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Muslim children walk out when national anthem is sung

Well possibly the parents and the families of these children should be encouraged to ''Walk out of Australia,,.

Such a ''walkabout should pose no problems as there is plainly no true affiliation to Australia and its varied peoples and cultures..

These characters will be much more at home in a Muslim country and no contact with infidels.

Oh hang on though .Is there an affiliation to the welfare system that may well cause these characters to hang on in there and suffer?



If this were to happen in the US, with any nationality/ethnicity/religion etc walking out on the national anthem things would definitely get ugly. Perhaps they would be happier elsewhere.

Imagine how the Thais would treat you if you didn't stop for the King's anthem.

It's all getting so strange. Asylum seekers are not asking for kindness, they are demanding it.


So they're Asylum seekers eh?

I have a nice Asylum, comes with bouncers in white coats and snugfit straitjackets.

Sorry we ran out of money for padded cells.

They'll have to bounce off the concrete walls instead.


A sheep born and raised in a stable is not a horse. Primarily and fundamentality they are Muslims and their religion dictates how they take every step in their everyday lives. Most of us do not have any grasp of what Islam means to Muslims and therefore how they view anything or anyone who is non-Muslim.


A sheep born and raised in a stable is not a horse. Primarily and fundamentality they are Muslims and their religion dictates how they take every step in their everyday lives. Most of us do not have any grasp of what Islam means to Muslims and therefore how they view anything or anyone who is non-Muslim.

Many many years ago i had a lot of buisness dealings with Muslims , one of whom said to me "never trust us , you are not a muslim and most think of non muslims as something on the sole of their shoes" he was right years later he screwed me , luckily a few years later i was able to return it in spades , revenge was sweet


A sheep born and raised in a stable is not a horse. Primarily and fundamentality they are Muslims and their religion dictates how they take every step in their everyday lives. Most of us do not have any grasp of what Islam means to Muslims and therefore how they view anything or anyone who is non-Muslim.

Well having an invisible friend who tells you what to eat and not to sing is a bit.....hmm strange for people who don't hear voices.


Many many years ago i had a lot of buisness dealings with Muslims , one of whom said to me "never trust us , you are not a muslim and most think of non muslims as something on the sole of their shoes" he was right years later he screwed me , luckily a few years later i was able to return it in spades , revenge was sweet

My sister-in-law once had a moment of such candor with an ethnic-Chinese businessman in the California, sort of. She worked for a big bank, and would call on this company every so often trying to get them as customers. One day she came around and I guess things weren't too busy, so he invited her into his office. He explained to her, nicely, that he only does business with other Chinese. I can only guess why he opened up to her this way, my guess is that with such xenophobia she was probably the first pretty Caucasian girl with blonde hair and blue eyes to ever sit in his office.

What bugs me is that this is considered tolerable by many, that other cultures must be respected etc, even when it starts getting hateful and heinous (like Muslim honor killings).


Yet more evidence of the "Religion of Peace" (ROP) being allowed to ride rough-shod over Western values and Western culture.

The Western apologists and appeasers of the ROP should be deported to Muslim countries where they can revel in new found "freedoms", and the abuse of women.

This issue needs addressing seriously. If members of the ROP wish to live in Western countries they are welcome if they accept Western values and culture. We should not change to accommodate them.

If members of the ROP wish to maintain a misogynistic, medieval lifestyle they can --------- In a medieval ROP country.


Yet more evidence of the "Religion of Peace" (ROP) being allowed to ride rough-shod over Western values and Western culture.

The Western apologists and appeasers of the ROP should be deported to Muslim countries where they can revel in new found "freedoms", and the abuse of women.

This issue needs addressing seriously. If members of the ROP wish to live in Western countries they are welcome if they accept Western values and culture. We should not change to accommodate them.

If members of the ROP wish to maintain a misogynistic, medieval lifestyle they can --------- In a medieval ROP country.

Could you provide me any evidence that Islam was ever designed to be a religion of peace?

Islam is a religion of war.


Yet more evidence of the "Religion of Peace" (ROP) being allowed to ride rough-shod over Western values and Western culture.

The Western apologists and appeasers of the ROP should be deported to Muslim countries where they can revel in new found "freedoms", and the abuse of women.

This issue needs addressing seriously. If members of the ROP wish to live in Western countries they are welcome if they accept Western values and culture. We should not change to accommodate them.

If members of the ROP wish to maintain a misogynistic, medieval lifestyle they can --------- In a medieval ROP country.

Could you provide me any evidence that Islam was ever designed to be a religion of peace?

