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SURVEY: Do you believe the refugee crisis will result in the disintegration of the EU?


SURVEY: Will the EU disintegrate due to the refugee crisis?  

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micmichd, on 26 Oct 2015 - 13:06, said:

Let's hope for a really big energy crisis in Northern Europe in Winter time, maybe that'll teach them how dependent they are.

looks like the gulf stream is shutting down, north Atlantic sea temperatures are falling rapidly and with this el Niño it looks like a cold winter in northern Europe this winter. they are even talking about 50 yrs of bad winters for the UK already which has a mild climate because of the gulf stream - look at Newfoundland for your future winter weather.

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Some country's will leave in the next few years.

If that is the case it will probably the Countries that are holding the EU together. Countries that will gain more from staying in the EU such as:

Rumania,Bulgaria,Greece,Italy,Portugal,Spain,Czech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Ireland,Latvia,Poland,Slovakia!

and a few other Bankrupts! Contributing next to nothing to the Pot!

And now we have potentially several million Economic Migrants,added to the EU Payroll,with a Zero contribution,I ask you? what chance has the EU got to survive

and prosper?

Edited by MAJIC
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I live in the EU (for 6 months) of the year

i believe eventually the EU will fail,

1; millions of €'s (euros) are handed out to improve infrastructure

in some countries, those in power pocket most of it,, f-a-i-l

2; Europe is mostly catholic, many couples struggle to have 2

children or none, the refugees are muslim, see how many children

each family has, eventually Europe will become the faith of Islam

it will take some generations but lets see the turmoil ahead.

Catholics have known to convert to Islam,

how many muslims convert to Christianity.

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Let's hope it speeds up the demise of the EU. I expect to see a big increase in right wing parties all across Europe and ordinary people getting angrier with their governments for allowing this huge influx of refugees to get all sorts of benefits much to the detriment of the indigenous population.

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I don't know if it will spell the end of the EU in the immediate future.

But I do know the refugees spell disaster for Europe. Muslims don't immigrate they invade.

I like the word invade though I think infiltrate would be more appropriate in this case.

Of all of the so called refugees I cannot but help to wonder just how many are jihadiis.

Europe will explode much sooner than later. These people will not wait to inflict carnage.

The result will be anarchy and a new third world order.

I am not in any hurry to die but I will be glad when I am dead.

This is not infiltration, this is an invasion. The definition of infiltrate is "to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively".

Nothing gradual or unobtrusive about this.

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In the UK the Out of Europe campaign currently has the momentum to win the Referendum. Unless Cameron can make a deal with Brussels so that the UK can control immigration from both inside the EU and outside (which day by day seems unlikely) then the UK will vote to leave. The British public have a lot of compassion for the women with children, the old and the infirm fleeing Syria and Iraq, but every news broadcast showing thousands of healthy young men migrating to Europe from the Middle East strengthens the Out campaign. Once the UK votes to leave, other countries will follow.

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I do believe the EU wii survive this but there will be a cost.

Even more mistrust amongst members has been sewn by Merkel and Junker's rush to show what wonderful humanitarians they are with no regard to the long lasting nightmare they were bringing to Europe by ignoring the sovereignty and national borders of member countries.

Let's not forget too the burden they have imposed, in both real and financial terms, on members struggling with the never ending flow of unwanted migrants.

It seems the EU survives, just, in spite of Brussels and not because of it.

The EU is a Franco-Prussian initiative. Let them pay for it. the fringe countries, the "new members" are only really in it for the handouts and the visa free access. So why should the third wave be any different?

At least Serbia won't be rushing to join any time soon. Turkey? maybe.

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I don't know if it will spell the end of the EU in the immediate future.

But I do know the refugees spell disaster for Europe. Muslims don't immigrate they invade.

I like the word invade though I think infiltrate would be more appropriate in this case.

Of all of the so called refugees I cannot but help to wonder just how many are jihadiis.

Europe will explode much sooner than later. These people will not wait to inflict carnage.

The result will be anarchy and a new third world order.

I am not in any hurry to die but I will be glad when I am dead.

This is not infiltration, this is an invasion. The definition of infiltrate is "to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively".

Nothing gradual or unobtrusive about this.

It was "Attrition" now it is full scale invasion.

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I don't know if it will spell the end of the EU in the immediate future.

But I do know the refugees spell disaster for Europe. Muslims don't immigrate they invade.

I like the word invade though I think infiltrate would be more appropriate in this case.

Of all of the so called refugees I cannot but help to wonder just how many are jihadiis.

Europe will explode much sooner than later. These people will not wait to inflict carnage.

The result will be anarchy and a new third world order.

I am not in any hurry to die but I will be glad when I am dead.

This is not infiltration, this is an invasion. The definition of infiltrate is "to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively".

Nothing gradual or unobtrusive about this.

It was "Attrition" now it is full scale invasion.

And what do you call Western colonialization?

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if it denigrates it will not be because of the refugee crises

See i told you, all you had to do was wait.tongue.png

yes but the refugee crisis makes people vote the far right in some countries and some of them may start to separate. So the refugee crisis might be the trigger.

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Make a test.

Ask some Europeans where they come from, you will hardly get an answer "from Europe" Ask some Americans, the common answer will be "American" Because the USA was founded on a peoples' liberation fight - that makes a difference.

and ask a engish person if they are european the say no i am english

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I like the word invade though I think infiltrate would be more appropriate in this case.

Of all of the so called refugees I cannot but help to wonder just how many are jihadiis.

Europe will explode much sooner than later. These people will not wait to inflict carnage.

The result will be anarchy and a new third world order.

I am not in any hurry to die but I will be glad when I am dead.

This is not infiltration, this is an invasion. The definition of infiltrate is "to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively".

Nothing gradual or unobtrusive about this.

