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Despite risks, Carson not backing off Nazi, slavery examples


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Pants on fire.

Carson ... just go away.

What a pathetic moron.

That so many people fell for his "soft spoken honest man" schtick is on you. I never bought it for a minute. Smelled a major league CREEP all along.

Politico reported that West Point has no record of Carson applying to the school, let alone being offered admission.


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Carson needs to go back to school and this time not sleep through Civics class.

Carson Misstates Experience of Founding Fathers

After Ben Carson suggested in a Facebook post that the signers of the declaration of independence has never, like himself, served in elected office, the Wall Street Journal quickly pointed out this was false.

“Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and many other signers had been elected members of their colonial assemblies, prior to signing the Declaration.”

Carson amended his statement saying they has no “federal” elected experience.


The dissembling of Carson's brain, character and absurd candidacy is only just beginning. Wait until the vast majority of the US electorate starts to find out about his crackpot statements noted in the OP and elsewhere, to include the his fantasy views about the pyramids.

And who knows what else has spent a lifetime lurking in the mind of this bizarre person that we have yet to find out about.

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You may not care for Dr. Carson's stance on certain issues...but it is hard not to admire his resolve in standing his ground and not being swayed by polls, politics, and news critics...he appears to be a man of integrity...a very rare commodity in US politics...

Not much point in integrity if your beliefs are those of an idiot.

If Carson and Trump are the front runners for the GOP, God help America and the world.

It seems the Dems will be a shoe-in, but democracies need an effective Opposition. The Reps do not provide that at the moment.

I tend to agree with the post of ggt. Yet, I agree with you as well regarding Carson.I like the guy but some things he has said illustrate he is not ready to be president. It is not necessary one know everything but shut up if you do not. We could have used a man like Carson but we also need a man who knows what he does not know. (Christ, I am reminded of another buffoon when I write that, Rumsfeld; but it is true). Carson should remain tightly scripted or stop hyperbole and exaggeration to compensate for no political bona fides.

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Carson needs to go back to school and this time not sleep through Civics class.

Carson Misstates Experience of Founding Fathers

After Ben Carson suggested in a Facebook post that the signers of the declaration of independence has never, like himself, served in elected office, the Wall Street Journal quickly pointed out this was false.

“Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and many other signers had been elected members of their colonial assemblies, prior to signing the Declaration.”

Carson amended his statement saying they has no “federal” elected experience.


The dissembling of Carson's brain, character and absurd candidacy is only just beginning. Wait until the vast majority of the US electorate starts to find out about his crackpot statements noted in the OP and elsewhere, to include the his fantasy views about the pyramids.

And who knows what else has spent a lifetime lurking in the mind of this bizarre person that we have yet to find out about.

it would had being an incredible feat for the founding fathers to had federal experience since the federation had not being created yet.

On the West Point front his campaign office now admits it was not true

"Mr. Carson’s campaign manager, Barry Bennett, said Mr. Carson was offered a nomination to West Point—a requirement for students who want to apply to the school. He didn’t subsequently apply, and wasn’t formally offered admission."

"In his memoir “Gifted Hands,” Mr. Carson recounts having dinner at the age of 17 with Gen. William Westmoreland, which he said was followed by an offer for “full scholarship” to West Point. Mr. Carson wrote that he “didn’t refuse the scholarship outright” but that he “wasn’t really tempted.”


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Just another symptom of his religiously based insanity. Imaginary past. Said it before, saying it again. The more you learn about Carson, the CREEPIER he gets.

What's next? A revelation that his special hobby is collecting sofa-sized kitschy oil paintings of CLOWNS?

I cant imagine I would have liked him to be president but I did admire what I thought was an honorable man stepping into the fray because he believed he could make a difference. I still stand by this perspective but I do agree with Jingthing, the more I learn about him the creepier he appears. He seems likable, affable, and approachable. But really, this is where the accolades run out. He cannot do this job. I am certain of it.

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Pants on fire.

Carson ... just go away.

What a pathetic moron.

That so many people fell for his "soft spoken honest man" schtick is on you. I never bought it for a minute. Smelled a major league CREEP all along.

Politico reported that West Point has no record of Carson applying to the school, let alone being offered admission.


Actually, it was Politico lying. Carson never said he applied there. As for his "scholarship", the government pays the bill for everyone who goes there. That would be easy to confuse with a scholarship over many years.


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Just another symptom of his religiously based insanity. Imaginary past. Said it before, saying it again. The more you learn about Carson, the CREEPIER he gets.

What's next? A revelation that his special hobby is collecting sofa-sized kitschy oil paintings of CLOWNS?

I cant imagine I would have liked him to be president but I did admire what I thought was an honorable man stepping into the fray because he believed he could make a difference. I still stand by this perspective but I do agree with Jingthing, the more I learn about him the creepier he appears. He seems likable, affable, and approachable. But really, this is where the accolades run out. He cannot do this job. I am certain of it.

Ben Carson is a real life version of Peter Sellers' Chance Gardner in Being There.

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Pants on fire.

Carson ... just go away.

What a pathetic moron.

