABCs , times tables etc

yes you have to limit them but the owners can at least get a smile when the kids learn something !

From what you say this is more a "hobby" market with profit not the main thing ,

make people want to come and spend money , make the kids want to learn.....

How about a story time for the kids......

Sounds easy , I know its not....

Buy already popped popcorn at Makro and see if they like it before buying a machine....

And look at what small stores do worldwide to get ideas.......

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this is an interesting insight - my gf wants to open a small shop in her village just out of roi et and i say but look there is a shop everywhere and a new fairly large one just opened. sorry has nothing to do with the OP question just found it interesting reading

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Take a look around the 20 bhat shops in town, theres a huge one in my nearest town, loads of stuff i bet you could sell in a village shop for 25 to 30 baht.

Good call, thanks bud

Try Thai Mart as well if there is one around there.

What about cheap wholesale T-shirts, clothes ?

Wholesale mobile phone top ups ?

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Buy them a 7/11 franchise. That should put any shop near them out of business. In all seriousness if they don't care about their business why should you? You are going to have nothing but frustration doing all the work for people that didn't care about their business in the first place.

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Put the snacks on a pickup truck and drive to where the kids are....they will pre-empt sales from the competitors. Thais love convenience...have you ever seen a Thai walk anywhere they did not have to walk ? Deliver the snack cart to them....they will make a killing,. Drinks in ice chests, snacks to go.

Edited by tonray
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I was joking about 7/11 in my earlier post but if there is enough trade for two stores to exist 7/11 will come and put you both out of business anyway. Start selling alcohol outside of normally accepted hours is a common strategy and doesn't require new stocking techniques.

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when i was traveling through the north it seemed like a big factor in running these micro businesesses outside their homes was the consumption of alcohol and gossiping.

if they are too lazy/dumb to have figured out "make ice coffee/get a slurpee machine" on their own then you should probably just mind your own business.

what they have now, 2-3 cutomers a day at their mini-mart isn't a business. it's not a hobby. it's nothing.

i would stay out of it.

Firstly my in-laws are not dumb, if you read my original post, I said if you have anything negative to say move on numpty &lt;deleted&gt;. Secondly it is not a hobby, it once was a big earner, yes it is also something for them to socialise but they are very old, when you are so old you stuggle to walk and your knee`s are giving in does that make you lazy?

Buy them a 7/11 franchise. That should put any shop near them out of business. In all seriousness if they don't care about their business why should you? You are going to have nothing but frustration doing all the work for people that didn't care about their business in the first place.

At what point in my thread did I say they do not care about their business? they do care, they are just old and with them being old they are struggling to come up with new ideas and new products to get the business back to how it was, and why would anyone buy a 7/11 franchaice in a small village?


I have read and appreciate all the other posts, and sincere appreciate the ideas and advive which I am mulling over in the spair time I have. I think this post is also helping others in simular situations which is great and I think what forums especially TV is all about. Appreciated. To the slug butts who have nothing better than negative things to say, keep supping your changs and complaining about the price of cheese.

Cheers all

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One has to question the op motives. Just showing he is big man on campus.

Who builds a $50,000 home in a neighborhood of shanty town shacks? For one it has no resale value-villagers cant aford to buy it and no sane farang would.....hahahaha. The farang wants a no resale value home of his own..............hahaha.

Also is it wise to flaunt ones wealth in villages where murdering people of means is not uncommon. I say butt out. Helping is when they came to you for advice.

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So you are 31 years old and retired in the middle of Nakhon Nowhere brainstorming how to raise the in-laws tiny store back to it's heyday of ~300b/day profit?

And they are running a mini-mart with 2-3 customers a day? So like, what 20 baht a day profit?

Is this a serious topic?

I am the same as you some times on TV you get some real stupid things on here and this is one of them who cares about some shop in a thai village they never ever work and are a waste of time and money I have seen it were I come from 2 shops make money then you will see 10 more shops go up and they all fail .

The op is 31 years old and living in thailand not understand some man on here most have to much money from back home or just stupid.

To be in a place like thailand at 31 years old .

And not trying to make very good money back home .

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