It was "Attrition" now it is full scale invasion.

And what do you call Western colonialization?

You must be American. I would prefer to learn from previous mistakes... but each to his own.

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In 10 years the EU will not exist.

Perhaps Germany, Holland and Austria may form some sort of political federation, though Germany's experience with the EU may deny them this route.

Will it be a mess when the EU collapses?

Yes, but the extent of the mess depends on the goodwill of the existing countries. Certainly if Governments can agree to take the politics out of the EU and leave only the Market it will be a major step forward.

Prior to the dissolution of the EU it is certain that a number of countries will leave. The people of Britain and France are not the only ones who feel the EU is a major disadvantage and threat to their sovereignty.

The euro will go first. Unless the countries of the EU go into a full Union, fully controlled by Frankfurt and where all "income" and expenditure is directed by Frankfurt - then the euro must collapse.

Such a prescription which is being pursued by Germany fully and France less than half-heartedly could result in major conflict.

The creation of an EU army is a primary goal of Germany (the latest excuse is to deal with the migrant problem - though how soldiers and tanks can handle that I do not know.)

Regardless of suspicions related to Germany - an EU army will cost a great deal in tax. The idea that it will be free because most of the states have their own armed forces is of course ludicrous.

The EU does not serve a common purpose other than its own Agenda. It is a self-serving organisation.

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The quicker the European Union is put to rest the better for the European people. To many of the politicians are on the financial gravy train of this disastrous establishment. I have yet to see any benefits from the EU. All I see is my British government so eager to give British tax payers money away to foreigners,

At home in England foreigners get preference to housing, welfare, Health care and schooling, Education system has major problems as so many of the kids don't speak English,

Then we have the religion issue with these mass economic migrants, Most are Muslim and want to make the UK a Muslim state. That's why they should always be referred to as invaders.

What's most annoying is any of us that are married to Thai women and want to move back home, we have to do all the correct paper work and have money in the bank yet these scrounging migrants walk strait in.

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Yes and no.

Some million people might die, but the EU as an economic system could still survive - with or without UK.

Democracy will further decline, the poor will eventually be divided into castes, professionals will be the new priests that rule EU. Moslems might be the ones that demand a permissive society.

Edited by micmichd
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Posted something more stupid than usual and decided to replaced with something intelligent and to the point.

In fact five points too small to seetongue.png

Mod please feel free to delete this post,

I will post something more relevant and so intelligent . you will all be amazed at a future time, in the mean time you will all have to do with out my Perls of wisdom.

and spelling.

and syntax.

Isn't syntax the 7% the government adds to the cost of a short time?

No, that's 'V'ery 'A'nnoying 'T'ax.

Europe wont fall apart but it will change in a big way and not for the better.

I'm thankful for the English channel. It'll help to save UK again.

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I do believe the EU wii survive this but there will be a cost.

Even more mistrust amongst members has been sewn by Merkel and Junker's rush to show what wonderful humanitarians they are with no regard to the long lasting nightmare they were bringing to Europe by ignoring the sovereignty and national borders of member countries.

Let's not forget too the burden they have imposed, in both real and financial terms, on members struggling with the never ending flow of unwanted migrants.

It seems the EU survives, just, in spite of Brussels and not because of it.

Merkel and the German flag

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I'd like a 3rd choice, other than 'disintegrate.' will the EU fracture? .....yes.

I don't know if it will spell the end of the EU in the immediate future.

But I do know the refugees spell disaster for Europe. Muslims don't immigrate they invade.

They infiltrate and wind up dominating, mainly due to their fanaticism.

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if it denigrates it will not be because of the refugee crises

See i told you, all you had to do was wait.tongue.png

yes but the refugee crisis makes people vote the far right in some countries and some of them may start to separate. So the refugee crisis might be the trigger.

That's a very good point

But in the end, if it happens it will be because of economic reasons. In fact only one country needs to leave the EU,


A German departure will devalue the Euro making the economies of the other countries more viable. You can not have a Germany strong euro in a Greek, Spanish, Italian etc economy

Either Germany leaves

or a central EU government is created, but good luck that happening. I dont think there s any country in Europe that is willing to give up it's sovereignty. or be governed by a national of an other European country.

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if it denigrates it will not be because of the refugee crises

See i told you, all you had to do was wait.tongue.png

yes but the refugee crisis makes people vote the far right in some countries and some of them may start to separate. So the refugee crisis might be the trigger.

That's a very good point

But in the end, if it happens it will be because of economic reasons. In fact only one country needs to leave the EU,


A German departure will devalue the Euro making the economies of the other countries more viable. You can not have a Germany strong euro in a Greek, Spanish, Italian etc economy

Either Germany leaves

or a central EU government is created, but good luck that happening. I dont think there s any country in Europe that is willing to give up it's sovereignty. or be governed by a national of an other European country.

You maybe right. Then there's no such thing as a European nation, and the EU project failed.

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I think there is a very real risk the UK will pull out, the people have just had enough of the lack of control of their own boarders and the hoards of welfare seekers invading the country (this is a very real and factual problem, not just rantings). I suspect, and hope we would then see a lot of deportation of welfare seekers draining the UK resources. In my view the wealthier countries have a responsibility to assist real cases of asylum, but that is not what is happening in a lot of cases. Like every country, if you want to live there you have to work, if you have no job or means to support yourself then you are not welcome, simple as that.

Its the same as most countries in the world and i don't see what it should be different for European countries. i know this can be a hot topic but i believe it is what's in the hearts and minds of the locals and they want it resolved.

The UK has always kept its own currency (thank goodness) and it can probably do better in todays world without the EU membership despite what the scaremongers tell you.

The UK's departure would be a significant blow to the EU and may set the scene for future countries to depart and return to their own governance.

The World is changing for sure....

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