That so many people fell for his "soft spoken honest man" schtick is on you. I never bought it for a minute. Smelled a major league CREEP all along.

Politico reported that West Point has no record of Carson applying to the school, let alone being offered admission.


Actually, it was Politico lying. Carson never said he applied there. As for his "scholarship", the government pays the bill for everyone who goes there. That would be easy to confuse with a scholarship over many years.


"Carson may have met Westmoreland at the 1969 banquet — which was held in February, not May — but the general would not have promised the student a scholarship, West Point told POLITICO. All costs are covered for admitted West Point students, so “full ride” scholarships don’t exist."

"Carson was “introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors" at a banquet, Carson’s campaign manager Barry Bennett said. While they may have discussed application process, Carson never applied or received a scholarship."


"As for his "scholarship", the government pays the bill for everyone who goes there. That would be easy to confuse with a scholarship over many years."

So no scholarships exist, before anyone get's anything one has to apply, and be admitted,and since Carson did not apply,was not admitted Carson got nothingcoffee1.gif

What Carson go is the same that you and me would get,

Apply . we will review your application, and if everything you, or those who recommend say is true we will admit you and like everyone else who is admitted all your costs would be paid

I guess Carson confuses easily. Not a desirable quality for a president you would agree wink.png

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He attained the rank of second lieutenant by his senior year of high school and became the student leader of the city’s ROTC programs.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/ben-carson-west-point-215598#ixzz3qlYHH035

Second Lieutenant is the lowest officer rank anywhere. Nobody in anybody's military officer corps gets less respect than a butter bar. In the Navy it's Ensign and that's another one you have to fight from laughing out loud when you see one coming

Carson was in Junior ROTC only which is the high school ROTC. The Senior ROTC is at public or private universities apart from the US armed services academies such as USMA at West Point. Senior ROTC pays tuition, fees, expenses for all four university years which obligates you to (at least) four years active military duty as a fully qualified officer after you graduate. JROTC pays and asks nothing except to wear a uniform someone else wore the four years before you got it tossed at you.

A cadet 2LT in charge of or in a senior position of JROTC for the participating high schools of the entire city of Detroit is just another whopper from the whizzer Carson.

The cadet commander of a JROTC high school unit of cadets at the time of the Vietnam War had rank as cadet Lieutenant-Colonel, in some instances as a Cadet Colonel, which is the highest ROTC rank anywhere anytime; and he commanded the battalion of JROTC cadets (under supervision of regular US military personnel on permanent duty there). That was at the time, during the Vietnam Era which was Carson's time in the Pentagon's JROTC programs throughout the country (since 1918).

If POTUS the Commander-in-Chief himself had made such an appointment affecting all JROTC programs in a US city he would have appointed a cadet LTC or a cadet Colonel to execute the duties. This JROTC Second Lieutenant leader of Detroit stuff is more of the Gold Shovel from this shitslinger Carson. It's amusing to see Carson is still as laughable now running for POTUS as he was back then in his cadet second lieutenant uniform with its single gold pip on each shoulder. .laugh.png

Being a brain surgeon with a scalpel is one thing, running for the office of POTUS is quite another job of knives, cutting and scalping. This guy is already a three-time political loser: He's a black Republican, he's a rightwingnut, and he's a religious cuckoo who is out of his nest.

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The libs are so desperate to get rid of him they will tell any lie to discredit a good man. Situation normal.

:blink: Libs?

This was first reported by Politico and it's Trump who is making the most hay from it. I would imagine that most liberals would relish the chance to have Carson as the Republican nominee. It's an even easier victory than it would be over Trump.

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The libs are so desperate to get rid of him they will tell any lie to discredit a good man. Situation normal.

Wrong again.

The 'libs' love Carson the cuckoo bird flying around in the Republican race, Some of us like him in the race even more than we like Trump tromping through it.

Or Jeb? himself also just to remind the mass of voters in the broad political middle who will decide the election of the Bush family Republicans, and of their Republican party legacy which includes GW Bush and his Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condileezza Rice, Colon Powell and the rest of 'em. Then there's the 2008 financial greed crash led by Republican old men. Old Man Bush himself is trying to save his lost boy's candidacy but it looks like another of his inane causes.

Go Ben go ! Run Ben run !! Speak Ben speak !!!

Speak freely Ben. Tell us what you really think and believe laugh.pngcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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The libs are so desperate to get rid of him they will tell any lie to discredit a good man. Situation normal.

How many times have we heard "Hillary Clinton is a liar!" and yet catch one of your boys lying through his teeth and it's the people who've found him out who are the liars.

You couldn't make it up.

We even had Bill "I stood and watched a man kill himself (while hundreds of miles away)" O'Reilly tutting at him for telling lies this morning.

The stench of hypocrisy is positively rank.

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Just another symptom of his religiously based insanity. Imaginary past. Said it before, saying it again. The more you learn about Carson, the CREEPIER he gets.

What's next? A revelation that his special hobby is collecting sofa-sized kitschy oil paintings of CLOWNS?