Islam is a religion of war.

You said it , you only have to look at what their prophet did , ,he was a butcher and dont start me on his marrying a child . but you can see why if they follow his ways ,thats the way they think is normal.


If this were to happen in the US, with any nationality/ethnicity/religion etc walking out on the national anthem things would definitely get ugly. Perhaps they would be happier elsewhere.

Imagine how the Thais would treat you if you didn't stop for the King's anthem.

It's all getting so strange. Asylum seekers are not asking for kindness, they are demanding it.

They are not asylum seekers....they are economic migrants.


So they're Asylum seekers eh?

I have a nice Asylum, comes with bouncers in white coats and snugfit straitjackets.

Sorry we ran out of money for padded cells.

They'll have to bounce off the concrete walls instead.

Well with the level of their intelligence it would seem they have bounced their heads off quite a few concrete walls. Let them walk out of the schools right on to ships to take them home where they won't have to put up with such inhuman conditions.


Yet more evidence of the "Religion of Peace" (ROP) being allowed to ride rough-shod over Western values and Western culture.

The Western apologists and appeasers of the ROP should be deported to Muslim countries where they can revel in new found "freedoms", and the abuse of women.

This issue needs addressing seriously. If members of the ROP wish to live in Western countries they are welcome if they accept Western values and culture. We should not change to accommodate them.

If members of the ROP wish to maintain a misogynistic, medieval lifestyle they can --------- In a medieval ROP country.

Could you provide me any evidence that Islam was ever designed to be a religion of peace?

Islam is a religion of war.

Clearly a person who does not recognise IRONY !

A good dictionary will assist with understanding.


A great many over reactions. The fact is the children were offered by this school not to participate in singing the nation anthem in recognition of a particular Shia religious festival during which their faith does not permit singing. At all other times the children do participate in the recitation of the national anthem.



A sheep born and raised in a stable is not a horse. Primarily and fundamentality they are Muslims and their religion dictates how they take every step in their everyday lives. Most of us do not have any grasp of what Islam means to Muslims and therefore how they view anything or anyone who is non-Muslim.

Well having an invisible friend who tells you what to eat and not to sing is a bit.....hmm strange for people who don't hear voices.

The voice in my head says, "kill them all".



If this were to happen in the US, with any nationality/ethnicity/religion etc walking out on the national anthem things would definitely get ugly.

Depends entirely on the place and the crowd.

Every religion has its nasty fundamentalists: Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Jews... It's important not to judge an orchard on the basis of a few rotten apples


Every religion has its nasty fundamentalists: Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Jews... It's important not to judge an orchard on the basis of a few rotten apples

Yes every day for the last 15 years the news has been full of extreme Hindus, Christians and Buddhists who are also suicide bombing, massacring, raping and enslaving as well as the Muslims in every country on the planet.

An extreme Buddhist would naturally be extremely peaceful and caring. How come extremist Muslims are brutal and hateful? It's obvious because Islam is a brutal and hateful ideology.

Don't try to excuse the horrific acts Muslims are doing all over the world every day. It's your kind of thinking that is allowing them to get away with it.



Fine words there ,

Hang on though!!!

Do the same rules apply in Muslim dominated countries?

It's irrelevant, do you wish Oz authorities to indulge in the same policy driven bigotry as occurs in some Muslim dominated countries - 'tit for tat' is negative and destructive.


Every religion has its nasty fundamentalists: Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Jews... It's important not to judge an orchard on the basis of a few rotten apples

Not every religion is a supremacist, divisive violent one though founded by a war lord with a liking for pre pubescent children . Muslims are always Muslims first, allegiance to their host country comes in about 4th or 5th


Screw P.C.

ISIS wants a caliphate. I say give them the land they want. Then every country expels ALL Muslims to this place. For what this war is costing we(non-Muslim) can build a fence around the area ringed but another fence a mile away. I'll call that the kill zone. Put tanks and all the armor we would need to encircle this land. We could pay for it all by allowing these exiles to bring only personal belongings and a gun and sell at auction all of their property including Mosques which will be leveled.

Islamaphobia hell yes


Screw P.C.

ISIS wants a caliphate. I say give them the land they want. Then every country expels ALL Muslims to this place. For what this war is costing we(non-Muslim) can build a fence around the area ringed but another fence a mile away. I'll call that the kill zone. Put tanks and all the armor we would need to encircle this land. We could pay for it all by allowing these exiles to bring only personal belongings and a gun and sell at auction all of their property including Mosques which will be leveled.

Islamaphobia hell yes

Hatred often finds an easy home in the hearts of bigots.

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