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PM Prayuth to decide on tough new penalties for foreigners who overstay

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good overstayers are nothing but trouble for the rest of us who abide by the rules, it's not hard.

And what is a dodgy foreigner? And why do you think the penalties are not harsh enough? When i left THailand last year( 3 years overstay), how did that affect you in any way whatsoever? There are really much worse things going on in this world to worry about, really.If you want to obey all of the silly rules and not 'overstay', that's fine...doesn't affect me. And if i or someone else overstays, it doesn't affect you either...at all. You just let it affect you by letting it upset you.


I have always wondered why it was so lax here. Stay one day over your visa date in Japan and you are have committed a crime and will be given the third degree

when you leave, (or they find you) and can't come back for quite a while plus fines. Same as Australia, it is a crime to overstay by even one day. They issue a bench warrant. Here 500Bht will cover the same "crime"!?



Thought over stayers were a vital source of revenue, and those people were applauded, where those who did constructive things were considered dodgy.

Why not open the country up for foreign entrepreneurs ?


good overstayers are nothing but trouble for the rest of us who abide by the rules, it's not hard.

Please explain how a person overstaying affects you in any way at all. Total rubbish.

It's quite simple. By overstaying and breaking the law, they tar "all" foreigners with the same brush, making it more likely that other visa restrictions/regulations also get tightened up in the near future rather than loosened.

Tar us with same brush? Most Thai people are barely aware of immigration laws at all and don't care about overstay.

Want to know what tars all foreigners with the same brush, which is a crime that is never enforced? Prostitution. Foriegners frequenting red light areas and walking around with hookers makes all foreigners look bad. All foreigners patronizing prostitutes should be banned for 5 years if they turn themselves in, 10 years if they don't.


This comment is not just about this article, but about all the things you, Mr. P., are doing to this country. Have you ever heard the old saying...

Killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

You should be liberalizing Thailand's visa rules not making things more difficult. Oh what the heck, I'm just talking to a rock.


I have found immigration pretty reasonable if they think you were not out to abuse the system

being an old fool, I got my days mixed up and showed up at the airport,,, 1 day overstay

immigration could not have beem nicer

the officer looking at my passport called over the supervisor and assured me no big problem

the supervisor came over signed something and I was on my way,,, no fine or anything

have the feeling the overstays they are after are the ones with blatent dissregard for Thailand immigration laws


...because foreigners do not pay enough already...

...instead of making reasonable rules and regulations...

...and weeding out all those corrupt immigration officials we read about daily....

....just bleed the foreigners some more......

...buddy you are losing my respect more and more every day....


Hmmm there are a number of reasons a person over stay's in a country and not all are simply people trying one on.

So in case of illness or accident as often happens and still have the 20,000 baht fine, now they want to have a bigger crack,

Welcome too LOS..............

I my self just forgot my 90 day check in, normally on the calendar but this time no'p, paid the fine all good,

You're right, there needs to be allowance for exemptions, and also the first overstay bracket needs to be less than one week, with very minor punishment.

At the other end of the scale, those not handing themselves in, who have overstayed more than 3 months, should be gaoled for the length of time they overstayed, then banned from ever returning.


So overstaying by 2 days, arrested for it = barred for 5 years.

Seems a bit harsh.

It says after 90 days overstay

If you turn yourself in. If you do not, it is 5 years for any overstay under 1 year. Stopped at a police check on 2 days overstay and you are banned for 5 years.


With all the ills Thailand suffers, he is doing this. His legacy will be bicycle lanes, beach chairs and a crack down on foreigners who overstay and fill immigration's coffers.


If implemented it has my backing, never had overstay in more than 10 years, jump through the hoops required to enable my stay is, and always will be, legal as any respectful "guest" should do. Also, the 20,000 Baht limit should be increased to maybe 40-50,000 Baht or better still apply the 500 Baht a day for every day you overstay.


Hmmm there are a number of reasons a person over stay's in a country and not all are simply people trying one on.

So in case of illness or accident as often happens and still have the 20,000 baht fine, now they want to have a bigger crack,

Welcome too LOS..............

I my self just forgot my 90 day check in, normally on the calendar but this time no'p, paid the fine all good,

if you sick you can get an extention, so no reason

Everyone keeps saying this.. But I know for a fact its not that simple..

Yes if you are actually in a private western type hospital, they can usually arrange a medical extension (often only a few days) while your an inpatient.. However they cant help when discharged and immigration doesnt give a shit about any 'doctors notes' I know I had one..

I recently broke some bones.. operations.. plates pins and the usual.. I was discharged but was in no fit state to travel. At that point immigration would accept nothing. Despite me being in agony, with rods and pins sticking out of me.. I should just get on the bus and head to the border (I doubt any airline would have let me fly in that state) to walk across the friendship bridge on a broken leg ??

The only time you seem to be able to get a medical extension is while as an inpatient at the hospital.. There are times you are unable to travel but are not also an inpatient.