I cant imagine I would have liked him to be president but I did admire what I thought was an honorable man stepping into the fray because he believed he could make a difference. I still stand by this perspective but I do agree with Jingthing, the more I learn about him the creepier he appears. He seems likable, affable, and approachable. But really, this is where the accolades run out. He cannot do this job. I am certain of it.

Ben Carson is a real life version of Peter Sellers' Chance Gardner in Being There.

This is hilarious. One of my fav movies too. Thanks for this.

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The Carson fanboys have gone silent since the video in post #46 appeared. gigglem.gif

I think most people would agree that Carson is more than a little bit weird. For example:

  • The slavery and Nazi remarks detailed in the OP.
  • Claiming his prostate cancer was cured by the snake oil he was selling; but subsequently had surgery only "to set a good example for others".
  • The whole "earth was created in 7 days" thing. Including the pyramids were grain silos.
  • Attacking his mother with a hammer.
  • Lying about being offered admission to West Point.

He's just a weird guy who seems to like making up stories.

I know this is a gloomy day for the broken hearted fanboys, but they have to realize that if Carson can't take the scrutiny from the national media now, he'd never survive once the opposition research really gets started in earnest in the spring/summer. sorry.gif

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Well, so much for this guy cause the voters will be catching up with him in no time at all now, even if a bunch of the evangelical Republicans in the primary states may love him. (The word "evangelical" applied to a voting bloc is a euphemism for nutcakes.)

It's getting time again for a Rubio thread.....smile.png

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"I was offered a full scholarship to West Point".


How about, I was offered a chance to go to West Point at no cost to me - pretty much the same thing. whistling.gif

Was he formally offered?

How is that?

He never applied.

As far as the scholarship, to brag about a scholarship to people who don't know their policies (no fees for anyone) it's sounds like you're extra special amazing.

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"I was offered a full scholarship to West Point".


How about, I was offered a chance to go to West Point at no cost to me - pretty much the same thing. whistling.gif

Was he formally offered?

General Westmorland offered, but Carson was not interested. As far as he was concerned, he was in, if he wanted to be and all for free.

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Has it been confirmed he actually met with Westmoreland?

Was he even in the same place at the same time?

I don't understand why you're defending him.

He has no experience. His medical experience is irrelevant. Beyond that all he has is his "inspirational" life story and that seems to be full of total BS. Even if it wasn't, it isn't enough.

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"I was offered a full scholarship to West Point".


How about, I was offered a chance to go to West Point at no cost to me - pretty much the same thing. whistling.gif

Was he formally offered?

General Westmorland offered, but Carson was not interested. As far as he was concerned, he was in, if he wanted to be and all for free. Not much different from a scholarship.

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"I was offered a full scholarship to West Point".


How about, I was offered a chance to go to West Point for four years, at no cost to me - pretty much the same thing. whistling.gif

How about you stop clutching at straws?

He's now claiming he was "told" that if he applied he'd get in.

Of course there is no-one that can confirm it.

And there's no-one that can confirm him stabbing his friend, oh old it, the random classmate, oh hold on again, the close relative who won't come forward.

The bloke's been caught with his pants down.

I find it hilarious that the right are all squealing about how mean it is to report it.

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The libs are the ones grasping straws, but lying about a good - conservative - man has never bothered them. General Westmoreland is dead, so he can't confirm or deny. All this happened decades ago and would have been easy to miss back then. laugh.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The plot thickens for the man now known as "Mental Ben" and "Cray Cray Carson"! cheesy.gif

The professor came toward me. With her was a photographer for the Yale Daily News who paused and snapped my picture,” Mr. Carson wrote. “‘A hoax,’ the teacher said. ‘We wanted to see who was the most honest student in the class.’” Mr. Carson wrote that the professor handed him a $10 bill."

However, The Journal spoke with Yale Librarian Claryn Spies, who said that there was never a class called Perceptions 301 at the school, and a search of YDN turned up no sign of such a picture.

It's another confounding instance of inaccuracies in anecdotes about the life and belief system of Carson.


Right wingers, if they were RATIONAL, would look at this train wreck of a leading candidate and cut their losses now. I said IF.

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The libs are the ones grasping straws, but lying about a good - conservative - man has never bothered them. General Westmoreland is dead, so he can't confirm or deny. All this happened decades ago and would have been easy to miss back then. laugh.png

"The libs are the ones grasping straws, but lying about a good - conservative - man has never bothered them."

never bother them?

He want's to be their president, affect theirs and their children's future , tell them who to marry, and when to have an abortion, change Egyptian history. impose his religious delusions on them.

if he did not want to bother them he should have stayed home, baked cookies ,and kept his half baked ideas to himself.

Did you like my play of words, Bake cookies, half baked ideas, man I am an Fn geniustongue.pnglaugh.png if I might say so myself, much like Carson a legend in my own mind.biggrin.png

PS: I must had being offered a full scholarship to west point also 'cause I am sure if I had applied I would had being accepted cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I mean who in their right mind would turn down a fine specimen of a man such as me?

Ok now let's all sing

Oh lord it's hard to be humble

when you'r perfect in every way

to know me is to love me

I must be a heck of a guybiggrin.png

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