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US: Dog called trigger shoots owner in the foot


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"I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead paws"

Waiting for a republican Pres runner to suggest Dogs could be licensed to shoot fire arms.

Figures it was Labrador who finally figured out how to overcome the handicap of not having opposable thumbs yet still hitting his target.

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For me, Trigger will always be the name of a horse. Hy-Yo! Silver! Away!

Close but no cigar.

The Lone Ranger's horse was called Silver.

Roy Rodgers horse was called Trigger.

Blame that information on me going to Saturday cinema matinees as a young lad.

Matinees or the Saturday morning pictures? (which I used to go to as a young lad....). Entrance price 6d.

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"I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead paws"

Waiting for a republican Pres runner to suggest Dogs could be licensed to shoot fire arms.

This Thai police dog is...

Dirty Hairy


'Are you feeling lucky, punk' ???

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About 500 are killed yearly from accidental discharge.

"Guns", keeping America safe. Pfft!

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Another obscure statistic would be that 2,900 people/year are killed by Hippopotamuses in Africa.

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Nobody should be surprised that one of the largest and most aggressive animals in Africa is dangerous to people unfortunate enough to have to share their environment.

What should cause one to take pause is the fact that so many pitiful dupes think a firearm makes them "free". And even more absurd the idea that possesing a gun in ones' home makes one more safe, when the reality is actually 180 degrees opposite. American firearm enthusiasts are for the most part so psychologically invested in the lies of gun culture myth that any logic reason cannot penetrate.

So executives of the arms companies will enjoy their profits,perks, and business jets. The pimp of gun culture myth, the NRA, will keep their paid whores in the US congress busy selling their lies, and the tragedy of guns in the US will continue.

Edited by arunsakda
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Nobody should be surprised that one of the largest and most aggressive animals in Africa is dangerous to people unfortunate enough to have to share their environment.

What should cause one to take pause is the fact that so many pitiful dupes think a firearm makes them "free". And even more absurd the idea that possesing a gun in ones' home makes one more safe, when the reality is actually 180 degrees opposite. American firearm enthusiasts are for the most part so psychologically invested in the lies of gun culture myth that any logic reason cannot penetrate.

So executives of the arms companies will enjoy their profits,perks, and business jets. The pimp of gun culture myth, the NRA, will keep their paid whores in the US congress busy selling their lies, and the tragedy of guns in the US will continue.

"What should cause one to take pause is the fact that so many pitiful dupes think a firearm makes them "free". And even more absurd the idea that possesing (sic) a gun in ones' home makes one more safe, when the reality is actually 180 degrees opposite."

How about providing some proof of this alleged reality.

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I don't debate firearms enthusiasts on forums, a pointless folly.

For those who are not so psychopathologically invested in gun culture myth here is nice little ditty anyone can google on their own.

The blood-soaked ghouls of the gun lobby have battled for years against any study of firearms as a public health issue. They and their minions are truly sick sick people.


"The health risks of owning a gun are so established and scientifically non-controvertible that the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement in 2000 recommending that pediatricians urge parents to remove all guns from their homes."

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I don't debate firearms enthusiasts on forums, a pointless folly.

For those who are not so psychopathologically invested in gun culture myth here is nice little ditty anyone can google on their own.

The blood-soaked ghouls of the gun lobby have battled for years against any study of firearms as a public health issue. They and their minions are truly sick sick people.


"The health risks of owning a gun are so established and scientifically non-controvertible that the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement in 2000 recommending that pediatricians urge parents to remove all guns from their homes."

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I agree, you shouldn't debate. What you do instead is pull a drive by, drop a little bait then hurl insults and wild ass generalizations. Maybe it makes you feel better. Up to you.

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How can one argue they are not ghouls? To a man from LaPierre on down every tragedy a new call for more guns, and then sales and profits increase. How can one say that those who greedily suck up propaganda are not dupes? How can one say politicians are not whores when they push nonsensical policies out of fear of being bitch-slapped by their blood soaked pimp, the NRA. The NRA, who will never (never) allow firearms in their own National conventions. How stupid can such poor simps be?

Now we have another "accidental" discharge. 500+ /year resulting in death. This poor silly sod was lucky he was not killed.

I thought guns are just tools and guns don't kill people only people do?

Are we to now blame a dog?

No here is the real truth, guns kill people, by their very existence and prevalence. Examine any nation with sensible gun policies to compare with the US. But that would be pointless as we are so completely blinded by gun culture myth that no logic or reason can penetrate.

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How can one argue they are not ghouls? To a man from LaPierre on down every tragedy a new call for more guns, and then sales and profits increase. How can one say that those who greedily suck up propaganda are not dupes? How can one say politicians are not whores when they push nonsensical policies out of fear of being bitch-slapped by their blood soaked pimp, the NRA. The NRA, who will never (never) allow firearms in their own National conventions. How stupid can such poor simps be?

Now we have another "accidental" discharge. 500+ /year resulting in death. This poor silly sod was lucky he was not killed.

I thought guns are just tools and guns don't kill people only people do?

Are we to now blame a dog?

No here is the real truth, guns kill people, by their very existence and prevalence. Examine any nation with sensible gun policies to compare with the US. But that would be pointless as we are so completely blinded by gun culture myth that no logic or reason can penetrate.

Melodramatic. Another reason you are not effective.

By the way, it was a she, not a he. And yes, it would seem the dog was mostly to blame in this rather bizarre incident.

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The NRA, who will never (never) allow firearms in their own National conventions.


You're too easy. You need to calm down:

the NRA did not in any way ban the carrying of guns at their convention

the NRA did not mandate that any firearms displayed on the convention floor have their firing pins removed


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