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Ex-Australia PM Abbott tells Europe to close borders


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Ex-Australia PM Abbott tells Europe to close borders

LONDON: -- Former Australia PM Tony Abbott has said Europe should follow Australia and close its borders to migrants fleeing Middle Eastern conflicts.

Mr Abbott made the comments in London, where he was speaking at the second annual Margaret Thatcher lecture.
He said "misguided altruism" was "leading much of Europe into catastrophic error".

Under Mr Abbott, Australia introduced border controls that stopped migrant boats reaching the country.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-34654460

-- BBC 2015-10-28

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Its the only thing Mr Abbott got right, these people in most cases do not add any social or financial benefits to any nation , they dont even care for there country of origin if we had the same attitude in ww2 the world would be run b ythe Japs

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That man deserves a medal.

Nobody knows either the short-term or the long-term future of anything.

I just hope you negative folks, or your grand children, are never in a similar situation to many of these refugees. Bottom line - you don't have any total guarantee of the current quality of life you enjoy.

In reality the future of the whole world could go in many different directions. We all need to have some compassion and contribute to creating a civil world where all world citizens have safety and security and opportunity for choices in regard to work to feed their families.

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That man deserves a medal.

Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement. If you read his speech he made comments that are not factual. His 'stop the boats' policy is not viable for the refugee crisis facing the EU. With the speech referenced in the OP he's making a fool of himself.

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Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement.

Hardly a compelling argument for his being wrong on refugees, given that his two predecessors, Kevin Rudd and Comrade Gillard, who welcomed refugees with open arms, also both didn't survive one term as PM.

A better comparison would be with John Howard, whose policy was to prevent refugees, and who was PM for four full consecutive terms.

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Well lets state the obvious, there are refugees as US and friends keep overturning or bombing regimes that are harsh in exchange for complete anarchy. Who wouldn't want to get out?

EU was involved in Libya so they are getting what they deserve, Australia like a good lapdog was involved in Iraq and has a few planes bombing Syria. As such a bit hypocritical of Abbott.

Only one getting a free pass is US, which they must find amusing.

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No wonder Hitler is so popular in Thailand, all the old Nazis moved here, Argentina was a decoy!

Well if we're fighting a war, the object is to win. So if we obliterate their cities, we win, plus no refugees!

There you go, two opposing views in one neat post, have fun with that, I'm unfollowing...

Edited by dhream
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That man deserves a medal.

Well no he doesn't he is only saying what everyone except the do gooders, have been saying all along. Europe is creating its own natural disaster.

Abbott was a very average PM and did little for the working people who voted him in and even less for his attack on aged and disabled pensioners.

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Without a doubt one of Australia's most dangerous and disliked Prime Ministers. So disliked even his own political Party aborted him 'mid term'. The thought of allowing him to go 'full term' was unthinkable and inhuman. The Government under his isolationist Cabinet lurched from one bizarre misadventure to another. Successfully losing 30 consecutive public opinion polls. Breaching International Laws, breaching sovereign waters, human rights violations, repealing 'whistle blower' protections and threatening 'whistle blowers' with 2 year Jail terms if they dared speak out, imprisoning people offshore with no rights to legal representation or urgent medical needs, total secrecy allowing absolutely no reporting of what was happening to people captured in Australian waters, denying ALL journalist Visas to prison camps operated by the Australian Government, refundable journalist Visa applications fee went from $200 to $8000 with no refund, journalists refused Visa's even before they were applied for, attempted to dismantle Universal Health Care, attempted to interfere and silence and de-fund an independent public broadcast authority because they dared to question his Government, attacked journalists that questioned his Government, reduced payments to the very poorest and needy whilst providing Tax cuts to Big Business, attempted to deregulate Higher Education so Universities could charge whatever they wished, decimated investment in clean energy technologies costing over 5000 jobs whilst increasing taxpayer funded subsidies and paying for infrastructure to Coal producers. Doubled the Budget Deficit from $40B to $80B whilst at the same time attempting to portray the previous Government that weathered the GFC as fiscally irresponsible. Refused to address Climate Change and equal rights for gay and lesbian citizens.

The ONLY advice ex Prime Minister Abbott can provide to the western political world is how to fail as an elected Government and be thrown out at the following Election. Abbott's political leadership can only be described as a meteoric rise to apocalyptic political failure.

Hopefully the meal served was free and there was no cover charge involved.

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Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement.
Hardly a compelling argument for his being wrong on refugees, given that his two predecessors, Kevin Rudd and Comrade Gillard, who welcomed refugees with open arms, also both didn't survive one term as PM.
A better comparison would be with John Howard, whose policy was to prevent refugees, and who was PM for four full consecutive terms.

You will find it was Rudd who put the basic policies in place to stop the 'boat people' with his PNG Solution, Abbott falsely claims the credit.

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That man deserves a medal.

Nobody knows either the short-term or the long-term future of anything.

I just hope you negative folks, or your grand children, are never in a similar situation to many of these refugees. Bottom line - you don't have any total guarantee of the current quality of life you enjoy.

In reality the future of the whole world could go in many different directions. We all need to have some compassion and contribute to creating a civil world where all world citizens have safety and security and opportunity for choices in regard to work to feed their families.

Well, I am in a similar position, that is that I don't like it in the country I was born.

So I decided to move to Thailand, but i wasn't welcomed by free housing, free food or free social security .