I have seen the same with a patient who had a multi day hospital stay.. get discharged and the next day come to immigration with all his pospital paperwork asking for just a 7 day extension.. No go to the border pay your fine.. No discussion, simply officer discretion not given.

Those constantly saying how easy it is.. maybe should try it some time..


good overstayers are nothing but trouble for the rest of us who abide by the rules, it's not hard.

Please explain how a person overstaying affects you in any way at all. Total rubbish.

It's quite simple. By overstaying and breaking the law, they tar "all" foreigners with the same brush, making it more likely that other visa restrictions/regulations also get tightened up in the near future rather than loosened.

As most are not Western people but Asian people working here i fail to understand.


So overstaying by 2 days, arrested for it = barred for 5 years.

Seems a bit harsh.

It says after 90 days overstay

If you turn yourself in. If you do not, it is 5 years for any overstay under 1 year. Stopped at a police check on 2 days overstay and you are banned for 5 years.

Why have 2 days overstay? If a medical situation caused it you have no problem, (as posted by many already), if not you only have yourself to blame.


Good, many ppl overstay thinking its fine...I will never get caught etc...GET RID

Why is the army general now controling immigration ? Did anyone thing that ?

Why don't you try researching that army general and see?


About time! Although 90 days is too generous before bans kick in.

Maybe someone in his office is reading Thai Visa and all the posts by those asking whether it's better to get an extension or risk an overstay ... and the frequent advice from some "not to worry, those regulations will never be enacted."

Of course some will rush to blame the government for changing the rules (even though they've been giving plenty of warning) rather than blaming those who treat the rules with utter contempt.

Hopefully more people will double check the "must leave by" date stamped in their passport when they enter and those who have been here for months or years past their permission to stay will clear the slate before the ax falls.


The penalties are not harsh enough ! But it is about time. Thousands of dodgy foreigners are crapping in their pants right now. GOOD!

And you mr Petchabun Man,(and all the other upstanding self righteous cry babies on this site), are living under the illusion that your being able to stay here is a sure thing.We will see what measures the army introduces next,they definitely do not like foreigners.


I think the overstay fine should be increased to 1000 Baht per day with a maximum fine of Baht 100,000 (100 days) and anything over 100 days should be prison and the banning from Thailand for up to 5 years.


Although they are breaking the law it could be because it is so difficult to stay when you are not married and under 50 Y.O. You can get an Elite Card, but what if you don't want to stay for 5 years but only for 6 more months or a year? Must you do border hopping to simply get this?

What if you are 30 years old and have 400,000 Baht in the Bank but are not married. Shouldn't this be enough to get a one year extension like a married person can? You have enough to live for a year on that so why not? Why make it so difficult?

If you changed a few laws making it cheap and possible to get a One Year Extension with just your Bank Book and Passport, with one slip of paper work and in and out in 1 hours, then I doubt they would have this problem to the extend they do now. The fact that they have funds to support themselves should be a good enough indication he is not here to work as a waiter someplace.

Then if they overstay or are caught working hit them with a heavier penalty. I am sorry but I just don't see the crime in someone who has money, who wants to stay longer than 90 days, and spend some more money here, who doesn't want to jump from Border to Border to do that, but can't strictly based on he is not married to a Thai or isn't old enough to retire yet. .


This article reeks of sensationalism and prejudice against the western foreigner whereas there may only be a few from western countries that have been charged for entering Thailand illegally. I am more inclined to think that the majority are from other Asian countries.


USA is same... 10 years ban and it s easy to be banned.

so guys, if you don't like Thai rules, you are welcome to go home. nobody force you to stay in Thailand or apply as a refugee or be 50 years old and get retirement visa.


So overstaying by 2 days, arrested for it = barred for 5 years.

Seems a bit harsh.

It says after 90 days overstay

If you turn yourself in. If you do not, it is 5 years for any overstay under 1 year. Stopped at a police check on 2 days overstay and you are banned for 5 years.

Why have 2 days overstay? If a medical situation caused it you have no problem, (as posted by many already), if not you only have yourself to blame.

Theres lots of genuine cases for accidental overstay, injury, sickness, hospitalization.. Missed travel connections.. Victims of a crime, etc etc..

People do make mistakes, flights get cancelled.. People lose travel documents..

Theres a long long list of valid reasons.. Immigration is not always accommodating in giving a 7 day extension (and cannot if you have lost your passport) and officers routinely just say 'go pay your fine'.


far-right fascist government playing to the home-crowd with measures to punish foreigners when they could be reforming their visa requirements to make it easier for visitors to stay legally and allow them to properly support the local economies...

Fits right in with their moralistic views on drinking, films about monks, and scantily clad motorshow dancers...

Did you ever try to get in to the old Eastern bloc communist socialist people's republics? They were extreme left. Nothing to do with right or left, more to do with those on either extremity wanting control.

Having said that, the UK are intolerant to overstay too. So do you think UK governments are fascist or commie?

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