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"we are what we are .....

man is a hunter, a killer. we build great cities, and yet we live just like the wolf. the strongest of us dominate the weakst. we might call our leaders kings or generals, but the effect is the same. we create a wolf pack, and the very natuer of that pack is to hunt and to kill...."

"- that man back there was saying the rights of citizens had been taken away."

- ... it is all a nonsence. they suffer because they are sheep in the world ruled by wolves. that is the truth of it...."

we call it sometimes democracy too, or globalism, free trade.... this -ism or that ism

the old same story - "law of jungle" or as Darvin has put it: survival of spicies....

sad. :o

no need to get into too sophisticated details: oh, give more rights to ppl, practice democracy truly.... anyway it is just a pretending....

and then anyway nobody here in this forum gives any sh1t anyway, right? coz most of ppl r too conditioned and engrossed into their conceptions, or simply bitter and bored. so why bother to discuss or compare criticise any particular country anyway - be it Thailand or something else. after all most of reasons why ppl do criticise originate from within - from person's set of mind, perception, conditioned brainwashed mentality etc. and as sommon truth is that nobody ever can run away from oneself....

then why - what is best what is worst in Bkk or Thailand? why try to impose one's values and ideology to others? isn't it just another way of domination, although less obvious and gross as few centuries back...

mentality is one of hardest things to change. especially menatality of domination. "if I don't gnaw off his throat - he'll do that to me".


I believe that Churchill said that "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried"

lol, not to say that the Democracy works the same everywhere... but who is trying to impose themselves on another country?


I'd be willing to bet that the folks in Iraq will prefer Democracy to the Rape rooms and plastic/human shredding machines that existed under a dictator. :o

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