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Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement.
Hardly a compelling argument for his being wrong on refugees, given that his two predecessors, Kevin Rudd and Comrade Gillard, who welcomed refugees with open arms, also both didn't survive one term as PM.
A better comparison would be with John Howard, whose policy was to prevent refugees, and who was PM for four full consecutive terms.

You will find it was Rudd who put the basic policies in place to stop the 'boat people' with his PNG Solution, Abbott falsely claims the credit.

You will find that it was Howard who put the basic policies in place with the Pacific Solution back in 2001.

The numbers of boat people during that period was:


Even do-gooders can probably detect the relevant trends in those figures.

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That man deserves a medal.

Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement. If you read his speech he made comments that are not factual. His 'stop the boats' policy is not viable for the refugee crisis facing the EU. With the speech referenced in the OP he's making a fool of himself.

He has perfected the art of making an idiot of himself, but then again all polititions have foot & mouth disease the best place for them is with there lawyer buddies at the bottom of the deepest trench in the ocean

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That man deserves a medal.

Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement. If you read his speech he made comments that are not factual. His 'stop the boats' policy is not viable for the refugee crisis facing the EU. With the speech referenced in the OP he's making a fool of himself.

Obviously of the left and an Abbott hater given this raving. Are you even an Aussie? If you spoke the truth, then you would have to acknowledge that even though not a full term PM, he did more for the benefit of our country than the reds of the left ever did. 50,000 refugees under labour, billions in debt, over priced school halls, batts in the ceiling scam, which saw 4 young persons die. Do you want me to go on?

His speech related to many things, stopping the boats, closing the borders and putting people smugglers out of business. It also saw the loss of lives, including those of children, (over 1000) stopped, and caused our navy and maritime services to stopped being used as a taxi service which, if you don't know, is now happening in Europe and the Mediterranean. There was even a comment by an Italian politician, who wanted him in their parliament in order to bring some common sense to the lefties, who are allowing 1000's into the country.

I also read his speech so please show me where there was none factual comments made. He is on the outside, looking in, and is quite capable of seeing the trouble that is going to blow up in the face of those european countries if they do not stop what is happening. Last year 250.000 alleged refugees, this year 750,000.

How are they going to house and feed them? Show me where any of his statement made him look like a fool. As a patriotic Australian I am proud to say that we at least had a PM with a backbone and history will look at him very favourably, more than it will some on the other non-events.

If you bothered to listen to the reporters and commentators who interviewed people who attended the function, you would realise that the tripe you are going on with is nothing but utter BS. He was praised by world leaders for saying it as it is, it was statesman like presentation and was written entirely by Mr. Abbott. Not only that, I forgot to say that he also received a standing ovation. Pretty good for someone who allegedly made a fool of himself. There's only one fool and it sure isn't Mr Abbott.

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Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement.
Hardly a compelling argument for his being wrong on refugees, given that his two predecessors, Kevin Rudd and Comrade Gillard, who welcomed refugees with open arms, also both didn't survive one term as PM.
A better comparison would be with John Howard, whose policy was to prevent refugees, and who was PM for four full consecutive terms.

wrong Rick; Labor had 'stop the boat' policies too

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Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement.
Hardly a compelling argument for his being wrong on refugees, given that his two predecessors, Kevin Rudd and Comrade Gillard, who welcomed refugees with open arms, also both didn't survive one term as PM.
A better comparison would be with John Howard, whose policy was to prevent refugees, and who was PM for four full consecutive terms.

wrong Rick; Labor had 'stop the boat' policies too

So why didn't they stop?

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That man deserves a medal.

Nobody knows either the short-term or the long-term future of anything.

I just hope you negative folks, or your grand children, are never in a similar situation to many of these refugees. Bottom line - you don't have any total guarantee of the current quality of life you enjoy.

In reality the future of the whole world could go in many different directions. We all need to have some compassion and contribute to creating a civil world where all world citizens have safety and security and opportunity for choices in regard to work to feed their families.

For mine, this post just about sums up the word 'altruism'.


Well, if disaster struck in our countries would the middle east and the muslim world come to our aid?

welcome us with open arms, food, shelter and welfare?

Our western societies have laws and balances that keep idiot radicals from causing a chaos.

You choose conflict over peace by keeping stoneage barbaric and unsympathetic laws, call the rest of the world infidels, then expect the infidels to pick up the pieces when it all goes pear shaped.


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That man deserves a medal.

Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement. If you read his speech he made comments that are not factual. His 'stop the boats' policy is not viable for the refugee crisis facing the EU. With the speech referenced in the OP he's making a fool of himself.

He has perfected the art of making an idiot of himself, but then again all polititions have foot & mouth disease the best place for them is with there lawyer buddies at the bottom of the deepest trench in the ocean

Taken lessons have we?

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Abbott didn't even to manage to survive one term as PM, some of the reasons being he was considered divisive and making too many errors of judgement.
Hardly a compelling argument for his being wrong on refugees, given that his two predecessors, Kevin Rudd and Comrade Gillard, who welcomed refugees with open arms, also both didn't survive one term as PM.
A better comparison would be with John Howard, whose policy was to prevent refugees, and who was PM for four full consecutive terms.

You will find it was Rudd who put the basic policies in place to stop the 'boat people' with his PNG Solution, Abbott falsely claims the credit.

What is your game, re-writing Australian political history? If you keep telling yourself enough lies then you will end up believng they are fact. Did the boats stop under Rudd, Gillard, Rudd. No, they didn't. Under Abbott and Morrison, they sure did. You cannot allter the facts no matter how hard you try and boy, are you trying.

Edited by Si Thea01
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